Saturday, April 07, 2018

Blind Item #4

An author that is working on a book about the future royal couple found two more men who said the at the time bit player on a network show was strictly pay for play.


  1. Meghan Markle, but it's not much of a blind.

  2. So what? Leave her alone. Such racism! She's marrying into on of the most psychotic families in the world. I wish her luck.

    1. Yeah I think she’s very beautiful,and they seem genuinely happy... I think the bigger story is/will be what’s going on behind scenes with Kate/Pippa....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Its not racism dumbass.its prostituion.
      Is she being payed for sex like soho house what they do. its need to be spoken.

    4. How is this racism?

    5. Kate K, you need to search the word “racism” and learn the definition. Later you can use it in a sentence that actually fits with the subject. Racism and prostitution are two completely different words.

    6. Why is it "racism" Karen to bring up a negative charcteristic or behaviorist a person? Keep screaming"racism" about everything and it loses its effect!

  3. Anonymous8:57 AM


  4. "but it's not much of a blind."

    Sure it is, and in "her fiancee must be blind..."

  5. "as in"

    Need. More. Coffee.

  6. Harry likes “professional” women.

  7. Is this the Andrew Morton book that will be released later in the month or a different book?

  8. It's just been revealed that the Queen is a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. So she's from a line of pedophiles going back 45 generations, which is nice.

    Meghan is a coked up whore, so you'd think the Queen wouldn't want Harry marrying her. But let's not forget Harry isn't a blood relative of the Queen, so she probably doesn't care.

    1. Don't be preposterous. My sons are also documented direct descendants of Mohammed, and there's a pretty good chance you are his descendant, too, as are millions of Americans, Europeans, and Middle Easterners.

  9. Lucky guys getting a big payday! What does this have to do with racism? If Harry was marrying a blonde bimbo,same story would come out.

  10. This is pathetic. You should name the author; why should they be granted anonymity if they're WRITING THE BOOK? Pathetic.

  11. Remember when MM was "dating" Alex Soros, son of George? And they went together to that crazy Hamptons party hosted by the spirit cooking nut "artist" where guests ate desserts shaped like dead naked bodies? And how Alex told us on Instagram, dressed in his red shoes and standing next to MM, how excited he was to "dine in hell"?

    Good times.

    Our old pal Tony Podesta's got a whole gang of guys who love those red shoes, too:

    Sure looks like Tony's the oldest guy there, by far.

    1. What????!! I didn't know that was MM! Scary 🙀

    2. Why are all of the men wearing red shoes?

    3. Mitch McConnel? I knew it!

  12. @KateK, it's technically not racism.

  13. Kate K - can you please explain the "racism" in this blind?

  14. I wonder if Harry ever gave it to Pippa.

  15. DDonna - WOW. Good find.

  16. "Pay for Play?"

    I wish I could be paid for playing.

    I spend so much time searching for properties for clients and most never end up acquiring anything.

    Sounds to me as if Pay for play would be good for me for all the time I spend working for nothing.

    SO, pay up, bitches!


  17. If I'm reading this correctly, it's about a bit player on the show that was hustling. Megan's character was not a bit character.

  18. What racism? Every royal fiancee gets raked over the coals by the press. It goes on after the marriage as well.

    Meghan is an average looking girl with a spotty reputation. Perhaps she is a wonderful person. If Harry thinks this is the one for him, that's for him to decide. He's never going to be king anyway.

    1. I totally agree about Royal fiancees, but as a black woman I also know that the "whore" accusation gets thrown more freely against us than white women who behave the same or worse. That said, I remember enough about Harry's "youthful antics" to figure that he was never going to attract a "proper" woman anyway. This whole engagement/marriage is the Windsors' way of saying "Alright, we give up and understand that the monarchy will be dead with the next generation. Why stress ourselves out by forcing the kids to marry incompatible partners? Maybe they'll actually embarrass the family less!"

  19. IMHO she’s smart, beautiful, poised and driven. Any “whoring” only makes her more equipped to successfully navigate life within The Firm. This is what a modern fairytale looks like...happy couple. The more traditional fairytale setup with virgin Diana is a cautionary tale for the ages.

  20. Maybe the "bit player" and "pay for play" refer to when she was on Deal or No Deal

  21. I used to watch a travel show that used a lot of those “briefcase girls” from “Deal or No Deal”. Many of them did nude modeling and even adult films, so yachting part time doesn’t shock me.

  22. I'm fairly certain no family would be thrilled to have an ex or current prostitute joining their family, royal or not.

    1. This 👆 which is why I can't understand why the marriage is being allowed, particularly into the BRF.

  23. There maybe isn't racism in this blind itself, but if you read comments on other media sources, there is a lot of it. Some of it is overt, others are most subtle -- about how Harry should have stayed with a blonde (meaning Caucasian) or how whatever-ex was such an "English Rose" (again meaning Caucasian) and Harry should have stayed with her instead.

    1. So it's ... second-hand racism? Arms-length racism? Racism because someone else on the planet talking about it is racist?

