Friday, March 02, 2018

Four For Friday - The Evil Twin

Were you a runaway teen in the late 60's and early 70's? Did you make your way to LA to try and make your fame and fortune. If you were a male teen during those times and were suitably young and suitably attractive, a female, who was also very young might come up to you and offer to buy you a meal. If you accepted, you were then fed a meal and the conversation would inevitably turn to movies and acting and the dreams of the runaway. If he seemed desperate enough for a part, our young female would give him a card and tell him to call a very good friend of hers. The very good friend was this permanent A list mostly movie actor who was past his peak on the list, but still had A+ list name recognition, much like he still enjoys to this day.

Of course the young man would call. I say man, but we are talking about teens here. Anywhere from 14-16 was the sweetspot in ages that the female was told to look for. She was that same age about then. She took over the job in about 1970. Prior to that time, the job had been handled by an actress. The actress was foreign born and almost A- list. She had a very secret life including a secret marriage and a very big secret drug problem. The actor blackmailed her for many years and would force her to participate in his fetishes and find young teens for him. If she refused, the actor would have told the world about her marriage or the drugs, either of which would have ruined her career. After her suicide, the actor turned to her "adoptive daughter," who was really herself a runaway who lived with the actress and her husband and was basically their sex slave. She later had a recurring role on this long running 70's-80's television drama because she was hooking up with the at the time A+ list star of the show.

Anyway, usually within hours of handing over a card, the teen boy would call the number and be told to make his way to an address in the canyons. The gate would be open to a house. In the driveway of the house would be a Rolls Royce. At the wheel of the car would be the stunt double of the permanent A list actor. Invariably the boy would ask if the driver was the actor and the driver would respond that he was the actor's evil twin. He would then tell the boy to get in the backseat. There, in the backseat would be the actor. Once the boy was in, the car would be locked and the driver would start driving. The speed of the car would pick up and the molesting would begin as soon as the car turned on to Mulholland. The boy would be forced to orally service the actor and would often be raped as well. There was no chance for the boy to escape because the car was locked. Even if he managed to get the door open, jumping would mean certain death. There was also the gun that the driver carried should the boy try and fight off the attempt. After the rape, the boy would usually be left on the side of the road, often not wearing anything other than a shirt.

Apparently this went on several times a week for years.


  1. First, but no idea who these people are!

  2. I want to say Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway

  3. Christ this one is cold.

  4. Well there's goes any appetite as I get nauseous.

  5. Someone who was past their peak 45-50 years ago and is still alive?? That's gotta be a pretty small sample group.

  6. I'm going to say John Forthsyte for the A+ tv actor the voice of Charlie on Charlie Angels who was hooking up with the "adoptive daughter"

  7. Inger Stevens might fit for the actress who killed herself and had a secret marriage... she certainly fits the time frame.

  8. I'm not sure if the "still enjoys" A list rec means he's still alive or not.

    If he is deceased...Sal Mineo?

  9. +1 on Inger Stevens for the foreign-born (Sweden) actress with a secret marriage (to Ike Jones, interracial marriage was still a big no-no) who committed suicide via drug overdose.

    No clue on the "adoptive daughter".

  10. A foreign born and almost A- list actress who killed herself close to 1970.

  11. Inger Stevens - swedish, suicide in 1970 and secret marriage in 1961. A list actor probably Burt Reyonlds. No idea about the runway adoptive daughter.

  12. @M.
    Burt Reynolds didnt reach his peak until the early to mid 70s, so was far from padt his prime back tin the late 60s.

  13. The “adopted daughter” angle is ringing a bell, (as is the rest of the blind) but I’m drawing a blank.

  14. Can't be Burt, he was just reaching his peak during 70's...

  15. Did Stevens date Burt Reynolds?

    1. IDK, but I remember there was a Mysteries and Scandals on You Tube about Inger. She did mess around with Dean Martin.

  16. Jesus Christ, this cold is affecting my fat fucking fingers today!so many goddamn spelling mistakes.

  17. Wow. Small group of men to pick from., considering the age.

  18. "On the morning of April 30, 1970, Stevens' sometime roommate and companion, Lola McNally, found her on the kitchen floor of her Hollywood Hills home."

  19. Stunt double is a big hint.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I'd say the Chicken Hawk from Looney Tunes but of course that's tv, and toontown seems to be near LA.

