Thursday, March 22, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former A- list mostly movie actor who all of you know despite the fact he has not worked in years tried to get the tabloids to do what they do and write a story about him. They were up for it until he said that he wanted to look good and his acting brother to look bad. The tabloids think the brother is a bigger star so won't cross him. 


MontanaMarriott said...

Luke Wilson?

Tricia13 said...

Kevin/Matt Dillion?

arturo sandoval said...

Emilio Estevez (brother: Charles Sheen)

Lurky McLurkster said...

Curse you Arturo. I was just about to guess him

sandybrook said...

Stephen Baldwin vs. Alec?

AvignonVagabond said...

Randy and Dennis Quaid

T. W. said...

Carlos Estevez probably paid The Enquirer's legal fees in exchange to keep a certain story quiet...

Kate k said...

Just NOT being Charlie Sheen makes him look good.


I would die to see that post 9/11 set but sadly it's memory holed.
GG blind tomorrow :D?

Brayson87 said...

So many brothers could fit. I don't know if I see Emilio crossing the family whatever his feelings are.

totaji said...

Nutz and Nutzier

Lo Lo said...

Luke Wilson/ Owen Wilson

JezebelinHell said...

Emilio lives a pretty low-key life. Plus, why would he need to go out of his way to make Charlie look bad when he does such a good job on his own. This feels more like a Baldwin thing to me.

Velvet Voice said...

In spite there is a big gap about working as an actor, he s back now in frotn of the cameras, Emilio worked as a director ...

And it s not very difficult to look better than Tiger Blood ..

Beside the Estevez relatives are LOW profile

Dusty Fairy said...

Clint Howard and Ron. :)

Unknown said...

Liam & Chris Hemsworth?

Dusty Fairy said...

Beau Bridges and Jeff?

Queen Bee said...

Randy & Dennis Quaid

Randyman said...

Peter Graves and James Arness

Guesser said...

Like the Randy and Dennis Quaid guess, they probably wanted a feel good story,and he wanted to trash everyone.+Becki.

Unknown said...

Both Wilsons are actively working so wouldn't fit the "has not worked in years" aspect

John the peon said...

Geelijire could you please explain the Gilbert Gottfried reference

Doug said...

OK, done with CDaN for today. That was quick! Been pretty quick most days lately. Not much happening. Maybe we'll get back to the big takedowns. If not, it's just click-click-click-done.


After intense comment discussion of certain celebrities yesterday, we received specific blinds about them today.
I want to see if it holds true.
"This A- list former voice of an animated parrot"


He also told a 9/11 joke right after 9/11, was booed, and recovered by performing a rendition of "the Aristocrats"
Which isn't a joke so much as a vivid description of how Hollywood operates.

AngelWatcher said...

I think Clint has passed

HippieChick said...

Is there another Affleck?

Sher said...

I think the only ones to fit this are Estevez and Quaid.

No one needs to worry about Charlie looking bad these days, so I'll go with Randy Quaid/Dennis Quaid.

Recent news has Randy Quaid, a big trump fan, thinking he can take on Bernie Sanders in a Senate race. If you recall, Randy has had a history of grand and paranoid delusions where very powerful people conspire against him, and now he claims a major SuperPAC is approaching him to run for US Senator. I'd bet he accuses Dennis of many fanciful things.

Sallysal said...

Billy Baldwin/Alec

SkittleKitty said...

I think it's a Baldwin brother. Alec has sued a tabloid in the past, hasn't he? That could make them unwilling to cross him?
Though I also think the tabloids would love dirt on Alec.

Anandamide said...

Apropos of nothing but @velvet voice, I love your avatar. Brother Finland is the best.

Tea said...

I'm sure I read somewhere that Stephen Baldwin was pro Trump so maybe he wants to do an interview about Alec

cheesegrater15 said...

Reminds me of the "Biography" during the end credits of Parts: The Clonus Horror on MST3K.

"James Arness: Ugly and Stupid tonight on A&E"


OKay said...

It's not a Baldwin brother, for the simple fact that Alec is the only A lister in the bunch. Not to mention, there's no "thinking" he's the bigger star.

Kno Won said...

Gilbert Gottfried Affleck

Ice Angel said...

@Angelwatcher - Eastwood?

Chase said...

I love how all the Hillary loving pillow biters on here try and interject Trump as a pejorative. Not working. Makes these blinds go off into numerous useless posts and defeats the site culture Enty is creating.

Dusty Fairy said...

How could this be Randy Quaid as its written? Everyone on earth knows that Dennis is a WAY bigger star.

VDOVault said...

Blinds like these make me glad I'm an only child.

Can we have some more kindness blinds soon, Enty? Or have we already exceeded our 2018 quota?

Orville said...

It could be Stephen Baldwin who is a Republican and his more famous brother Alec. Alec is the star of the family. Emilio Estevev seems too mature and grounded to do something like that to Charlie.

hothotheat said...

Clint Howard is very much alive. His and Ron's dad, Rance, recently died.

Unknown said...

Ding ding ding

Weekittylass said...

