Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Blind Item #4

Don't believe the hype. The only man this A+ list mostly movie actress is hooking up with is that married U.N. higher up. Now, if an actress came her way, she would be very open to it because she gets bored with the nannies.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    She loves those married men!

  2. Well that's pretty hot. It doubles her dating pool, which is neat for her. I guess the bummer is the broken hearts she leaves in the dust, I bet that's just wretched

    1. Not really. She can find a narc woman like herself. Mind you, I don't think her ego could take being with someone completely indifferent to her on any level. She needs a statement relationship with someone who seemingly inform/add to her public persona. She needs to make her private life a collective experience, like KKW does, but personally, I think Jolie is too old to 'play' the bisexual wild child role anymore. A mature bisexual woman with a houseful of kids, feeding her sexual appetites with her subordinates doesn't sound 'hot' either. Sounds more like lawsuits waiting to happen.

  3. She looks like an older version of Victoria Beckham, after a meth binge. Plastic tits don't look good on women who purge after every meal, just saying. Now the Angie from 20 years loon of course but back then you could overlook it.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Never fuck anyone crazier than you are

    2. @Normal, words of wisdom

  4. Angelina used to be magnetic on screen but she's creepy now.

  5. I always felt like she didn’t earn that Oscar. Playing crazy just wasn’t that much of a stretch for her.

  6. She really does have a thing for married men.

  7. If you ever wanted to know what MKULTRA looks like here you go

  8. Who remembers the whole "Daniel Pearl" op?
    How about "Nick Berg?"

  9. dangerous dipping into the nanny pool unless they all sign air tight nda's..look what happened to Trump!

  10. Who's the UN guy?
    The "hype" is that she wants to bang Garrett Hedlund. This has got to be a promo ploy by his people because he is bland AF with not being talked about at all.


  11. Gross. Some smelly old UN diplo. Probably permanently reeks of Gauloises, Sauvage, and antisemitism. This woman is so desperate to be "important". If she would just focus on being good at her day job and raising her kids ...

  12. The fact that Angelina is still alive is a miracle. Her childhood could have turned her into a zombie.

  13. She has a political agenda. Always did.

  14. Didn't another blind possibly have Angie importing 'nannies' every few months for her sons to get experienced with but not attached?
    So now she's sharing those 'nannies' with her sons?
    Sounds like when she shared her moms boyfriend

  15. Well, at least someone still wants to stick their dick in this crazy old bag of bones.

  16. Of course, all of this is purely speculation and absolutely none of it is likely to be true. Because there are no sources when it comes to AJ. She has very few friends because she doesn't go in for bullshit PR relationships, so there is no one to talk about what really goes on in her private life.

  17. Either this blind is a repeat or I am confusing it with a tabloid article I read.

  18. @T.W., if I remember correctly, there was a blind a little while back that talked about an actress hooking up with a UN guy. Most people guessed Angie.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I see daily mail mentioned here a lot are they a reliable source?

    1. Any publication that does not use proper spelling/grammar is not a reliable source.. So, no.
      But it IS entertaining.

  21. 🎼 Enty, Eeeeeenteh...
    When will those dark clouds all disappear?
    Enty, Eeeenty...
    Where will it lead us from here?
    With no lovin' in our souls
    And no money in our coats
    You can't say we're satisfied
    Enty, Entyyyy... 🎶

  22. Angelina on Garrett Hedland calling her

  23. Heard from a friend of a friend that former norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg is banging Angie! He’s General secratery of Nato though, not UN.

  24. They met the press together in late january

  25. Basically I feel sorry for her- she never had much of a chance. But, she is still responsible as an adult, and man it's def crazy town there. Beyond kink, just plain sick.

    I am a bit impressed she's tried directing a few times, and challenging projects too. She's okay as a director, but not great.

    Why do so many of you not understand that power/position is a huge attractor for most women? Much more so than physical looks most of the time. Also dangerous/bad boys.

    The UN is a cesspool inside. Just look how gets names "cultural ambassadors" etc. Always the same types.

  26. Ok, Angie..but who is the Actress, then?

  27. That UN giy looks ancient!! She went from Brad to that?? Daddy issues for sure



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