    John Wayne? (Okay Iowa is only a foreign country if you live in certain coastal enclaves.)
    Jimmy Stewart? (PA did have that anarchist colony way way way back in the day, but I'm thinking that anarchists don't believe in countries, foreign or otherwise.)
    Cary Grant? (There have been rumors in recent years...)

  22. Around this period of time Inger Stevens had dated Clint Eastwood who was after Rawhide and before he became a big movie star, Anthony Quinn and Burt Reynolds, oh and Dean Martin.

  23. Inger Stevens and Clint Eastwood.

  24. Anonymous10:40 AM

    This isn't Bing, is it?

  25. Appalling he didnt have the decency to pay the kids. And buttfucking unwashed street kids? The stank in thay car must have been horrid. Musta taken forever to scrub the funk off his cock.

    1. At least Marc Colon-Rectum and Brian Singer had the decency of making their prey wash off in the pool first...

  26. Inger Stevens for sure. Gotta study her and see what I can pick up

  27. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Clint is still very much around and doing things.

    This person was PAST their peak in 60s/70s.

  28. In 1968 Clint Eastwood was past his peak as a TV star, and beginning to make the spaghetti westerns in Italy that eventually made him permanent A list, so he would fit that way given the way Entern writes so incoherently.

  29. Was Thinking Dick Van Dyke, but he didn't make action films

    1. But he did have stunt doubles, because his roles were often very physical. Example: Mary Poppins chimney sweep

  30. I hope it's not Henry Fonda

  31. Replies
    1. Possibly.
      Cary Grant's Evil Twin/stunt double/valet(chauffeur):
      Ray Austin

    2. Cary was Not at his peak in the 70's.

  32. No idea on the actor, but thinking that there's no difference between being forced to orally copulate someone and being raped. Those are the same things. I think what Enty meant is obvious: that the poor boy was ALSO anally raped. Just feel a need to point out that both acts are rape, both legally, and (more importantly) emotionally.

    1. Thank you!! I'm soo glad you chimed in with that lil nugget of wisdom. My day is almost complete now....

  33. Cary Grant is a good guess from Kendrick Schroder.

    He must have had a lot of horny time on his hands after Randolph Scott died and the acid wore off.

  34. Mostly movie,stunt double,still alive, old time Hollywood,past prime in 70's.
    Evil mutherfucker.
    Gotta be Kirk Douglas.

  35. I knew right away Inger Stevens and her adopted daughter, but not sure about the actor,if he is alive,no way is it Reynolds or Eastwood,they became more famous after 1970. I think the actor is either dead or out of the spotlight, he would be quite old.

  36. What about Charlton Heston? Not trying to throw out names but he was past his peak by 1970. Permanent A list name for sure, but no longer A+ in movies by then.

  37. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Eve Miller and Kirk Douglas

  38. Rock Hudson could be a good guess. Also didn’t he later have a role on Falcon Crest or one of those late 70s early 80s Dallas rip-offs?

  39. I thought the actor was still alive. If not my mind went to Steve McQueen who's career died around the time it says in the blind and did a lot of action movies.

    1. @DonnaMarie you weren’t alone in that.

  40. Let's be honest, Inger Stevens got around. She knew any number of stars with a stunt double and a rolls.
    The best clues are that the guy was perm A list, peaked before late 60's early 70s, still has A+ name recognition today.
    I can't find anything on the "adoptive daughter."

  41. Inger Stevens funeral

    "With no public funeral services held, according to her wishes, mourners at her May 4 memorial service included director Leo Penn, and actors Peter Falk, Beau Bridges, Jack Warden, France Nuyen, Marge Redmond and Shelley Morrison, in addition to several family members. "


    He used the same stunt double for decades, and shared a close resemblance.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lola Mcnally was older than Inger Stevens.

  44. Lola McNally doesn't have any acting credits on IMDB, only for make up - apparently talented enough to get awards.

    70s-80s long running TV drama with A+ star - Quincy M.E.? I think Jack Klugman would be A+

  45. Permanent a list. Permanent a list name recognition till today? Many rumors about him, John Wayne? Also this sounds like the plot to a horror movie. Can you imagine? No one would believe a teen runaway who claimed john Wayne raped him.

  46. The makeup artist Lola McNalley was about 35 years too old to be the girl.

    Someone else is the "daughter". I got about 1/3 way through the Fantasy Island cast credits and gave up. Quite possibly a Spelli g show, he was big around that time. Dallas went til the 90s so not that.

  47. The only Lola McNally I have found on IMDB was born in 1921, roughly a decade older than Inger Stevens, so she couldn't be the "adopted daughter".

