Monday, April 16, 2018

Blind Item #7 - ACM Awards

This foreign born A list singer is clearly back on drugs again and he looks awful in person. He looks gaunt and pasty and really could use some help.


  1. Goth is the new country.

  2. I thought Keith and Nicole both looked terrible in all of the photos I've seen from last night. Yeesh. Too much plastic surgery and apparently too much substances. Yikes.

  3. I think Nicole needs to stop with the injectables for sure. She's a beautiful woman who's gone too far. As far as Keith, I just watched an interview with them and he looked fine. Not "gaunt or pasty" at all.

  4. Eyes Wired Shut (a.k.a. doing a Ben Carson)

  5. Kidman looks like the sick one...he just looks tired.

  6. He didn't look pasty or gaunt to me.

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I liked Nicole when her hair was more red and less yellow/platinum. Her whole body looks the same color now- pasty.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Dead Calm was on cable recently. The difference in her faces then and now is stark.

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I just looked at a bunch of pictures of the two of them, and Keith looks almost like a girl to me. Like he is transitioning.

    1. I thought something similar and wrote on another post that he looks like he's taking female hormones. He should go to an endocrinologist.

  9. @Teach, without the blood of the innocent to nourish her, her facade begins to fade.

  10. Too much botox and not enough food.

    Good Lord, people - EAT!!

  11. I think Nicole's current hair color does not flatter her at all. Every time she's had this shade she just looks 'blah.'

  12. Nicole's hair color totally washes her out. I may be in the minority on this, but I felt the same way about Rachel McAdams in Mean Girs. Wrong shades of blonde for them.

  13. I'm pretty sure the awkward-postured, Indigo Girls-kitted Keith Urban and his whatever he could see in the bathroom mirror lowlights were featured on the iconic site 'Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians' a few years ago.

  14. I think it may be Bieber too, he looks TERRIBLE.

    Foreign born = Canada

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Stopping with the injectables won't do Nicole or anyone else any good. You can't recover from the ravages of plastic surgery.

  17. Keith doesn't loook pale nor gaunt in any of his pics.
    Bitch is tanner and has better highlights than me.
    Pius i think he gained a little weight, as he's looking a little fuller in the midsection to me. Maybe it was the clothes or angle or both. But pale, def not

  18. Whoever told Nicole that she looked good in this dress

    should be fired. She is skeletal with saggy, droopy skin. She looks washed out and very old. Sallow skin, dull and dry hair, drab dress. Yuck. Get yourself a new stylist Nicole.

  19. Do not believe this of Keith even if he reveals it. He has had more success in recent years than ever. I saw him live and he was amazing, really outstanding and I have never seen such an engaged happy crowd in my life. He is so interactive with his audience, his voice sounds better live than on an album. He just released a new single and new tour dates.



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