Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Item #14

He is doing everything he can and selling off everything he can to pay for medical treatment, but he is also putting his affairs in order. Too much damage to that body over the years and this former A+ list mostly television actor who had a run as an A lister in movies before that is dying. His doctors don't think he can live beyond a year. I think it is going to be a lot less. I hope before he passes though that he sits down and lets himself be interviewed for 20-30 hours just to get all his stories and truths and everything out so we aren't left with a million questions. 


  1. Scumbag Sheen. Not WINNING.

  2. Sheen + Tigerblood.

    Looks terrible.

  3. it was all the porn stars at 25k at night and massive amounts of blow that did him in. the problem is that those hiv tests for euro porn are not foolproof at all!! my guess charlie's got some severe shit that even the doctors cant solve, too bad. He could have been a real major league baseball pitcher...got lots of college scholarship offers out of high school

    1. "Too bad?" That narcissistic/evil P.O.S deserves everything that's coming to him & more.

      But yeah, his never-was baseball career is A REAL TRAGEDY.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. So he has Euroaids?

  4. This is Burt Reynolds.

  5. No Burt was tv before the movies, he's dying for sure but he doesn't fit the description. Should be Sheen.

  6. At least he is getting his affairs in order. Don't make your heirs battle it out. So +1 to whoever it is, for at least thinking about someone other than himself.

    1. No, let's be honest, it's a last control move, fuck this person, reward that one.

  7. re: Burt Reynolds

    Yeah, not sure Sheen 'had a run as an A lister in movies'...

  8. I was going to say Burt but he’s doing press in NYC this week. I’ll let you know how he looks in person, but if he’s dying, I doubt he’d be traveling. I heard Sheen is selling stuff so this is probably him.


  9. It's sure written like it should be Sheen. But Van Dyke fits if Enty is being diversionary. Nice guess.

  10. Lead in one Best Movie AA (Platoon), and and lead in another Best Movie nominee (Wall Street), qualifies as A list, at least for a bit.

  11. Profiles in History auctioned off some Burt Reynolds & Loni Anderson personal stuff last June.

    Catalog here:

    Could be Burt Reynolds.

  12. Sheen an amazing run as an A lister in films Like "Wall Street" "Platoon" Young Guns, and Major League.His TV fame cam after.

    Burt Reynolds barely did TV early in his career and even though he had some success in Gunsmoke and Hak, he was most certainly not an A-lister in TV, he did TV after his Box Office Super Stardom.

    Although Burt has done damage to his body if failing in health, and was perhaps difficult and troubled in his superstar days, he doesn't have the Pedo Demon connection, Drugs, Aids, and real criminal background Sheen has.

    I say Sheen.

  13. Hope all these whack jobs leave the planet and give their poor families a break. Sheen has way overstayed his welcome.

  14. Sorry for the Typos - Meant "Hawk" not Hak - and meant "failing in health"

  15. definitely charlie sheen

  16. @Sandybrook, I doubt that anybody but you and Wikipedia remembers Burt’s brief TV career in the 1960s.

    For most people, Reynolds’ career began with “Deliverance” in 1972 followed by the Smokey movies, then followed by “Evening Shade” on TV.

  17. If Sheen needs the cash, I'm sure an advance for a tell-all book would be sizable if he names names, etc...

    Just has to stay alive long enough to dictate it for the ghost writer.

  18. Sheen, Reynolds, and Majors are the top contenders, but the blind statements "Too much damage to that body over the years" and "interviewed.. so we aren't left with a million questions" pretty clearly points to Sheen in particular.

  19. sheen was selling off all of his shit...this was reported all over the place probably cover story was the child support payments

  20. Burt Reynolds is my guess. He finally settled things with Loni Anderson a while ago after decades.

  21. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Carlos Estevez

  22. It's Sheen, it's Sheen. No one has a million questions for Burt Reynolds.

    +1 on Sheen writing/dictating a Hollywood tell-all confessional. A clean conscience couldn't hurt Charlie at the Pearly Gates.