  48. @Guesser, I was the first person to mention Lola McNally, the only one I can find is a hollywood hair stylist born in 1921, she would have been 49 in 1970.

  49. And people trying to find known/ rumored gay/ closeted actors may be barking up the wrong tree. The actor wasn't necessarily gay. This behavior hints that he hated gay people.

  50. Joseph Campanella ?? Long running 70's 80's show Dynasty?

  51. Past his prime already by then could be Mickey Rooney.

  52. @Brayson,is it possible that the "daughter" is someone else,a foster child taken in? Sorry for the mixup, it seems the woman she lived with was older than the blind states. But I could have sworn she had someone referred to as her daughter, maybe from a challenge to her estate? There was a lot of legal issues because her husband couldn't prove the marriage.

  53. i would argue that john wayne was never past his prime. he made his best movies as an old man, almost until he died. he was still huge when he died. not buying the 'homophobic straight guy as rapist of gays' either.

  54. Inger's primary co-stars: Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds, Anthony Quinn, and Harry Belafonte.

    1. I want this to be Charlton Heston. His best work was behind him and he was high-profile for years afterwards for SAG presidency and NRA affiliation. Plus...Planet of the Apes is timeless.

    2. Lemme guess... you want it to be him because of his NRA affiliation?

      Why would you "want" it to be someone?? Bet you're alot of fun at parties...

    3. JF - so unnecessary and uncalled for

  55. I am now going with the Cary Grant, no idea on the adopted girl. Ray Austin if the evil twin is still alive though.

  56. @Beyond, Harry Belafonte rings the most bells out of that list.

  57. I took an average of websites and it did seem like she was with Reynolds around this time

    As for shows long running drama shows 70's /80's here is a list:
    Charlie's Angels
    Knots Landing
    Hart to Hart
    Fantasy Island
    Love Boat
    Lou Grant
    Quincy ME

    I may have missed a few.

    1. Rockford Files
      Trapper John MD
      Knots Landing

  58. The actor would've known for action movies or TV. The John Wayne or Steve McQueen guesses are possible. What TV shows had action stars in the sixties or fifties? She had more success in TV.

    1. Star Trek/Bill Shatner. He even had his own stunt double.

  59. i like orson Welles because he was considered a genius. He also would have been past his prime. But did he ever do an action film? What about dean Martin? Maybe past his prime?

  60. @boywander, Ray Austin is a great guess. Lifelong relationship with Cary. Began career as a stuntman to become a significant TV director from 1968 -1998.

  61. How about Ernest Borgnine or Yul Brynner?

  62. or maybe Burt Lancaster?

  63. I don't think it's Cary Grant because the blind doesn't say foreign born.

  64. burt lancaster is an interesting guess. he certainly could have physically subdued a victim better than cary grant.

    cary grant would never. and burt would have had stunt people too.

  65. Director John Ford primarily used 2 stuntment. Chuck Hayward and Chuck Roberson. Roberson was John Wayne's stunt double for three decades.

    Ford referred to Hayward as 'good Chuck' and Roberson as 'bad Chuck' thus the 'evil twin'?

    1. @thisrebelheart Well Done!I'm with you on this

  66. I'm seconding (thirding?) the Steve McQueen guesses. His sexual proclivities are well known, and fast cars were his trademark. He easily could have run in the same circles as Inger Stevens.

    1. With teen boys? Where do you get that?

  67. This blind is too vague unless someone who knows something wants to pipe up.

    It's not fun playing "guess the serial rapist" and possibly besmirching innocent people with random guesses because we don't have enough clues.

  68. Pic of Cary Grant, his personal driver and his Rolls Royce.

  69. Charles Tilton for the adopted daughter? She was on Dallas in late 70's and 80s. Larry Haggman for the star of the show and the actor in the limo.


  70. I'm going with Kirk Douglas for the rapist. He's been strongly rumored for years as the one who brutally raped and beat Natalie Wood. It would be easy for the sadist to move on to helpless young boys. His stunt double was the famous stuntman Hal Needham who also worked with Burt Reynolds.

  71. Would Pier Angeli fit for the actress? She dated Kirk Douglas and her first husband died last month, perhaps prompting this.

  72. @This Rebel Heart

    Chuck Roberson was the one I was thinking of.

    Anyway, I'm not married to the John Wayne guess. Interestingly, John Wayne Airport is located on Ike Jones Rd, so I thought there might be more to the connection.

