Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Blind Item #13 - Her Words

Last night, after the news broke about a certain producer, an actress ALL of you know who knows the producer as well as anyone sent me this.

thank you for all of your ongoing support. i Don’t know how Any of these meN sleep at night, but if there’s one thing that i Do know Is that what’s Done In the dark, always comes to lighT! xoxo

Sorry, I thought it was clever :D unfortch I will obviously not be making any comment whatsoever (for obvious reasons) and unfortch I feel as though the only way that legitimate stories can make the headlines regarding ____ is if others publicly speak on his behavior. _____ was truly like a 2nd father to me. But things changed. After the 2nd incident, i don’t know if I will ever be able to have children or have the family of my dreams.

People have been picking this scab for years. I just won’t be the one who finally rips it off. 


  1. Replies
    1. My heart definitely goes out to her and I hope she gets to a place where she can be happy in life.

  2. Just one single brave soul.. that’s all it takes! Can’t wait for that one person to go on record and that ugly sweaty effing slob to go down in flames

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. It was clever. I'm glad she's getting love and support.

    2. You caught the secret message as well? Look for the capitalizations

  5. Caps in her first paragraph spell “Dan did it” - nicely done

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Amanda.

    and you see she wrote “Dan did it” using the capital letters of the random words.

  8. What is this second incident? Was there a botched abortion situation?

    1. honey at this point in the game you must no longer think as mere mortal...you must think of the way these players play...I m thinking sodomized ton NO🙅🏼 re TT urn

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So gutted for these women who were damaged at such tragically young ages by this disgusting pig. The sacking is the start of his #timesup - let’s hope the ball continues to roll.

  11. Oh god that is so sad, what happened to her, a medical situation? A run-of-the-mill abortion shouldn't cause any lasting issue. Poor thing. Nice catch on the "DAN DID IT"

    1. Actually abortions do cause long lasting and significant health issues for many women. It's just hushed up

  12. Ahh so it's not just me who sees the capitalizations as "Dan did it"?
    Good. Good puzzle skillz, people

  13. Justice for all the victims of Hollywood and the Church in'sha'Allah

  14. Is that asshole producer from Nickelodeon who raped Britney's sister finally being exposed? It's been forever.

  15. Poor Amanda and all the victims. Surprised not surprised I haven't seen anything online about him today.

    1. @cheesegrater15 - Sandra Rose posted something early this morning.

  16. She mentions that he was like a second father to her...

    Remember all those old tweets from a few years' back when she kept making claims against her 'dad'? Rape, him needing to be in jail, etc.

    I wonder if Dan who she really was referring to, or somehow repressed her memories towards her real father instead of Dan.

    This is all sick.

    1. Wow! Nice catch

    2. Very good point @Audie I remember those tweets and her incriminating her “dad”.

  17. Just awful. I can see not wanting to go public, but she says (for obvious reasons) she won't comment. Anyone know what that means?

    1. Her (and her parents) were probably paid a lot of
      money to keep quiet. If she speaks, its possible he could sue her for breach of contract.

    2. @Shannon - I think she has a schizophrenia diagnosis. Her credibility as a witness is no good.

    3. Her dad may have raped her too. Kids who are victimized are unfortunately more likely to be victimized by someone else.

      Or maybe that's why her dear dad didn't do anything to protect her- cause he was doing it too. Sick!

  18. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Let’s see if he flips on the rest of the cabal


    I mean, you have nothing to lose - you're in the perfect position.

    I'm so sad at all the people we think have "issues" and now we're finding out they went through a hell that would give anybody issues!

  20. Sumner Redstone. Remember this name.

    وَكَذَٰلِكَ أَنزَلْنَاهُ حُكْمًا عَرَبِيًّا ۚ وَلَئِنِ اتَّبَعْتَ أَهْوَاءَهُم بَعْدَمَا جَاءَكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ مَا لَكَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلَا وَاقٍ - 13:37

    And thus We have revealed it as an Arabic legislation. And if you should follow their inclinations after what has come to you of knowledge, you would not have against Allah any ally or any protector.

    1. Summer is still alive! He should be revealed....

  21. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Poor girl. I hope she is able to rebuild her life and have some happiness. And yes, we all know Dan did it.
    Will she ever come forward, Enty?!

  22. Miss Mandy,

    My inbox is still open for photos of yer luscious knockers and tender buttcheeks. Email addy in my profile. XOXO

    -Count Jerkula

  23. This is all starting to feel like this Dan Schneider firing is getting swept under the rug. I don’t blame anyone for choosing not to speak out, it shouldn’t be put on the victims. I just hope someone does so the real truth comes out.

  24. Sadly, I think that Amanda Bynes's past troubles could make it easy for anything she says to be discredited.

    1. Yes, I also think that she finally seems to be in a healthier place. Sharing her story would put her under a microscope. Reporters would be chasing her constantly, she wouldn’t be able to turn on a TV or computer without seeing something about herself. There are always going to be the victim blamers and shamers. I think it is a good choice to not risk her health by coming forward.

  25. Not going to guess the name of the person who sent this to Enty but rather wish for healing & peace for this poor soul.

  26. It makes me sad that no one will speak. Why? NDAs? NDAs aren't valid when protecting crimes. Shame? Not wanting to be known forever after as the girl whose feet Dan Schneider perved on? Sadly I think that's probably it.

    1. We were thinking of you on yesterday's blind.


  27. Jamie Spears maybe and bc of having dans baby she cant have more? cant speak out as she wants to protect Maddie? just a guess

  28. She is speaking to other victims in her message. She can't speak-no one will believe her. I don't blame her after all she's been through. Always had a soft spot for her and thought she was always very talented and clever. I wish the best for her and the worst for him.

  29. I'm sure many of the victims feel that way, not wanting to take the lead on this. Rose McGowan made a good object lesson. Whether she was framed or just extremely stupid (or both), she was made to look as bad as possible. And the cabal certainly could have framed her, and could frame the next serious threat in some fashion. It's a prisoner's dilemma.

    That's why I've said all along that if this gets busted wide open, it won't be organically from within, one person speaking up at a time. It will have to be because someone outside the system, probably a group in law enforcement (though investigative journalists could do it if enough of them still existed), couldn't be bought or threatened to go away. Which remains to be seen.

  30. Perhaps if others can come forward,Amanda can be public, but why would someone so fragile want to go through the Rose McGowan route?

  31. Well big ol Dan should be charged. Patiently waiting for the expose....c'mon LAPD. Be brave Amanda. Everyone is rooting for you❤

  32. Is the Schneider firing really being swept under the rug?

    From doing a little browsing around, it's very hot right now in a lot of different places. Nick might be distancing itself because an accuser out there has definitive proof this time, or the LAPD has been investigating and now has charges to bring, or Dan is about to go down in an FBI sting.

    Knock wood...here's hoping.

  33. Thank Christ he will finally get what's coming to him!

  34. It does feel like a hollow victory for now. Sure Dan and his company may be gone(said company also had Brian Peck and Marty Weiss working with him). But who knows if Nick is fully "cleaned out". I also believe that Kids Incorporated director is still around as with the rest of the Disney pedos. Things really feel right once someone makes the accusation.

