Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 1, 2018

This former A+ list mostly movie actor is not in the best of health and is slowly reaching a Howard Hughes level of paranoia about everything but the sleazy cult is furious that he managed to escape a trap that would bring them some kind of deal with them and him that would get them some new energy.

Jim Carrey/wrongful death lawsuit


  1. He may be a terrible person, but I hope he gets help, and has at least one person looking out for him.

  2. Today he's in the news, encouraging everyone to delete their Facebook accounts.

  3. He is literally insane. I feel sorry for anyone who has crossed his path.

  4. Yeah take on Facebook, see how that works out for you.

  5. Yeah he doesn't look very healthy at all. He wants everyone to delete their fb accounts because fb aided and abetted Russian interference in the election and haven't done shit to change things. Plus he's selling his stock in fb and has urged all other investors to dump theirs too.

  6. He hates the machine. So that makes him "insane"? Oh go piss off!
    He's got more sense than the fucks in Hollywood.

  7. His FB advice is actually in line with several large investors who worry that FB is digging its own hole.

  8. Facebook is so fake it's not even worth discussing.

    * They use so-called "like farms" to generate "likes" for your business page and they forbid third-party accounting to validate their figures.

    * The ads on FB have a click-through rate of well less than 1%. I've read it's as low as 0.1%. Your ad on FB for your business is being ignored.

    * Without revenue from PRISM and other spying, FB might very well have to cut back and lay people off.

    Hating Facebook is a sign of lucidity, actually.

    1. Dont really care for facebook either. I'm on board with that.

  9. So does he really have herpes?

  10. Sounds like he's right about Facebook, at least. It takes a lot to be the worst social media company, even worse than Twitter, but FB manages it.

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  12. What I love is that suddenly facebook is pretending to be concorned "with making its users happier with the format" and saying they want our feedback so please fill out this survey. Uh huh.

  13. Yeah, he strikes me as someone with a lot of inner demons but very self-aware. So was scientology after him and, if so, how were they involved with the lawsuit? I don't put anything past them, just trying to figure out what kind of nefarious dealings they had with it.

  14. Hi, so I’m a little confused. What is the general consensus on Jim Carrey then? Was he an asshole who drove an ex to suicide, or was he set up by Scientology? I’ve seen blinds implying both.

    1. Both can be true, you can be a jerk AND be the victim of a cult.

      People think too much in black-and-white terms around here. Like when Enty started posting BI's about Rosie drug use, they got mad and said Enty was playing on Harvey's team. No, no he doesn't. Rosie is a flawed human being, Harvey is an abusive asshole but being abused by him doesn't make her a saint.

      Also, it drives me nuts when people comment, "I thought you said he/she is gay?" There's this thing called "bisexuality" that people always forget exists. Hell, I use the term "monosexual" as a joke because I think it doesn't exist. LOL.

      Not everyone who sleeps with sex workers are terrible people: What if somebody had a virgin girlfriend and she wasn't ready? Would CDAN readers prefer to hear taht this person was sleeping with high-end escorts or read that he's an asshole who forced himself on a virgin so he could brag that he bedded a virgin like Spacey? Now if a professional got pregnant on purpose, then YES, she should be vilified (because that would then be UNPROFESSIONAL—especially if that greed escalated into blackmail). There are just so many nuancΓ©s to situations and human beings.

      Sorry for the ramblings... I just wanted to get that off my chest so badly.

      But anyway, getting trapped into court case sounds horrible. Especially if it is fake.

    2. Anyway, I didn't mean to imply YOU thought in black-and-white terms, GoogleSleuth. I know you were just confused and asking a question. I just had so much to get off my chest. I still haven't seen that film with teh boyfriend who came back from the dead you posted about weeks ago.

    3. @Scandi, many thanks for your thoughtful response. I hope you didn’t think I was asking that question rhetorically; I just really wasn’t sure where I stood with Jim Carrey. I really want to like him but something stinks to hell regarding that whole situation. It obviously can’t be entirely black and white, so I was just looking for input in terms of what others thought in case I had missed something. 😊

    4. And thank you for mentioning that comment I had made about “My Boyfriend’s Back”! Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads certain comments at all, lol. Chances are you won’t be able to find it to watch it (it was pretty awful). But on the upside, it did have a young Philip Seymour Hoffman in it!