  73. Went down the Inger Stevens rabbithole for about an hour. She was soooo pretty. And I never knew she was my crush from an episode of "The Twilight Zone".
    Just so sad. :(

  74. The last time Cary G could have possibly needed a stunt double would be in 1962
    Unless it was a sick joke between
    Cary and the chauffeur

  75. Is this guy alive or not? Sounds like he's still living.

  76. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Is the actor rapist still alive? That wasn't clear in the blind. That would help narrow the field.

    Another way to narrow as it's mentioned in the blind - A list actors (suspects) who lived in the canyons up near mulholland drive in the 70s. That could most likely be Laurel Canyon (above West Hollywood) or Cold Water Canyon (above Beverly Hills).

    If the rapist/actor had a stunt double back during that time period, he most likely acted in westerns or what ever would be considered an "action movie" of the old hollywood era. I'm thinking epic historical movies like Spartacus.

    1. Chatleyon Heaton had a home in Coldwater Canyon.

  77. the idea that a homophobic straight guy was raping teenage boys is silly. In regards to the blind though, it looks like we're all a little lost other than recognizing Inger.

  78. Anonymous1:40 PM

    And just my two cents, John Wayne doesn't strike me as the Rolls Royce kind of guy.

  79. Just for fun: Tony Curtis

  80. This source claims she had dinner with Burt Reynolds the day before she died:

  81. Not enough info here for me to venture who it might be, but it's NOT John Wayne. Wayne won his Oscar in 1969. Nobody wins an Oscar when they're past their prime. Rio Lobo and The Cowboys, which came after, were also hits.

    No way Steve McQueen was past his prime either in the late 60s/early 70s--Bullitt and the Thomas Crown Affair were 1968. The Getaway/Papillon/Towering Inferno were 1972-74.

    Cary Grant also seems like a stretch, since he stopped making movies in 1962. Maybe that means "Past his prime" to some people, but feel like "retired" or some other term would've been used. Plus, Grant was born in Surrey, England, so you'd think the hint would say "foreign born."

    Don't know who it is, but it's not those three guys as the rapist villain of this horrible blind. Hollywood is a cesspool.

  82. I read the blind again. Seems the actor was no longer A+ list at the time these things happened but he very well could have been and possibly be A- or B+ on the list. The actor still has A+ name recognition.

    I never heard of Inger Stevens until today. I am stumped.

  83. I like @spacecowboy78 's guess of Heston here- he was past his acting peak, but still has A+ name recognition - ongoing even after death, frankly...

    He seems like a monster.

  84. I'm thinking that the speeding locked car is a big clue, pointing to a stunt driver , which fits with a few of McQueen's movies.

  85. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I like the Belafonte guess, Calvin Jones was his stunt double

  86. Charlton Heston did have a Rolls Royce. Douglas gave an interview in 1988 saying he didn't have extravagant things, like a Rolls Royce, mansion, etc. Interestingly enough there was an article about Michael Douglas and his long-time stuntman and they make a comment about "evil twin" in the article, but obviously the timeline doesn't fit for him. Tony Curtis and Bing Crosby also had a Rolls, but I would think that Bing would be dual threat, or whatever they say for a singer and actor. Deliverance came out in 1972, so don't think it's Reynolds. I saw that John Wayne gave an actor a Rolls, but it doesn't say he owned one.

  87. The key is the address - in the Canyons - (and the turn onto Mulholland). Find the house of the permanent A+ lister.

  88. On the Heston front....he did star in Orson Welles' "Touch of Evil," which might be another hint via the headline.

    But wasn't "Planet of the Apes" one of Heston's biggest hit films? And that was 1968, launching a franchise that continues to this day. He also had a string of sci-fi/disaster movie hits--Earthquake, Soylent Green, Omega Man, one of the Airport pictures. Was he really past his prime?

  89. Anonymous2:45 PM

    McQueen loved cars but he wasn't past his prime in the late 60s.

    1. His film LeMans came out in 1971 and was a box office flop

  90. Anonymous2:46 PM

    For the Heston guessers...He owned a Rolls Royce and he lived in Cold Water Canyon, which is south of Mulholland Drive and north of Beverly Hills.

    Personally I hope it's not him. I worked with him on a project years ago when I was doing fund raising. Rode in the back of a limo with him...which thinking about and attaching him to this me the creeps.



  93. Truthteller beat me to it...

  94. but who is the "adopted" daughter who had a role on a long running TV drama in the 70'sand 80's???