Jeebus, Chase, you just triggered Plot. I hate scrolling through the diatribes but I do enjoy the tiger taking his swat.

Jennerationb said...

Noooo!! A family member was at Jeff's daughter's wedding not that long ago, and he said that both brothers are as nice and genuine as they seem (yea!!). He didn't talk to Jeff since he was busy making the rounds as the father of the bride, but he could tell just from his demeanor and interactions with others that his good-guy image is genuine. He said Beau was really funny and approachable (never realized that It was his son, Jordan, that played Angie Harmons brother on Rizzoli & Isles). Not a whole lot of celebrities were there (daughter and husband are pretty low key). Jackson Browne got up and played a few songs with the band and was apparently very kind and humble.

Jennerationb said...

Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to the Jeff & Beau Bridges guess.

Sher said...


"I love how all the Hillary loving pillow biters on here try and interject Trump as a pejorative. Not working. Makes these blinds go off into numerous useless posts and defeats the site culture Enty is creating."

Seeing as how I am the only one who mentioned Trump, this is for me? Which is weird because that isnt AT ALL how I was thinking as I was writing it. You interjected a lot of assumptions into one small sentence. I simply gave context to why the brothers may be at odds and why Quaid is koo koo to think he could run for Senate (or that any PAC would want him to).

Please make a note of it.


Tricia13 said...

That’s what I’ve always heard about them as well...
Thanks for the share 👍🙏🏻Therevaeeva few who were good guys:And the Bridges bits are 2 of em....(thanks Lloyd 😉)

Tricia13 said...

“Bridges Boys*

kiki71 said...

Tabloids have been using Charlie Sheen for fodder for YEARS. Why would they suddenly 'not want to cross him' when the man has lead his ridiculous absurd tiger blood life in the open? And what would Emilio say at this point...? That he is dying? I really doubt it. I don't think this fits them or tabloid thinking.

Bumtitty said...

Harpo Marx.

Dusty Fairy said...

That’s a relief. Thanks for the great story!

Unknown said...

The Wayans Brothers possibly.

Most all of them are stars. I'm not sure which one would be considered the bigger star Keenan or Damon maybe but I know Damon/Marlon are currently acting.

Major G said...

I like Luke & Owen Wilson for this. I think Owen is seen as kind of a darling, especially after his attempted suicide.

@Cran Grape - Damon's easily the biggest name out of all of them. Marlon and then Shawn would be next. Kenan usually works behind the scenes, so he's behind Shawn. Kim is basically only known because of In Living Color.

Velvet Voice said...


Thanks!! I m argentinian and many of my friends are scandinavian, mainly finnish

I dated a finn from Rovaniemi -Artic circle- and he was JUST LIKE BROTHER FINLAND ... booze and knife included

He was cold, shy, silent, I remember once I had an argue with my mother - remember I m latin- and I was crying ...
Jani sat next to me on the couch in silent for few minutes, then put on his knees in front of me and tried to remove the tears from my cheeks with his bear hands .. he was as delicated as a grizzly bear passing his paws over my face, then he sat again next to me in silence .. maybe it will sound corny but i felt that gesture SO SWEET ..

We broke up 13 years ago but we talk often ...

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Shut up. BROTHER DENMARK IS THE BEST. 🇩🇰🍺🖕🏼🇩🇰🍺🖕🏼🇩🇰🍺🖕🏼🇩🇰🍺🖕🏼🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰

Velvet Voice said...

@Scandi Sanskrit

You re kidding right? He would nail a polar bear if he could!!

Scandi Sanskrit said...

No fucking way am I kidding. I like a bad boy. Remember when he met Sister Thailand and she said, “I’m actually Brother Thailand” and he was just like, “JEEEEEEEEH YOU SAYING YOU PREFER BEER.”

He’s so chill and cool and up for anything. Plus he provides Sister Japan with yaoi.

TC said...

Beau and Jeff Bridges

Velvet Voice said...

@Scandi Sanskrit

Wasnt Brother Denmark to seduce once Brother Sweden????

MattDaddy said...

Franco brothers?

bdm said...

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly?

Oh wait, they are Step Brothers.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Brother Sweden and Sister Sweden are NOT the same person (tehy have shared scenes together AND taken a family photo together). She is not his slutty alter-ego. Now stop it with the baseless conspiracy theories.

Receipts: 🇸🇪💋

ihsahn77 said...

Frank and Sylvester Stallone? Have they been mentioned yetet?

The Parrot said...

Do people read the posts before they throw out names?

Which of the Wilson brothers has not worked in years? Which Affleck brother?

Mango said...

Makes these blinds go off into numerous useless posts and defeats the site culture Enty is creating.

@ Chase - All "Enty" cares about is the clicks.

Velvet Voice said...

@Scandi Sanskrit

I never said they were siblings

I just remembered when after Brother Norway thnaked him for naming matches after him BROTHER DENMARK TRIED TO KISS HIM!!!

Unknown said...

@The Parrot,

Some do actually read them (which usually takes me multiple attempts). Some just skim through looking for an excuse to mention a celebrity they hate.


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