Sunday, April 15, 2018

Blind Item #2 - A Reader Blind Item

Back in the day, there was a famous feud that sometimes spilled out into public view - on tv, in the courts, and on the pages of certain magazines - between two men, both now deceased. They were on opposite ends of one spectrum, and while it may come as a shock to some the same end of a different spectrum. I say a shock to some, but practically everyone suspected it of this person (who we'll call BO, for the series) at one time or another, on one legendary occasion possibly "200,000,000 Americans." He was mistaken for something else in childhood pictures, and was reprimanded as a young officer (he was not career military, you understand) for a stunt worthy of a certain formerly disgraced (times change) English author.

By the time it escalated into a legal battle - there had already been years of shouting matches and near altercations - the two had amassed impressive files on each other. The longtime Hollywood procurer for the other (who we'll call JW, for the debut) denies on record that any of his interests there were underage, but what of course about the time he spent abroad, in southern Europe and later in Asia? The sworn statements provided to that legacy detective agency tell a different story. This person went to his grave fearful about the release of these statements and related pictures. The relatives may have been scorned, and left out of the will, but they were still telling the truth.

So, why then did BO drop the suit at the eleventh hour, fearful of what he might be asked under oath? It might be because of what JW's team, which included a purported former KGB spy, had found out about BO's own interest: barely legal hustlers, often rough trade. He'd hire them whenever he was visiting his many politician friends in DC. He called them his "habit." For him, the revelation would have been enough to end his career, and bring down his empire.

It's a shame that the movie left so much of this story out. I wonder how much the shelved one was going to say


  1. I;'m guessing this has something to do wuith the movie Chappaquiddick, which is recently out.

    Hoover and RFK?

  2. J Edgar Hoover for one of them

  3. Ah forget it, probably way off base and wrong career field.

  4. I cannot understand the first paragraph of this blind. Anyone feel like doing one of those synopses for simpletons?

  5. Actually the more I read, I think it could be RFK:
    Spectrums they're opposed: politics
    Spectrums they're on the same side: sexuality
    BO=Bureau of Investigation, legacy agency, J Edgar Hoover.
    I'm working through this one still.

  6. I think you nailed this one

  7. Good lord my head is spinning from that first paragraph. Why would any reader try to write as poorly as Enty?

  8. And here's the Official Spookington Post narrative:
    He was NOT a gay crossdresser.
    He was NOT a coward.
    He was NOT African-American.
    Oh Lord hahahahahaha

  9. Gore Vidal/William F Buckley. Doc "Best of Enemies" came out. Spacey movie was shelved.

  10. Houdini amd Doyle?

  11. I finally got one!!!
    BO = William F Buckley, B.O. for “the Big One”, his 1975 transatlantic crossing.
    JW = Gore Vidal
    Public spat, check. 3 year lawsuit mysteriously dropped, check. Disinherited relatives, check. Called a queer in front of 200 million Americans (the west coast feed was cut), check. Documentary made, check.

    1. This is really good too but how do you figure JW for Vidal?

      And when he was called up, he asked to be placed in the infantry rather than in the Navy because, as he told his father, “there will be more chance for me to land a desk job of some sort.”
      But this wasn't while he was an officer.
      Regardless spooky gay stuff all around.

    2. Oops, BO is for Blackford Oakes, from WFB’s series of spy novels. WFB’s “young officer” stunt seems to be vandalizing a church with honey and feathers.
      JW for Jim Willard, from Vidal’s debut success The City and the Pillar. Vidal did disinherit his family, and have a lawsuit mysteriously dropped after spending $1 million (in 1960’s money!) defending it.

  12. I'm lost.
    Anyone else lost?

    I consider myself to be of average intelligence.

    (Okay, C-/D+ intelligence.)

    I have no clue as to what this is about.

    My apologies to the Reader who submitted this.

    (I'll read-read this later -- after some more coffee.)


  13. I believe the pimp may be Scott Bowers. Here is him speaking on the record.

  14. @Kendrik, thanks for the link. I love Scotty Bowers' book, "Full Service."

    A must for anyone who loves old Hollywood gossip with lots of sex.

    1. Oh my. I think I might have to find that book. I doubt my local library carries it...

  15. @Geeljire, I also enjoyed your link about J. Edgar Hoover, even though it didn't end up being the solution to this blind. I didn't know some of those allegations had been disproven.