  23. Didn’t Enty say a few months ago that the end was near for Kiefer Sutherland? What happened with that?

  24. Bobius, Chuck Sheen was definitely A list in the late 80s.

  25. Sheen it is. Also, I doubt he will ever answer any questions. Scumbag to the grave.

  26. Sheen. He had a good run in the movies for a bit then fell into a pit before lucking into the Spin City job. Probably Hep-C doing him in and not the HIV.

  27. It's Sheen. Lee Majors was never a movie star. Burt at his peak was as A+ as A+ could be in movies, and really was only A on TV because of his movie success.

  28. I say Sheen. Burt Reynolds wrote a memoir not too long ago, thinning out those million questions quite a bit, I would think.

  29. "Too much damage over the years" means the guy is younger than someone like Reynolds (who is 82!) or Van Dyke (even older!). We're talking about someone who would have plenty of years ahead if not for drugs and/or disease. So... Sheen.

  30. Sheen also did some really funny movies like the Top Gun spoof, Hot Shots

  31. So. Is he liquidating to pay for medical treatment or drugs & hookers?

  32. @Kim all of the above

  33. I think its Sheen. He would had a short run as an A LIST MOVIE person for awhile with Platoon etc.

  34. Lee Majors looks pretty good on Ash Vs. Evil Dead. Reynolds was TV first, not second. So, I'm going to go Sheen.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. sheen is selling his house http://www.idealhome.co.uk/news/charlie-sheens-house-in-la-is-on-sale-for-10million-197723

  38. Lee Majors! Come on guys.

    At least Sheen can get a good check out of a tell all of some sort.

  39. In 2016 Sheen pre-sold 100 million or more of future TV residuals for about 15 cents on the dollar. He must be insanely upside down with no expectation of long term economic needs.

  40. I think this probably is Sheen, but the daily mail had a story about Matthew Perry selling off some real estate yesterday; I guess you could argue he had a brief run as an A lister in movies during Fools Rush In.

  41. @Cathy same. Probably Sheen, but I first thought of Matthew Perry.

    lol @ Lee Majors! He's been kicking ass in Ash vs. Evil Dead. Hopefully he's still doing well.

    1. Love that show. Bruce Campbell is the man!!!

  42. I agree with Kevin. The rest of the gentlemen that have been suggested are old. While sad their deaths would not be gossip fodder

  43. How can Magic Johnson live with HIV since the 1990s but Sheen isn't lasting 3 yrs? (Not questioning the guess, it's totes him but just the logic)

    1. How does one person survive cancer and the next die? Dumb dumb dumb question...everybody is different, some versions of the virus react to meds, some do not.

    2. @Glad. I don't think Magic continued to use copious amounts of drugs after he was diagnosed. Maybe CS mainlined drugs and has Hep c like someone suggested. That will do you in quickly especially with all that back door action he enjoyed. Those poor boys!!! They will need lots of help.

  44. I just hope it's not Chuck Norris.

  45. @Hmax17 Johnson takes care of himself. Sheen, not so much.

  46. Killing your immune system with drugs (the unsubscribed kind), alcohol, and countless STDs doesn't help. And chasing down a dealer isn't normally called a workout.

  47. HmAx Magic Johnson leads a clean life, doesn;t smoke or do drugs, eats clean, and charlie is the exact opposite. The human body can only handle so much.
    i also think that charlie might not just be HIV+ like Johnson was, but he might have full blown AIDS.

  48. If 1/4 of the things said on here about him are true, then I hope it IS Sheen. One less monster in Hollywood.....

  49. From what I think I understand you have to be very specific about taking your meds with HIV. If you miss a day it can be very dangerous.

    We all know Charlie isn't good at schedules so he might of f'd this one up along with everything else.

    If anything maybe his kids and ex-wives can have a peaceful life at last.

  50. It is more shocking that Reynolds lived as long as he did. It's Sheen, and I doubt he Will confess, but people will come forth once he is dead.

