Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Item #10

Apparently that foreign born A- list mostly movie actress reads the site. Just a few short hours after my last blind about her relationship she posted a video aimed at that cable actor boyfriend of hers. She also started deleting and blocking anyone on her social media who mentioned the name of his co-star/sometime hookup. As for our actor? He spent that day and the next posting selfies with his co-star/sometime hookup.


  1. Replies
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    2. And Norman of course

  2. Norman is in Scotland atm

  3. Guess that takes care of the McBride/Cohan debate.

  4. HI DIANE!!! *waves* Go back to Pacey you stupid bitch!

    1. Why you wanna do that to Pacey?!!! #teamPacey

    2. Anonymous2:29 AM

      Sandybrook, you kill me. :D

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Hah. Love it. I love it. Historically, entertainers were considered social outcasts. For good reason too.

  6. She needs to get back to The Bridge era Kruger, we miss her.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    @sandybrook lol that might be the funniest and most true statement ever. Pacey is everything.

  8. And then she still comments on his photo! Girl, where's your self-respect? Oh wait, you don't have any.

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  12. Go back to Pacey or COLE! He is so good in THE AFFAIR he rivals Norman Reddus' popularity in TWD for me. That sweet boy face become a rugged man and a solid actor. I guess Diane wants to be treated like crap though. I saw blinds years ago where she and JJ were top pics for a couple having risky covert sex in gardens etc so I guess she had that effect on him or else he indulged it. Still, if NR is hooking up with chicks left and right make him your convenience F*ck buddy then, not your main man! BTW, Thought Daryl was a scum bucket but he slightly redeemed himself if he is hooking up with CAROL who is older than he is. Bit of depth their to his depraved infidelity.

  13. Diane needs self respect and humility about the mess she's caused herself and others. She refused to accept she wasn't the most amazing person on earth and decided to meddle in other peoples lives. Now ending up causing others deep pain and herself pain by humiliating herself over and over. She should have moved on months ago. You can't force something that isn't there. You don't have to win everything. It doesn't mean you are less than. But your awful actions have made you so. Own up to them. Move onto something else in life.

  14. It is so cool that she reads this website! I know I am addicted to it and you are getting lots of clicks from me. Jennifer Lawrence said on Watch What Happens Live that she reads comments written about her on Daily Mail.

  15. Bwaahaahaaa. This is hysterical.

  16. Diane loves Enty because he is the only one who calls herA- list.

  17. @Elsa Fox,supposedly JLaw gave one of the Enterns a long gossip scoop from the Hunger games. At the time, I didn't believe it, but now I think maybe it was true. Most of the storyline rang true as well.

  18. Diane “I’ll follow Norman Anywhere” Kruger. Her desperation at pretending to like Melissa on SM is so transparent. Her claws are showing. Since Reedus drank the Kruger Vjay-Jay by having her as his FB, Melissa tossed him aside. She isn’t going to bother playing those games. Smart woman!! Reedus didn’t think Melissa was serious when she cut him off. Melissa goodness of her heart, is helping his declining rating by being on Ride. Reedus hidden agenda gets to spend some alone time with Melissa. He hasn’t had the opportunity with TWD filming schedules and Melissa no longer spends her free time with him because of the blond leech. But poor Reedus, Melissa still won’t play until he officially / publically cuts off Kruger. As long as Pap Queen and Pap King continue to show up, he can keep on pining for Melissa privately. And keep picturing Melissa when he has Kruger in his bed.

  19. Kruger reading the site isn't surprising. What is surprising is that none of her team or friends are telling her how pathetic she looks.

    Bets on the paid paps turning up in Germany to snap Kruger and Reedus telling the world how much they love each other.😂

  20. @Guesser Yes, the only site that writes Kruger is an A lister 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  21. Where's the video she posted? Anyone have a link?

  22. Diane, I'll date you. Get in touch.

  23. I think some people loved Dawson's Creek a LITTLE too much. Damn, people. 😐

  24. A lot of stars probably read CDAN. Enty reputation has soared and I must point out he reported that Anderson Cooper dumped his long term boyfriend for a boy toy before it broke in mainstream press.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Honestly, I think they all read this site. Or if they're too busy to personally do so themselves, they'll have their PR people keep tabs on this site daily. And if they're not aware of it, I bet any legit PR firm has CDAN listed on their daily SOP.

      Not everybody, though, starts trolling the place and makes every thread about a certain distasteful subject after a commenter criticises them (it's not that I don't care about the subject of abuse, but it's getting to a point where it feels like fetishism/Munchausen syndrome).

      I'm actually surprised what good sports the rest of the celebs who become BI subjects are (they either just shrug it off to pretend like nothing happened lest they draw even more attention to themselves, or they modify their behaviour IRL like the person in this BI).