  35. Hi Sign Name Below! haha I read the blind but didn't follow up on the comments and missed the discussion.

  36. Anonymous12:37 PM

    She can't be sued for breach of contract, if this is who we all think it is. She would have been a minor when the alleged incidents took place, and her parents would have to have signed a contract in her name. Which means, if she comes forward, and they took a pile of cash to keep quiet, they'd be in some pretty serious legal peril, and maybe she doesn't want that happen. Besides, he'd have to be a complete sociopath to sue for breaking an NDA hiding felonious behavior like what he's being accused of, because he'd have to admit he DID IT for the contract/NDA/whatever to be broken.

    Nobody knows for sure what's going on. This guy, if the allegations are true, is a sleazebag of the lowest order, and god knows what he'd do if they finally corner him. He may have blackmail material on her. He may be making threats behind the scenes. He may still have powerful people protecting him - although he doesn't have Viacom lawyers defending him anymore. She may not be in a mental or emotional place to deal with stepping forward. It could be a lot of things, things we can't even imagine.

    Enty is a lawyer. He probably knows what's going on, and isn't telling, and probably for damned good reasons. Just sit back, and wait, and see. Sucks, but it is what it is. She, whoever she is, has her reasons for not stepping forward, and you have to respect that, even if you don't like it. It's her choice, and always will be.

  37. Right, no NDA would hold up in court if the NDA restricted a victim from naming a perpetrator.

    @plot just look at Dan's wiki. I'm not suggesting that he be called out, since he has not been charged with anything, but some more discussion and sources could be warranted.

    "On March 26, 2018, Nickelodeon announced that it would not be extending its production deal with Schneider and Schneider's Bakery. In addition, the network also announced that Schneider's comedy Game Shakers would not be renewed for a fourth season. Schneider's remaining Nickelodeon comedy Henry Danger will be receiving a fifth season."

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous12:43 PM

    @ Cail Corishev - I thought it was interesting that the people behind "An Open Secret" posted on Twitter Schneider was their second choice as a focus, but nobody would go on record. Make of that what you will.

  40. It's about GODDAMN time!!!!

  41. Amanda is right. THEY made sure she has no credibility.

  42. A friend of my family had her husband cheat on her. He had STD but did not tell his wife. She did not know and did not get treated and ended up with PID and caused infertility issues.

    God Bless this girl/lady. May your journey be easier in the future.

  43. Previous blind hints that JL Spears has lawyered up and ready to fight.

  44. I’m so sorry Amanda and all of the other victims. It’s not your fault. 😢

  45. If Stormy isn't held to an NDA (and she admitted that her relationship was consenting) why would any of these underage-actors be held to one...eh?

  46. Whoever you are (Amanda or another actress), I hope you are comforted by the comments here that believe you and support you, and I hope you get justice.

  47. Hopefully ALL will come out like Weinstein. Poor girl (s)! One thing I DON'T think is helpful is for An Open Secret to spend time going after the Hollywood Reporter or other publications. If no one can (or will) go on the record, a prestige publication CANNOT publish!!!! Only places like HERE can take the chance. BLIND ITEMS. I also hate HATE that the FAR RIGHT has made this cause their raison d'etre. Red State & the Revenge of the Cis are so politicized. I am a liberal democrat and care deeply about exposing pedophiles; but I've had to "unfollow" these accounts. We need mainstream media to expose him and for people to go on the record. These are serious criminal charges.

    1. Yes, yes, a million times yes. I hate the internal battle of being a liberal democrat taking up a cause that has somehow become associated with the far right. I mean, everyone hates child molesters, right? It shouldn’t be aligned with any sort of political agenda.

    2. If there is any issue that should cross party lines it’s this. Personally I’m happy when anyone outs these creeps regardless of their political affiliation.

    3. What the actual fuck...
      This isnt a right/left issue at all!

      And for what it's worth - they raised their voices enough to get Trump elected ... I dont mind them shouting about this.

      Pizza and hotdogs can be overlooked.

    4. The whole point of the left right paradigm ..is to divert ur attention away from the crimes of the financial elite and their debt system

    5. It bizarre that Trump worshippers in the Trump cult are trying to claim rdj and himmmm. Google rdj and a film for ( democratic super PAC Save The Day. Video us is entitled important and this is the warning about orange Hitler; " a racist abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of society " None of himmmm are Trump humpers AT ALL. Trump is the king swamp creature of the swamp they think he's cleaning up. It's just laughable. When u say that Russian bots are working day and night to be community managers on social media that's exactly what I mean. They were exposed on twitter, on Facebook, on tumblr. And I'm here to say without a shadow of a doubt they are here too. And Trump has buddies on tmz, at us weekly, he basically owns the national enquirer now he's paid them that much. Fox News etc. You don't have to be a virulent homophobic, racist, misogynistic fuckface to care about kids and protecting kids. Stay strong.

    6. *when I say. Grammar be damned LOL.

  48. Maybe no children and the family of her dreams.

    Reading this I feel like crying--I'm so sorry this happened to you, whoever you are 😢

  49. poor amanda :/ i hope one day she is able to speak out

  50. I blame the older adults in Hollywood who played the game after their assaults and stayed quiet just so they could be famous and make money. Rather than speak out for women and child actors. These poor children thought their dreams were coming true, when they were actually their worst nightmares. Some pushed by their own parents! Now all the drug and alcohol abuse makes so much sense.

    May their healing begin. May those who took their lives or lost their lives as a result of their abuse (Corey Him etc) Rise in Power.

    Big thanks to Enty and Himmmm and everyone here for keeping the awareness.

    Now it's time to END Nickelodeon for choosing money over the welfare of children in their care/employment.

  51. We see you, Amanda!
    We’re all rooting for you to come out the other side of this better than before.
    I hope your life becomes what you’d hoped for.

  52. @ Kimberly Davis if we had a god's-eye view of pedophiles everywhere, we would see quite a few Republicans involved ,Dennis hastert comes to mind, but by far the majority of the high-placed perpetrators are of the leftist variety, because they are self-centered and do not fear God, and have no regard for anything besides their carnal desires. I pray to the Lord Jesus Christ that Dan is caught and survives to name as many Associates as possible. Remember all mankind ,Us in this chatroom included deserves hell, but all of us including these pedofiles can be forgiven by God's holy blood.

  53. There is wickedness in the world, but anything to do with children is evil. This guy is as bad as if not worse than HW, he shouldn't be allowed to slither away with nothing but a questionable resume.

  54. Anonymous2:00 PM

    They are always 'nice at first'.
    Hope she starts talking one day, or nothing will change, and this pattern will continue

  55. @Kimberly Davis I agree. I do respect Gabe Hoffman for what he does, but I can't stand his other politics. Revenge of the Cis can be annoying too, and they really ruined their credibility on Styx. I understand this is an emotional situation, but calm fucking down before actually spreading slander. Hoffman dabs into this too sometimes, and Mr. Gunk has been doing this while dabbing into crazy shit. Dlux is pretty chill though.

