Monday, April 02, 2018

Blind Item #3

This A list acting couple could just get a divorce and be done with it. The thing is though, they both have said why. They do their own thing now and are discreet enough, they are rarely busted. Plus, since they are both exploring with members of the same sex, the marriage gives them valuable cover.


andrea said...

Jada and Will

Tricia13 said...

The smiths?


Wild Wild St. Charles House of Horrors

andrea said...

The “valuable cover” comment makes me think of Scientology too but I’m sure they know.

Shawny said...

It was for the children before. Maybe now that isn’t as pressing so they are having to re-invent their excuses.


"I Wish"

Brayson87 said...

It can't be them every time we see this blind.

How Soon Is Now? (Official Music Video)

andy81 said...

i got time for her if she wants.

IanPhlegming said...

I'm sure the Smith kids have seen some horrors. Friend of mine from Baltimore went to that performing arts school Jada attended in Charm City. My friend liked her, she was ambitious and could be abrasive, but hard-working and straight up. She was very open about her sexuality, apparently, my friend was amazed when she hooked up with Will Smith, so we all knew he too was gay right away (6 degrees, right? LOL).

Will has totally lost his mojo, by the way, am I right? How terrible was "Bright," "Collateral Beauty," "Suicide Squad," "Focus," "After Earth," "7 Pounds," "Hancock," "Pursuit of Happyness"? In between those movies he made "Concussion" and "I Am Legend," which were okay. But he used to be magnetic on screen and now he's just another guy. "Bright" is the nadir of his career.

Rosie riveter said...

Will Smith looks gayer and gayer as the days pass


Golden Boys - Res:

Hey what's this song about?


"I wanna know how can they love you?"

Anonymous said...

He blew it with Wild Wild West. But to that point he WAS Mr 4th of July.

Danilo said...

It's not new Jada exploring the same sex, is not it?

traycmg said...

Just to be different I'm going to guess Channing & Jenna.



June 25, 2001
It is White who is responsible for How I Do's bombastic opening track "Golden Boys." Dedicated to the veritable army of "bald headed cuties," (who could be named Tyson, Tyreese, or for the old-school Jordan) the track calls attention to the incongruency of the sanitized black masculine images that adorn fashion magazines, MTV and ESPN and the menacing black masculinity that is assigned to those who look just like the "bald heads" but minus the celebrity. More alarming is the ways that many of these "artists" acquiesce to these photographic black (wet) dreams in order to achieve the fame and material wealth that they desire. As Res sings in the chorus "But then there's girls like me who sit appalled by what we've seen / We know the truth about you / Now you're the prince of all the magazines." While the lyrics suggest the obvious collection of photogenic Nubian Sex-Lords, including P-ditty himself, the lyrics seemingly take a swipe at one of Philly's favorite sons, Will Smith. Throughout the song Res references the word "prince" and in one lyric sings "When I was young I thought you had it won / I saw you on TV you made life look fun. I realize it 's all a freak show," alluding to Smith's television sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. The kicker for me was the lyric that begins the second verse in which Res sings in full swagger, "Place you in these robes and tell you you're the greatest man / And you believe and play your cards," which seems like a veiled reference to the Ali biopic that Smith will star in later this year. At issue is not the falsity of these images but the investments that many make in the belief they reflect a reality. Res makes such a point when she laments in the song that "We've got these images / We need them to be true / Not ready to believe we're no more insecure than you." Even more dangerous are the investments made by black female viewers in these images (and the countless strippers turned video hos turned singers that adorn them). Already challenged by a general disregard for a fuller presentation of black female identity in the entertainment industry and a downright stifling and damaging concept within that industry of what the quintessential black female should look like, Res's line that "Girls like me don't need no bubblin' mind state thrown in my face," like the song itself, is a sobering disclaimer against that which is marketed as authentic black culture.

Anonymous said...

John Krasinski & Emily Blunt

No Wuckin' Furries said...
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No Wuckin' Furries said...
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Cheese Louise said...

I actually enjoyed 'Bright' and i thought he was perfectly cast. I dont get all the hate for that movie. It was fun.

Shaloo said...

SJP/Matthew Broderick?

Mystique99 said...

Saw Girls Trip yesterday which had Jada in it. Another character played by Regina Hall was a super celeb in an open marriage which was supposed to be discreet. Well (semi spoiler) Hubby wasn't and pics were getting out. Whole time I watched kept wondering if that plotline was loosely based on Will & Jada??

Smalls said...

Wouldn't be Joe Mangina and Sofia Vergaralamadingdong, right?

Cindy L. said...


Unknown said...

We all now Morrisey is super gay. There is no need to bother

Unknown said...

I saw it yesterday too and was thinking the SAME thing!!!
Especially when Jada got way more emotional than the other actresses during the big speech toward the end...😳

T. W. said...

Either Enty is being nice by giving us obvious blinds(Will & Jada for this one) or @ Shaloo got it (M. Broderick & SJP).

Unknown said...

Tom & Rita could also fit

Arngrim said...

Wow... Never thought I would see anyone reference Res. Loved that album.

Krusty Demon said...

LOL, Poppy

Brayson87 said...

Bright was good, but didn't live up to the hype. The special effects make-up for the ogres looked more old school SciFi channel than feature film. I think the plot suffered from trying to set up a series rather than just being a standalone.
Will Smith definitely delivered on the acting though.

gauloise said...

The Travoltas

Large Marge said...

Tired of DL singles, couples. Just come out already cuz you're helping no one.

Robin said...

Cate Blanchett/Andrew Upton

SassyMamaBear said...
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Bigbro411 said...

Can we talk about how Will Smith is trying Youtube now? And he wonders how he managed to get a million subscribers... you're already famous, dude.

Natsu said...

The Tatum's?

Southern Man said...

Smith 'family'.

"experimenting"? Meaning full time, lifelong preference??

BonnyPommy said...

Would Jada be considered A list?

BonnyPommy said...

I want to agree but is Matt still A?

Sagan said...

Channing Tatum and whatsherface.. Jenna Dewan?

Lucretia said...

Its all New World Order Ideology and MKULTRA training.

By pairing lesbian and poofters in marriage, it ensures the couple remain totally bonded to their cult/CIA/handler, and not each other.

I'm really suck if it.

Marxists love this as well.

Fx said...

The Smiths are still exploring? It’s been years!

Lu said...

I actually really like bright


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