Saturday, February 03, 2018

Blind Item #6

Tough to get all those hundreds of opiates overseas when you don't have access to doctors like this A list celebrity does in the States.


Hanniam said...

Are we to read it as “it’s tough for this A list celebrity to get opiates when they are overseas, because they do not have access to the doctors they see in the United States.”?

Hanniam said...

*all those hundreds of opiates they need to feed their habit.

Unknown said...

I'm probably wrong, but Madonna?

sandybrook said...

That would seem to be it. Whoever it is is strung out overseas because her drs.who write her scripts are in Merica

Hanniam said...

Or as “It’s tough to smuggle all those hundreds of opiates overseas if you are a person who does not have access to the unscrupulous doctors that this A list celeb has access to in the United States”?

Tricia13 said...

Pammy Anderson

Hanniam said...

But would it be someone like Anderson or Madonna who actually moved overseas? It sounds like someone who has a drug habit and thus would be more likely to live where they can more easily get their pills.

sandybrook said...

Gaga? Cancelled shows because she's in severe pain

sandybrook said...

Hanniam said...

Sandybrook: possible though opiates don’t do much for fibromyalgia.

sandybrook said...

Enty is saying she's addicted and giving an excuse for coming home.

Colonel Blake said...

Gaga cancelled cuz not selling tickets. She didn't wanna do tour anyways.
This is Pam Anderson.

Colonel Blake said...

Hmmm, maybe NOT Pammy cuz it didn't say foreign born since she's Canadian. Therefore, I'm clueless and don't believe it's Madonna, though.
How 'bout Chelsea Handler? She bought a place somewhere outta the country, where she won't say, and sold her place in USA. Wonder if she's already there and concerned?

Ivy said...

Sadly, this is Gaga.

Hanniam said...

@sandybrook while I never discount the possibility, I think it’s also important to recognize that a lot of people in all sorts of fields (medical, psychology, insurance, law) don’t believe the pain of fibromyalgia is real or as debilitating as it is.

So I tend to view reports of fibromyalgia sufferers that depict their fibromyalgia as something else with a very critical eye as a rule.

Cheez Whiz said...

I'm picking Gaga here.

PhyllisWhitweed said...

I have very severe fibromyalgia, diagnosed about 13 years ago. Initially doctors wanted to prescribe opiates back then, but I'm allergic. They prescribed a fentanyl patch and it almost killed me. Opiates are off the protocol for several years now, but I'm sure you could find some docs to prescribe it in the US, but it would be much harder in Europe. And yes, it's devastatingly real and most people do not believe you. Once they've been around me a while and see what it's done to my life they get it. While it would be a great medical excuse, the reality is for many years you can be debilitated and you look perfectly normal. It strikes people who are young and otherwise healthy and active. So given how many people have it, some are going to be celebs.

Hanniam said...

@phyllis I’m so sorry you have it. Fibromyalgia is a horrible sentence. On the plus side, you don’t die from it. On the negative side, you don’t die from it, so even the doctors who do believe in it don’t feel much urgency to do anything other than prescribe opiates which either don’t work, get a person addicted, or cause the kind of side effects/intolerance/allergies that make them not an option.

Krab said...

I like opiates fine for my fibromyalgia! Of course, when Gaga announced it in the first place I doubted her because she seemed way too active etc to actually be suffering from it and I thought it was the new celebrity "Lyme disease."

MattDaddy said...

I have neuropathy, opiates don’t even work for me (dammit).

PhyllisWhitweed said...

@Hanniam, Thank you.

@Krab...Well when my symptoms started it paralleled severe TMJ so it was hard to spot. By the time I had to retire I was a senior executive, very active and traveling. Dragging myself across the country for work, trying to keep my life together. I hadn't told anyone for the first several years. It also came with chronic migraine. The office was divided amongst believers and non-believers, as to whether I was full of shit or mentally disturbed, etc. it's a very rough road. Now that I'm disabled I, like need a cane or walker, I just take everyone's diagnosis as truth when they say it, because you can't be sure and it's better not to be a dickhead to sick people.

amused bush said...

@phyllis and @krab, have either of you tried thc products to help with the fibromyalgia? I have a couple of friends who also suffer from it, and in both cases, weed and other marijuana derivatives have been godsends.

Picklezzz34 said...