  51. I'm going with Val Kilmer or Charlie Sheen.

    VK has been abusing drugs for over 20 years now... so that wear and tear has to be taking a serious toll... and God knows that Sheen has to be dealing with whatever complications are hitting him from full blown AIDS at this point.

    @Hmax17 There's a difference between being diagnosed, going to Europe and spending your wealth to get your blood cleaned and try every experimental treatment out there to give yourself a chance at longevity... then being diagnosed when you're on the stage of full blown AIDS and doing nothing to clean up your act. One chose the fighter path.. one just kept spiraling the drain.

  52. This is not Val Kilmer. He is a Christian Scientist so no way he's been abusing his body for years. He's also never been A+ list television. Additionally who wants to hear 20-30 hours of interviews with him? He's a method actor you'd die of boredom!

    This is Charlie Sheen.

    1. I live near Santa Fe, and know several people in Killers old circle when he lived here. He did anything, and everything, that came under his nose, be it drugs, or women.

  53. Sounds like Sheen to me.

  54. @Aris Oh Dear... sorry, but he definitely had a drug problem. Christian Scientist or not... the man loved his speedballs. Seen it firsthand. Jesus ain't saving him from the drug tsunami. Now, this was years ago... so let's hope he cleaned up his act.

  55. Charlie sheen is the worst and deserves a painful end.

  56. I'd like to see a Charlie Sheen movie and I hope he spills and tells all before he goes. He was most likely a victim of these Hollywood predators before he became one to. Possibly made this way by his own family. It's hard to sympathize but I could understand his behavior and that he could be a product of a terrible enviornment. I don't buy that he was just spoiled scum from birth. I'd like to know what, if anything/anyone, made him the way he is.

    1. I hear you... He wasn't born a jerk. I'd love the whole ugly story to be known

    2. Hate to break it to you MJ Bobbie. He still is,a spoiled brat. Could have been a victim of a predator....Maybe his book will come out when he croaks. Karma is really a big I'm bitch. ..and I will not be sad.

  57. Any dollar made from any of his stories should definity go towards sexual and drug abuse awareness and/or services.

  58. I m sorry but no pitty for tigerblood

    I still remeber how he treated Denise after she was raising HIS twins in spite all his psychiatric issues, not to mention her "adopted" daughter seems to be CHARLIE S CHILD ...

    Death threads, insults and kicking her out of her house werent nice gestures ,..

    1. Her adopted daughter is his child with someone else? I hadn't heard that.

  59. Tiger blood=Tyga blood
    Avatar unrelated

  60. Sheen. Years of denial, not taking HIV meds, partying... I'm surprised he hasn't died of pure exhaustion alone. No one has a wick that long to burn.

  61. With what he allegedly did to Corey Haim, I hope it's Charlie Sheen.

  62. This is Sheen. Dying from HIV and thousands of skeletons in his closet.. Take it down Sheen, take the whole thing down with you...

  63. Not my man Val! I thought he cleaned up?

    This has to be that POS Sheen. I hope it isnt too easy of a death.

  64. Also regarding Burt Reynolds guesses: Enty and Hmmmm have called Burt one of the good ones. In fact, last time was only anweek or so ago.

  65. Dear Charlie Sheen/Carlos Estevez:

    Please get your story on video, not just in print. Please leave nothing out. You have nothing to lose.

    Jesus saves, it is not too late for you.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Yes, I hoped he would do something decent, but I doubt it. They all protect eachother.

  66. Back to the $64000 question: how fucked up is Martin?

  67. Years ago I was talking to the brother of a retired Milwaukee D.A., it was 20 years after major league, so it wasn't an issue to have the conversation.
    We were having drinks, chatting about all sorts of old stories, crimes,etc.. He started telling me about when they busted the Milwaukee madam. The black book had it all, and she held nothing back in interviews with investigators. In two weeks Charlie had went through all 43 of her girls, and not one of them would go back. Here these girls were making incredible money, with one of the hottest celebrities in the world(at the time) and not a single girl would go back to him, because he was such a terrifying experience. These girls were professional hookers, used to being slapped around and beaten. But Charlie was dirtier, uglier, scarier. He got off on playing Russian roulette and sticking loaded guns up their pussies, cooked out of his mind on every drug under the sun. He was a scary guy then, can you imagine what he has done since? I know, know, there were worse parts to the Charlie story at the time, but I didn't want to hear anymore, and he didn't want to repeat them.