    Sadly, this whole pedowood stuff feels like a niche since its not as talked about as much as it should. Which is why its filled with victim complex right wingers and vulnerable individuals.

  56. Amanda Bynes was and is such a beautiful young lady. It's NEVER too late, but honestly, it's probably an STD because legal abortions don't cause this anymore. Sugar you have always been adored.

    1. Syphilis? It’s all I can think of that will prevent her from having a child and also explains her meltdowns....syphilis also affects the brain.

  57. So many of us are praying for you and cheering you on, girl. Hang in there!! My son grew up loving The Amanda Show and I Carly. I recently told him about all of the Nick channel scandals. He's now 19, 6'2" and very large. He's so furious and upset for the victims that I think it's a good thing we live far far
    away from Hollywood.

  58. I support you, Amanda. I believe you. I stand with you.

  59. Anonymous2:49 PM

    This is Schneider's wife's (Lisa Lillien aka Hungry Girl) IG post from a few years ago but bet she's going to serve this to him again for real in five.. four... three.. two..

  60. Why does it seem like this guy is going to get a free pass???

  61. Amanda people are thinking of you and hope you stay well. I think maybe Ms Spears is going to be the one to start things. After that there will be a flood gate.

  62. Letters in caps spell “Dan Did It.”

  63. He and all his enablers need to be exposed to the world and brought to justice.

    Amanda and all the other victims deserve vindication and healing. Godspeed!

  64. Where are the parents? Why did they not demand an investigation and prosecution? I am not a violent person but if some perv molested my child, that molester would permanently disappear. No one could pay me enough money to make it go away.

  65. The believers love you Amanda! Hang in there and don’t let the evils of fame win this fight.

  66. @AgonyAunt

    "If Stormy isn't held to an NDA (and she admitted that her relationship was consenting) why would any of these underage-actors be held to one...eh?"

    The contention with Stormy is that Donny never signed the NDA next to his name so therefore he never entered into the contract, only his lawyer Michael Cohen did and he has no standing to enforce the NDA.

    The other thing Stormy is claiming is that she was threatened, multiple times, after signing the NDA and continues to be threatened. That would be criminal.

    The third thing is that Cohen and Donny have defamed her with lies since the election, therefore allowing her to comment on the contents of the NDA and her relationship with Donny.

    The fourth thing is that she is now suing Cohen for defamation and making an illegal campaign contribution by personally paying her off - which he did without disclosing it as a contribution, in which case, it would have been illegal since it exceeded the donation cap.

    OKAY! Whether Schneider's victims can use any angles Stormy is playing here, I don't know. But it would seem that if Schneider did anything illegal, that would void the NDA. Still, would he fight to get his money back if he paid them off? Maybe the victims were afraid of the Viacom and Nick lawyers. Maybe they won't be so afraid of Schneiders personal lawyers.

  67. Questions - was this announced before or after news broke that Keith Raniere had been extradited from Mexico? I have no idea how or if they are interconnected but I do know that crazy fuck has Hollywood ties.

  68. The Podesta Pizza Toppings Conspiracy is what made anything about child molesters right wing these days. It's a damn shame since we should be all aligned on this issue.

    1. Since it's a very special day
      Have a very special 'fuck off'

  69. Keep the pressure up on these shitheels and their enablers!

    His twatter handle is @DanWarp; his wife's is @HungryGirl

  70. This is so sad. Peace and love to you.

  71. "an actress who ALL of you know" / All That

  72. It is disheartening to see people get political on this issue.

    It is well established that pedophiles can be any sex, age, religion, political affiliation, or economic group. I'm probably missing a few qualifiers but y'all get the point.

    The ONLY thing that is different in the Hollywood cases is that they are high profile AND that Hollywood itself has unfortunately too many people who talk down to the rest of us and they are generally affiliated liberal/left wing/Democrat.

    Hollywood gives libs a bad, bad, name. They mouth off and have a "do as I say not as I do" attitude and think they're above the masses.

    The real people I know...in my every day life here in the reddest of the red states...on both sides love children and find this repulsive.

    Why are we even discussing that ho bag Stormy and that whoremonger Trump? Why are we giving them brain space?

    We have children being destroyed emotionally, physically, and financially so adults can be on a power trip and get off.

    Let's stop beating on each other and keep sight of the kids.

  73. @kimberly davis. Same exact sentiments. I propose we take back the narrative and don't let certain political parties or elements conflagrate being liberal and tolerant and democratic as being ok with pedophila in any way which is what certain nefarious far right forces are trying to do for Trump with certain bot farms. I hadn't fully googled Schneider until he was fired today because I couldn't emotionally take knowing that another child abuser had not been exposed. Now that he's on his way to karmaic justice ( please god) I spent time on reading about nicolodean and not only this guy but another guy who worked with him who IS A CONVICTED child molester. My mind is honestly blown as to how everyone at that company seemed to suspect but no one did shit to stop it because his shows were a hit. So he brought them in money. Money becomes the moral barometer when there are no morals I guess. This guy was a friend of Charlie Sheen that alone is a red flag!! I hope to god this man is jailed. Weinstein is not in jail. Spacey is not in jail. Sheen is not in jail. None of these asshole Hollyweirdos ever seem to be actually PUNISHED for their crimes. And will ppl please stop taking money for silence and signing NDA's for Christtsake? Fucking fight to avenge your kids!!!!! Many people say himmm( rdj allegedly) exposed Dan Schneider first and I can't speak for himmm but I'm gonna maybe guess they are NOT right winger Trump lovers. So Please stopped mixing the two and let's unite to keep the focus n exposing these people. Every where they are. In Hollywood, in the music business, in mega churches, in cults, and down the street in our neighbourhoods. Also wanted to say, one of the first horrible pictures that came up when I googled this monsters name was a picture with him hugging a tiny arianna grande. Her eyes looks trapped and it broke my heart. No wonder these young stars seem so sexualized at a young age, they never stood a chance in the lions den. And even on this site, enty calls her names for needing meds to cope with kids being violently murdered at her own concert. Now to find out she was probably a victim of pedophiles too . Please , please can we as a society show empathy to these harmed kids who become disillusioned bitter drugged young adults? Remember when Amanda had her breakdown, remember when Brittany had hers? Raped children become fractured adults let's protect kids and show kindness to adult victims. Enty thank you for all your good work exposing this guy.

    1. +100 Halloweenie

      I’m still surprised this topic became a “right wing” issue at all when it’s one of the very few topics we can (mostly) all agree on.

      I love that you remembered to include support for the fractured adults these kids become. A little less laughter and derision when they go through their breakdowns and have less public impulse control would be a nice direction to head in...

  74. We believe you! And I hope that Dan being fired will be the beginning of a new chapter of healing for you. All the best. ✌🏼

  75. Amanda Please! My kids and I always loved you. Be well, be strong.

  76. I want to start a GoFundMe to get Halloweenie an ENTER key.

  77. So very sad. Hopefully, the offending bastard gets the exposure that he deserves,

  78. I just read his company is called "Schneider's Bakery," which kind of makes you think of Hansel and Gretel.

    1. Because he puts buns in the oven.
      *rim shot*
      *crickets chirping*
      Thanks folks, I'll be here all week!