I just wanted to say I feel your pain, and fibro is the worst and very real. I was just diagnosed in November after chasing answers for 5 1/2 years. (I’m 35 now) It’s caused eye issues (chronic blepharitis) and skin issues (eczema) that I’ve never had before. It’s wreaked havoc on my digestive system, and we still haven’t been able to get that on track (I’ve lost 55 lbs since last Feb—Everyone says I look great; I feel terrible) My muscles hurt so badly sometimes I can’t stand to be touched, and they get so tight sometimes, I don’t want to move. Sometimes a hand or a foot goes cold and numb and I just have to wait for it to come back. I have really painful pins and needles in my hands in feet that come out of nowhere. When I’m in the middle of a flare, I physically cannot function; The fatigue is crippling— like the fatigue you get with the flu and then some— and the brain fog makes me feel like I’m going mad because I can’t focus or remember anything. It is so difficult to even have a conversation on those days. Flares can last weeks, and it is maddening when people are like, “You look fine, or “don’t believe” in fibromyalgia because there’s no specific test for it.

Having said all that, I am on myriad medications to try and alleviate my symptoms, non of which are opiates. Before I was diagnosed, my GP prescribed me Vicodin at one point just because she didn’t know what else to do, but it didn’t do anything. My rheumatologist and gastro doc both have me on pain meds/muscle relaxers specific to fibro patients. My rheumy even specifically said opioids do not work for fibro pain.

P keel said...

Tiger woods

P keel said...

Tiger woods

Freckles said...

I was diagnosed with fibro 16 years ago. Thankfully, for back gnem, I had a Dr. who believed in it and had a family member with it so he was supporyove. I have tried many things and ended up formulating my own pain cream and started using it on my massage therapy patients. I also use CBD oil for inflammation but have to use prescriptions for other pain issues in my back. Fibro is real and debilitating. Many still judge because you look normal. How many times have we heard "well you look great!" ?

Anonymous said...

This sounds like 98 percent of celebrities that go overseas.

Picklezzz34 said...

Weed actually helps me quite a bit with my fibro pain, as well as my sleep which is disrupted now. Unfortunately, it’s not legal in my state yet, so the times I can actually use it are few and far between.

bollybiy said...

Krab, why are you placing "Lyme disease" in quotes?

The cause of Lyme (the Borrelia bacteria), the diagnosis (physical and neurological symptoms, blood test for antibodies), and the treatment (antibiotics), are all known. Its existence as a physiological disease rather than a psychiatric condition is not subject to serious dispute.

Mango said...

St. Angie.

Unknown said...

Old time lurker here. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the only thingtthat works for me is tramadol, an opiate that's kind of standard treatmenttfor it, so if Gaga has fibro, then let her have her with fibro it's damn awful as it is for her. In this case an addiction it's better than the pain

NR said...

Could be chronic Lyme disease. Speaking from personal experience.

amused bush said...

@kenzie, glad to hear it works for you, but sorry to hear you can’t use that often. I’m pretty sure a major reason weed is criminalized at the federal level is at the behest of Big Pharma :(

TownChica said...

I never comment but have been here since the beginning. I too suffer from fibro and I take a low dose of dilaudid every few days just to be able to get a little exercise. On the other days I used cannabis and it helps. So yes opiates can help. It actually runs in my family. There are at least 6 of us cousins who have it.

Elle Kaye said...
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Kat said...

@Hanniam- I have Fybromyalgia Syndrome and believe me, it is debilitating. Imagine a severe toothache in your whole body. It's the kind of unrelenting pain that makes you ask God to please take you. And opiates are the only medication that makes the disease bearable. NSAID'S and the gabapentin family help a little if you can tolerate them. It's a horrible disease and not a very good way to live. Unfortunately, legitimate chronic pain patients now have the added problem of a war on opiates. I have nothing but empathy for any human who has to live in constant pain.

Jon said...

Megan Marckle.

Anonymous said...

Mel B. Spice girls. She came back to UK

Kikibunny said...

I was reading about fibro and at the end of the article they suggested going gluten free and that sometimes it would clear everything up...just wondering if any fibro sufferers reading this have ever tried going gluten free and what the results were?

Fifi LaRue said...

Lady Gaga. Just announced cancellation of European tour.
Hope she gets some relief from the pain.

Unknown said...

Me either. Thinking of trying medical marijuana.

Picklezzz34 said...

I was tested for Lyme Disease twice and it came back negative both times. Sorry to hear about your condition. These chronic diseases/syndromes bite the big one.