  95. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Heston did have a Rolls though

  96. Heston definitely had a rolls but he was still popular ( at least for the early part ) in the 70's as he was making action flicks. Joe Canutt definitely looked like Heston.

    Can't see Ray Austin ever having been mistaken for Cary Grant..

    Curtis owned a rolls and was doing TV and pretty much on the decline...

    Reynolds,I'd suggest, was only really starting his success in the 70's so definitely not declining.

    Douglas only old Hollywood guy still alive if ' A+ name recognition, much like he enjoys to this day ' is meant to imply he's still around.

    Inger Stevens? Secret marriage √ suicide √ drug problem? Aside from the OD which killed her I don't info regarding any adopted daughter or long term houseguest that could've been a ' sex slave ' for her and her husband + Inger and Ike rarely saw one another by all accounts so I can't see this fitting.

    I accept defeat.

  97. Anonymous2:55 PM

    according to this article...home was gated and Heston had another property in Laurel Canyon.

  98. I keep thinking Marlon Brando though "he still enjoys today" seems to indicate the evil asshole is still alive to enjoy the name recognition.

  99. Read an interview of Grant's daughter where she was creepy and did admit he had a pretty serious anger issue and would smack around her mom Diane Cannon.
    I'm going with Grant.

  100. Steve McQueen did his own stunts. Mostly. Definitely during "Le Mans".

  101. Days of Our Lives for long running show????

  102. Struggling to find the foreign born almost A list actress who committed suicide. I can only find:

    Jean Seberg. Born in the US but lived much of her life in France. Starred in Saint Joan, Breathless, Lilith (Warren Beatty) and Paint Your Wagon (Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood). Committed suicide in 1979. Can’t find any reference to an adopted daughter but she does seem to have had a secret marriage and some legal troubles in her life.

    Bella Darvi. Born in Poland. Starred with Richard Widmark (Hell and High Water) and Kirk Douglas (The Racers). Seems to have initially tried to keep her bisexuality a secret (possible blackmail?). Committed suicide in 1971.

  103. John Wayne
    Inger Stevens
    Lisa Hartman (worked with Wayne as a child)

  104. "much like he still enjoys to this day" - still alive.

  105. Glitter got it - Tony Curtis.

  106. 'several times a week for years' seems like an exaggeration though.

  107. Larry Hagman/Charlene Tilton seem like a fit for the girl hooking up with the A+ lead on the show from the 70s and 80s. She didn't have a dad, and her mom was mentally ill, so she was on her own when she was 15. She met Hagman who became "Uncle Larry", and he got her a part on Dallas. She lines up age-wise, but I can't find a connection to Inger Stevens.

  108. Pretty sure Hagman and Tilton are too young for the time period here

  109. Tony Curtis was married 4 times and had 6 kids and was a proud womanizer. I'm not buying that one either.

  110. I think Jon has it 100% Brilliant.

  111. Inger Stevens and Anthony Quinn! Her last movie was with him. He was a jerk and she was lovely but messed up.

  112. George Hamilton was making movies back then, is still alive and famously owned a Rolls Royce.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. A few comments on the clues:

    "...past his peak on the list" only means that the actor's absolute peak was before the late 1960s. It also means that he was still acting into the early 1970s, at least.

    "...still had A+ list name recognition, much like he still enjoys to this day" does not necessarily mean the actor is still alive today.

    The "address in the canyons" was probably the actor's home, but there is a slim possibility that it was not.

    Similarly, the Rolls Royce was probably owned by the actor, but there is also room for doubt about that.

  115. Long running'70s -'80s TV drama with A+ star:

    M*A*S*H, Hawaii Five-O, Quincy, Taxi, Dallas, Little House on the Prairie, Columbo, The Rockford Files, Lou Grant

  116. "Past his peak on the list, but still had A+ list name recognition, much like he still enjoys to this day."

    Frustrating.Just state whether he is alive or deceased.

  117. It's George Hamilton ! He was seduced by his stepmother at 12, sees no problem with that, since he had "already lost his virginity", AND "For $1,500 he bought a Rolls-Royce: a 1939 Sedanca De Ville, Phantom III with a Spitfire engine that had been built for George VI. He also bought a chauffeur's uniform and drove around Beverly Hills wearing it. Whenever anyone asked him who the car belonged to, he would say, 'Why, George Hamilton, of course.'..he also had a chauffeur, name was Ted. You can read the rest of it here...

