Friday, March 23, 2018

Blind Item #14

This former B list mostly television actress with an alliteration for her name told her ex she was unable to get pregnant, so this should all be very interesting the next year.


Ivy said...

Meghan Markle?


The Yacht Life, ladies and gentlemen!

Anonymous said...

Isn’t Harry rumored to be gay? How could this have worked out any better for him.

Tricia13 said...

Nice one

A dumb idiot said...

is she former B list? isn't she now A+ due to her current situation?

timebob said...

maybe she didn't want to get pregnant with him, but she might be able to push out a puppy with Harry. Do Royals adopt? That could be a first and put them as the first for something.

HollyMcGolly said...

Seems like everyone is rumored to b gay. Gah!

Gator said...

Who cares if Harry doesn't have kids? There are plenty of other in line.

Jdubya said...

Probably on fertility meds already .

cheesegrater15 said...

Said it before and I'll say it again. Never trust someone with an alliterative name.

B626 said...

The important thing is she DIDNT have a baby by him and won’t have deal with him for the next 18 years
But yeah, sucks to be him

Krab said...

This is so made up. Why on earth would Enty know what Meghan told or didn't tell Harry? Gimme a break.

Krab said...

And next year, if any of you are left as a commenters, which I devoutly hope not, it'll be IT'S NOT HIS KID! SHE'S FAKING IT BASED ON A MADE UP BLIND FROM LAST YEAR!

kirsten said...
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Kimberley said...

@Krab - The blind reads that she told her EX - i.e her ex-husband Trevor Engleson, not Harry.

Kimberley said...

Also - article in DM today, and apparently Harry is saying that they want children asap.

kirsten said...

Thanks, Kimberly. Just deleted my post to add that. And I don't see why Enty couldn't know Trevor, or his good friend Gary Janetti who clearly knows *something*. Check out his instagram.

SnarkyAngel said...

Future test tube babies?

SnarkyAngel said...

Future test tube babies?

Anonymous said...

Even if she can't get pregnant or carry, they could use a surrogate with M & H's cells. Meg can be fitted with a fake bump; they've come a long way since Beyonce! Or who knows? Maybe Kate Middleton will carry the kid for them.

cap'ngeech said...

He already knows. I mean, Harry would not be allowed to knowingly not procreate. And I'm sure her ex can at least put together that equation. Though, he bought what she was selling before so maybe not

Brayson87 said...

That's got to be a hit, she wasn't saying she couldn't have kids, but that she wouldn't with him.

Anonymous said...

if it's Markle, meh who cares.

Can't stand her.

Danilo said...

I've never heard of it ... Always being surprised lol

Kimberley said...

Exactly @Brayson87.

Anonymous said...

Classic move, tell a guy you can’t have kids and then BAM, prego and you get child support for 18 years.

Craig said...

Harry is not rumoured to be gay. He's been quite the player and been through the upper echelons of IT girl society. Now if you were to say the same thing about his uncle Edward? Well, word is that he's always liked a show tune or two.
The rumours about Harry ( or Henry to give him his actual name) is that he's a cuckoo in the nest and actually the Son of Major James Hewitt who he is the spitting image of and with whome hois mother had a long affair. It's flatly denied but they will never dare to test it legally.
As for issue? He's fifth in line to the throne. The Royals won't give a flying fuck if he has kids, most especially as by the time his brother's kid comes to the throne England won't be far off a republic. Not that it's that far off now. The Royals are simply figureheads who bring in a shit tonne of money in tourism as well as being someone to wheel out to visiting heads of state and gov. officials when we want a juicy trade deal. They are our Disneyland.

Craig said...

Damn my spelling. I swear it was typing to quickly and not a lack of education ^^^ :)

Sierra said...

@Craig - the only thing stopping UK become a republic is seeing the mess the US has become - The Queen or Trump - no contest

Unknown said...

All I can say is:

Enty has been on the money with all of his MM blinds so far. My guess is that she may actually be unable to have kids, but will blame the infertility on her age. If she’s able to have kids and pops out a kid next year, that’s really gonna suck for her ex-husband.

Humor Me said...

Can't be Harry - Meghan....latest word on the Daily Mail is she wants him to quit the cigarettes and get himself back into military shape so they can begin working on a family pronto post wedding.

Glow W said...

This is someone who is currently pregnant. She told her ex she couldn't get pregnant.

notthisagain said...

@ Kimberley

yep, I took it as that too, telling her EX-husband and not Harry. honestly, she could have been lying to her ex-husband so she wouldnt have to get pregnant/have a kid/thus keeping her yacht potential (maybe???). either way this can be remedied - look at effing Beyonce.


Oh wow

sandybrook said...

The Royal Family is all about heirs. Harry has to knock this one up 2 or 3 times quickly because she's 37 or so to make granny and pepaw happy.

