Thursday, March 15, 2018

Blind Item #8

Back in the day this actor was probably B+ list at his peak. He comes from an acting family. He made some money in the past decade working on movies overseas. They are usually more willing to deal with his substance abuse issues and he still does good work and is a big draw overseas. In a "stan" country not that long ago, our actor was wasted and was with an escort when he ended up beating her to the point she was in a coma. The production company, wanting to protect their investment got him out of the country and then did a week of filming in the neighboring country. It was not until the film was finished that they spoke to police and told them their version of events while making sure the actor stayed out of the country. The woman is out of her coma but is apparently permanently disabled because of the attack. 


  1. Guys like this need to be in jail a long, long time.

    There is no excuse for hitting a woman for any reason -- IMAO!

    And to cover it up like that?

    1. Absolutely! Entry should reveal everyone that are dumbass like this. Knowing something like this and keeping it to myself would make me feel morally complicit.

  2. ...and is this an old BI? I feel like I’ve read it before...

    1. I think so too. The “permanently disabled after a coma” thing has definitely been part of a blind here before.

    2. There was a similar blind item -there are probably more - but this happened while making a movie in Southeast Asia. The girl died and I believe her body hidden. It happened around 30 years ago. Anyone remember this?

  3. Kazakhstan for the Stan, either Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan for the neighboring country.

  4. If it's Eric Roberts, when does he find the time to beat hookers?

    Looking at his IMDB, he has more projects in production, filming, or post for 2018 than some actors have in entire careers...

  5. I like the Eric Roberts guess. According to IMDB he has 31 projects in 2018. Busy guy.

  6. Sounds like the old Tom Sizemore.

  7. "This girl has no family. Nobody knew that she worked here. It'll be as though she never existed."

  8. Oh acting family... oops. I guess it’s not Seagal.

  9. Steven Seagal is not from an acting family. Eric Roberts is. But wow, check out Eric's IMBD listing: the guy has 32 credits in 2018 alone! How is that possible?

  10. Crap like this just burns my butt! How come these jerks never are jailed?!

  11. @Brayson87- The Godfather.

  12. +1 Tricia13 I"m with you that it is Michael Madsen...

  13. Roberts is long time sober and married to same woman for over 30 years..... it would mentioned I think.

  14. How is Eric Roberts someone who a studio would consider worthy of protecting their investment?

  15. Eric Roberts in Kazakhstan?

  16. +1 rocky

    The usual suspects are Tom Sizemore, Micheal Madsen, Eric Roberts, but I haven't seen a smoking gun yet. Anyway I thought in the Stans as long as you paid for damages they didn't care what you did with the merchandise.


    Madsen in The Diamond Cartel-Kazakhstan
    Omg Armand Asante in it with him(family friend:(((

  18. Madsen filed Angels Falling in Macedonia not technically a Stan but in spirit it is one...also filmed Broken Key in Italy, and one in Acapulco in last few years....

  19. +1 Tricia, it’s definitely Michael Madsen. He does a shit ton of straight to On Demand stuff, and he’s been arrested before for child cruelty. Fun fact: his sister Virginia went to my high school, but oddly enough, he did not.

    1. She seems lovely... he’s a despicable uncle worked with him. Just vile

    2. @googlesleuth.... Then you and I went to the same high school. She was they when I was there.

  20. Sure Tricia, I mean "Rikki".

    1. Okey dokey “Donna”/Derek”... that must be why we posted at the same time genius🤔😒


  22. Lets see

    Madsen filed Angels Falling in Macedonia ***Horrible Spelling CHECK******Provided Irrelevant Link CHECK*** not technically a Stan but in spirit it is one***Not making ANY SENSE and overuse of cliched, corny sayings CHECK***...also filmed Broken Key in Italy, and one in Acapulco in last few years....Lots of "...." *CHECK* example your previous post
    "Roberts is long time sober and married to same woman for over 30 years*..... *it would mentioned I think.

    Horrible spelling, misused vocab and horrible punctuation equals......YOU.

    I think the answer is Madsen but get a grip, girl. Seriously.

    1. I mistype nearly every time I post because it is on my handheld device. Let's keep the sleuthing to the blinds. Leave Tricia alone

  23. @Kim Complicit only if he's keeping information from the proper authorities.

