Friday, March 09, 2018

Blind Item #4

This judge was so awful that the show almost had to be redone. The judge? This A-/B+ list writer/actress who had some time off between projects. Apparently it was a mess.


  1. Replies
    1. On RuPauls Drag Race ...
      Man can she just run off with Dean McDoucher?

  2. "Apparently it was a mess."

    Is there anything she has done that couldn't wear this label?

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      She all about ruined the last season of American horror story for being on one episode.

  3. Argh, I saw the new judges for the season and was so hyped when my broad city ladies were on it but instantly annoyed at Lena. I can imagine Michelle Visage not getting on with her.

  4. How did this icky person get to her level? Bizarre!
    Off to change my little picture back to my pretty tulips- Happy belated International Women's Day ladies! ✊

  5. Hey remember when she molested her sister and sold books off of it?

  6. I had a nightmare a few nights ago that I was paired with Lena Dunham on NAKED & AFRAID. Haven't been able to sleep since.

  7. The sister fister strikes again.

  8. There is so much delicious shade about her judging being thrown on Twitter

  9. Is she still around?
    Uh, what projects is she working on?
    Let me know so i can avoid them.

  10. Something sooo off about her look, the slouchy way she carries herself, her upper east side psychiatrist couch babble, etc. She's like a female Woody Allen without the semi funny jokes. Creeeepy woman!

  11. I feel sorry for Lena because even though she's young, she has almost negative sex appeal: utterly plain, shaped like a potato, and covered in tattoos. When a young Jean Stapleton beats you in the sex appeal department....

  12. I loved Tiny Furniture and Girls and I just can't hate Lena. It feels like I'm the only one who doesn't wish her dead or at least disappeared forever. But, at least I am savvy enough to be embarrassed about liking her.

  13. Karma, I think that's what she's going for. Child molestation included.

  14. Lena Dunham. Her show sucked, her book was a trainwreck, and she just needs to go away and live out life in a cat filled house somewhere.

    1. Please don’t subject cats to that fate.

  15. Google Lena Dunham's Dad's artwork in google images. The entire family is whack.

  16. Ugh, did she really have to ruin Drag Race as well? Ru fucked it up inviting her to be a judge though.

  17. Lena Dunham was obviously raised by indulgent parents who told their ugly turd she was a genius. Then as an ugly turd who got a tv show she allowed her naked turd body to be filmed eating naked on a toilet. Liberal media agree with parents, over confident turd is a genius. Fake college rape stories and sexually abusing her sister are genius too.


    she is a PR nightmare. any sensible person loathes her.

    Hey Murray Miller, pleaaaaase just go ahead and leak that recording of Dunham & Konner grossing out of interracial sex.

    pretty pretty please????? (thats why she accused aurora perrineau of lying and defending Miller....he held it over her head, allegedly, and enty has a blind about this)

  19. @dummypants

    When Girls premiered, I actually thought it was good. Im embarrassed I even liked it. But I didnt know who Lena Dunham WAS then...but boy oh boy has she shown who she is through whats she's said/done (the dog shelter fiasco, lying about the trans comments in the airport, and the crown jewel of her hypocrisy - her accusing aurora perrineau of falsely reporting a rape in a pretty bold and f'd up statement that contradicted eeeeverything she brags about standing for)

    MURRAY MILLER: RELEASE THE RECRDING PLEAAAASE. put the nail in the coffin thats long overrdue. she is NOT a good person.

  20. Can we put her somewhere. I mean I feel like Uranus would be a good place. How did she not get in trouble for admitting that she committed incest and molested her sister. Does anyone like her? I don't understand this generation and I just turned 40. I don't feel that far removed but people glorify her.

  21. FUCK lena. she doesn't deserve to be on my favorite show. i'm so sick of her and her garbage attitude like every time i think she's finally faded away here she is again

  22. I googled her Dad's art and now I can't unsee it X.X

  23. Wow I should have not taken the bait to google the art. I have no words....

  24. It is genuinely worth asking the serious question "How does Lena Dunham continue to get work?"

    No one likes her in or out of the industry. She has lied and betrayed people and animals to keep herself in the limelight. Her "art" is misanthropic and societally corrosive. She is physically unattractive and unfeminine. She has extremely narrow acting skills.

    "Girls" was a hit, but more of a media sensation than a cultural one, much like "Mad Men," where a small psuedo-intellectual crew amplified its so-called merits more than society as a whole did.

    What is her secret? How big of a secret is it? Does it have anything to do with her attempts to normalize the sexual abuse of children in her book?



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