Monday, April 09, 2018

Blind Item #3

Over the past decade, I have been telling you about this A list mostly movie actor and his penchant for guys. The closeted actor, who loves action movies even feuded with another actor because the other actor is so homophobic. Anyway, our closeted actor kind of got thrown straight out into the open by a former employee. 


  1. Replies
    1. I agree. Brolin as homophobic costar. Former employee...maybe someone he worked w/when makeup artist/stylist/hairdresser or whatever?

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Can’t be Tyrese because it said A List.

    3. I could see that! I remember Ted Casablanca who used to write blinds for E! had hinted at him being closeted and that's the reason he was fired.

  2. I was thinking The Rock and Vin D

    1. Me too. Not Renner, I think he’s straight.

    2. HAHAHHA. He’s not.

    3. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. Lots of closeted action stars, not seeing one recently outed by a former employee so far.

  4. The Rock for the closeted guy

  5. The Rock, since he feuds with just about everybody.

  6. Vin is the gay guy, Rock is the guy he's feuding with.

  7. I could see Vin as the closet case, but don't really see D. Johnson as a homophobe.

  8. The Rock and Tyrese.

  9. wasn’t Renner a makeup artist or hair stylist once? For The Rock former employer all I can think of is WWE.

    Still curious about this OG blind, as I’m thinking about Renner, Evans and RDJ. I thought RDJ had genuinely reformed - I wonder what’s the dirt on him, or ‘fire’

  10. Interesting. I doubt Evans is a homophobe since he was so vocal about supporting his brother when he came out.

    1. Yes can’t be Evans so I’m assuming Renner is more likely. To me Vinn/The Rock/Tyrese are any of those guys considered ones ‘former employer’? I don’t think so.

  11. All the people mentioned in this are gay actually... So I doubt any of them are the homophobic one...

    1. Lol .. the loudest homophobes are almost always closeted themselves. It’s s nuanced mixture of self-denial and projection, sprinkle some religion in there as well. Textbook example: VP Pence.

    2. ^^^ Amen. Especially the ones on sites like this who get so damn angry. Projecting much ? I always laugh to myself because I feel that some of those people are like: " these angry homophobic rants will keep my gay thoughts away!!"

  12. I thought RJD was leaving to pursue other opportunities, like producing the porn star movie.

    1. This blind isn’t about RDJ. The blind I linked to above is.

  13. Renner and Brolin? I don't think i've ever heard anything good from him.

    1. That makes sense, Brolin as the homophonic costar.

    2. Brolin played part of a gay couple in one of my favorite comedies Flirting with Disaster and seemed totally cool with it. I’m not sure it’s him.

  14. That's what i was referring to. Renner also has that escort service he runs out if his house and there was a blind awhile back about Evans and video of him getting all S&M freaky and drugging it up.

    1. Ah sry, and yes both good guesses for Renner and Evans ‘fires’ I wonder what RDJ’s ‘fire’ is

    2. Could be Hemsworth and his cheating. Or Pratt and Hillsong.

    3. Also blind about Hemsworth and not liking fans or public anxiety.

  15. I have no idea what the stuff about "former employee" is but my first thought was Will Smith.

  16. I've always thought Aaron Eckhart was in the closet. I heard once years ago that he had a very physical and violent fight with a male lover on the set of Batman.

    1. Wasn’t there a recent blind about him being a former gay prostitute?

    2. He is known to be a total asshole “don’t you know who I am?” guy. Pretty sure he played himself in “In The Company of Men”. Great film, albeit super disturbing.

  17. The Rock, Vin D and former employeee maybe Tyrese?...

  18. On a side note, Luke Evans is one of the hottest stars out there.

  19. @TLT ...Luke, is that you?

  20. LOL, I wish! I have the wrong anatomy and boring job.

  21. Renner lol
    My very old, very Christian, very blind grandma could of seen he is gay.

    1. Renner is a lurker here.....yup

  22. I was going to say that former A list turned probably now A- list actor of the action then sci-fi franchise, thought originally because of that character not to be the sharpest tool in the proverbial shed, but of course he doesn't much do action movies anymore.

  23. It says former EMPLOYEE.

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Dwayne Johnson IS Vin's former employee as Vin is a producer on the Fast films. I think its these two, with Johnson as both the homophobe and the employee. If not both, then Tyrese is in there somewhere.