    5. πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

  15. I believe that Jim Carrey is on an awareness journey. I think he doesn't believe the hype and knows a system is not made for him and us. His interviews lately provide a clarity and openness that more celebrity people should feel obligated to do with such notoriety and fame. So, kudos to him on not being what others have 'ordained' him to be and his willingness to convey what he has learned to others.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jim realizes there is BS everywhere and beat the wrongful death suit. That makes him a HERO!

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  17. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Never been a Jim Carrey fan. Just not my taste in humor but I don't disagree with the facebook call out and action. Suspect recent events have changed his outlook & now he's on lookout for people & organizations that aren't all they claim to be.

  18. Meh. The story about Facebook and -chuckle- the Russian is horseshit. Simply put, the puppets are falling in line with the indications of Soros, who decided to go after Google and Facebook since they didn't do enough to relinquish control into the right hands. None of these people care about you. It would not be insane at all to argue that social media must be shut down, but for entirely different reasons than "the Russians".

  19. Don’t date this man!!

  20. SN is any of the stuff that Quincy Jones true or is he losing it as well...

  21. I saw him on a Facebook live with Michael Moore before Christmas (he was a guest at MM’s Broadway show). He seemed edgy, but very earnest and trying hard to get people to think outside the box.

  22. Isn't he bipolar? Maybe everything thats happened has just tipped him over the edge for a bit. Anyway I hope he gets strong again soon.

  23. Jim Carrey def has mental issues, and his hating facebook has nothing to do with. During the trial of wtongful death, i read alot of the testimony and his were very telling. She mentions all these stds she has, says shes only sleeping with him, and his answer is that her dr is manipulating her into thinking she has something she doesnt and of course je isnt responsible and hey, dont you have mental issues that cld cause this? Very strange and manipulative. He also said he isnt living when he isnt working. I dont know how to link articles, but google catronia's emails to and from jim carrey, andbyou will have a much different view of him.

  24. Well when did he buy FB stock? When it was in the 30s? If so, ya man sell and take that sweet 500%+ profit while screaming in the wind what everyone already knows.

  25. Just saying Silicon Valley is vastly more powerful than Hollywood. He might as well have announced his retirement from acting while he was at it.

  26. You know what he is not getting rid of? His money. He's crazy like a fox. Mostly I am happy that crazy cult did not get one dime of his money.

  27. Googlesleutn I read the comments but I always wonder if others do. I usually don't get on CDAN until night

    1. πŸ™πŸ» @freckles! I get what you mean... it all depends on how busy my work day is 😊

    2. I'm in a different timezone. By the time I get here, everyone's had their say.

  28. Oh, and Enty? I did see what you did there. Untreated STD's can lead to early onset dementia. Coincidentally, Howard Hughes' problem.

  29. Scio, like many other cults, has plenty of escapees who will assert that attractive men and women in the cult have been “encouraged” to form relationships with desirable potential members. And the girl was a Scientologist, I read.

    I’ve read my share of pretty believable rumors that that was the entire reason for the Michael Jackson/Lisa Marie marriage. And Leah Remini was clear on Scio using her friendship with JLo to try to get her into the cult.

  30. They hate Facebook because they are being ridiculed. They can't stand having the spotlight shined in their faces for a change.

  31. Another self righteous hollywood hypocrite limousine liberal. He looks like rip van winkle and he's fucking batshit crazy. Fuck him.

  32. Personally, I like that we at least live in a world where we’re not crazy about 50 year old men dating 25 year olds... in the 60s, the stones, sinatra, jimmy page developed creepy virgin fetishes, marrying virgins flaunting young girls and it was always bc the girls had no power, no better option, and were encouraged. A lot of girls liked the attention but were traumatized by the realities and some, like natalie wood who was given to sinatra by her mother at 15, then raped by kirk douglas at 16, were just left to die... so I like that we’re making men feel a little judged.