VRWC said...

True story. I have tried Percocet and hydrocodone for mine and it has no effect at all. It's just weird.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Plus opiates sound like a TERRIBLE idea to treat pain in autoimmune disease:

Who the fuck needs a substance addiction with all its withdrawal symptômes on top of a chronic illness?

I'll try medical marijuana, tho... I like to eat my greens. 🥗🍵🌿

Scandi Sanskrit said...

@Kat: Have you tried medical marijuana? What was that like for you that you're saying opiates are the only thing that are working for you now?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

You guyssssss! I feel your pain (Sjögren's). 🖤

I didn't realise I had brainfog until I saw my own YouTube video. I was unboxing a phone and I'd stop talking mid-sentence like I'd forgotten what I mean to say. I'm ADHD and I thought, "damn that was NOT my ADHD!" Sadly the only time I speak properly like a healthy adult anymore now is when I'm saying lines written by a playwrite...

I used to be so sharp and intelligent.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

*playWRIGHT (told you I've turned into a dumbass)

Don Kieballs said...

If medicinal marijuana no longer helps, have you tried different types? Like wax,oil,butter,etc. A different delivery method would have different effects - like I've smoked weed since the 90s. Now it just helps calm anxieties, but no buzz - that's just reggie though (the natural grown kind that's easier on a budget). KB gives a slight buzz, but still not much. Dro still works, depending on the strain. However, I noticed when I tried oils and edibles, it was different - Like I had never smoked before. The oils are my personal preference since they are easy to travel with and vape in public (if that's what you do, never me of course)

Jack Rabbit said...

For over a year now, dealing with extreme pain in legs (moves from one to the other) and woke up one morning with leg strength reduced by about 50%. It was all I could do to walk into work, I had to crawl up the stairs at my house. Doctors have no idea...they keep saying neuropathy because I have diabetes. Severe sleep disruption...try going to work and running a big department when you haven't slept ONE MINUTE the night before because you've been pacing the floor and crying your eyes out due to the pain.

Docs, if they can't see something on a lab or imaging test, are dubious due to all the pill seekers. I finally convinced mine (after Gamapentin didn't help at night) to give me Tramadol by explaining that if I was a pill seeker, I would take the many thousands I've spent looking for a diagnosis and just go buy the pills on the street. I also had to agree to random drug testing to get 2 50 mg Tram at night.

I'm going to see an ortho guy to check hips, spine and legs. If nothing is found, I'm doomed to this horrific life of constant pain. It sucks, really ruins your life.

Dana said...

Lady gaga just canceled her tour over seas. I think this is about her

MattDaddy said...

It’s worked wonders for me! Get a strain with high CBD. Mine has no THC so it doesn’t make me high.

Hanniam said...

@Kat, sadly, I don’t have to imagine. None of the opiates work for the fibromyalgia pain, not even tramadol. I just try to manage it with yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, and lately CBD oil, which helps a bit. But not even that does anything for the random numbness, fog, or fatigue. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

Hanniam said...

@kikibunny The only result I got was a tendency to cry whenever I smelled fresh bread! :)

Hanniam said...

Tramadol failed so utterly at helping me even with non-fibromyalgia related pain, I’m still surprised it’s considered a controlled substance, but I accept that my body handles opiates strangely.

The random drug testing is unbelievably invasive. Wtf. I’m sorry you’re going through this too. I’m stunned how many here have fibromyalgia and related disorders.

Hotmessmidwest said...

Dumb blind, no one cares enty.

whobabydaddy said...

@Phillous TRY LYRICA for your Fibro

Anonymous said...

My friend is a physical pain doctor. He said all fibro patients have celiac. He started testing his patients and 99.9% of them came back intolerant of gluten, celiac disease.

Kno Won said...

Because the US is the only country with doctors? Please, Enty.
Besides, no opiate addict is gonna travel without having the supply worked out just as you’ve written in previous blinds.

Kno Won said...

Can confirm. I have MCTD. Opiates don’t help much. Steroids help, but destroyed my bones. I’m screwed.

Kno Won said...

I’m considering medical marijuana, Scandi. My pain management doc thinks it’s fine.

Kno Won said...

You can buy just CBD oil in lots of places. It’s not regulated like THC.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Good for you! I hope you feel much better, Kno Won Uno! 💛💛💛💛

Kno Won said...