  79. We see you, we hear you, we believe you. I'm sorry you've had to live this nightmare. I hope if there's any semblance of personal justice that can come from this, it will happen for you and you may find resolution.

  80. CDAN community, holy shit you guys did it. You got Schneider. I thought the weird caps was just the iPhone working it’s magic but you all called it.

  81. Her best revenge is to get help, get strong and live her life to the fullest.

  82. To this actress we ALL know, tomorrow is a new day and you can renew your dreams and seek to fulfill them.

    To this certain producer I hope you get the Larry Nassar treatment and have all your victims confront you in public as you travel your slow path to hell.

    1. By the way, it turns out the guy whose job it was to supervise Nassar at MSU is also a fucking perv. Among other charges, he had a video of Nassar performing his "special treatment" on his computer.

  83. @Kendrick I thought his company’s name was creepy, too. So, many ways to twist “Schneider’s Bakery”~making “sweet young things” for you to choose by the dozen, etc

  84. Also, as I have posted before, union crew members from this producer’s shows and others like him can get a lot of shit done. You are union so you have to union resources, if you have seen instances of abuse you should report and are obligated by law to report. But if you even suspect child abuse you should report. You have union resources to protect you. You can report child abuse at the police department with jurisdiction. (Sadly I’m not in the industry and had never heard of a “key grip” until Tropic Thunder.”

  85. There is a good reason to be discussing Stormy right now.

    If she breaks the log jam and subterfuge that NDAs represent, guess what might be next?

    Yep, all those kids who had to sign NDAs for cash payouts.

  86. Yep, looks like Nassar may have sold or traded those videos, doesn't it. Wonder if others will be implicated.


    Full syphilitic dementia takes many years to develop and kills a person within 5 years. Get this, catching malaria cures syphilitic dementia. Wonder why? Anyway, Al Capone died of it.

  87. SchneiderIsNixed

    But we aren't done. Getting fired isn't enough. It's time to EXPOSE THE CRIMES

    This is either A PRESSURE RELEASE. or an OMEN......it is up to us now



    Don't waste this momentum. Break down the wall of secrecy.

    If you hate the alt media. That's fine. It's up to YOU to pester the MAINSTREAM OUTLETS. Force them to cover this by refusing to shut-up.

    And if you actually want the abuse to end...Unite with your ideological enemy. Talk and Listen to the OTHER PARTY.

    We are a split nation. But we can all agree that rape and abuse of power is wrong.. OR WE CAN FIGHT EACH OTHER WHILE THE PEDOS ESCAPE.




  88. It's a damn shame since we should be all aligned on this issue.
    Hey Plot, ya fucking think? We've only been telling YOU that for months now. Geezus.

    I was reading something yesterday and it made me think of you, don't be flattered.
    Let me ask you, in human trafficking (that even you know exists and is more profitable and prolific than drug trafficking), who do you think is masterminding it?
    I mean, are they lone traffickers? You're so big on denying how anything is a conspiracy (and I'll repeat, once again, how a conspiracy only takes TWO) but you can't wrap your mind around governments or 'churches' being the facilitators or, at least, behind the cover-ups. The mind boggles.

    Schneiderisnext. You were right. He was. Amongst many other things. BRAVO!

  89. Hi all quick question. Hasn't Amanda strongly suggested that her parents took all of her money and more money that should have come to her? As well as suggested that they were compliant on things they should not have been?

  90. A NDA isn't enforceable if there was a crime or civil settlements, etc. Amanda, Jeanette, Jamie should all come forward.

  91. @plot

    "Yep, looks like Nassar may have sold or traded those videos, doesn't it. Wonder if others will be implicated."


    @plot 7 days ago


    "Oh yeah your little network investigations are helping these kids sooooo much -


    And these kids


    Or these



    You are not helping most children who experience sexual abuse because the perpetrators aren't a part of your big international sex rings. The perps are their fathers or fathers of their friends or uncles or friends of their parents or ministers or teachers or mothers or siblings or next door neighbors or doctors or leaders of youth groups...THAT is who sexually abuses the majority of children, not fucking strangers in some sex ring, but PEOPLE KNOWN TO THE CHILDREN.

    But that doesn't matter to you. You'd rather having thrilling fantasies of massive sex rings and some fucking Church."

  92. The 'ALL' clue definitely points towards the tv show 'All That' which Amanda starred on.
    If this is Amanda, I wish her all the health and happiness in the world. The things she has been through and everything she knows about Dan would take him down so fast. But I think people will start coming forward very soon and it will shed the light on the extent of all of this without Amanda having to compromise her well being. My bets are on Jenette McCurdy (sp?), and Victoria Justice. Jaimie Lynn won't come forward... I think she would want to avoid further allegation about her daughter and Dan. I don't believe Dan is Maddie's bio dad, but a lot of people do and Jaimie would want to protect her from that regardless.
    I'm not sure what the 'incidents' were, but it certainly could be abortion or an STD.
    Whoever this is, all the love and best wishes. We all believe you.

  93. "We've only been telling YOU that for months now"

    No, you've been whirling around in your pizza toppings and Hillary Dementia. That's not what I call any sort of real concern about child molesters. That is a partisan witch hunt.

    " don't be flattered."

    By you? I wouldn't dream of it.

    "who do you think is masterminding it?"

    No one. With that vast majority of abuse victims being violated by someone they know, who have no connection to each other, there is therefore no Big Bad Mastermind.

    A Mastermind might be of mental comfort to YOU (knock him out, child rape ends! Yippee!), but it is simply ridiculous.

  94. @Schneiderisnext
    Yes, we have good memories. Have to wonder what's behind the recent attempt to assimilate. More credibility, perhaps?

    It's because it's bigger than Schneider et al.
    Studios and production companies are known to hire and rehire the same crew. From gaffers, lighting, cameramen etc. all the way up.
    They are complicit, at best.
    All in the family.

  95. "Actually abortions do cause long lasting and significant health issues for many women"

    Not according to every single study on abortion (there are hundreds) going back many decades...

    Not according to the many, many studies done in Europe and Asia...

  96. So let's agree networks exist @plot and stop politicizing it.

    There are Pedo Republicans, and Pedo Democrats. Pedophilia and child porn is bipartisan.

    There are also Advocates and activists on both sides.

    Let's hold hands and enforce child labor laws in Hollywood, end abusive NDA's, and move forward with protecting human rights.


    Nobody saying 1 pedophile is masterminding everything as you Strawman @mary with "Big Bad Mastermind"

    We are saying people/groups are ORGANIZING IN NETWORKS TO SHARE CHILD PORN & Traffic humans.

    Also, they have vested interest in protecting each other. Mutual blackmail = Network of necessity

  97. "They are complicit, at best"

    Why would crews be complicit?

    Have you ever been on a movie set?

  98. We're done Schneider.

    I want no more to do with you.

