Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blind Item #5

The producers of this new pay cable show have been accused of getting actors to make them child porn. It has become so bad that self tape places here in town are refusing the business of anyone who is taping auditions for the show, even if the actors remain clothed. Of course if they do remain clothed the producers won't hire them.


  1. The Chi/Showtime?
    Coming of age stories

    1. I feel like this is a blind with many answers.

    2. I also think Chicago self tape places wouldn't ban them due to organized crime reasons.

  2. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

  3. JFC pedos are like the energizer bunny, for renewable energy we should be put them in giant hamster wheels with copies of Boys' Life on strings just beyond their reach.

  4. WTF??? How on earth is it legal to make a child undress for an audition? Anywhere? Ever? Where are the parents???

  5. It just never ends.
    Hollywood is a f*cking disgusting satanic cess pool.

  6. I’ve been lurking for awhile here but finally decided to post . I lived in Hollywood for a few years as a young adult in the 70s. I’m so glad I worked at the racetrack instead of for a talent or booking agency like my roommates . Even though this site has ruined my being a fan of many many Hollywood stars ( like SS and KS just tobname two) I can’t look away . I enjoy the comments as much as the blinds. To be clear my roommates were in then music industry not movies but I still heard some icky behind the scenes going’s on . Maybe Hollywood is cursed in some way that causes the horrible abuses in those industries .

    1. railbird can you share some of the stories?

  7. i just cant understand how stuff like this can happen today, with emails and the ability to record calls, you would think there would be JUST ONE grossed out young actor or parent who would put the receipts up on social media

  8. @gaul, Complicity.

  9. @Railbird- thanks for surfacing. I spent many years in the music biz.
    Oh, and I'm here more for the comments than the posts, for sure.

  10. NOT THE CHI! I really liked season 1 and now I might have to cancel 😣

    Damn these nasty pedos



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