    Great piece by a former Clinton adviser, Mark Penn, in the center-left "The Hill" today about how the current corruption at the FBI is the result of the agency having been given too much power after September 11. As with Hoover, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  16. Whoever wrote this did a good job actually. A neat puzzle.

  17. Darwinite - I think you nailed it.

  18. Also this: "In connection with a new book about Vidal, his half-sister and a nephew have hinted that he may have had a secret passion for underage boys."

  19. Here's my crack at the first paragraph:

    Public fued: William F Buckley and Gore Vidal

    Opposite end of one spectrum: Buckley was conservative while Vidal was liberal.

    Same end of one spectrum: Vidal said Buckley was homosexual. Buckley said Vidal was bi-sexual.

    One legendary occasion in front of 200,000,000 Americans:

    Buckley appeared in a series of televised debates with Vidal during the 1968 Republican National Convention in Miami and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. During a heated debate over free speech of protesters (some of whom were raising a Viet Cong flag) at the Democratic convention,
    Vidal said that people were free to state their political views as they saw fit. Buckley responded that was true but others were also free to ostracize them for holding those views. Vidal responded with "the only sort of pro- or crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself," whereupon Howard K Smith (the moderator) interjected, "Now let's not call names." Buckley, obviously angry, rose several inches from his seat and replied, "Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in your goddamn face, and you'll stay plastered."

    Mistaken for something else in childhood pictures: Vidal was mistaken for a girl in early photos.

    Reprimanded as a young officer: Buckley was in the Army during WWII. Vidal enlisted in the Army (served for 3 years) but became a warrant officer.
    I cannot find a reference to either one being thrown out. Maybe someone else knows?


  21. Big applause for Darwinite.....I was hoping to add something by pointing out Buckley's CIA hero Blackford Oakes had the B.O. initials, but he even circled back to beat me on that, too.

    Buckley was Skull & Bones. Not sure what Vidal was, other than a genius (though Buckley was too).

  22. The longtime Hollywood procurer for JW: Peter Lawford who was a procurer for the Kennedys and Rat Pack

  23. J Edgar Hoover was never in the military, he draft dodged WW1

  24. First paragraph will only make sense once you know the answer

  25. Back to the good old days when WFB, Gore Vidal, and also Truman Capote would do their intellectual bitch fighting on every talk show. We were informed and entertained. Now we got Andy Cohen.

    This will be a most spectacular sati
    Sorry but this seems like our politics blind for today

  27. Biden / Savile 2020

    Joe & Jim'll Fix It !

    They can put the campaign HQ in Arden, Delaware. Bring back Denny Hastert as Secretary of State. Pardon Jerry Sandusky, make him Secretary of Education. It's gonna be awesome.

    1. Guess who went to kindergarten in Arden?

    2. Joe Biden went to Kindergarten in Arden...

      Jay Parker (former Ardenite) claims the whole town is run by ritual abusers

      Idk, but I do find their self-sufficiency & independent policing very unique. It seems like an idyllic community.

      Kinda like shamylans the village

  28. my first thought was vidal and buckley. legendary rivals and both kind of skeevy guys. i saw them spar many times. it fits.

  29. Oh, I'm well aware of Joe Biden's time in Arden. A handpicked DuPont boy who showed much early promise that has paid benefits again and again. Just ask Anita Hill.

    1. I wasn't talking about Biden.
      I was talking about this CDAN commenter.

    2. @geeljire, are you saying you went to Kindergarten in Arden or another commenter?

    3. I'm saying I went to kindergarten there
      I won my first goldfish at the Arden fair

    4. Small world! What are your thoughts on the town?

    5. Really no stranger than any other part of New Castle, Co.
      Arden has immediate I-95 access, but only going to or from the south.
      The school was Montessori, the one in the center of the town that was repurposed as admin office I believe in the early 90s. The playground there is virtually the same as it was when I attended 25+ years ago last time I passed through.
      There was a new modern (at the time) Montessori facility built next to the I-95 exit, Harvey Rd.
      Every classroom had an observation alcove with two way mirrors.
      I went to the DuPont schools after.

    6. "Every classroom had an observation alcove with two way mirrors."

      Like in an interrogation room Or focus group room? Creepy

      And then DuPont schools after?

      Sounds like you escaped from the Belly of the Beast @geeljire ;)

      Had you heard about any of the ritual abuse stuff? While there or after?

