Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype. This A+/A list mostly movie actress has been sick lately because she has been trying to kick heroin. Apparently she kicked it for a week and went through withdrawal only to do some and almost overdose before repeating the process of withdrawal. 


  1. Angelina again lol?

  2. To be a fly on the wall in that house for the last 10 years

    1. For reelz... And Brad took all that heat for the incident on the plane? I’ll guess we’ll never really know(there’s a gag order ), but if she really has it this bad then... well damn

  3. I guess flying that plane is the hype!! Maybe to pick up her stash!

  4. That's such a sad situation for the children :(

  5. Addiction is the mother of all bitches. I hope whoever it is finally kicks the beast.

  6. Has anyone ever seen track marks on her?

    1. I suspect that's what all of those tattoos are there for. Makes them harder to see.

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

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    3. You can snort heroin. Most people do now

  7. @Unknown - no track marks on her arms doesn't mean anything. She could be injecting between her toes.

  8. @thia @Unknown or doing a Cheryl and injecting into her bum

  9. She's probably snorting it. Most people graduate to shooting heroin when snorting the amount they can afford doesn't get them high, so they end up shooting it to make it stronger and last longer.

    Either that or shes shooting in her toes

  10. Angelina based on what? This surprises me. She seems very protective of her kids.

  11. I feel Angelina's whole life is smoke and mirrors. She wants the world to see her as a bad-a$$ woman who can take anything on, whether it be third-world countries or hundreds of children. But it's what goes on behind closed doors that probably would still shock people about her. I feel Brad took the fall with the divorce but something tells me it wasn't easy being married to her. And Brad can't say a thing because he doesn't want to hurt the kids. Not saying Brad was perfect, but I think St. Angie isn't the Saint she wants everyone to think she's become.

    1. So I have thought from the beginning. And a huge ego.

  12. If this is Ange, just how horrible of a human being is Pitt? Because how do you leave your children in the care of a junkie? Seriously.

  13. Considering shes got 20 maids/nannys/cooks sounds like the children will be taken care of while she locks herself in her room and shoots up all day

  14. Jenny Mollen. Thyroid issue my ass...

  15. Nanny's shmannies. You are those kids' father for goodness sake. Sweeping addiction under the rug is no way to 'protect' the children. This is just abominable.

    1. Don’t bother. People will defend Brad and demonize Angelina no matter what. Brad is as pure as the driven snow apparently. I’m more of a fan of Brad and don’t even like Angie but even I see the obvious bias of the public

    2. What's so sad is that addiction is not perceived as a problem until one cannot afford the habit anymore.

  16. Yeah those kids practically have a traveling daycare, they'd be fine. Not totally sold on this being Angelina though.

    Cary Elwes and Jack Busey on Stranger Things Season 3, shut the front door!

    1. And according to the blinds here, she keeps girls to service Pax and Maddox.

  17. Can Angie open a movie anymore these days?
    She’s a former A list

  18. I agree with @B626. I think Angie's name on a marquee would be a negative for a movie these days, not a positive.

  19. Yeah, I was gonna say...what hype is there about Angie these days?

  20. Has Angie been sick lately? I thought she was flying a place recently.

  21. Totally Angelina. My friend is a musician in a successful band and has kicked smack and relapsed a few times. She knows Angelina from out on the scene and has some stories that were just crazy. After the crap she told me I can't look at pics of her without remembering all the insane stuff she told me. Those kids are gonna be messed up. Angelina isn't stable and has serious mental health problems. That plane thing was planned or else she would have had some problems getting custody so she set it up. So many people knew she would pull something but he's the idiot who didn't believe them. She's got to be one of the biggest phonies along with Clooney in Hollywood.

    1. Please elaborate or are you getting it together for a reader blind?

  22. Could be Charlize Theron. She talked about going through depression after eating a shit ton of processed foods.

  23. MKULTRA'S a bitch
    Can't snitch when you self-destruct

  24. Maddox looks completely fuckt up lately. Such a cute little boy and now he looks like an addict, to me.

    Ang would run a lenient household, I think, while disappearing into her bedroom suite for the tough stuff like education and discipline. Her kids don't seem to have any relationship with the outside world through schooling or play groups. Their main activity seems to be traveling to miserable areas of the world with Ang.

    One scenario - Brad lost it, totally lost it over the direction the family (in the form of Maddox) was headed. Sure he was drunk and probably high, but in this case he was spot on about Angie clinging onto these kids by being the ultimate permissive mom (her children's best friend) while ignoring the issues.

    I'll call it now - Maddox, Knox and Vivienne are going to have the worst issues moving into adulthood. Shiloh, Zahara and Pax will limp along in the background.

    1. How about you pray that the children grow up to be healthy and non victimized instead?

    2. They might end up like you

    3. A commenter over at DListed had the moat hilarious gifs of how often Brad would pull away from St Ang in in distaste in the red carpet. This went back some time. Bet he knew he made a huge mistake early on but stayed put foe the kids, coping by boozing etc.

  25. don't believe the hype? about what?

  26. I'm dying over the Julie Andrews guess. I needed that laugh. I'm betting money on Angelina. I would love to know what is really going on with her.

