Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor has a franchise. He has the power to do something about the increased visibility of this sexual assaulter/woman beater who is a B+ list actor. Instead, the foreign born actor is fully on board with a new promotional push featuring the sexual assaulter. 


Tricia13 said...

Hugh Jackman?

AvignonVagabond said...

Ryand Reynolds and Josh Brolin Deadpool 2

drkdragon777 said...

+1 DonnaMarie

Tricia13 said...

Or RR/Brolin?

americanpanda said...

I never understood the love for Ryan Reynolds, he's ugly, he's not that funny, he has a chip on his shoulder, he's so fake and on top of that he doesn't have respect for women. Fuck this dude.
Him and his Stepford wife wannabe.

Tricia13 said...

I keep forgetting he’s considered A+(but he is here).... no way Jackman would tolerant an ass like this one !

sandybrook said...

I'm not sure he's loved he just got lucky to get cast in movies that would draw big money.

Kno Won said...

They’re easily the dullest, most average “power couple” in existence.

Tricia13 said...


skipper said...


I think 'Stepford wife wannabe' is the perfect definition for Blake!

Sunspirit said...


Lurky McLurkster said...

Not quite right, Sandy. He made his own luck with this character and was one of the people pushing the project from the get go

filmfanb said...

Brolin has fucking Deadpool and Infinity Wars this year. No chance Marvel/disney let him get in the firing line.

Unknown said...

I'd put Brolin at A- honestly. That aside, if it is him, it's not just Deadpool... wild that he's got such a big year coming up.

filmfanb said...

Ya I agree on him being A-

Brayson87 said...

I've really liked Ryan Reynolds' comedic roles over the years, he has great timing and expressions. He certainly comes across as clever in person. Having Josh Brolin as Cable was an awful decision, what does he possibly have in common with the comic character? And no Josh Brolin is not a good character actor. Or funny. Hopefully Reynolds can carry the movie because he's not getting any help there.

Unknown said...

All I know about Ryan Reynolds is one radio interview I heard with him from Radio Row at the Super Bowl the year he was promoting Deadpool before it came out. He struck me as the kind of guy who cares about what's good for Ryan Reynolds, and that's pretty much it.

Truthseeker said...

I love Ryan Reynolds, I find him to be a great actor, I have not personally seen a movie with him in it that i hated, and I hate ALOT of movies. I hate comedy usually, especially what i define as "stupid boy comedy" but for some reason, Deadpool (which would qualify as that Stupid, boy comedy usually for me) had me in tears. I loved it, his delivery was dead on.
I like him, I like his wife, i love his Tweets! they make being a fan worthwhile. Just saying. Why so much hate in the world.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

@Brayson, not sure who WOULD have anything in common with Cable tho...

Arngrim said...

He was "in character" for a lot of interviews during the promotion for Deadpool. But I'll have to look up that particular one and see if it falls in line.

Unknown said...

Ryan Reynolds and TJ Miller

Megley said...

+1 Donna.

Sharper Teeth said...

@truthseeker because different people like different things. You yourself said you usually hate comedy, especially a certain type. That's just your personal preference, and doesn't mean you're putting hate into the world, and it doesn't make people "haters" (I HATE that term, lol)

Randyman said...

I hope Ryan Reynolds isnt a predator.

Brayson87 said...

@Low Key, Stephen Lang was the Cable we needed. He could stare down Josh Brolin any day of the week, plus he's funny. Lang has the intense manner and grizzled yet clear-eyed looks that match with Cable. Brolin just seems like an bleary-eyed mean old drunk.

riffer73 said...

Spoiler alert:

Someone dragged me to that shitty alien bug movie - was it last year or the year before? The only thing good about it was when they killed off Ryan Reynolds.

Brayson87 said...

@riff, Fools, only killing off Sean Bean can make something great.

Unknown said...

To Be honest I have never understood why its a fellow employees responsibility to call out another employee's morals or lack of.