  68. Of course it's Charlie. I've sat in his personal office, but never met him, (A friend worked for him.) It's actually small and modest, though of course A+ in furnishings.

    On a side note, I literally bumped into Val a few years ago, both of us rounding a corner from either side, like a bad Meg Ryan 80s rom com. He scared me- his swollen head was the size of a giant pumpkin. Never seen anything like it on the street. Bad vibe too.

    There's no way any of the core problem guys are going to talk- even in death. Think about it- the biggest, baddest most brutal people in the biz would likely already have threatened not you, but your family and kids if anything is spilled. That stops any human, even the depraved.

  69. Surely dear ol daddy sheen would be helping with medical bills? I do think this is Charlie though the blind is referring too.
    I saw Val years ago at the Clinton Museum in Little Rock and was floored at how bad he looked then I thought he was on his way to the other side back then.

  70. I too would like to know what may have contributed to Charlie's behavior. It also makes me wonder about Martin Sheen. Have there been any colorful rumors about ol' Martin?

  71. This is NOT Burt Reynolds. He is doing PR in NYC on Thursday for his new film, The Last Movie Star. I doubt he’d still be actively working if he was selling off all of his belongings and dying. Not him.

  72. Seems like Burt Reynolds. From today’s Daily Mail: http://dailym.ai/2tNWIYZ
    He mentions all the damage done to his body from years of doing his own stunts in movies.

  73. Really people ..Burt Reynolds...he's old as hell of course he's dying 80s jezz..sheen

  74. I wonder if Emilio Estevez ever tried to intervene in Sheens life. Or would ever come out and talk about who Sheen really is and his monstrosities.

  75. Is Sheen smart enuff to "get his affairs in order."

  76. Its Burt.

  77. If this is Charlie Sheen, would he tell us the REAL truth or what he thinks is the truth? I think the two "truths" are not exactly the same thing.

  78. I am not sure why everyone wants to pin Charlie's behavior on Martin when he has other children who are not like Charlie. Charlie is an addict and his behaviors reflect how serious his addictions are. His family, including Denise, would also know the Charlie before he was the addict or during his clean times. It is that latter Charlie they would remain loyal too as most of us, with family members who suffer addictions, are loyal to the non-addict and always trying to bring that person back.I believe in God so I pray that Charlie is ready to meet Him when his time comes.

    1. Emilio married Paula Abdul of all people. I think certain people can just handle their demons a little better but if you notice all of them have dropped out of Hollywood and they were all once actors except for Charlie. I checked yesterday to because I had the same thoughts as you.

    2. I wouldn't say I'm pinning anything on Martin Sheen. I just wonder sometimes if there was ever anything weird going on there. I've never heard any odd rumors about Martin.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Not Burt. He's 82 for starters. He really was an A+ in movies for a long time, but had no serious TV success before that. But mainly, he's just not enough of a sleazeball.

  80. @tee gee "sheen is selling his house http://www.idealhome.co.uk/news/charlie-sheens-house-in-la-is-on-sale-for-10million-197723" IMHO it’s a $10m tear down — the outside is tacky as hell and the inside is so bland it looks like a Marriott trying to be the Ritz. I hope it comes with a hazmat crew to clean the place.

  81. @Madame, Emilio has said that there was little to no parental supervision when he and Charlie were growing up and that Martin used to beat the crap out of them until Emilio got too big and could fight back. And in his book Rob Lowe hints that Martin was odd--he used to hide in the bushes dressed in camo on Halloween with a gun, for example. Martin Sheen has always skated on being something of a nut imo. Not sure how much he had to do with Charlie's insanity but it sounds like their childhood was unstable a pretty much free of parental guidance.

  82. Burt Reynolds this site has had him dying for several years now



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