  99. @Plot
    You're such an ass. I voted for Hillary, you dumb shit.
    I've never said anything about pizza, toppings or anything of the like.
    AND it's sickening that that's all you can latch onto.
    As far as Podesta, you think his collection is 'art', lmao, but only because he was pictured with Clinton and NADER, frolicking in the water in Punta Cana. You know, the same guy you were so sure was the subject of the FBI blind, even though Mueller isn't FBI. You can't keep your shit straight.
    As long as someone is connected to the Clintons, they're off base, unless it's convenient.

    And yes, I've been on a movie set. Again, they hire the same crews, over and over again. It's a small community on set, everyone knows who has gas. I'm guessing you've never been.
    If something's suspicious, you know it.

    Oh, and no one want's any more to do with you. I'm not as kumbaya as Schneiderisnext is.

    I don't know if you're a shill or not but if you aren't, you are the most closed minded idiot I've ever seen.

  100. Exactly @mary

    @Plot tries to seem intellectual, open-minded, and above it all.... while shutting down certain CRAAAZZZYYYY CONSPIRACIESSS

    It used to be don't feed the trolls. NOW WE JUST FEED THEM THEIR OLD VOMIT.


    "Yep, looks like Nassar may have sold or traded those videos, doesn't it. Wonder if others will be implicated."


    @plot minutes later:

    "With that vast majority of abuse victims being violated by someone they know, who have no connection to each other, there is therefore no Big Bad Mastermind."


    If somebody rapes hundreds of girls, records videos, shares them with a coworker and over the Internet.....THATS A FUCKING NETWORK. And every time that video is watched, that kid is being abused by SOMEONE THEY DON'T KNOW....WITH NO CONNECTION TO THEM....the very thing you say does not happen.

    Nassar is a Mastermind of A NETWORK.

    Note how @plot refuses to engage me. He doesn't give anyone else that honor. Or perhaps it's fear

  101. @plot

    "The Podesta Pizza Toppings Conspiracy is what made anything about child molesters right wing these days. It's a damn shame since we should be all aligned on this issue."


    "So let's agree networks exist @plot and stop politicizing it.

    There are Pedo Republicans, and Pedo Democrats. Pedophilia and child porn is bipartisan.

    There are also Advocates and activists on both sides.

    Let's hold hands and enforce child labor laws in Hollywood, end abusive NDA's, and move forward with protecting human rights."


    We're done Schneider

    I want no more to do with you


    Stop contradicting yourself and we will be done. @plot. I'm not gonna let you keep being dishonest.

  102. Politics has one thousand percent nothing to do with it; the Epstein plane itinerary doesn't discriminate, and neither should the guillotine we roll out onto the National Mall for them all if the day ever comes. Power lets people become their most monstrous selves, simple as that.

    Hopefully someone opens the floodgates on him before he either slinks off into the darkness or finds some other form of current-job protection. We can only hope all the fixers and Mossad spooks stay with the parking space and aren't part of the severance package.

    Stay strong, HW. I hope some day things are better and you're in a place to come forward, and maybe the time is sooner than either of us think.

  103. @Geeljire


    "Slight hope
    It dangles on a string
    Like slow spinning redemption"

    You have no idea how deep that song is rooted in my psyche. Thank you. And we will be soon...


  104. "you think his collection is 'art'"

    I really don't know. What do you assume about it?

    "he was pictured with Clinton and NADER, frolicking in the water in Punta Cana"

    And this is somehow connected to all the pedophiles in the whole wide world...for you?

    I see guys on a beach. If you want to ascribe some great meaning to it, like here be the nexus of all pedos, I guess no one can stop you.

    "I've been on a movie set."

    Good! Then you know that most people on set are very busy doing their jobs, which involve more paranoia about physical safety than sniffing the corners for pedos.

  105. "you think his collection is 'art'"

    I really don't know. What do you assume about it?

    You said that his art collection is just 'art', and if you don't remember that, it's on you. I find it disgusting. Maybe you should check it out.

    FYI, most people on the set are busy waiting and waiting. And gossiping. Again, you're an idiot. I know you like to use 'idiot', look in the mirror. I now know you've never been on a set.

    You see people on a beach. I see ex-President Clinton *who I also voted for* having a good old time with a convicted pedophile and a very questionable figure, on vacation together.

    And no, I don't think they are connected to all the pedophiles in the world. That's just you trying your damnedest to discredit my assertion that pedophile are connected.
    Not all of them, that would be a psychotic thing to assume, although you know I've never said anything like it.
    It really is pathetic how low you'd stoop as to try to color me in that vain.
    You're not fooling anybody.

  106. Plot, even if you start off strong you end up steering it right off a cliff-
    All the peDos in the whole wide world?
    Yah. ALL if them Plot. "ALL" LIKE, EVERY SINGLE ONE.
    No... seriously: All if them.
    Every single peDo ever, is what @Schneiderisnext is saying.

    And did you just break up with him?
    I mean, now that the whole fucking point of your contention is EXACTLY AS SCHNEIDER SAID From the beginning, then yah I guess it's time to break up because there's nothing more to say. Especially if your mouth is full with all that Crow

  107. Any of the young actresses this could be, Google your name, it's already out there. People will understand where your problems came from. You will help make sure he never touches another child. You could get money to help you build a new life, or just stop other children's lives being ruined. We WILL support you. Remember, the network hired him, kept him, recruited for him and covered it all up. You will heal. You will be accepted. Without Nick, he'd just be another unemployed pedo loser.

  108. Trump is friends with Epstein. Even admitted to knowing he likes very young females - and remained his friend. So as you can see, pedo doesn’t discriminate by party.

    1. If Trump is an "Epstein friend"
      Then Bill Clinton is an "Epstein lover"
      Curious upon which your attention fell

  109. Activating @himmmm bat signal! I’m dying to know. How soon is this going down and will this one be any different (meaning an actual indictment?)

  110. Hidden cam is the way to go. Get them on film against their knowledge, release anonymously and everywhere at once, and bye bye reputation. Nowhere to hide then and no protestations that can be believed.

  111. Anonymous6:38 AM

    As somebody said, it is a hollow victory. These people are roaming around free, people like Schneider and Marty Weiss, who abused a lot more kids and only got six months for one victim. They should be locked up and not allowed to work in the industry ever again, let alone intimidate former victims.

    It is also a shame that people are fighting about the issue when it is non-partisan. One does not have to be a conspiracy theorist to know there are some dodgy people in politics, as well as entertainment and other areas.

  112. @SchneiderisNext and @plot: hope you guys find a way to “make up:”. Here’s my
    Two cents worth, as a conservative Republican with quite a few liberal friends and respect for both of you guys from what I’ve seen on here. I’ve been active politically for a number of years. There are a lot of great people in politics, public service and yes the intelligence agencies, in both and neither party. There are also a bunch of skunks, Some of whom, as we have seen more of recently, are not just skunks but pedos. I don’t know anything about Hollywood first hand, but himmm and others here have commented and said similar things about that world.