    1. @dollyslaffen I really like this guess too

  118. The Stunt Guys:

    Chuck Roberson - John Wayne. Nickname “Bad Chuck” given to him by director John Ford. John's stunt double for 30+ years.

    Buddy Van Horn - Clint Eastwood. Worked together for 50+ years. Van Horn would be the stunt double for some of Eastwood’s most iconic characters, including Dirty Harry, Thunderbolt, Preacher from Pale Rider and the Stranger from High Plains Drifter.

    Bud Ekins - Steve McQueen. His friendship with fellow motorcyclist McQueen, whom he helped teach off-road racing, launched Bud as a stuntman.

    Ray Austin - Cary Grant [owned a Rolls Royce]

    Frank Cordell / Bob Morgan / Joe Canutt - Charlton Heston [owned a Rolls Royce]

  119. Cary Grant is too much of a gentlemen to do these awful things. Charlton Heston and his gun loving hillbilly talks gave me the creeps and i could see Mr conservative being an angry rapist. Those poor kids.

  120. I don't know who this blind is about, but I do know that Taxi was not a drama.

  121. I have to think this through. Starting with "adoptive" daughter. Clue said she would have been 14-16 years old in 1970. She later had a recurring role on long running 70s-80s television drama. She hooked up with A+ list star of the show. Looking at long running shows that ran in the 70s and 80s, there's Dallas, Lou Grant, Little House on the Prairie. It wouldn't be a star, it would be recurring. I'm thinking maybe Little House? I don't know if Alison Arngren would be considered recurring, but this was on IMDB (she started on LHOTP in 1974) "She is on the national advisory committee of the National Association to Protect Children. She has spoken in the media about her own experiences as a victim of child sexual abuse and helped lobby on behalf of a California law toughening sentences against abusers who victimize family members." Can't find a link from her to Inger Stevens. Does Michael Landon have a reputation for diddling with the young cast?

    1. No, the girl taking over the actress's job of procuring was 14-16. The adoptive daughter was a runaway.

  122. forget about Alison Arngrim, she was 12 in 1974. Still looking. Lots of young people on there.

  123. Entry just confirmed that all people in this blind are dead, except the teen girl who acted on the 1970’s-80’s drama. So, the molester is not alive, but still has A+ recognition. @speech_teacher, I was thinking of Little House too. But wouldn’t she be too old?

  124. I think if he still enjoys his A list status today he has to still be alive, how would he enjoy something if he is dead

    If the young actress was 14 in the late 60s early 70s then she would be in her late 50's early 60's today

    We can assume the pedo actor was at least twice her age at that time so he is at least in his mid 70s or more, sounds like he was an action star seeing he had a stunt double

    actress who killed herself sounds like Inger

    Im gonna go see what i can come up with and get back here with it lol

  125. They guy is definitely still alive if he can "still enjoy" anything. It's got to be Kirk Douglas. There just aren't that many guys to choose from who are still alive AND old enough to be past their peak in 1970. I can't see this being Carl Reiner, LOL.

    What is stumping me the most is the "adopted daughter/sex slave" and the show she was recurring in. I wish we had some more clues about her. To fit the clues, around 1980, she'd have been 24-ish to 26-ish years old. "Family?" "Eight is Enough?" "Family" was only on 4 seasons, "Eight is Enough" only 5, so I don't think those would be described as "long running." "Days of Our Lives," "Young & the Restless, and "General Hospital" are all STILL on the air, so maybe one of those? Others that fit the 70s/80s description: Dallas, Knot's Landing, The Waltons, and Little House on the Prairie. I'm sure there are others, maybe even some "dramedies" would count (MASH, One Day at a Time, etc), but my brain has fizzled thinking about it!

  126. But Enty just gave an additional hint. He confirmed that all the people in this blind are dead except the teen.

    1. Thanks. Didn't see the additional hint. I may like the Charlton Heston guess the best, then. Still no clue on the teen.

  127. Still alive-
    Hal holbrook
    Larry stork
    Joseph campanella
    Dick van dyke
    Ed asner
    James karen
    Mel Brooks
    Karl reiner
    Peter richman
    Charles tyner
    Jackie Mason
    Bill daily
    James lipton
    John astin
    Lee majors
    George segal
    Pat Boone
    Paul anka
    Robert conrad

  128. Teen is Diane Markoff she even references the A+ TV guy here and age looks to be in the ballpark??

    and she was bangin:

    Quincy ME as the show

    Klugman as the A+ who was doinkin Markoff

    Inger Stevens as the A-

    Both Stevens and Klugman were in Cry Terror! in '58. There is a tie, and seems to be right around the time Stevens first marriage was ending and she would be kicking it up with Ike Jones.