  24. You have a point, certainly there is racism directed at her, but on the other hand, there are some valid concerns about her based on some of the things coming out about her.

  25. Hollywood is like high school where there is gossip and rumors about EVERYBODY. Meanwhile, there never seems to be any solid anything about this girl.

  26. @DDonna
    Thank you.
    The photo with Alex Soros says it all.
    It all makes sense now.

    Nothing against MM,
    but couldn't understand why Harry would marry her?
    Divorced, Older.

    MM is game for all of the Royal Family Occult Rituals.
    The Royals are notorious CANNIBALS.
    Looks like MM is too.

    I would bet there are some very compromising photos of MM
    doing some unimaginable things.

    It'll be very interesting when eventually it all comes out.

    MM is g

  27. What you think those numbers on the suitcases were really for?

  28. @DDonna is that MM in the Soros pic? not lookig like the recent pics of her (?)

  29. If you've watched the second season of "The Windsors" on Netflix then none of this is surprising.

  30. MM is being allowed "into" the BRF because Harry's not got the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha bloodline.
    I'm still not convinced the marriage is actually going to happen, however.

  31. MM may not be the ideal partner for such a public figure (for reasons other than her race) but Harry's always had pretty bad taste in women. He goes for party-girl/good-time girl types, none of which would have been an ideal partner for someone with level of public scrutiny.

    1. Bingo. I think she will handle life under a microscope well because she loves the attention. MM gives me such an inauthentic vibe. She seems to know the right things to say, who to say them to, hence her continued upward mobility in life thats gotten her to where she is now.

  32. Again with the Harry's paternity rumors. He is Charles' bio son. The physical resemblance is there, you can see it in Phillip especially.

  33. @KateK Here we go...."Racist"???? STFU

  34. Harry is handsome. James Hewitt is handsome.

    William is not attractive, but at least better looking than ugly Charles or Phillip. William is clearly Charles and Diana's son. Harry is not.

    Here are comparisons of Harry with James Hewitt:

    Here are comparisons of Harry with Phillip:

    People are welcome to make up their own mind(s).

    1. Please, have our celebrity standards dropped so low?! Hewitt and William had brief moments of real world attractiveness when they were young, but neither Charle nor Harry were ever good looking absent their wealth and position.


  35. As pointed out, he's not fully family, so less restriction on what he does.
    No crown in his future.

    So the family doesn't really care too much.

    Funny enough, maybe not unexpectedly, he seems like the most normal/human of all of 'em.

  36. Kate Middleton, along with her family, has been shredded in the media for years. MM’s coverage has been fairly mild, in comparison.

  37. Sounds like another "Pretty Woman" story where the wealthy trick and the heart-of-gold hooker fall for each other. No way Harry doesn't know about her background. That's probably how they met.

    Why do people still believe Harry isn't Charles' son? I guess it's the red hair that throws people off. Compare Harry's features with his granddad Prince Philip, especially in younger photos of Philip. They're blood.

  38. Maybe because he's a dead ringer for Diana's side boyfriend...?

  39. Does pay to play here mean yachting? Or does it mean she pays for her airtime on the show?

  40. Did she yacht? Probably. It's an open secret in Hollywood that this goes on. Now she's into a higher class of yachting. She's clearly marrying Harry for the money and fame. That's definitely no secret. So she's just yachted her way into the most famous royal family in the world. It's all very entertaining.

  41. For all anyone knows she started out pay-for-play with him too, so he doesn't care. She solves a big problem for him. That being what he wants (women of color) versus what he is allowed to have (whites).

  42. Who cares if she has a past this isn't the 1900s. The Windsors have been referred to as the 'Windsor Cartel'. The Queen has stocks and shares in the big companies that control the prices of our food and resources and have done since the days of the 'New world' (America) and the British Empire. She is one of the richest people in the world, these stocks will be passed on to her son when she dies and there are no questions raised even though she gets insider knowledge from her government, which is a trading advantage and technically illegal in the UK.

    This is also a family that backed their son to 'groom' a young impressionable 19 year old virgin to enter an arranged marriage and produce heirs when he was in his 30s and had numerous mistresses. This was only 40 years ago but is something most western nations see as something abhorrent that only occurs in other cultures.

    Good luck to Markle and Harry if they want to break with tradition. People talk about her 'fooling' him. If anything, it would be her being used to inject some life into an outdated institution and boost their public standing in current society. The Windsors as 'royals' are on borrowed time and they know it.