    It’s often convenient for folks in power to try to sweep away uncomfortable truths-whether they are named Monica or Stormy or concern far, far worse things (google Sibel Edmonds to learn some more on that front). Sometimes as well people on the national security level have to make really uncomfortable choices involving a number of factors that are hard for us civilians to think about-remember World War II when we had to ally with one of the most murderous regimes in history to stop perhaps the most diabolical one the world had ever seen-it’s naive to assume any one in politics or intelligence work is going to have perfectly clean hands after awhile in the field. Sometimes you have to make a difficult choice about which party or group to align yourself with to achieve what you think is good.

    All that having been said, I believe every person should have the right to work without being forced to exchange sexual favors for a livelihood. I believe no child should be subjected to abuse, whether sexual emotional or physical, to work as an entertainer. And I support and comment on CDAN in large part to help increase the pressure on scoundrels like Weinstein,Spacey and now Schneider.

    All of that having been said, I think both schneider and plot have their valid points here-Nassar and other pervs who enjoy power for long periods of time need at least willful ignorance if not active support from other folks. It’s entirely appropriate to point that out and note people who, not for any great reason of state but just to line their own pockets, preserve the reputation of a school, or to indulge their own kinks, protect abusers in high places. If it’s true for Nassar it’s certainly also true for Singer, Spacey etc. On the other hand, there’s a ton of abuse that happens right underneath our noses in our own communities, by “networks” who aren’t university administrators or congressmen and their cronies with deep pockets to pay blackmail-it’s often the church group volunteer or the pediatric nurse next door taking advantage of children in our own community. As plot shows, there is a ton we can all be doing to help those who were abused in our own communities and through charities. I’d recommend everybody here who clucks about how evil some rich rapist like Spacey is take the time to reach out and find some way to help in their own community. There’s a great line from a great conservative, Edmund Burke, that “the only thing required for the triumph of evil is for the good to do nothing.” Let’s not let anyone be able say that about us when we were gone.

    I’d also like to add for anyone interested in learning more about what they can do to help, check out Andrew Vachss’ website. He’s a crime writer but started out as a lawyer and social worker who advocated for the abused, and sees his fiction as an extension of his activism on behalf of the abused. He’s managed to help get some very important legislative reforms passed related to this question and continues to be very involved in the issue. His novels, which aren’t for the faint of heart, were what first got me interested in learning more about what I could actually do on this subject. The website is Vachss.com

    Anyhow, that’s my thoughts -everyone take them with a grain of salt and be well!

  113. "You said that his art collection is just 'art',"

    Well, what was I supposed to call it Mary??? Do you want to lend me your word for it or force me to use it?

    "You're not fooling anybody"

    Good, I'm not trying to.

  114. "FYI, most people on the set are busy waiting and waiting. And gossiping. "

    Everyone gossips on the job. Would you hold everyone who gossips (about a huge array of topics) responsible for the sins of others?

    Would you then be implicated for crimes because you gossip?

  115. "Curious upon which your attention fell"

    Who is in office now? Who has multiple investigations working against him? Do you want attention brought to the child abuse network you believe exists? Guess who you might want to focus on since so many agents and officers are now furrowing into every cranny of his life.

    Oh no, let's make more assumptions about HerEmails that go nowhere!

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Whelp, I see the controlled opposition AKA "plot" got people to go off on a gajillion rabbit trails.

    That is plot's job. Divide and conquer. Distract.

    I wondered how long it would take.

  118. @Nawlins Jim

    Thanks so much for that. Beautifully written, too!

    My intent is to make the practice of child abuse unacceptable. This doesn't happen by aiming at the Big Shots. Even if taken down, the vacuum will be filled instantly and their connection to regular old child abuse is practically nil.

    We, as communities, have to make it unacceptable. We also have to realize that through our aesthetic choices, in things like Nickelodeon, we are complicit in the sexualization of children which is truly the feeder of pedophile behavior both large and small. For all the convenience it allows to let one's kids sit and watch iCarly (or whatever other shows on Nick) to keep them quiet for an hour, we have to realize what is sacrificed by that convenience. What are you children learning from those shows? I've barely watched them, but what becomes acceptable and normalized from your kids viewing them? If Dan Schneider was good at anything, I suppose, it was locking young eyes on the television with provocative posing. Maybe allowing children to be exposed to that isn't good and it continues the myth of victims "wanting it" when children are so over-sexualized and fetishized.

    Being thrilled over a photo of Clinton, Podesta and Nader on a beach doesn't end child abuse. Parsing conspiracies out of office emails doesn't end the activities of pedophiles. There are massive numbers of Slavic children being made into commodities as we speak. There is nothing we can do about that, sadly, except keep building on the Human Trafficking initiatives of Obama with our support of the FBI and the State Dpt. What's happening now, with this administration, is the exact opposite and people are cheering it on...

    If the tyranny of the NDA starts to crack, then we might learn more about the more powerful pedos, but we have nothing to do with that. We can only help our own communities and support the victims who live around us...and try to explain to others that their responsibility lies in their support of real efforts rather than their fantasies (of, for instance, Enty having this massive effect on the world. It's good to talk about these things, air them out so to speak,but no real efforts are going to come from discussion boards on a gossip site where we all are simply talking.)

    "Sometimes you have to make a difficult choice about which party or group to align yourself with to achieve what you think is good."

    That is often exactly what our government and policing agencies have to do. We made a huge mistake, after all the spy scandals of the 80s and 90s, by trying to only work with pure, decent people in our agencies and abroad. How vulnerable that made us is incalculable, but I think you can infer the results. Our government is in the business of leveraging terrible people against each other and away from us. If someone like Nader has proved to be useful to our ends, that's disgusting but peace is a fragile commodity.

  119. AgreeN'awlin's JIM...No good fighting each other. How do we impact the HW greed machine. Un subscribe to NICK & Disney, parents, and write letters to those Corp's telling them WHY

  120. I dont think getting fired is enough and am hoping there is another shoe to drop...after a brief search, most articles say he had 'abusive ways', not sexual abuse...it almost sounds like he got fired for a foot fetish, which is not even breaking the law...Im sorry to say this but there are oceans and canyons between a foot fetish and sodomy, and I am disappointed if it has been whitewashed

  121. @Plot totally disgraced by these new developments and this thread, in which his prior posts and quotes of misinformation, disinformation and general unpleasantness and intellectual vapidity are used to hoist him upon his own petard and render him forever useless, worthless and impotent. The voices of enlightenment and exposure on this blog have drowned him out and smothered him convincingly in this thread, and reality has trumped his propaganda for the darkness and the abuse.

  122. Predators go where the prey is. Please let this perve go to jail and take his enablers with him.

  123. Sad that this thread had to be infected with political rhetoric, I was hoping just once it could just be a reflection on what will happen next,and good wishes to Amanda and the others who can come forward.

  124. "Plot totally disgraced"

    Really? Not feeling that way and though you are real good with those highly charged words (so like Fox News and Breitbart!), I see no evidence of it from you either.

    1. @plot

      What a day to come back to CDAN. Any “disgrace” seems to be in the minds of people who already believe you’re a shill or whatever word is in vogue today.

    2. Personally, I hate the word "shill" so in the case we can use the word disparager? But, everyone needs at least one friend/ally(?) and perhaps you are that for plot. It's nice of you.

