Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Item #11

Apparently at least one man is set to come forward to describe a sexual assault at the hands of this A- list mostly movie actor who is doing television right now. The A- list actor is mostly closeted when it comes to his hookups with men, although he has never outright denied being with men. The thing about this particular assault is it was recorded by the actor. It s unknown if the recording still exists, but it was recorded.


Tricia13 said...

James Franco

PoliticallyIncorrect71 said...


sandybrook said...


sandybrook said...

+1 to franco

Sd Auntie said...

Good. Can't wait for pompous ass Franco to be exposed.

Tricia13 said...

Takes a real loser to call themselves a “fan” of his......

aanjheni said...

Gotta be Franco.

BTW - does anyone else now feels as if the wonderful 70s songs from the DeFranco Family have a bit of a taint because of Franco? I know it is irrational adn they aren't even related but still...

Off now to listen to Heartbeat, its a Lovebeat.... 73 seems so long ago

CorkyRogers said...

To be different...Gonna go with Tom Hardy

filmfanb said...

Nah, Tom is filming Gonzo right now and just finished Venom. No TV in the pipeline currently . Think its Franco, this is definitely his type of thing.

Brayson87 said...

+1 Tricia, Franco

Sd Auntie said...

Indeed! Can not think of any one as a fan!! Lol

Tricia13 said...


T. W. said...

I had no idea about the deFranco Family.

I hope Franco goes down. If they can get Weinstein & Schneider then they can get him.

For some reason Antenna TV is airing Head if the Class. Now we can watch Schneider's claim to fame.

Truthseeker said...

I am not a fan of many actors, Brad Pitt maybe, I think he has great abilities to pull off his characters. The fact I have been in lust with him for over 20 years doesnt count. ;)
I have been a fan of some of Franco's work. Tristan and Isolde was my favorite book growing up, and I did like him in that movie. I found him to be talented, and he has range. That being said, if what is said about him is true, then that does taint him, but it doesnt take away his work.
IE; Kevin Spacey, i LOVED him in House of Cards, but I have never been a real fan, He has always just played the same character, kind of flat with that darkness just below, but it worked in House of Cards. I wills still be a fan of him in that role, even if i believe he deserves prison for his actions.

El Roy 13 said...

Thanks to you, I've just figured out who this Schneider is!

T. W. said...


You are welcome!

Unknown said...

Guys what show is Franco in? Blind says the actor does mostly tv now.

Unknown said...

Guys what show is Franco in? Blind says the actor does mostly tv now.

GoodAshBadAsh said...

Maybe Richard Armitage? He was kinda out for a while but now engaged to a woman. Has Berlin Station and Castlevania working right now.

Rafael said...

Jared Leto

SteveD said...

Franco did 11.22.63 for Hulu and is now on The Deuce on HBO, but he still does several films per year, so it would be weird to call him mostly TV.

Southern Man said...

ooh when i'm alone with you
i get this feeling thru and thru....

Bumtitty said...

Travolta is a Good call I reckon.


Xander Crews (voiced by Adam Reed), whose alternate identity is the superhero Awesome X, is the 33-year-old billionaire owner of Crews Enterprises. By the time of the series, Awesome X and his team of high-tech armored soldiers, the Xtacles, have effectively eliminated the supervillain threat, making superheroes unnecessary. Awesome X and the Xtacles are headquartered in an orbiting base, the Xcaliber, which costs Cllion dollars a year to maintain, and with no supervillains for them to fight, Stan, Crews's second-in-command and head of the Crews Enterprise Board of Directors, wants to downsize. He announces Awesome X's retirement, unbeknownst to Crews, who prefers to play superhero and waste money on his own entertainment.

Crews is also the very proud owner of Train Island, and has been featured in two adult films during his more lean pecuniary years: "Head of the Ass" and "Check Me Out, I Suck". For the former film, Crews participated in the award-winning documentary "The Making of Head of the Ass: The Documentary about the Porno".

Tricia13 said...

*a talented one

Tricia13 said...

Says he’s mostly movie but appearing on TV now...

gauloise said...

Travolta was in the OJ Simpson season of American Crime Story that was last year, not current.

Milo Yiannopolous, the gay commentator, recently said that Franco was the next one going down.

Copperbunny said...

Alex Skarsgard?

Terry Teratoma said...

OMG we have a Frisky Dingo post in this thread...😂

Travolta has DEFINITELY outright denied being into men, so not him. Atreed it's Leto or Franco. Franco has been somewhat relatively unscathed from all his controversy, somehow -I suppose this COULD be the final nail in the coffin (although I doubt it. Nothing sticks to him (yet) for some reason).

Evonne said...

Tim Robbins

dix said...

Luke Evans? He's in the Alienist on TNT now.

GoodAshBadAsh said...

Love him. His closet never had a door though.

More Cowbell said...

Probably Franco, but just to be different, William H. Macy.

The Ghost Is Clear said...

Link to Milo qoute?

Unknown said...

Aaah ok. All I could think of was Freaks and Geeks

Unknown said...

1st time commenting. Long time lurker. Big fan, Tricia.

crystalynx said...

james franco and potentially nat wolff?? i saw pics of james being creepy to him

c17 said...

Franco was also on General Hospital for a bit - he said he wanted to experience the way soap actors prepare. I always wondered if the role was specifically written for him 'cause of the things I've heard about him.

Haywood Jablomee said...

@Geeljire Best layoff Archer & friends, or he'll go RAMPAGE on your ass!

Teaching in the trenches said...

@aanjheni Tony DeFranco was my 1st crush! I still have my 45 record of “Heartbeat is a Love Beat”
Wonder how he turned out?

Bigbro411 said...

Franco has always seemed a little off to me, like he couldn't quite shake his actual jerk personality.

Unknown said...

Yes, let’s throw out random names in a story accusing them of sexual assault. Tom Hardy isn’t doing mostly tv anyway.

CorkyRogers said... didn't say mostly tv. It said mostly movie actor doing TV at the right now. Tom Hardy just starred in Taboo for FX with production starting on season 2 soon. He has also been very ambiguous with his sexual history/orientation. I did not just throw random name out for the sake of it. Maybe I should have added what I just posted here so there wouldn't be any confusion. Apologies.

TLT said...

If it were (which I don't buy) Tom Hardy, wouldn't it say married actor?

Randyman said...

Franco does a lot of guest appearances etc. Probably him.

IanPhlegming said...

There's something really creepy about Tim Robbins, isn't there?

TLT said...

For some reason I can't see Tim Robbins as anything but the creepy but not really creepy pedo killing dude from Mystic River.

Tricia13 said...

Thank you Space Coyote and welcome to comments!!!

Anonymous said...

he wasnt yhe pedo killer. twp teenager guys did it. he suffered PTSD in the movie consequence of a rape.

Orville said...

This is definitely James Franco, Enty has teased this for a few months but a man has not emerged yet. I do hope some GUYS have courage to tell their stories about James Franco. His acting school Franco also took advantage of other men. This bisexual psycho needs to be outed ASAP!

nikki bexx said...

as always, gawker was on this initially:


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