    7. It was like a closet off of the main corridor with a second door that would enter into the classroom. Parents (or whoever) could watch the classroom from it. The newer building, every classroom had it.

      Delaware has/had? more private schools per capita than any other state. The public school system was gutted and replaced with a charter school scam perpetrated by the Democrats. Now you graduate, don't know how to do anything, and enter into some heroin related occupation.

      Not if you went to private school though. I became aware Jay Parker in only the past year and a half. Most of the creepy stuff is DuPont centric and an open secret amongst the natives. Cossart Rd in Pennsylvania often comes up. Surprisingly, the Gore family and what Chabad is up to seems to fly under the radar.

      Biden is the ultimate gaslighter and charlatan and you could all learn a lot from him. "Uncle Joe" Biden? Remember "Uncle Joe" Stalin? I remember when "Uncle Joe" cornered my classmate 1-13 on the 7th grade trip. She was an attractive girl with unusually large feet. Uncle Joe was quite smitten.

      DuPont schools occasionally produce rogue managers.

  30. @ DDonna Tarttty I'm sorry, but Buckley was no genius. Just a pompous snob blathering pithy quips and bitchy comebacks but no intellectually deep or profound beliefs. Once anyone mildly picked apart any of his vacuous arguments, he'd resort to name calling with a disingenuous smile and wink. Look at the video of his debate with Noam Chomsky in the 70s over Vietnam on YouTube. You'll see what I mean.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Threshold

    DDonna, like most wing nuts, is desperate for a smart person to identify with. You won't convince her that Buckley isn't some super- GEEEEnius of political thought.

    That he was a slimey, simply headed, closet case is completely ignored by her and other Reichers. Ask any Buckley worshiper about his position on race, abhorrent in total, and they suddenly can't recall.

    @Aimless Spectator

    The Deep State players are always the same and try to turn a political spin. What BIs they choose to spill their dreck is anyone's guess.

  33. Plot-Twisted goes there! Right into Godwin's Law!

    I'm not just crazy! I'm a Nazi! Or is this....The Law of Reversal again? Who's the real Nazi? Beats me, because I'd never sink to calling someone a Nazi who I don't know. I do know Plot-Twisted is just as consistently wrong as William Kristol, and just as rarely in doubt. Big defender of Dan Schneider until very recently, remember. ;-p

    For the Record: I'm not a fan of William Buckley the human being, but I did like the Blackford Oakes books, especially the six or so earliest ones. He knocked every one of them out in a month or less, which is pretty impressive, and he's a Yale graduate. Nobody in Skull & Bones has my respect or admiration however, and I call him a genius not because I want him to be or because I look up to him, simply as a statement of my opinion. Perhaps I'm wrong, and putting too much emphasis on his vast vocabulary and gift for articulate expression. He was a master propagandist, was he not? Certainly Gore Vidal found him a worthy opponent, or he would not have spent so much time on TV debating him.

    But it's comical propaganda for some clown (in action?) to suggest anyone quite aware of the war between and among the secret societies of the world that our planet is currently suffering under, would be a fan or kindred spirit to a member of the Order of Skull & Bones. The man laid in a coffin and jacked off while a bunch of people watched. Nobody can respect that.

    I'm rather stunned by Geeljire's revelation about living in Arden. I've been there, before I found out what is was. Jay Parker says not everyone in the town is a satanist. Was Geeljire one of the minority normies? Or were you, like Parker (and Mark Passio) , an adherent who got out? Would definitely like to hear more about this.

    1. I did not live in Arden, I went to school there for two years as a child.

  34. My Reader Blind...

    Someone, I will call John Elton, is a homosexual.

  35. Buckley wrote all those "novels". His church loves that stuff. Remember the underlying premise of THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR? Whole/most of Buckley family is agency.

    What other kind of American would talk like that?

  36. my stab at translation: my comments in CAPS

    Back in the day, there was a famous feud that sometimes spilled out into public view - on tv, in the courts, and on the pages of certain magazines - between two men, both now deceased. WILLIAM F BUCKLEY AND GORE VIDAL
    They were on opposite ends of one spectrum, POLITICS

    and while it may come as a shock to some the same end of a different spectrum SEXUALITY

    .I say a shock to some, but practically everyone suspected it of this person (who we'll call BO, BUCKLEY for the series) at one time or another, on one legendary occasion possibly "200,000,000 Americans." He was mistaken for something else in childhood pictures, A GIRL
    and was reprimanded as a young officer (he was not career military, you understand) for a stunt worthy of a certain formerly disgraced (times change) English author. OSCAR WILDE/SODOMY ?