      Funny thing is, the person I criticised is a so-thirsty-he's-dehydrated D-lister who's never even made it into a BI by Enty himself (unless the one about a celebrity "wife" who meets someone for a couple of minutes daily was about him—because I wouldn't put it past him to get people hooked on drugs). Someone had to plug him in the comments, and I responded to that. The guy just isn't used to people disliking/disagreeing with him because everybody treats him like the fandom saint. Now all of the sudden the blog is flooded with these toxic, vindictive-sounding comments. The comments section used to have great vibes—even the snark was fun. (I don't even know how he's doing it anymore, I used to think he hired a troll farm because who has time to switch through names upon names to sock-puppet like that? But then I remembered the one day he's missing for 24 hours, apparently he had a busy day IRL, it makes me wonder.) I feel terrible that it happened on one hand, but then I see other celebrities don't start polluting CDAN with bitter/salty comments and I think they're just acting extra "special" (because the other celebs who make it into BI's don't do start sending trolls here).

      Considering the industry attracts narcissists anyway, it boggles the mind that someone could act so "extra special" compared to the other celebs (or maybe if people started to notice what I pointed out, he'd have more to lose? IDK anymore).

      Even Beyoncé's beehive are chill, FFS...

      I'm sincerely sorry for the troll guys. 🙏🏼

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  26. Yet they both like and comment on each others IG posts...she liking and commenting on photos Norman and Melissa are in together? Jeffrey Dean Morgan calling out a "troll stalker" who wrote some incoherent comment about DK on a post from Norman? I dunno. .I USED to think, just days ago even, this stuff was true...but it makes no sense to me that this 3 way torrid fuck up is true. She's one patient FB then to publicly acknowledge Norman and MB taking photos with fans. Also, that video was nothing interesting...a cat with a sideways cap just staring blankly. I'm calling YAWNSVILLE on this blind.

    1. Go back to the coven @Maine in the Fall.😛

    2. Kiss my ass. Not part of that shit group of DK worshippers. :)

    3. +1 where is the video? I'm guessing it's more than the cat on Instagram?

    4. @Maine in the Fall don't lie.It's okay that you worship a pathetic woman like Diane.

  27. Hi Diane, since you read this...Norman cheats on you. A LOT!

  28. I think she just wanted to have a "significant other" for awards season and NR said he'd hang out with her. They'd get papped here and there, he'd do his duty and act enamored and then when everything settles down, he does his thing and she does hers. I do, honestly, believe they are FB's which is sad for both, but that's how some people live their lives.

    I also wonder if she wants a baby and he kind of does too. Maybe they have some arrangement and will share custody. Since Helena dumped him, he doesn't seem to want any serious, long term relationship and just bangs random women.

  29. Oh he a ho. He hooked with the girlfriend of one of buddies at comicon a few years back. And from what I know from others in the comicon circles.. this is just par for his course. She deserves better.

  30. Something weird is going on with that love triangle. I just looked at both their IG's. Maybe Diane guilt tripped him into liking her pics and is still acting stalkerish or they did it for publicity or to not make Diane look bad since she knows what was said about her here, which leads me back to she guilt tripped him.

  31. Ok so I saw one guy mention it up there ^ but no females yet..
    Heeeyyyyyy Diane, come on over here
    Girl!! I have zero connections for blow, though

  32. @Ali B. Reedus want a baby?? That’s doubtful. How then could he chase tail, get loaded every night, travel the world, & ride his bike all day? That’s not happening. Especially that he hardly sees the kid he already has. Doesn’t bother to see him on Father’s Day & his own birthday. Goes weeks at a time not visiting the kid. No one will be handing Reedus a Father of the Year award any time soon. The guy is pushing 50 & still partying like he’s 20. A baby is the last thing he wants. The only midnight feedings he wants is feeding his own belly with whiskey. Besides, he Ain’t got no time to change diapers when he’ll be changing his own soon!

  33. They both bore me.

  34. oooo I have worst insult for Diane Kruger.. I have ZERO idea who you are and worse yet I do not even care enough to Google you! yes yes public opinion matters all these comments totally turned me off from you, and now I am going to make it a point for rest of my life to never discover anything more about you aside from what I read here muhahaha. I matter I am representative of Josie Q public and we think you suck

  35. #teampacey the end

  36. Laughing my ass off at pacey lamooooo !!! But honestly I was like wtf when those two split. I didn't see that coming they should just get back

  37. Some harsh words here, but there’s a ring of truth to some of it. Own it. Ask yourself how long do you want to keep doing this. I agree with kiki71 when she suggests you make Norman your fuck buddy, not your main man. But only if you need to. Methinks someone needs to rewatch Muriel’s Wedding and learn the lesson she did.

    (For those of you who thought oh she’s so softball, I’m not a paid shill; I have no connection to her or her people. I liked her in Inglorious Basterds and Marie Antoinette, that’s about it.)



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