Monday, March 12, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 4, 2018

This recently evicted former A+ list singer who should be on a sex offender register has been known to wave money in the face of women who are desperate to make ends meet, especially single moms working multiple jobs. He tells them he will give them the money in his hand if they have sex with him. They do and he just leaves without paying them anything. The guy is an awful human being.

R. Kelly


  1. POS deserves to die.

  2. Would he be a good human being if he actually paid them?

    1. Better. He would be better. Like if you take a shit that comes out nicely vs one that blows up the toilet. They are both shit, like R Kelly.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    These hoes need to get pimps.

  4. Infinitely better, Brayson87. Presuming he isn't the cause of their struggling to make ends meet.

  5. I hope this is the year someone takes both him and Fist Brown out. Both of them deserve to die horrible, painful deaths.

  6. His time will come, and it won't be pretty. You know this.

  7. Look on the positive side of things; at least he's not paying them to have sex with their kids...

    1. @cad He’s in SE Asia these days. Probably has a direct line to the kids. :(

      But this is what I’m talking about. Until we value the victimized women (and men) as well as the kids, and REALLY value them, as in, everyone counts and will be heard/noticed if they go missing/fed and sheltered, human trafficking, forced prostitution, and child rape for pay is going to keep happening.

    2. R Kelly should be banned from Thailand And Phillipines. Oh it i doubt it. They are supposedly cracking down ....I'm believe it when i see it.

  8. I was hoping they'd get into beef with each other and take each other out @Paris

  9. If R. Kelly has been doing what he's been doing this long, there's no way he's going to pay for any of it. It makes me sick. i can't and will never get that video of him and that little girl out of my head.

  10. I mean really, you always get paid first. Hoe 101.

  11. Can they write off the $250 value of the pussy on their taxes?

    @mr. hedge



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