I just had bilateral steroid injections into my S1 joints last week. When I left the office, it was the first time I walked upright and without a cane or walker since last June.
But i’ve had extensive lumbar surgeries for stenosis in addition to the autoimmune thing.
I’m getting an implanted TENS/Stim device in my lumbar spine in the next couple of months - I can’t wait!

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Good God, what kind of "neuropathy" do you guys have that they cause much pain you need to medicate using opioids?! Mine hands just tingle and feel a bit prickly and tremor sometimes...

I don't do anything to treat it since it's incurable anyway. In fact, it's like my new party trick:

*Puts hands up* 🙌🏼 "Look, I'm Doctor Strange!" 🤣

I hope mine doesn't progress into unbearable pain in the future. Sheesh... 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

Kno Won said...

Tramadol is useless, in my opinion.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

@Hanniam: I'm stunned too. 😐

@Jack Rabbit: HUGS! 💛💛💛💛💛💛

Kno Won said...

I just started gabapentin a few weeks ago. Jury’s out on whether it helps the pain, but it helps me sleep, so i’m not complaining.

Kno Won said...

I have MCTD and my daughter has fibromyalgia. We both also had endometriosis. I’ve often wonder if the same defective gene is responsible for both.

Kno Won said...

We should have our own autoimmune disorder/gossip support group.


@kat , any chance you have silver fillings in your mouth? If so , it's most likely the cause of ALL your ailments ! I am detoxing currently from mercury poisoning and have been diagnosed with too many things to list !

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PhyllisWhitweed said...

Just to answer everyone who referenced me, I've tried everything they had to offer. Lyrica worked, but but if I was late on a dosage, like each time the insurance cuts it off to fuck with me, I'd be in full body breakdown. I'm on weed every day, hence my screen name (sound it out ;) It is e only thing that works. It's legal here now, but I jumped through illegal hoops for years to keep getting it. Not easy when you look like a narc.

I am so grateful so many here understand. And since so many have shared, maybe enty and others won't be so quick to think every sick celeb is malingering. I love you guys.

PhyllisWhitweed said...

Kenzie, it gets better when you get used to your new normal, which will keep changing, and once you've changed your life enough that it just includes the stuff you can handle. I was so depressed at everything it took from me, I was very suicidal for a long time. I know the emotional turmoil and how it changes everything. Many of us understand and you are not alone. My life is going good now, but still hard. You'll get there. There's a process of mourning who you once were and adjusting to the new reality. I wish you the best.

Others who mentioned's not that. I've not only been tested and do not have gluten sensitivity, but I also went off gluten for almost a year and I just got worse. I've tried EVERY diet and drug, practioner, etc. I used to make a lot of money, plus there's the years of people telling you if you just tried this thing you'd be must not have done it right...bullshit. I've tried it all. There's too many people around who believe bullshit articles and too many offering bullshit solutions that only reduce your cash flow. Be careful out there.

Mstyles said...

Gaga. Total junkie. DOES NOT HAVE ANY ILLNESS.
If she did, she would have no issues getting her meds anywhere.
Stop believing all these celebrities and they 'illnesses', all fake.

Inarafiredragon said...
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Inarafiredragon said...

Long time lurker, first time posting. I also have Fibromyalgia for about 10 years and I'm so sorry to hear so many of the people posting have it as well. I don't wish it to my worst enemy.

So many of You have described the same symptoms and struggles that I've dealt with. And Yes, the pain is that bad sometimes that you wish you'd be dead. This illness takes so much from You, not just physically but also emotionally and financially.

I was very lucky to find a doctor (after so many of them) that prescribed the right combination of meds and gave me my life back, as much as this disease permits. I'm on 30 mg of morphine, Lyrica and muscle relaxers, now before you judge me, if you've never felt this much pain constantly or been around someone with this, try to understand from all the comments just on this thread, that yes Fibromyalgia is real and the pain can get that bad.
@Phyllis, you also mentioned a very important point. You have to come to terms with all the changes this disease brings. It's not easy, and yes, You go thru a mourning period. I know who I was, who I am now, and the person I could be without this illness.

I hope that all of the healthy people that don't understand or believe Fibromyalgia is real and are reading all this Fibromyalgia comments, learn not to be so judgemental and find more compassion towards people that have an invisible illness.
Sometimes a kind gesture can keep us from falling apart or giving up when we're having a painful day.
To all the readers that suffer from pain, I send a gentle hug.