    But no idea on the A+ mostly movie unless he is the same as Klugman. I can't tell if they are supposed to be different or not and I can't seem to tie Markoff with Stevens... so who knows.

    Whatever I'm tired.

  129. Sean Connery
    James garner

  130. So, if the piece of shit is dead, we should expect a reveal?

  131. Klugman is already dead

  132. I checked the entire cast of Little House and can't make a match. Recurring characters are either too old or too young. Charlene Tilton works for Dallas but she was a permanent cast member for most of the time. There were some recurring "secretarys" that don't show date of birth, so I have no idea. No recurring women in Lou Grant. LOL. I've looked at every suicide list there is and Inger Stevens is the only one that seems to match. But she and her husband weren't living together, so how could they have a sex slave. I looked at Pier Angeli but not sure she'd be almost A-. I'm stuck. So I'm moving on to the permanent movie star. Going to start with Marlon Brando. He seems like he could be a heartless freakster.

  133. Spacecowboy got it....Heston

  134. You might be right who.knows. Markoff is only recurring on Quincy. But would Klugman be permanent A list? And forget about Marlon Brando. He wasn't past his peak. He did Godfather and Apocalypse now in the 70's. I'm completely stuck now. And I refuse to believe it could be James Garner.

  135. I don't think it's Heston. He wasn't past his prime. Omega Man, Earthquake, Midway, Soylent Green and many more were in the 70s.

  136. Sorry, I just cannot imagine Cary Grant or Charlton Heston as serial gay rapists. The Marlon Brando guess, though....

  137. There was a blind in the last 12 months about Bohemia Grove and featured an actress who looked to have committed suicide in the early 70s but it was really murder. Lola McNally said that Inger Stevens had a cut on her chin and appeared to have bled out, probably unable to move from the drugs.

    The adoptive daughter is not 14-16, that is the age of the girl who took over the actress's job.

  138. could the girl who took over and later had the role on the 70s/80s drama be one of the girls on eight is enough?

    1. I was thinking Susan Richardson because she had a lot of drug issues, and I once remember an interview she did a long time ago (I think it was on Geraldo Riviera) in which she stated she was forced into some kind of sex ring in a foreign country . It didn’t sound like people believed her at the time because she was already a mess. I think she is too old for the blind, though.

  139. I think this is the answer

  140. Inger Stevens' co-stars from movies I found on IMDB.

    Burt Reynolds - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Eric Braden - NO - Does not have name recognition unless in the soap world and has been playing Victor Newman for decades.
    Anthony Quinn - ? - I don't know enough.
    George Peppard - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Dean Martin - ? - I don't know enough.
    Robert Mitchum - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Clint Eastwood - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Richard Widmark - ? - I don't know enough.
    Henry Fonda - ? - Sort past his prime although "On Golden Pond" came later.
    James Stewart - ? - I don't know enough.
    Glenn Ford - ? - I don't know enough.
    Paul Peterson - NO - Lacks name recognition.
    Walter Matthau - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Don Murray - ? - I don't know enough.
    Michael Callan - ? - Zero name recognition.
    Telly Savales - NO - Not past his prime at this time.
    Harry Belafonte - ? - I don't know enough.
    Mel Ferrer - ? - I don't know enough.
    Yul Brynner - ? - Name recognition but not sure of past his prime at this time.
    Charles Boyer - ? - Zero name recognition.
    James Mason - ? - Zero name recognition.
    Rod Steiger - ? - I don't know enough.
    Bing Crosby - ? - Past his prime at this time, major name recognition.

    Those are her movie costars and I left out TV at this time.

    Still alive:
    Harry Belafonte - Name recognition to this day.
    Michael Callan - No name recognition.
    Don Murray - ? on the name recognition. I know who he is because of Knot's Landing.
    Paul Petersen - ? on the name recognition. Active in helping young actors survive Hollywood.
    Clint Eastwood - No. Still going strong, has been consistent.

  141. Charlton Heston had a Rolls Royce and a house in Coldwater Canyon.

    Made The Buccaneer with Inger Stevens in 1958.

    Had numerous stunt doubles.

  142. Heston was NOT, NOT, NOT past his prime at this time.

    Cali is canyons everywhere, well So Cali is, so LOTS of people lived in "canyons."

    I know folks would just lurve to pin this on a repub and the fact that he's pro-NRA just makes it juicier, but I don't see this as him at all.