  43. I hope this person also covers Kate as well... Might as well.

  44. Honestly, she may kill off the horse genes once and for all. Would be nice to mix up their generic lot a bit. And, between tampon grandpa (for those of us old enough to recall those conversations, blech!) fergie and shade as fvck Andrew.. just to make a few. That family is the last one to be casting stones

  45. And how is this racism? Typical pulling out of the race card when we don’t agree with something said.

  46. We keep forgetting that MM lived in Hollywood so like a Trump/Arnold running for Governor etc etc she was never in an immaculate world but in one based on sex sells (not talking couching but actual sex appeal on screen, moves) and is utterly atypical from every other lifestyle or business. Actress have legit naked scenes and kiss folks other than their spouses. They shmooze and party as networking. Of course she has skeletons by the royal standards but I don't think it is as big of a consideration for Harry as we think. I'm sure has had an inkling of this and is just in love. because he isn't in life for King like his bro the scrutiny should and will be less. Look at his Uncle who was similar - dating Koo Stark, Fergie. And I do agree that the royal family could use a shake up in their genes. Modifying the line... MODERNIZING it too so it doesn't utterly die of disinterest. It had to evolve to survive. I just fear MM wants to be a royal more than she legit loves Harry is all which would be sad. Otherwise I wouldn't judge her or them for a damn thing.

  47. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Harry knows things, too much, one might imagine. They had to agree. Good luck to him I say, and to Ms Markle. Regarding her looks, I think she is very pretty, not beautiful in the conventional sense/opinion.

    1. I think Meghan and Kate are both just 7s on the celebrity beauty scale, but it's okay since their partners are at best 5s.

  48. Anonymous2:08 PM

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  49. Has Harry's dad, that polo-playing cad, weighed in on this?

  50. Every modern Royal baby has been blood / DNA tested at birth.

    Diana was a natural red head, especially in her late teens and then her colour turned mousey... The best beauty thing she ever did was go blonde. Harry came out looking like a Spencer, rather than Charles (thank goodness).... He has more chance of saving his hair.

    Even James Hewitt has said Harry is not his and the timeline doesn't even match up to their relationship.

    1. The question never has been whether Harry's DNA matched Charles' at birth, but whether the family would ever actually admit to having a cuckoo. Whether Harry is Charles' by blood, he is still his son and the only meaningful challenge to that would come should at least 4 people die before the monarchy is abandoned.

  51. That's not Meghan with Soro's son. It doesn't even look like her. Some Trump trolls were pushing this on Twitter a few months ago and got debunked instantly. I see it's made its way over here.

    As for this Blind, ya'll have been pushing this for MONTHS! MONTHS! I saw this on Tumblr a long time ago and its made its way over here too. Everyone claims its Meghan but what author is writing a book on her and Harry? Any guesses? ALso the minute it is published, which I don't think is true, they will sue for defamation of character unless the author cites its source by name and no man, two at that, in Hollywood are going to come forward and attach their name to that. It would be suicidal for them.

    Enty will reveal of course because who ever gave the tip will name it as Meghan.

    Endless circle of BS.

    I'm waiting for the blind saying she has a 3rd marriage that was annulled. Or the infamous IRS case everyone on Tumblr knows SOO MUCH about. Or maybe this imaginary agreement they claim they have. Oh and we already got the Meghan is infertile blind, next should be Harrys because of some procedure they claim he had as a child.

  52. @DDonna Tarttty - THAT is NOT Meghan Markle.

    1. That girl is wearing a wig
    2. She is taller than Meghan
    3. She is darker than Meghan
    4. - CLINCHER - Meghan Markle has really skinny pin calves and the young woman in that photo does not.

  53. That's racism. Sad.

  54. The scariest thing about Meghan is that she stalked Harry and he fell for it. She is constantly acting in every situation. Posing and acting. And she's a terrible actress. Harry is a stupid horndog so they deserve each other.

  55. Morality and the British Monarchy is a joke please. Anyone who has read up on its history.

    I mean Anne Boleyn could just as well as been a yacht girl though I guess it would have been a schooner girl.

    Camilla having an affair with Charles for all those years as a married woman. Her great grandmother having been a royal mistress to Edward VII - yes you got the title royal mistress back in those days, the royal mistresses would have status in the Royal Court and it was just assumed the King was going to have mistresses.

    There are persistent rumours that Elizabeth I who had numerous lovers may have had a child raised by someone else. Supposedly she miscarried once as well.

  56. Harry is no angel and yes he is clearly a Windsor/Spencer hybrid.

  57. Sorry Tatty you need to do some research and find photos of Diana's brother the Earl of Spencer especially when he was younger and his red hair was redder. And Harry has a lot of his mother in his face.

    Given Prince Andrew's disaster of a marriage to Fergie and that Prince Andrew himsefl is a disaster who the hell cares about the bloody blood line.

    MM looks like a better bet than Fergie.

  58. I wonder how much money the Queen lost on the stock market lately thanks to Trout Lips. Might have to downsize that wedding.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Did she learn the trade from Eastern European special pricey girl mrs T**** I wonder? I bet they'd have a lot to chat about then. If this is even true. Or are Trump bots out in force because trump remains bizarrely jealous of the royal family's continued friendship with the Obamas. Wahhhh . Trumpski never invited to parties. Trumpie stamp feet and have bot farms spread rumors against anyone he doesn't like. Sociopaths hold grudges forever.

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  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. MM can apparently suck the sheets halfway up her John's arsehole.



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