    3. @rosie Well, I do tend to be a mouthy liberal with a fancy edumacation. That seems to align me with @plot more often than not.

      I know I’m not @plot’s only friendly supporter here. Maybe just one of the mouthier ones of late. On the days I have energy to spare for recreational human interaction anyway.

      I’m not sure about disparager. Don’t most of us disparage something/one?

      Why do we need a perjorative, anyway?

  125. Ok, I always thought Bynes had to have some major demons she was battling, back when I was seeing her public meltdown, but this was also before I knew what blinds were, so I had no inkling of what she's been through. I had a weird feeling about it all but didn't think to look for underground gossip.

    I've looked up Schneider on wikipedia. Could someone maybe suggest a thread, blind(s), webpage, etc that could catch me up on Bynes story? Or even a nutshell summary? I always suspected something nefarious had happened to her. Broke my heart to see her not doing well.

  126. It's difficult for children suffering sex abuse to come forward if ever. You lose trust in people and even if you come to terms with yourself. You bottle it up and try to forget what happened... Until your triggered. Anxiety and self medication only makes it worse. Shame is worn falsely, but what do you know your just a kid. Who do let reach towards your wounded self? Trust never gets exercised and your emotionally stunted even into adulthood. I know what that is like but it must be even harder as a public figure to come out of the fog. Your probably used by almost every adult your in contact with even if that adult is clueless about what went on there. All those kids are victims regardless of whether they were touched or not. If they knew another child was a victim destroys their childhood innocence. There must have been some adult who could have stopped this.

  127. I can understand the reluctance in coming forward for any of the abused who had a documented public meltdown. If AB is the one writing the blind, I can understand her not wanting to subject herself to public scrutiny again. They will discredit her claims with bringing up her past drug use and mental illness. McGowan's treatment and possible frame job was done to intimidate others from coming forward. I don't know have any advice on battling a power structure that was built on viewing drug addled celebs as especially women as drug fiend starlets. people don't take celebs seriously whether they are clean and sober anyway.

  128. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Gee, Ricky...I’m not sorry your cover has been blown up.
    Buhbye, Mr. Toe-jangles!

  129. I hope it is Amanda because it would be nice to see a sign of strength coming from her. That would be a wonderful thing to see her get some power back but regardless of who it is this is a good thing for that person and other victims to have a voice.

  130. I hate how benign Schneider's wikipedia page looks. Not a clue of anything wrong or evil.

  131. @Han

    They seem to think they can affect me with terms like that, when it displays more about their need for self importance, their need to think they are doing something significant enough to earn a shill.

    Disgrace? Are they thinking of branding me with the appropriate letter for that? I don't know. There is also this weird need to take sides and line up forces for or against them, personally, which is not apropos to sexual abuse or the victims.

    Strange folks.

    1. @plot

      Yeah, I noticed that tendency. You’re a little more cool around the edges when people try to brand you. I have more of a tendency to get stroppy. It takes too much energy, and may be a bad habit. :)

      What I don’t understand at all is the way every day it’s a new label agreed on. “Shill” “sock puppet” “pedo”* “disgraced” “discredited”** and so on without much real substance that makes sense.

      It’s a little like walking into a very slightly alternate universe.***

      *Oh holy shit don’t get me started on how angry it makes me when people throw that around lightly
      **With... what?
      ***Or so I imagine, as I don’t THINK I’ve ever been to one. But then, how the heck should I know?

  132. Is Sumner Redstone connected to this move? What would these two have to say about each other?

  133. Thank you Nawlins Jim for being Switzerland. After weeks of laying low and avoiding cdan due to the constant political vitriol aimed toward one another, rather than toward pedos, I today feel some hope that we can all forgive each other and start fresh.

    I tried to get the point through that "pedophilia is not a political inclination" so many times until I gave up. So happy to see that others are feeling the same way. Even yesterday I was thisclose to giving up on cdan due to the incessant, obnoxious name-calling and one-ups-manship. I wonder if the arrest of Schneider has released a frustration we've all felt and maybe have been taking out on each other. At any rate, I've notice a seachange in attitude today and I love it.

    I admire the hell out of both Schneiderisnext and Plot, for different reasons, but mostly because of their passion for our shared cause and desire to communicate and connect with each other and the rest of their critics. And Nawlins Jim has never contributed anything but interesting asides and intelligent insights.

    Let's lay down the language like "shill", "leftist", "Trumpist", whatever. No more "I love your tears", bs. Do it on twitter where the fighting never stops and there are loads of fold who'll love to fight with you. Let's keep cdan fun, productive, and badass by being on the same team.

    Love you all,

    Just Sayin'

    1. @just sayin:

      From your fingers to god’s Gmail, as they say.

    2. @just sayin’ : Can’t agree more. Thank you for your kind words-I’ve definitely missed you as a poster around here myself. Now that Schneider has in fact become next, let’s all continue to find ways to do more to bring justice to the guilty and mercy to the young across this great nation!

  134. @DaToneBone, yes Schneider's wiki page is ridiculously benign. Obviously, he's scum but I'm having a hard time finding anything that will catch me up on things mentioned in the blind and comments.

    P.S. idk if my interest in this puts me on the left or the right...

  135. Love me some Mandy, She's the Man!
    My 10 year olds and I watch her movies all the time. Hopefully she finds peace and this mother fucked burns.

  136. Good for Amanda, maybe just maybe she will be able to come back and be her own person again..

  137. aww reading this really made me empathize with her. I hope she finds a way to rid the creep from her mind. don't allow the unfortunate past define you. be healthy .it is within you and lol spell out unfortunately so weird to read that odd abbreviation. worst thing I have to say of you and it's a good thing Amanda. go get it

    I can be the best friend you never had

  138. No, @plot, you don't get to blame right wingers for bringing up pizzagate. You use that term as much or more than anyone here, to discredit certain lines of inquiry by association every time they come up. Several of us have explained why that's a distraction from the real stories, and where the myth of the basement that you love to bring up came from. You keep going back to that well on your own.

  139. Yeah @Cail, I do have the right to point out that the right wing was totally trolled by 4chan, still are, and they love it since they can't give it up or admit their mistakes. They are so so invested.

    Yes, I've read the "corrections" and fractured "explanations" after the fact, not just here. Scouring the internet for excuses rather than coming clean only compounds the mistake.

    Word to the wise - maybe the Pizzagate theories should commit to some critical oversight and not be like religion where the number of believers = Greater Truth!

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. @plot

    "The Podesta Pizza Toppings Conspiracy is what made anything about child molesters right wing these days. It's a damn shame since we should be all aligned on this issue."


    Yeah @Cail, I do have the right to point out that the right wing was totally trolled by 4chan, still are, and they love it since they can't give it up or admit their mistakes. They are so so invested.


    Even if you disagree, you are the one throwing fuel on the fire by being so combative. These pizzagate crazies are just as invested in ending pedophilia. If they're misguided, explain how and why. But you just use pejoratives/ attack the poster not the idea.

