Thursday, March 22, 2018

Blind Item #3

At this point, the network really doesn't have any choice but to play things out and hope they get better. They can't cancel the show because they will look like idiots and they can't fire the host they think is responsible because they owe him a ton of money and can't be sure he is 100% of the problem. The show's ratings are in the tank and at this point, it won't be back next year or forever.


  1. American Idol on ABC

  2. Yeah, American Idol. Katy Perry and Ryan Seacrest have ruined it before it even started. I think it's more about Perry than Seacrest, though.

  3. They need to fire the exec who thought a failing show that run its course on one network would be a hit on another. #epicfail

  4. Katy Perry SUCKS ASS.
    Ryan Seacrest is the DEVIL.

    Fuck AI, should have never been brought back in the first place.

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I think AI is fine, but it was never going to beat the voice, so if the plan was to beat the voice, somebody really screwed up at ABC. Ratings aren’t that bad, yet.

  6. American Idol

    That convent Katy bought is cursed. Someone committed suicide there, the Manson Family committed murder there, and allegedly the Catholic Church allowed nuns to participate in a psychological experiment. The story claims most of the nuns ended up "experimenting" with lesbianism & got permission from the Vatican to leave.

  7. Anonymous7:15 AM

    It’s sad the nun died after cursing Katy Perry, but I thought nun’s took a vow of poverty and didn’t own property, and then they try to sell a building they don’t own and are upset when they don’t become rich? Sounds like Hollywood nuns.

  8. I think the Audition should have been left on the sideline - had a top Twenty - then whittle down to Top Ten and let the show run from there. I have watched every episode, not that bad, actually better than the last couple of years of Idol on Fox.

  9. It is painful to watch. Used to like Idol back in the day, but it is sooooo boring and trite now.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    What made AI great? Be honest. You know it’s true.

    People watched so Simon could tear clueless assclowns a new one. All those horrible tone deaf superstars that you can still watch on YouTube.

    After she bangs, it jumped the shark.

  11. @one-eyed-bob

    It’s sad the nun died after cursing Katy Perry

    Nuns are allowed to cast curses and put hexes on people?
    That's witchcraft. Either that or the Cool Pope is letting
    an awful lot of things slide.

  12. I don't recall the nun cursing Katy. They did call her evil.

  13. @Normal. Yes indeed,very true,a d no chemistry between any of the judges,which is why the Voice works. There is no reason to have the two at the same time.

  14. Haha @Normal, you're right.
    I miss Mean Simon.

  15. A disaster that maybe few saw coming? Nobody thought AI would bust out and be a sensation like it was initially, but nobody thought Ryan Seacrest would be disgraced and Katy Perry a has been flop. One of TV's biggest disasters, the "Supertrain" of reality shows.

  16. I take it that you are relying on headlines and not actually reading the articles. The nuns aren't suing Katy Perry per se. They are suing to stop the sale and this involves whether their property has teverted. Ack to the Vatican. The nuns are not suing as individual owners but as their order. I can't remember which order they are. There are only a couple left in this particular cloister. Not sure if the reason is what @T.W. suggested but it is true that many American orders of women religious wandered way off the reservation, hence their dying orders.

    1. @Sign Name Below

      I was speaking on that particular convent. It was the site of a suicide & Manson murders.

      As far as the nuns at that convent & a mass exodus because of lesbianism, that situation was bizarre. Wikipedia talks about it. BBC has a documentary called Century of the Self.

      A psychological experiment took place with the Vatican's blessing. It was very bizarre and seems like they were experimenting with psychological manipulation.

      Within one year, 300 of the nuns asked the Vatican to release them from their vows.

      Here are the links:

  17. 'American Idol' Died before Simon Cowell left.

    At least he was smart enough to get out before it's death scene.

  18. They're missing a mean girl judge like Simon, Katy Perry lost her juju when she cut her hair (needs a wig or something), and Seacrest is damaged goods. But never underestimate the House of M.

  19. @DDonna, was that a "Singles" reference? I LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCH.

  20. The ratings no different than should have been expected. They aren't bad, but ABC is paying way too much to get them. The same reason FOX cancelled the show in the first place.

  21. I wish they would lay off Ryan Seacrest for this. I don't watch the show this season, and it has nothing to do with him. I am just bored with it. I could watch any season from the past 5 and you could lie to me and tell me it aired this week and I wouldn't know the difference. There is nothing knew and bad singing just isn't funny any more. I love to watch AGT with my kids and they have different acts. I do like the voice too- but I think that's because for some reason it doesn't seem as mean. I am tired of mean. Mean is so over.

  22. Anonymous8:41 AM

    ABC and Ben Sherwood. He really knows how to pick em.

  23. Simon Cowell was AI. Show not worth watching without him. Boring. And don’t like Katy perry.

  24. Interesting slant on the Katy Perry vs. Nuns thing - the building in the middle of the argument is on the estate that was mentioned in Himmmm’s Elvis Pallbearers blind.

  25. Lionel is actually great on AI, Luke Perry, man his facial expressions make it worth it, Katy is a joke. Many of the singers they are "putting" through to hollywood would not even be great at a Karaoke bar. Thi is a horrible panel.

    1. I'm secretly hoping he delays his next Botox injection purely for this reason!

  26. Perry and Seacrest have their issues, but I agree with @MontanaMarriott--fire the executive(s) who thought bringing it back was a great idea.

  27. All they have to do is what NBC did with "The Biggest Loser"..stop scheduling and producing the show but never make an official cancellation announcement.

  28. They could also do what NBC did with "The Biggest Loser" and get all the contestants hopped up on diet pills, now that would be more interesting.

  29. Seacrest, OUT!...of the closet

  30. The first line made me hope this was something about the Grey's Anatomy shitshow happening right now (screw you, KV and SR). :(

    Not sorry to see AI going away again, though, Katy Perry is just gross.