    Wiki has an entire section entitled "70s Action Star" on Heston.

    70s action star
    In 1971, he starred in the post-apocalyptic science-fiction film The Omega Man, which has received mixed critical reviews but was popular.[47]

    In 1972, Heston made his directorial debut and starred as Mark Antony in an adaptation of the William Shakespeare play he had performed earlier in his theater career, Antony and Cleopatra. Hildegarde Neil was Cleopatra and English actor Eric Porter was Ahenobarbus. After receiving scathing reviews, the film was never released to theaters, and is rarely seen on television. It was finally released on DVD in March 2011.[48]

    His next film, Skyjacked (1972) was a hit. However The Call of the Wild (1972) was a flop, one of Heston's least favorite films. He quickly recovered with a string of hits: Soylent Green (1973), another science fiction story; The Three Musketeers (1973), playing Cardinal Richelieu in an all-star cast; Earthquake (1974), a disaster film; Airport 1975 (1975), another disaster film; Midway (1976) a war film.

    Heston's good run at the box office ended with Two-Minute Warning (1976), a disaster film, and The Last Hard Men (1976), a Western. He played King Henry VIII for The Prince and the Pauper (1977), from the Musketeers team, then starred in a disaster film, Gray Lady Down (1978).

    Heston was in a Western written by his son, The Mountain Men (1980) and a horror film, The Awakening (1980). He made his second film as a director Mother Lode (1982) also written by his son; it was a commercial disappointment.

  143. "adoptive daughter" ... Heather Menzies-Urich

    from farmer s daughter ... step daughter in The sound of music ... runaway in there too

    fugitive in logan s run ... age nearly nails it ...

    also worked with Inger stevens ... and was in 80 s tv series ..

    1. @dorina it can't be Heather b/c she is dead & there was a hint on Twitter that read the teenage girl is the only one that is still living

  144. Yea Ginger I just read that ... what if the actress wasnt Inger ..

    cause i cant find any young girl related to her as "adopted daughter"...

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Jayne, the reason people keep bringing up Coldwater Canyon is that it is right off Mulhollnd Drive. That is one of the clues.

  147. I don't think Heather Menzies-Urich fits. For one thing, she died recently and Enty said on Twitter that the teen is still alive. She is also the wrong age. I like the Lisa Hartman guess. She is the right age and was on Knots Landing.

  148. Ahh, too late! :-)

    What if it's Bella Darvi?

  149. Peony Bella DID have reasons to be blackmailed and to be desperate enough for cash and drugs so maybe she s was the one catching teens for the actor ...

    funny but SHE WAS THE PET of a famous couple ... actually she got her stage name cause of them .... D ZANUCK ....

  150. Maybe "adopted daughter' means in one of her films,maybe she only lived with them briefly? Inger Stevens and her secret husband didn't publicly live together.

  151. I thought "adoptive daughter" was a clue as to maybe a young costar/guest star on Inger Steven's show "The Farmer's Daughter" television show but can't find a fit for a child actress still alive who later appeared several times on a 70's/80's long running drama.

  152. Aaron Spelling testified at Inger Steven's death inquest (link below), so I will go with the show being one of his. I like the Charlene Tilton guess, she would have been around 13 in 1970, the perfect age to innocently lure a 14 year old boy. She also spent some of her childhood in foster care and said she spent her high school years basically on her own.

    1. The Aaron Spelling connection might work. Nice sleuthing.

  153. I think by "adopted" daughter they mean someone they found on the streets and let live with them. Not something legal or legit, due to the quotes around "adoptive"

    1. @gauloise, I agree that "by 'adopted' daughter they mean someone they found on the streets and let live with them."

  154. And Heston is the only one who lived in Cold Water Canyon?

  155. The 14-16 year old procurer is NOT the one who was on a 70s/80s show. That's the adoptive daughter/runaway for whom no age is given.

  156. It doesn't say that the A- actress was a co-star of the actor's.

  157. @Picklet, I interpret the passage to mean that the 14-16-year-old procurer to have been the one who was on a 70s-80s TV drama. Here is the passage:

    "After her suicide, the actor turned to her 'adoptive daughter,' who was really herself a runaway who lived with the actress and her husband and was basically their sex slave. She later had a recurring role on this long running 70's-80's television drama..."

    And as others have noted, Enty tweeted that she is still alive, while the other subjects of the blind are not.

  158. Steve McQueen

    Bill Hickman for driver
