Saturday, April 14, 2018

Blind Item #10

This former A+ list tweener is spending his time in the desert alternating between LSD, mushrooms and Ayahuasca.


  1. This is he wrong time for him to be so wasted he can't get his junk up. He can have all the orgies he wants at this.

  2. Wow can't wait to see how he comes out on the other side of that one!

  3. There’s a part of me that doesn’t give a damn due to his snotty behavior over the years but there’s another part of me that feels badly for him. There’s no telling what he was subjected to as a kid in the entertainment business.

    1. +10000

      I think he was passed around by Usher as a tween so he’s likely a survivor of child sexual abus, and I think he may struggle from being bipolar. I really at least hope he has a therapist he can talk to...

  4. Oh he's young. Let him have fun. As long as he's not snorting heroin.

    1. Recreational drug use is ok as long as it’s responsible and you respect the power of the drug. These days people act like taking a drug a few times a year at a party makes you a drug addict but they’ll go out drinking multiple times a week.

      I do however think Justin is a drug addict which could make this very dangerous if he’s mixing his drug of choice with this stuff

  5. DMT isn't really anything the first time.

  6. Hmmmm, I wonder who this could be?

    *rolls eyes*

  7. So like everyone at the festival?

  8. @Geeljire Meh. I ate a lot of shrooms and dropped a LOT of acid back in the day. Not sure about the Ayahuasca, but otherwise there's no reason Bieber shouldn't come out of things okay. I'd be far more worried about coke and whatever else.

  9. the fuck is ayahuasca

    1. A tea made from am amazonian root, mostly used in religious cerimonys

  10. Maybe he'll learn he's not the center of the universe

  11. What happened to the up the butt heroin craze? 🤔

  12. ayahuasca is a psychedelic

  13. Sounds like fun.....oops

  14. All that tripping will make him more delusional about Jesus being real.

  15. I’m intrigued and somewhat respect his choice of substances. These can be (when used sparingly and properly) magical, mind expanding drugs with medicinal properties. His whole hipster-privilege-psychedelic outfit, exchanging pleasantries with street drifters, always seemingly concerned with making sure the people are okay when getting into a car accident... I don’t know, I’m kind of digging this Bieeebs. Hopefully he’s just happily exploring and not tragically searching.

  16. Ayahuasca Makes you puke and shit, why would you do that at a festival lol
    I hope he joins the 27 club if it's Biebs...he's an ungrateful litttle turd and treats people like shit

  17. Ayahuasca is a combination of two jungle vines brewed together into a bitter thick tea. It's loaded with DMT. Yes you puke a lot. The more you drink the more you puke.

    It's adherents love to ascribe a sacramental religious aspect to it and the fact that it needs to be brewed by some indian shaman adds to its mystic luster.

    It purportedly makes you withdraw into yourself and force you to contemplate what an odious shit you've been.

    This could be interesting when taken by someone like Justin Beiber (just what we needed, another "Justin")

    I can imagine walking past his compound at the festival while he's higher than a motherfucker on that shit and hearing a piteous "reeeeeeeeee!" emanating from within as our spoiled little boy is forced to see a big technicolor movie projected on the inside of his empty skull of what an embarrassing public twerp he's been.

    1. You can skip the Indian shaman now and have some strange white people with "new age spiritualism" (hello The Church!) who used to do a ton of heroin administer it in a foreign country and make yourself real susceptible to suggestion/delusion.

      If you're doing DMT/Ayahuasca, do it somewhere safe and supervised by someone you trust until you get the hang of it. Don't do it at Coachella surrounded by your abusers.

    2. Yeah, I honestly can't Imagine anyone doing Aya for the fun of it at a recreational event .

      Apparently Miley's done it too.

      Mad respect for them, itlli hand their ass back to them.

  18. Can't be in the 27 club. That's only for people with talent.

  19. When he is ‘ON’ I hear his concerts are epic
    When he’s not, don’t bother
    But you never know which ticket you are buying

  20. Festivals are the only time i take some coke because it allows you to drink all day and gets you keen friends if you are in the sharing mood.