  31. I usually stop watching the Voice after the battle rounds they did a bit better job of holding my attention but yes I decided to watch AI and the Voice is turning away singers that are so much better than most of the talent I've seen on AI so far.

    What is with the stupid piano arrangements on AI - the piano has drowned out the voices of some of the contestants. I'm tired about how I'll just die if I don't get onto AI or The Voice. The one problem with the Voice I couldn't tell you who won last year or the first year or in between whereas I could recite most of the AI winners.

  32. This has little to do with Ryan and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that no one gave a crap AI was gone! It should’ve never been brought back!

    No one on these shows makes it. The Voice is only popular because of the judges. Not one contestant has made a household name for themselves in all its seasons. Certainly nothing close to Kelly or Carrie level.

  33. Anonymous10:19 AM

    T.W., Manson and his gang didn't commit murder there, it's next door to the LaBianca house. As for the rest, you need to stop believing every conspiracy theory website out there.

    I don't blame Katy for wanting to buy it, it's a spectacular piece of property, and she can afford it. The issue here is two of the nuns claim ownership, and had sold it to a well known restaraunteer, but the Archdiocese said "Yeah. no, we own it", and the judge agreed. It's a bit murky, as the property was left to the Sisters in a will, they claim to have bought it, it's all murky as hell. There's only, 4 of the sisters left, and they moved out in 2011, by order of the Diocese.

    I've never seen an episode of American Idol, I guess I'm not missing anything?

    1. @Unknown

      1. You are not the thought police.

      2. You don't know if I believe what I wrote.

      3. You do know this is a gossip forum, right?

      4. I can believe what I want. I don't need your approval.

      5. I provided links so people can decide for themselves.

      6. If people are interested they can dig further.

      7. If you noticed, I responded to another person & gave additional info from sources.

      8. If you bothered to read you would have clearly seen I wasn't sure if the lesbian nun rumors are true. Upon further investigation it seems like they are.

  34. Pop stars and organized religion, who's a more compromised cunt here. Same animal, wish they all died.

  35. Anonymous11:10 AM

    T.W., the murders committed by the Manson family are one of the most documented cases on file. They did not kill anyone at the retreat. They committed the murders next door.

    Going by your response:

    1. Seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

    2. If you're seeing one, tell them you need your meds adjusted.

    3. If you're trolling, fuck off back to 4chan.

    1. @Unknown

      Why do you keep mentioning the Manson Murders? It is moot. You missed my point. The property Katy Perry wants to buy is cursed. If the adjacent property in which the murders took place is part of the deal then I did indeed have my facts straight.

      It's not nice to tell people to fuck off.

      Since the Good Book says to treat others the way you want to be treated then you completely understand when I tell you to please go fuck yourself with an infected dick.

  36. Two nuns in a bath. Ones says "Wheres the soap?" and the other replies, "Yes, it does, doesn't it."

    A nun goes into a greengrocers and puts a single banana on the shop counter.
    The greengrocer says, "I'm sorry. We only sell bananas in bunches."
    "Thats okay," says the nun grabbing some more bananas, "I can always eat these ones."

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Stupid anyone thought there was a need for Idol again this soon. There was a reason nobody cared about it the last few seasons-- it got stale. Maybe 10 years after it ended? Sure, maybe. But not this soon. They get what they deserve.

  38. i still have suspicions that enty is just a 14 yr old in his parents livin room.. "or forever:?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I correct myself - Secrest and Kelly...should have went with Jerry McConnell

  41. @T. W.

    Why become so defensive? Unknown laid out some facts that contradict you. So what? Are you so personally attached to your theory that it's now your mommy?

    1. @plot - what's it to you?

      Since you asked:

      Unknown needs mental help because they think they are God. The evidence is that Unknown specifically told me what NOT to think & read.

      Unknown missed the entire point of my comment.

      Unknown also ignored the fact I pointed out I was not sure the story was true.

      Unknown ignored the fact I cited sources & posted links.

      Unknown claims to be the thought police & did not consider people who wanted to know more about the history of the convent can think for themselves & do their own research.

  42. @T W

    You are projecting upon Unknown. Nothing he said warrants the assumptions you are making above. What's with the outsized reaction? Even if someone were treating you, as you claim above (which Unknown is not), what's the upset? Who cares?

  43. No more discussing Manson until you all chew this one over:

  44. American Idol is tanking because no one anywhere ever said "They really need to bring that show back." It was only as huge as it was in the first place because of Paula and Simon, and even that schtick got old a looooooong time ago.

  45. I just don't get it. There was a reason Fox canceled it. Everyone involve din the past said it was too early to bring it back.

    And here it is, failing. Sometimes these execs made bad decisions that should be obvous from the get-go.

    Then again, The Voice seemed like a bad idea. Idol without the bad auditions? And it's a huge success.

  46. a lot of things are wrong with this reboot: Katy perry is annoying. I watched a few minutes and she seemed like she was impaired. Too much talking and too little singing. Everything is too slick, too stylized. Too fake.

  47. The convent that Katy Perry is buying is NOT the Manson (La Bianca) house, nor is it the Himmmm (Pallbearer) house. I suspect that the house from the Pallbearer blind is located on Micheltorena in Silverlake and is owned by the Hollister woman who is against Katy Perry in this case. Which she lost, btw. And the nuns have no standing in this. (I’m Catholic, and grew up in the neighborhood.)

  48. The show is tanking, not because of Ryan Seacrest (who I personally believe is innocent of the sexual harassment BS)'s because Katy Perry is an absolute idiot. She's the one ruining the show. What a joke.

  49. BTW, Enty, I'm pretty sure you meant the last word of this blind to be "ever."



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