Court b said...

I recently commented about the head of security at a very well known concert venue in Chicago, telling me that nobody has as much drugs laying around, as Gaga, and even weirder, the number of pets running around, and nobody is watching them? Heard this from many hotel workers as well.

Unknown said...

The neglected pets part really upsets me

Unknown said...

Does she have really hard shit like meth and heroin?

fraggedy_duu said...

I hope someone will take the time to read this.

If any of the fibro posters are still checking in to this thread, fellow long fibro sufferer chiming in. Oh, and I have celiac, too, and various other autoimmune conditions(they're often co-morbid, and unlike orgasms, come in multiples).

I've dealt with chronic health issues my entire life, but nothing impacted on me so profoundly as the fibro. I don't want to sound sorry for myself (pity parties aren't permitted in Modern Society, right? Unless you're a celebrity, of course) but this disease can be truly ruinous. I think of what I could have been, what I was on track to becomming, before fibro hit. Furthermore, I think of the intelligent, articulate person I used to be, and the dundering idiot who can't string a sentence together (vocally) fibro has made me. Every day I worry for my future — and as we all know, stress only exaccerbates illnesses.

Whether or not Gaga has it I cannot say — spending seven years being told by inumerable people, many of them medical professionals, that I was simply a hypochondriac or a lazy slob who wanted to avoid the responsibilities of adult life, hypocrisy won't exactly serve me — but the fact is many people do feign fibro, and it does such an immense disservice to those of us whose lives it has damaged. It undermines people who really suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

PhyllisWhitweed said...

I read it, fraggedy. I hear you. We are not alone. Something about invisible illness can bring out the worst in some people. It's no ones job to decide whether we are telling the truth, we know. It seems like society allows people to be ill as long as they either get better or die. This stuff they get scared and hope to God it isn't real.

I help moderate a community on Facebook for women with disability called Gimp Girl. Consider joining if you identify as a disabled woman. It's very supportive and informative.

AtlantAnne said...

Opiates work fine for fibromyalgia pain but you must always take them as prescribed, not more often or at higher doses. Gaga has Lupus also, which I have too. I would think getting a reasonable amount of hydrocodone to manage a legit autoimmune disease wouldn’t be an issue and worst case scenario they could prIvate jet it to her.

I’m calling BS on Gaga because she is legit. Thinking is more of an addict type like Courtney L Ve.

Poppymann said...

I don't think I have Fibromyaglia, but I can't stay awake o save my life. I have the fatigue that sleep doesn't cure. I've been on amphetamines for almost 20 years, but stopped about four weeks ago. They make me bitchy(er) and the crash is epic.
I think it's either my thyroid, late term effects from chemo and radiotherapy I had for Hodgkins or narcolepsy.
I'm growing my own weed since it's difficult to find when you're in your fifties.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Uh... Poppymann, I'm surprised you didn't make one mention of Chronic Fatigue.

Speaking of chemo, I follow a Sjögren's YouTuber and I was almost #%^* that her doctor tried to put her on chemo to treat her symptoms (even she said the other doctors in the hospital were kind of outraged her doctor tried it on an autoimmune disease).

Until I Googled a medication I'm on that's constantly out of stock at the pharmacy (Imuran) and people are saying it's like microdosage chemo-in-a-pill. And what's crazy is that's not even the harshest medication I'm on (there's another one called Lupred that I'm only supposed to take when I flare-up). The only painkiller I have is a 500mg (with 200mg N-Acetylcysteine in the mix because liver).

Scandi Sanskrit said...

*500mg Paracetamol

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I know. It's hard to find a balance between raising awareness for an existing invisible illness (i used to hide mine because i thought it would prevent me from getting work—the law in the country I live in doesn't protect jobseekers from taht form of discrimination) and not sounding like a pity party.

I only started disclosing my condition after someone recorded me on video of me being sick in class (to make me look like a whiny, literally-thirsty diva) to discredit me and literally had to write about it (in a pathetic "Dear Future Employers" letter format) on my blog to protect myself... People are ASSHOLES.

The only loophole I've found for running an "illness" blog/vlog without sounding like a pity-party is if you make it badass (like if you chronical running errands as a mother of like 4 children, or if it's a superhero tie-in like my "Doctor Strange" fanblog). There's also a really funny badass blog on Tumblr called "Spoonie LOLs", if you like dark/morbid humour. 🖤


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