    However, sometimes during active investigations, keeping some details quiet is at the request of, and for the benefit of those authorities doing the investigations.

    I'd bet internets that in the reveal, the story may get even more interesting...

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Huh, I was thinking Daniel Baldwin.

  25. I have only ever heard of good things about Eric Roberts since his major crash years ago. You know last year he made like 74 movies? and a total of 487 Film or tv credits? I read a great article on him in Vanity Fair last week.
    He at times works 2 or 3 films in a day, most are Lifetime movies, and i do have to say now, that Was there not a blind recently about the goings on around the town that hosts most of those movies?

  26. Those 30+ films in a year are essentially glorified cameos. You're making a no budget, no name cast, no script, teenagers in a cabin in the woods horror film. To sell it commercially you need a "name" actor to put on the poster/DVD box. You hire Madsen. Roberts etc to play the "sheriff". He shoots a scene at the beginning, one or two dialog scenes for the middle (him talking into a telephone is a great time waster) and finally he shows up for the ending. Usually takes 2-3 days. He cashes the check and flies onto to the next one.

  27. "Usually takes 2-3 days. He cashes the check and flies onto to the next one."

    Not bad work, if you can get it...

  28. I've been through Kazakhastan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan - it' can be hairy and violent. I'm surprised "someone" won't come calling at some point. Only two peeps in my opinion has the arrogance and balls for this - Seagal or Roberts. When I mean "balls" I do NOT mean it's gutsy to beat a Woman, it's cowardly and worse, but both those guys seem like cowards but are filled with arrogance and 'Cowardly" violence.

    Alec Baldwin would fit too but Don't think he'd pull that in another country.

    1. I, like Melvin the Reanimated, thought Daniel Baldwin. But I don't think his movies fit.

  29. Some actors with addiction issues work furious schedules to keep the down time at a minimum. Look at Samuel L. Jackson.

  30. Oh man, I loved Michael Madsen back in the day. That said, this blind screamed Madsen to me, even before I saw the Tricia evidence.

  31. I feel like this is an old Blind too. I swear I've read this before.

  32. i don't think this is eric roberts. very good piece on him in VF last month. he is the hardest working guy in hollywood and seems to have his shit together.

    i'll say madsen. so sad what a mess he is. he's a very good actor.

  33. My director friend hired Eric. Says he's wonderful. Paid him like 15 or 20k for a day and a half or something. He just cranks it out. He has a sister.

    1. @sara-yeah- moved Madsen back in the day and he had such charisma (Resevoir Dogs and even Thelma and Louise 😉) Shame indeed:(

      Southern Man absolutely right about Eric Roberts... he turned that corner a LONG time ago (as I said)and is known as one of the better ones(strong work ethic ,indeed).
      Cant blame someone for guessing no matter how terrifically -off -it is😉..........

  34. That's right Tricia. And as "Rikki Bobbi" said so ~~~eloquently~~~

    Madsen filed Angels Falling in Macedonia not technically a Stan but in spirit it is one...also filmed Broken Key in Italy, and one in Acapulco in last few years....

    Yeah no similarities AT ALL

    Who makes-up another account to agree with themselves?

    1. You anyone on this site witnessed ad nauseum for years doll🙌🥂🙄
      As for Rikki Bobbi they can speak for themselves... they posted a link to my guess and I posted about a separate film I was referring to altogether. But don’t let reality get in the way of your madness, by any means mate.

    2. Why quit while your so behind and disgraced that you are forced to post under the name “DonnaMarie”🤷‍♀️

  35. FFS Derek, leave Trica alone. There is something serioisly fucking wrong with you to be carrying this one-sided feud for all these years. Doesn't Canadastan have free health care? Go get some! And a fulfilling, happy life, if they have any of that too.

  36. Hahahah!!!!😆😂carefulwekkkittylass- he’ll start accusing you of being me🙂😏
    I guess he lost his latest job. AGAIN.

    1. LOL Tricia. Here we go again🤣

    2. Lawd I hope not SD...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Ain’t nobody got time for that kinda kray🙄He/IT made Charles Manson look like a librarian.

  37. For the record Tricia13 is awesome and Derek is a dweeb. Thanks.



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