  21. Good for him, exploring the mind and soul.

  22. Lunchpaillefty said...
    "All that tripping will make him more delusional about Jesus being real."

    6:02 PM

    There is plenty of empirical evidence to prove Jesus was real he lived he breathed he died. He is not a myth. What is in dispute is his divinity? Jesus was the only prophet, of any faith, who claimed to be God. Buddha did not Mohammed did not and so on. Learned atheists never claim Jesus was not real because the evidence proves he did live. I reiterate his claim of divinity is what learned people dispute.

    1. The Quran and Muslims are emphatic that Isa A.S , of the Essenes and basis of "White Western Prosperity Jesus," never claimed to be Allah nor the son of Allah.
      There is only one deity: Allah

      Not three, and certainly not repurposed Osiris-Isis-Horus myths.

  23. Okay I'll play.

    "the evidence proves he did live. I reiterate his claim of divinity is what learned people dispute."

    Nope. There is not one iota of independent verification that Jesus ever actually existed. The only place he exists is in the Bible.

    Sure, there are insertions in ancient texts, probably put there by the Catholic church, of the same word for word description of Jesus. Those are now largely accepted as forgeries.

    One would think that with the awesome miraculous powers of this Jesus, we'd be seeing him referenced in the historical records of multiple civilizations that were writing in their own languages at the time. Nothing. Nada.

    Mohammed and Buddha are undeniable historical figures. We know quite a bit about them as people since they occupy historical markers in many different places. Jesus, however, does not.

    Believe in him all you want but there is no independent verification he ever lived.

  24. These comments are a shit show. The Atheists are just as nuts as the koran bashers.

  25. Jesus actually did exist. There is concrete proof that there was a man, named 'Jesus' that was a carpenter in that period. Was he the son of God? No. Was he a schizo? Yes, just like mohammad (sp -can't be bothered to google). Does that disprove that their is a higher power? No. Does it prove that there is one? Again, no.
    None of us have any real answers to anything. We're completely insignificant as far as any of this goes. We might rot in the ground when we die. We might all have a dance party in heaven with J-dawg. Heck, we might end up being tortured in hell with bin laden. At the end of the day, nobody knows and nobody will know until we all die.
    That being said, Hillsong still sucks.

  26. "There is concrete proof that there was a man, named 'Jesus' that was a carpenter in that period"

    No, there actually isn't. There is one mention of a Jesus in Josephus that has been proven to be a forgery. Otherwise, no amazing liberator of the Jews is mentioned in any concurrent text, or even a text immediately afterwards.

    The only proof of Jesus is the bible. One source does not a proof make.

  27. Bella thorne? She’s seems really into drugs

  28. Plot you are truly whack. The entire course of history was changed, the roman empire turned upside down, and time itself thereafter demarcated (BC and AD) by an imaginary character? LOL

    There are dozens of independent secular sources that that confirm His existence and the basic facts of his life. Obviously they are not going to confirm spiritual issues.
    Ask some learned, secular historians and archeologists.

  29. A longtime friend of mine works VERY closely with the Beeb.
    She loves him and says he's a total sweetheart personally.
    For what it's worth.

    Public behaviors aside.... would you want to be a rich and famous teenager?

  30. @Southern Man

    "There are dozens of independent secular sources that that confirm His existence and the basic facts of his life"

    Cool. Name them.

    "Ask some learned, secular historians and archeologists."

    I have.

  31. wow, beebs does Ayahuasca at Coachella and some tards turn it all into a quarrel over theology.

  32. I think Justin Beiber is trying to so a tripped out version of Jesus out in the wilderness.

  33. For a Christian, believing in God and Jesus is a matter of faith. That said,this Hillsong seems more like a cult that has bastardized Christianity.
    I hope Biebs finds what he's searching for.

  34. "For a Christian, believing in God and Jesus is a matter of faith."

    Exactly! The truths and strengths inside Christianity are entirely spiritual. That is not a bad thing.

  35. What if, hypothetically, all the acid, shrooms and stuff turn him into a resurrected Jim Morrison?



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