Not saying whatever so and so did was right or anything, but it's not the problem of ryan reyolds or any other fucking actor/actress to be held responsible or have to get involved because of what some fuck they work with does.

that is up to the law and the employers.

same reason it is not enty's responsibility to run to the police everytime someone sends him a blind where some hollywood douche allegedly did something illegal.

However if enty is going to call out hollywood people for not sticking their nose in their co-workers business publicly then maybe he should take his own advice.

Freckles said...

T J Miller is the creeper. They don't need him in the movie

Tricia13 said...

+1... great call. Broken is A list, An AA nominee and an offspring-also married.

Digitalis said...

This BI said "foreign-born A+ list" actor - Aside from Hugh Jackman - is Ryan Reynolds Canadian or something?

More Cowbell said...

@Digitalis, yes, Ryan is from Canada. I think he works for this BI.

AshBey said...

They're doing reshoots to add more Domino and yes, Cable. I also love the Hugh Jackman guess bcz he's been a Singer hanger-on for the X-movies and I really like HJ. Yuck.

Brayson87 said...

@Digitalis, There are many Canadian infiltrators among us. Luckily they have a few tells...

Jaime Kennedy said...

Us Aussies don't do well in LA

Tricia13 said...

I ❤️Aussies fwiw-#teamoz#
Genuine,warm ,charismatic adventurous souls....
My sis married one-total keeper❤️👍

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

@Brayson, I'm sold on Stephen Lang for Cable now! Hadn't considered him before but you are so right.

kiki71 said...

@americanpanda, I thought I was the only one who felt this way. He is 'ugly hot' in my opinion. Confusing. Like good hair, tall, nice abs but eyes too close together, like a tad off. And I realized how especially MEH he is after listening to that animated Disney movie about the snail he did (forgetting the title) SO weak-voiced. I find him to be so empty, vacant, lame. I mean, he's the B side or poor man's Ryan Gosling IMHO. Always reading blinds too here and on other sites he is the guess for that have him wanting his wife to dote on him. He seems like a total tool to me.

Boldblonde said...

Totally agree with you @americanpanda

Southern Man said...

Doesn't Brolin have a confirmed past/pattern of being a beater/abuser?

I don't know much about RR and no personal experience but he was perfect in Deadpool. In that beta/lame droll way. But that was the part, and it worked well.

I just saw Blake in a stupid shark movie where she's terrorized by the poor creature. She actually gave an excellent performance in a silly vehicle. And she rocks a bikini. Am I allowed to say that here? It's a fact.

Given some great material I think she could do some awesome work.

Lurkey Loo said...

Beautiful people. Beautiful country.

JinNashville said...

Brolin and TJ Miller still both being in multiple big event movies at this particular time is...interesting. It seems like there was plenty of time, after knowing what we know about them, to keep both out of Deadpool.

Jx-Noelle said...

@truthseeker + 1 I like him and Blake, too. 🙂

Jack said...

Two things: First Ryan Reynolds revived his career himself. He understood his market and put out a winner of a movie. He did not play on his sex appeal or looks, but played to his physique and Metro sexual repartee. Here in Stavropol Russia they got his humor and loved it. And Deadpool 2 will be big here as well. It doesn't matter if you like it, or don't like it, that is how it is.

Unknown said...

I thought I was the only one who felt like that! Can't stand him!!

Roger Moore said...

Brolin being in two franchises would seem to rule him out, T.J. Miller is also in "Ready Player One," two possible blockbusters in the same year. Not that I figure this "enty" is the most careful writer/researcher on these items. Reynolds would seem to be the "foreign born" actor, though A+ list?

ihsahn77 said...

Ryan Reynolds was in one of the most underrated comedies ever, "Waiting...", so for that reason alone I like him.

Kerry said...

His tweets are great

longtimereader said...

Anyone else remember when 'ryan reynolds is a list!?!' was a running joke on this site?

Sagan said...

+1 filmfanb

The Mouse House won't let a shadow fall across Brolin.


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