  25. You mean it's not Tom Cruise?!

  26. If the Rock is a homophobe, why does he stay in contact with Colton Haynes?

  27. I’m still dying to know what is ‘the fire’ that RDJ got. I can guess Renner and Evans but RDJ I have no clue

  28. Where are you loons getting The Rock being gay from? Jesus Christ. Hollywood isn't a gay village. Straighs exist. Shocker! He's not homophobic, either. He's a fantastic dude. I hate seeing his name dragged through stupid bs rumors.
    There are whispers about Renner and Vin, which might have some truth to them. Evans too, BUT there have been BIs about him being a straight guy into S&M soooo you've got to choose one - freaky BDSM straight guy or secret gay? He can't be both.
    I can see it being Vin. Or Eckhart. Dunno about the homophobe.

    1. @orange I guess he could be a freaky BDSM pansexual. As long as it’s on his own time and own dime, whatever works for him.

  29. The rock is awesome and not a homophobe. Not getting along with someone who happens to be gay doesn't make someone an instant homophobe. Gay people can be jerks too just like straight people. Equality means evaluating everyone as s person not for the color of their skin or by gender by religion/ethnicity or by sexuality. A jackass is a jackass.

  30. Rock/Diesil feud is public and still on going. Couldn't say which is which if it is them. Focus on the outing by the former employee (not employer). That tidbit should be out there somewhere.

  31. Vin > Rock. There is just something so "wrong" and phony about The Rock. I have this horrible concern that they're grooming him to be President, so they can fulfill the "Idiocracy" predestination of a professional wrestler who becomes commander in chief as the populace degenerates even further.

    No idea if this is about them, though. But if there is anybody who jumped through the rings of fire to get where he is, it's the Rock. WWE? Disney? "Hail Satan" on SNL? He said it, I didn't.

  32. Closeted actor: The Rock ...
    Homophobic actor: Vin Diesel
    Former employee: Tyrese

  33. People forget how arrogant and that people have just recently started speaking nicely about Dwayne "the rock" Johnson. I understand he used to be really mean.

    Vin ( doesn't really seem like the type to care if he's outed or not. I think that's what irks Dwayne because people like Vin and always have. Plus The rock is really a cheap version of Vin personally. He always looks like the dumb jock. Plus Dwayne always plays the same role.

  34. I'm thinking Rock maybe closet. I heard that in his much younger years he was a meth user who would also prostitute. Who knows what true. If that is true it would make sense why Vin would be homophobic due to if he is actually straight the constantly speculation of being gay

  35. The Rock had some very public things to say about what "a man" should & shouldn't do when Vin was posting his sing along videos. Especially "Drunk in love" which was great. Like them both. Leave Vin alone!

  36. Disel is a closet nerd and former breakdancer. That's about it. Johnson might be a closet homophobe. He would want nothing to stand in the way of his career success including being thought of as prejudiced (will be interesting to see how he tries to nuance that if he does run for political office). At any rate, all of the guesses involve actors in massive franchises, I would think enty would mention that wouldn't he?

  37. Anonymous7:59 PM

    This was on Radio Andy yesterday - the Vin Diesel news! I had no idea that he was closeted!

  38. Gay male meth using prostitute?! Wow, someone went out of their way to spread that rumor, damn! That's somethin'!
    I've followed Dwayne's career from the beginning. There is not a hint of truth to any of this. He is a good dude. He isn't arrogant or self-centered. His character may have been but he is a good guy.

  39. @Kerry

    Hi. Are you new here?

    1. Hey! Not really a long tine lurker

  40. The Rock, former employee WWE - Vince McMahon
    Vin D Feud

  41. It's employer not employee. Anyway, it's James St. James talking about Vin D being his bodyguard for a couple of years. It was on the WOW report. Someone on LSA brought it up because they heard about it on the Sirius XM show.

    1. You did not read the blind properly. Delete this. Lol 😂

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. As people are discussing when homophobic people turn out to be gay themselves, I'll just leave this here for additional shits and giggles:

  44. I remember reading something about him one time. It's was about Vin and his diva ways. He held everyone up on set, because he couldn't find the belt he wanted. After throwing a temper tantrum, they finally found it. At that point, he was so tired from his tantrum, that he had to take a 2 hour nap. Everyone on set was held up.

    Then another time, he wanted 3-1/2 cookies. So they brought him 4 and he threw a temper tantrum.

    Also...rumors that he's gay has been going around for years.

  45. I am surprised people here never considered CHRIS EVANS! There are numerous blinds on the internet that Evans is BISEXUAL and YES into dudes! I think it would crush straight women hearts if a hunk like Evans admitted he is into guys. This blind is about Chris Evans.



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