Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Blind Item #9

The widow and her minions should be more careful. Some of the people they are going after have ties to some not so friendly Eastern European mafia figures. If those people get doxxed, the mafia figures will have no issues paying a visit to the widow or her minions. 


cc423 said...

Vicky needs a new hobby

Boldblonde said...

DM has a story about Ed Buck and a male prostitute who overdosed at his home.

Boldblonde said...
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FrogLegs said...

I say let Vicky & minions figure this out the hard way.

Samantha Willow said...

lol Cheese, seriously. I hope that $%^&#^&# gets what's coming to her and McSoon.

irishyvonnedanceparty said...
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Kikibunny said...
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Gladys Knightstalker said...

Vicky done gone and disturbed the Kremlin.

Digitalis said...

Enty said "Eastern European mafia" - more than likely this is the Armenian mafia (VK's family is Armenian; they changed to Greek spelling for appearances and connections. The Armenian mafia is tied closely to the Latino MS-15 gang (Mara Salvatrucha), who are some of the worst of the worst. They are all over the USA and act as assassins for the Armenian mobsters. They are very good at it. VK and her family, while they have literally gotten away with killing once, will hopefully learn what karma is all about. Soon. Lock her up, deport her so she can pimp herself elsewhere, or let MS-13 take care of her. She is the worst thing that ever happened to Chris Cornell.

Boldblonde said...

Albanian mafia is no joke either.

americanpanda said...

when i think of eastern european mafia its either the Albanian mafia or ex-yugo mafia

MissDe said...

Can someone tell me who Vicky is ?? I don't know this story

Boldblonde said...

Chris Cornell's widow @MissDe

alibelle123 said...

Oh Vicky

americanpanda said...

holy shit just checked her twitter and boy are they trying to push this addiction storyline...... assholes. woe is me vicky trying to keep the attention on her. The best: "To all those that love my husband , my children and me . Who have given so much love and support through this horrible time. Who are appalled at what’s been out there about me and my children. Please take comfort knowing that they do not hide behind their screens."

gag me with a spoon

plot said...

But what could Vicky do that would irk any mafia?

All I can think of is she might have bought "likes" and followers from Armenia or Bulgaria or Moldova mafia sources and is now refusing to pay out the entire contract or cut them off somehow.

B said...

I'm getting very bored of these Vicky BI's. Unless she had something to do with pushing Chris over the edge I really just don't care.

Boogie Shooze said...

Agree 100%

Dannette said...

Is this doxxing with the help of a couple minions prominent on that other gossip site? Maybe the gentlemen could give a two-for-one deal.

Blast said...

@B then you need to go back to last January's Chris Cornell blind and every one after that because that is exactly what is being alleged.

get off my lawn said...

I agree 1000%.

Notare Alfan said...
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Shawny said...

But if the mafia gives her some crap, isn’t that likely going to piss off the ones who are responsible for the child rape ring that CC was supposedly going to out? Not understanding how this fits into that unless the mafia is also the ones doing the evil stuff, if that was even true.

MissDe said...

Thank you!! @boldblonde

Ramone Love said...

How does one acquire minions? Is there a special employment agency?

plot said...

Do you want organic minions or inorganic?

Tay Tay gains hers by having giant pink tent tea parties after concerts for her fans if they promise to follow her and talk about how awesome everything she does is. Those would be organic.

The Kardashians buy their followers and likers and positive responses from publicity firms that probably send the grunt work overseas. Those would be inorganic.

Karma said...

The widow should watch Training Day or talk to La Lohan about the Russian connect....u may lose a finger or yer life! ;)

FeistyPanda said...

Did anyone watch American Dad this week? Seth loves to call out the sex crimes in Hollywood (Spielberg, Spacey, etc.) In his shows. Typically they are just random throw away moments, like Roger dressed as Speilberg, pantomiming the sodomy of a teenager while filming Goonies.

This week's episode had 3 separate references to Chester Bennington. It also contained Conspiracy theorists, government hit squads on conspiracy people, and puff piece tv created just to numb the minds of the people.

It may be all unrelated, but the direct Chester references were pretty obvious. There have been theories, including here, about a Hollywood Hit Squad and Cornell's death being linked to Bennington's. It just seemed like he was trying to connect the dots with his B plot.


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