    The longtime Hollywood procurer for the other (who we'll call JW, for the debut) denies on record that any of his interests there were underage, but what of course about the time he spent abroad, in southern Europe and later in Asia? The sworn statements provided to that legacy detective agency tell a different story. This person went to his grave fearful about the release of these statements and related pictures. The relatives may have been scorned, and left out of the will, but they were still telling the truth.

    So, why then did BO BUCKLEY drop the suit at the eleventh hour, fearful of what he might be asked under oath? It might be because of what JW's team, which included a purported former KGB spy, had found out about BO's own interest: barely legal hustlers, often rough trade. He'd hire them whenever he was visiting his many politician friends in DC. BUCKLE ON POLITICAL BUSINESS He called them his "habit." For him, the revelation would have been enough to end his career, and bring down his empire. BEING A CONSERVATIVE ICON

    what do you think?

  37. @DDonna

    "I'm not just crazy! I'm a Nazi!"

    Glad to know it. Didn't bother with the rest of your post. Looked a little tightly wound.

    @Southern Man


  38. Fair play to those who figured out what the hell was going on in that blind, and especially for Southern Man’s breakdown.
    However, IF the English author is meant to be Wilde, the reader who submitted it should’ve spent less time trying to look clever, and more on fact checking: Oscar Wilde was not English. He was British technically, but was undoubtedly Irish. His mother Jane, a folklorist and writer, was a well-known (and militant) nationalist to boot!

  39. @AIP- true, but didn't the prosecution of Wilde happen in London?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. None of the allegations against J Edgar Hoover have been disproved. They're all true.

    I saw the documentary about Vidal and Buckley, and I thought Buckley had called him a "fairy". But maybe I was thinking about John Cleese's line at the end of the sketch about the composer Two-Sheds Jackson, when Cleese threw him off the stage, saying "get your own arts program, you fairy!"

    Buckley was nowhere near a genius. He was a poseur with a phoney upper crust accent. He was CIA, and we don't have any proof that he actually wrote those Blackford Oakes books or any others. They might have been written in a conference room in Langley.

    I've been telling my brother than open-mindedness toward conspiratorial reality is the way to go, because, if for no other reason, it consistently gives rise to an excellent sort of humor.

    Let's hope CDaN gets more into the deep state or whatever we want to call the puppet-masters of the power pyramid.

    Today, Joe Biden said, "I'm really hoping some other folks step up. I think we have some really good people." Who? Kamala Harris? The fact that he didn't name anyone tells me that they don't have anyone else who would be likely to beat Trump. The idea of Biden or John Kerry beating Trump is plausible to me. Much more plausibe to me is either of them beating Mike Pence. As many swamp creatures know...

  42. can we have the creeps who want to argue about politics do so somewhere else? tedious

  43. R.e. 200,000,000 Americans, look at the entire line with less confusing grammar:
    "everyone suspected it of this person at one time or another, on one legendary occasion possibly "200,000,000 Americans".

    To me, this means that the blind may possibly have slept with the person who was famous for something about 200,000,000 Americans.

    I looked up a 200,000,000 Americans quote and it came up with this: "
    America... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. Hunter S. Thompson"

    So one of the subjects of the blind was rumoured to have slept with Hunter S Thompson. That's all I've got!

  44. Can I say the disgraced author was Oscar Wilde?
    I watched Buckley when I was young, but I enjoyed Dick Cavett and Tom Snyder.

  45. The best part of the buckley/vidal debate was after in the green room where an angry paul newman threatened to really knock buckley out for outing his pal gore.

  46. 100% Vidal and Buckley. The 200,000,000 Americans line is a reference to this quote from Pat Buckley (Bill’s wife) after Vidal made another quip about her husband’s effeminacy on live TV:

    “Two hundred million Americans now think William F Buckley is a screaming homosexual, and I have to do something about it!”

  47. Okay this is completely random but could it have possibly been Tupac and Biggie or people who are associated with them? Btw I love both of their music....

  48. DIdn't Paul Newman start a *camp for boys or kids?

    JoAnne always seemed beard-ish to me... and the over the top "perfect marriage/deeply in love" never ending PR.



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