Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blind Item #4

I used to think it was just drugs, but it is so much more for this former A+ list tweener. He told his celebrity girlfriend she was going to Hell if she stopped sleeping with who he told her to sleep with.


  1. Oh dear Biebs, what would the high and might Carl Lentz have to say? ;)

  2. She's already there if she thinks he cares about her.

  3. We need to start a GFM to rescue Gomez.
    I belieb it can happen.

  4. For her sake, please let this latest split be the end of them. Carl Lentz is disgusting.

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Pimpin’ ain’t easy.

  6. Good friends are hard to find

  7. He's a 21st Century Charles Manson

  8. what moron stays with aguy that makes you fuck other people?
    I don't feel sorry for her anymore. She obviously chose to be where she is so let her be

  9. If she stays, she likes it. Her complete lack of self esteem makes SellyG so much hotter.

  10. I'm honestly over all the blinds insinuating that Selena is such an innocent little baby in all of this. She clearly is very much not. All this babying does is make her think she can blame all of her decisions on someone else. This has been going on for yeaaars and while I don't doubt there are some feelings left both of them use these stupid little stints together as a promotional tool. They're both as messed up as each other.

    1. Thank you Holly!! I never ever liked her since she was very young. Can't stand her attitude. Forever the victim and her whining is bs. Her interviews are all the same psopeo are so mean life is so hard bla bla. Well you could of left la anytime you wanted and inspite of all the bs you still revel in all the rewards you get so stfu. And she stays with him cus if not she would of been long gone 7yrs ago. She's not a nice girl and feels the world owes her something from her making bad choices. And newsflash everyone birds of a feather flock together. Druggies don't hang with or date non druggies lol they stick with their own kind. She wasn't drug and alcohol free when she got with him, she wasn't anytime they broke up, and if they split up again now she will still be using. Give me a break

  11. I don't believe one word of this bullshit about Selena.
    Not. One. Word.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Well if we are lucky they won't make it past 27.

  14. Girl needs an intervention but there's no one left to save her. She will likely be dead in a year, chalked up as a suicide, it will all be folded under the "13 Reasons Why" karmic blast. Maybe she'll even die right before the second season launches for maximum publicity value for the not-network.

  15. Didn’t they just break up? For the millionth time.

  16. Does anyone else think we should start a CDAN gofundme to get the count a night with sellyG?

  17. Sounds like she needs an intervention for the drugs, codependency, insecurity, low self-worth, and belief in going to hell for disobeying her boyfriend/Church.

    That’s a lot of intervention there.

  18. How do we know count isn't biebs? ;)

  19. Selena & Justin are no more...for now.

    "Pastor" Carl Lentz wants him to himself anyway. Sleeping with Selena was a bonus for him.

    Some guys have a kink for sleeping with their women after they have been with someone else. Some are gross enough to "eat" the remnants.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Jesus Christ. With all the diseases running rampant that’s a fucking sick way to get your kicks. Sex is not the answer (nor is it the question). Most of us have this figured out by 16. Or maybe not.

    2. @Normal. Yes Indeed - I agree with you.

      Thank you for being the rainbow on CDaN today!

  20. Selena has done all of Biebs posse with his authorization, I don't know why the rev is such a big deal, unless it is the religion thing and all of the shame and backsliding from baby jeebus etc. Selena aint even close to innocent at this point! She was hooking up with the weeknd for the best happy powder in Los Angeles...

  21. Radar just posted they split and Biebs was crying.

  22. Justin became a crazy religious? He was normal before, in the worst way, but it was normal.

  23. Selena is not a victim. She is an adult woman and she could do a lot better than the Briber child, but I still think she uses Briber for publicity, he even said she was using "The weeknd"...

  24. I ...
    Man I want to know the source of this blind.

    Could it be ...

    1. Think it's Ms. Mandy Moms Teefey. Who the hell else. Not the weekend.or the Count! One night for Count!! Go fund me account for Count Jerkula😎

  25. Is Selena brainwashed? Being blackmailed? This is weird. Why are these kids/young adults so fucked up as if their lives are already over? I think it could be possible that both Celina and Beiber have Hiv due to 2 blinds on this site and that Beiber is using Celina to spread it on purpose. Why would he want her to sleep with other guys? Why would she allow it? What are they gaining from doing it? I don't see that either of them have gotten further than where they were by doing sexual favors. It doesn't make sense to me unless both of them have nothing to loose. Celina being ill with lupus/kidney transplant. I don't buy it but she apparently is ill but with what? Being passed around and drugged out like she's said to be is not done without consequence.

    1. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2016/08/blind-item-12_2.html?m=1


  26. selena needs her name in the press i guess...



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