  27. @Anon2 - can you please share some of the stories? Would love to hear!

    @Trap Queen - when did RDJ say that or do you mean Himmmm said it via a blind?

  28. Never encountered an addict or alkie who did not have a real lack of values/ ethics. Incl. Ms. Jolie, who was probable s/abused by her creep father.

  29. @MRS SUPPOSEDLY AJ is protective of her kids. That is also just SECRETIVE behavior. She was and is the top guess for all kinds of weird random kid related activities from getting 'sex partners' for her children to being an addict. I am sure she is all of the above. Intense types (esp. those with such hyper sexual history - aka she had sex with her mom's boyfriend at a very young age supposedly) can be all extremes - angelic and demonic. Part of the victim complex, thrill seeking, drama that became the norm, the pendulum of drug addiction. She always seems to go as light as she does dark. Mother figure, heroin addict, BDSM sex player, etc.

  30. @Joel it is FAR better for parents to be divorced so the kids can live in sanity at least 50% of the time, instead of in crazy 100%. When the guy stays "for the kids" it actually is the worst, because it sets the precedence that staying in an abusive relationships is ok, a dynamic the kids will probably replicate in their own relationships, and the father just ends up acting as the enabler. Unfortunately the courts rarely give custody to the dad in these instances, but maybe the kids will choose him as they get older.

    Ask any kid who grew up in this type of dysfunction and they all wish the father would have left. Leaving and abandoning are two different things

  31. It's more complicated than that Urban.

    Jolie slept with her mother's boyfriend in her early teens, and her mother later approved of it. Her mother also allowed Jolie's boyfriends to live with them. Her mother never worked but demonized Voight for not giving them enough money, sending Jolie to his house to beg him for funds.

    I don't know if that is simply California culture there, but having Marcie as a mom didn't help Ang any.

  32. @cruzzer2 definitely not her, but she can go fuck herself for those stupid posts. People know what weight loss looks like, maybe showing of the supposed golf ball sized lump on her neck that sent her to the doctor would've actually been helpful? And she started her caption with, "not anorexia" because she know's exactly what she's doing, but wants to pretend she's spreading awareness about Graves. She can suck my nonexistant dick.

    *please excuse, apparently I have strong feelings about this that I want to share.

  33. @gauloise - I totally agree. I grew up in the dysfunction and it totally affected both my brother and I. We are 38 and 40, and neither are married or have kids. I wish they broke up because the damage of being exposed to that for years is absolutely irreparable.

  34. @B626 Depends what movie it is. Angelina certainly was a huge draw for Maleficent once people got a look at her in the trailers for it. And the sequel should do very, very well.

    Outside of the gossip boards, which are pretty much a bubble, I think she is still pretty well regarded.

    I think the fact that Maddox stood up for her and wouldn't speak to Pitt for months after they split says there is something more to the story. He saw something, so i don't think it's as black and white "good dad/bad mom" as some would say.

  35. +1 on Julie Andrews. I see nothing to eliminate her. She probably owns that mansion in NOLA also.

  36. Jennifer Lawrence.
    As far as all the Jolie posts, believe some, not all. If she is this bad, I find it hard to believe brad Pitt wouldn’t demand the kids. Unless my suspicions about him are true, he is the same and hides it well under the good old boy nice guy crap.

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  39. Good point Unknown, I wonder how many match up with veins

  40. Why does it say mostly movie? Is AJ on tv and I missed it? I think it's an actress who acts on TVs and in movies. And AJ supposedly has had extensive therapy as well as Brad getting therapy ( for the sake of their kids who they obviously love). Last rumor I heard she was on maintenance meds and dealing well with life.

  41. One day we're all going to read the tell-all biographies of these poor Jolie-Pitt kids and it will probably be 10x worse than what we think it will be.

  42. Not Jolie. The Charlize guess is intriguing, but I'm not sure it fits...

  43. @anon2 - I DEF want to know more!

  44. Watch Gia.

    It is a beautiful movie with AJ

  45. This blind reads that someone has been saying something about being sick recently - which Angelina has not. And for the last time, no heroin addict would be capable of doing all that she does no matter how much help they have. I know everybody wants to vilify AJ, but I think there's a whole lot of people just seeing what they want to see with her. (Not a fan or a hater. Just an observer.)

    1. I agree. I don’t trust all the rumors- never have.

      Neither have I ever believed any hype of any kind. DAMN I hate that phrase.

  46. @Anon,
    Time to submit a Reader Blind or two. That would be some good shit instead of the blinds where someone drafts a blind from watching a fucking documentary on Netflix.

  47. I feel like Enty would list saint Angie not only as an actress, but as actress/director or actress with a side gig and I don’t think he’d say “mostly movie actress” as she’s only in movies.

  48. The fact that you people believe anything this site posts says it all. Common sense would tell you, that a guy who doesn't know any celebrities posts 10 blinds a day, seven days a week. It's all clickbait. He profits from traffic. As for Angelina guess, tell me honestly, how would he know? The fact that she's in London filming currently on a movie,but he didn't know that. But he knows she's taking heroin? Give me a break!!!

  49. Anonymous3:39 PM

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