    You claim "pizzagaters" are making this partisan. So far. On this thread. Until people decrying "the alt-right" (@kimberly Davis) commented, nobody had talked about politics.

    Let that sink in. The Anti-PizzaGaters fired the first shot. So who is being divisive?

    Maybe we should all step back and focus on Dan. That's most useful.


  142. Yes, let's talk about Dan. Because I don't know much about Dan. Enlighten the noob, what's his deal? He's obviously worked with a lot of tweens.

  143. Someone on here said RDJ went to jail a liberal and came out a conservative. That is simply not true and this is what's frustrating. The Russian bots working for Trump on social media or just regular angry folk. A simple google search pulled up " Robert Downey Junior films video for ( democratic) super PAC Save The Day. The video is entitled 'Important ' and warns: Trump is an abusive racist coward who could permanently damage the fabric of society " end quotes. Btw NO MEMBER of himmmm is a trump humping ultra conservative. Not one of them. So again please if you worship the orange cheeto stop trying to claim rdj and himmmm. They don't want you. They want to expose pedos and ppl who abuse women and kids in Hollywood.

  144. I wish there was a way to upvote posters here. I completely agree with everyone who has been saying we need to put our political differences aside.

    I've read through all the comments (yes, I have no life :) ), and I'm on team "One thing we can agree on is sexually abusing minors = bad."

    So what are we going to do about it? Reese et al set up a legal fund for the "Me Too" survivors. Can we get someone respectable and trustworthy to start a Go Fund Me page specifically for legal fees of the minors in Hollywood who have been victims of adult predators?

    No one knows me, so I wouldn't be a good candidate. It needs to be started by someone who people know and trust. Any of Himmmm's friends want to take action?

  145. @everyone,@plot has in fact repeatedly accused several posters,including those who have been public about being abuse victims, of having "masturbatory fantasies" because of their interest in this topic. @plot has repeatedly called @schniederisnext an idiot when avoiding being on the losing end of an argument. If people want to know why the right was leading the charge against the Hollywood pervs,it is because the left didn't. And we know why,money and publicity from big time producers and others. The "Pizzagate" stories never would have gotten any traction without the questionable friends and art work of the Podesta brothers. If you really want justice for the victims, you cannot be afraid of where it leads to.

  146. I'm not sure where to start. Okay, I'll start with Plot.

    What you are seeing on this thread is Plot acting as though she's been mistreated. There isn't anything further from the truth. For weeks she's been challenging anything and everything Schneider has posted, as if he or she is her chosen target. Or is it the info that Schneider has exposed that set her off, I don't know. I'm leaning toward the latter but then I'm sane.

    Then there are other posters, Haim something (6 weeks in), for example, who back her up with vigor and empathy.
    The truth is that PLOT is the ONLY one derailing every post with her partisan rhetoric, dare I say, misdirection.
    Yes, there are a few antagonists that post inane guesses, for instigative effect (and I don't doubt that PLOT is behind some of them) but they're one off and certainly not long-winded diatribes.
    Both Schneider and I (Guessor too) have been constantly asking her to keep her partisan bullshit off the boards.
    SHE, and yes, it's a she, constantly pulls her Pizzagate nonsense to refute any kind of guess that may even circumstantially having to do with a Democrat, forget about it being a Clinton or one associated with them. OUT OF THIN AIR. Wait for it, it will happen again. She can't help herself, but then, maybe she will now.
    Let me assure you that neither I not Schneider have ever been partisan. Read the blinds and see for yourselves.
    Plot is now resting her laurels, on the well-bet chance that most of you haven't read her latest comments on the 'Church' and other child molestation blinds which refer to systematic abuse, simply because of the number of comments. Most cruise the comments, if they're at all interested.
    She had repeatedly insulted both Schneider and I, and anyone who wasn't interested in her partisan argument, ergo changing the subject, whenever possible.

    You don't like the word 'shill'? How about psychotic? Does that sit better with you? I don't care what she is but she's a liar and many of you are buying into it. That doesn't bode well with me.
    I know some of you don't know any better, having not read all of her inane rants. We do. AND, if you have an inkling of doubt, check out Schneider's incredibly astute comments on many threads.
    If you don't choose to do so, don't even try to make this an mutual argument. The only thing we have had a problem with is Plot's desire to derail everything with HER political agenda. I've no idea why and don't care if she's paid or not.

    I will add that the ONLY reason I shared that I voted for Hillary and Bill, whilst defending myself, is because PLOT dared to try to malign and align me with Pizzagate. It was horseshit and she knew it. Patently and maliciously nonsense but she knows that most of you don't know any better.
    People, beware of those who've come onto this site in the last few months.

    NOW, most if not all of us knew Amanda had been abused. I hope with everything I am that Schneider gets many, many years of misery and that Amanda will be able to recover, finally.


    Amanda's story is just the tip of the iceberg and I hope it all comes gushing forward. I wish every survivor victory and peace.

    Not checking for typos, tired as hell.

  147. I'm sorry I've repeated myself as I was interrupted a couple of times and didn't have time to reread my previous thoughts before posting.
    The fact remains, don't put too much stock in certain posters being genuine, whatever their motives.
    Sweet dreams...

  148. Here's the bottom line of my point:

    Theoretically: we're all adults with well-formed opinions of the world based on our personal experiences. No one here is likely to say anything so novel, witty or scathing that we're going to be turned.

    Fact: no one here knows who anyone else is. To say one "knows" that so and so is a new commenter, a duplicate identity, or a paid shill is inherently fraught. And really, who cares?

    So: since none of us are going to convince anyone else of ANYTHING, and we really don't know who each other are in real life, why don't we just go back to commenting on the blinds rather than on each other? When someone says something incendiary, intentionally to pick a fight (in your mind) or because of their own misguided beliefs (in your mind) IGNORE IT.

  149. @mary lamb

    "Plot acting as though she's been mistreated"

    I haven't been mistreated, so why would I act like that? Where? When?

    "Or is it the info that Schneider has exposed that set her off"

    Not so much. Mostly, it's because Schneider is an oily creep and a control freak. That's his business, I suppose, and I simply don't care anymore.

    "The truth is that PLOT is the ONLY one derailing every post with her partisan rhetoric"

    mary lamb says as she writes a novel of a post that has nothing to do with the topics at hand.

    Oh sweetheart, do you own a mirror?

  150. Just saying, are you replying to me?
    I'm not sure I appreciate your tone. I;ve never said I know for sure who anyone is or what they are and why they're here.
    What I did say is that I know that PLOT is trying to deliberately smear me and other posters here whom I respect and I'll not just stand by and accept that.
    I (and others) would love nothing more than for all posters to put their political agenda's aside. THAT'S what we were arguing about.
    As I said, if you doubt me, read the church blinds before someone deletes all of their posts. Should've copied them but I never thought it would've become a he-said she-said and I'm too damn tired to do so now. It would take hours. Let's see how many deleted posts show up.
    Believe what you want.

  151. "What I did say is that I know that PLOT is trying to deliberately smear me"

    Smear you how? Are you that important?

    " before someone deletes all of their posts"

    Who is deleting posts?