Mango said...

Harry seems to have a good relationship with Prince Philip, which made me question whether or not Harry is the child of James Hewitt. Prince Philips is a royal prick and I can't see him yielding enough to accept Harry for the sake of appearances, (unless, despite himself, he actually likes Harry).

Thalia said...

I was chatting to a posh girl from London who said her female friend gave Harry a BJ in the palace 12 months ago and got booted out by security.

Thalia said...
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kiki71 said...

@Mango. Google it. the James Hewitt thing has been put to bed by the family. Harry also looks like Diana's brother. I think this IS Megan Markle and I think she told her ex that because she wanted a career and maybe didn't want kids with him. Doesn't mean she can't get pregnant now.

OKay said...

My god, Harry is NOT Hewitt's kid. That's such a tired old rumour, and clearly false.

CindyC said...

If they are friends that makes Gary's Prince George Instagram even more amazing than it already is!


Harry is Hewitt's kid.

K said...

Trevor Engelson is an overgrown frat boy dbag who sold a pitch based on the “what if” longline that he and Meghan had a kid and he’d have ti share custody with the royal family, so I would be surprised if he’s leaking this around to gain press for his project.

BestMan said...

Have you actually looked at the pictures? IDENTICAL

Sher said...


They already have an heir and a spare (soon-to-be 2 spares!). Harry has no pressure to have kids- at least not from his own family.

The media's "royal bump watch" will be in full force til she does though. Any slight bloat or loose outfit will be a 'pregnant!" headline.

hunter said...

Of all the rumors I've seen repeated and have come around to seeing as likely, Harry being gay just isn't one of them.

1. It is not a common or frequent rumor at all
2. He lights up around women he's flirting with too much to be gay.
3. See #2

Unknown said...

Please stay on the U.K. And we really don't care about your twisted perception of our country.

MissDe said...
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MissDe said...

Harry isn't gay. And they are saying she didn't want kids with her ex. Not that she isn't going to have kids with the current beau.

Sycamore said...
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Sycamore said...

When you have a prime ministerial government,going republic should not make you worry about getting a "pussy grabber"as president.president will remain a figure head even if westminister go republic!

LondonGirl said...

Harry is deffo Hewitt's child. They are identical.

A dumb idiot said...

Royal sperm is magical tho

Krab said...

Harry is not Hewitt's kid. If you actually look at his face, he has the same features as Charles.

Anonymous said...

OMG. Red hair ran in Diana's family - her brother and father. Harry is NOT Hewitt's kid.

Meghan is going to prioritize pregnancy to cement her place in the family & she wants to be this generations princess Di. Motherhood is a part of that equation. Of course Harry's fam wants him to have kids. He just doesn't have the pressure that William does to do everything by royal protocol.

Glow W said...

Harry looks EXACTLY like Prince Phillip.

This isn't MM. Why would anyone care what her ex husband thought about her telling him she couldn't get pregnant? Why would it matter?

This is someone already pregnant-- maybe ex husband's kid?

Jen Ty said...
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Jen Ty said...

I agree, and I keep telling people to look up photos of the Earl of Spencer esp when he was younger or you can find the rare photo of Harry and his uncle standing side by side.

I wonder what the protocol is for a royal in the line of succession if one adopted a child? I think that would be rather good PR, setting a wonderful modern example. The bloodline thing is so Henry the Eighth. The man created a religious backlash that cause wars over centuries all so he could have an heir, okay Luther had big part as well, and for all that he never ended up with a living male heir and his daughter Elizabeth did a damn fine job - one of the most beloved monarchs in British history. So is Liz II.

chopp said...

The one thing I have learned from this site, is that half the world is gay and the other half beards. [eyeroll]

chopp said...

No, an adoptee wd not be in line. Hell, they wd never adopt. They might assume guardianship over a child but no adoption.

Anyway, the direct line of succession is full: Charles, William, George, Charlotte, and a player yet to be determined. :)

Kerry said...

Many. They don’t need to at all now!

La Femme Italienne said...

Oh idk.... maybe Harry cares as he has stated multiple times he’d like children.

La Femme Italienne said...

Omg enough with that rumour as he clearly looks like the spitting image of Prince Philip in his younger days.

Unknown said...

Craig as Harry has gotten older he is really favouring Prince Philip so lets put that pathetic rumour to bed shall we?

Craig said...

Hey @unknown. I didn't start the rumour and if you read again what I said i didn't even perpetuate the rumour. I didn't offer my opinion on it. In response to someone stating that he is rumoured to be gay i responded with the actual rumour, which persists in the UK, well you can read the rest.

My opinion wasn't proffered and yours is duly noted. Given that Diana was patron of my ex wife's charity I have never discussed her private life.


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