Thursday, March 01, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A- list dual threat actor who has a hit cable show and been involved in a huge movie franchise came out this week. I would love to know any woman he has dated since his early days in high school. I certainly have never seen him on a date with a woman.


  1. A closeted actor who didn’t beard? I’m impressed.

  2. Replies
    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      He’s an outstanding actor. What a commanding presence.

  3. Luke Evans? The Hobbit is the franchise and The Alienist is his hit cable show. He's also a broadway guy? I know he sings from BatB

    1. Was Luke already out of the Closet?
      He has a boyfriend.

  4. Yeah it’s Lee pace. An article in Queerty says he said he has dated men and dated women. That’s why Enty says she’d like to know any woman he’s dated.

  5. Is bi a "soft" coming out?

  6. His work on Halt And Catch Fire is so underrated.

  7. God , Sal! You are so right. HaCF was such a hidden jewel in TV land and he was the heart of the cast.

  8. He was great on Pushing Daisies too

  9. Lee Pace was in the Hobbit movies also.

  10. Lee "Your questions are intrusive" Pace

    He is goddamn gorgeous so any woman or man (*cough*Richard Armitage*cough*) is lucky to have dated him.

  11. Lee is pretty private so this was a big step for him. Maybe he thinks he is Bi. Everybody comes to terms with their sexuality in their own way.

  12. Two franchises, Entern. He was also in Guardians of the Galaxy.

  13. Hetero woman here who never cared which way Lee Pace swung, he is just perfection.

    And if we are naming franchises, he was also in Twilight

  14. "One hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf! I'm patient! I can wait!"

  15. Wasn't he bi in Halt and Catch Fire? Love that show, love him in it.

    1. @Christina, I thought it was interesting how they handled it. Swung towards men to get a deal later and then 10 years later in the timeline an AIDS scare. Never discussed. Thought it was very well done.

  16. Kudos for him to speak his truth. Can't say I'm too familiar with him but I googled him and dude's got eyebrows for days. :) But he's also got a nice smile and kind eyes.

  17. I read that article and he looks sad and brokenhearted. I guess he hasn't gotten over his break-up with Richard Armitage poor guy

  18. On datalounge gay men have talked about Lee Pace being gay for years. I call BS on Lee claiming bisexuality. Last I heard Lee was in a long term gay relationship with British actor Richard Armitage. I disagree with Lee that the question is intrusive. Good interviewers ask tough questions. The man is gay surprised he finally came out.

    1. Sometimes I wonder if some people never read outside their familiar lines.
      I don’t get it. Not really judging, more curious.
      I’m way too READ ALL THE THINGS for a lot of people.

  19. Don’t care, The Piemaker is still pretty.

  20. Eh, don't care as long as he's not fooling women into being into unknowingly bearding for him.

  21. Very late to the party but I love the shit out of Lee Pace. If you haven't seen him in the movies "Soldiers Girl" and "The Fall" you should remedy that immediately.

    1. I'm a straight guy, but Lee was hot in Soldier's Girl. I saw it at Sundance not knowing anything about him and thought they hired a trans woman. Then they brought the cast out on stage afterwards.

  22. I'm a straight, married woman. I fell in love with him when I saw The Fall. Someone online was talking about it so I pirated and I had no idea what it was about, I went in cold and absolutely loved it. So did my hubs. We've seen it too many times to count.I then bought it for myself and other friends, because I felt bad about pirating. When I watched Soldiers Girl I cried, and was more than a wee bit jealous of Calpernia's hips.
