Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Sneak Preview - Dancing Boy Update

Here's a sneak preview to a coming submission. It involves an audition for a movie that helped to bring down the production company of a famous foreign-born A list producer, as well as a small sea of young, blond/blue eyed boys trying out, and a consultant with certain interests (them/that). (This movie would go on to be remade, as part of a hugely successful franchise beginning actually with the sequel. The latter won the trifecta of major awards. All were based on novels.) It will also involve...llamas. For a time during this particular decade, one very legendary and eccentric entertainer traveled everywhere with them - including this studio backlot. (A certain person concerned frees the llamas from the trailer, and the entertainer shows up, but is not angry. He invites this young person back to his house to see that the llamas are treated humanely.) More famously, the presence of the animals in the studio helped to scuttle a collaboration between this entertainer and another permanent A lister. He thought it was gross, and if you've ever lived near them you know how badly they can smell. Just imagine having to be with them in a small, enclosed space. We're going to be trying to get a certain song - part of the collaboration released almost a half-decade ago - for the end of the forthcoming DB short. As in: so this is life... I wonder if the lawyers for the estate actually read scripts before they license material. I guess we'll find out.

You might say that the consultant in this story is a 1/2 + the title of the movie (which was remade under the actual novel title, involving a mythic beast).


  1. Is Michael Jackson the perm A lister with the llama’s?

  2. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The producer is Dino DeLaurentiis. The film franchise is the Hannibal Lecter franchise. Manhunter was remade as Red Dragon, and its technical sequel was Silence of the Lambs. All based on books, and of Lambs won all the Oscars.

    1. Good one-but what about the young boy part?
      I was thinking maybe The Harry Potter’s (producer David Heyman)-not sure of the beast title though....)

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The blond haired David Seaman played Will Graham's son in Manhunter.

    1. Boom! Just answers my ??-nice one:)))

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    THIS is the young boy part, Tricia.


  5. I'm still recovering from yesterday's himmmm non-fiction novella. And the himmmm/Haddish connection.

    1. Plz 'splain Mr. Kieballs....


  6. �� Enty, these new in-comment sponsored ads have got to go! ��

  7. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oof, I hope the "consultant" isn't actually the director, Michael MANN (half of the name, Manhunter.)
    Who would have also been an up and coming genre director in the late 80s...

  8. Damn Melvin, gold star for you, great job with this blind.

  9. http://www.contactmusic.com/michael-jackson/news/llama-killed-freddie-mercury-s-jackson-dreams_3310436

  10. "In 1983, an album by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson was canceled because of time constraints and Jackson's need to have his llama in the studio."

  11. So was Michael Jackson involved in one of those movies, or did he just coincidentally have his llamas in a trailer on the studio backlot while it was going on? I'm confused about the connection there.

    1. Sounds like that will be fleshed out in the next installment.

  12. Anonymous9:23 AM

    @Cail, I am pretty sure MJ is not involved, but its his sorta long-winded wat of hinting at someone to use them to hint at someone/thing else.

    That said, this has been one of the more concise DB blinds yet.

  13. "consultant" seems like toolight of a description for the writer(screenplay) and director. But there is a Gusmano Cesaretti credited as visual consultant, who worked on other Mann films - he was a producer on Heat, Collateral, Miami Vice...

    So maybe, he's the consultant? Still would fit the "Man" 1/2 of the title. ish

    1. Mann also consulted with Charles Adamson of Chicago PD plus people in the FBI. Not sure what rode of consultant he's talking about.

  14. @melvin only cause it's just a sneak peek lol

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Yeah, I'm hoping the "1/2 the name of the movie" comsultant is just saying its a man and/or hunter, and nor necessarily a name. Cuz I cannot even if Michael Mann is a child predator.

  17. Damn! Count me has a Michael Mann and Manhunter fan. I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with him.

  18. Also, the llamas. The MJ and Freddie Mercury story fits, except they recorded in MJ's encino, CA studio, and none of the filming locations were in CA.

  19. I thought maybe he wants the rights to use a Michael Jackson song for the film ,and was wondering if they would use it for a film involving pedophilia.

  20. @Don Kieballs If this quote is correct MJ and Freddie were recording in Miami and part of Manhunter (searching for the Tooth Fairy) does fit. You people are good!
    “Freddie and Michael got on well until I got a call from Freddie saying: ‘I’m in Miami, dear. Can you get over here? You’ve got to get me out of this studio.’

    “I said: ‘What’s the problem?’ He said: ‘Michael Jackson keeps bringing his pet into the studio and I’m not used to recording with a llama. I want to get out.’”

    1. And that’s what I want to Break Free is about.

  21. Miami was referring to Mercury's manager, Jim 'Miami' Beach, not where Mercury was calling from.
    I think that article misquoted this "In a new Dvd expose of Mercury's solo career, the late star's manager Jim 'Miami' Beach says, "They got on well except for the fact that I suddenly got a call from Freddie, saying, 'Miami, dear, can you get on over here... You've got to get me out of here. I'm recording with a llama... I've had enough and I want to get out.""

  22. @Melvin, you could be right. When it says the llama owner "invites this young person" back to his house, I don't even know whether that's something that happened or something they're putting in the upcoming film they're making, let alone whether the young person is the writer of this piece, the boy from the movie, or both.

    1. I think the llamas were coincidentally on the studio backlot on the day of the Manhunter audition (or during filming), for a different project. Not the collab, that had happened previously.

      I think. We shall see!

  23. Sdaly, I think you're right. It doesn't say the consultant's name is half of the title; it's the opposite: 1/2 plus the title = a description of the consultant.

  24. Can someone sum up yesterday's big blind about The Crow? I haven't had a chance to read it. Thank you!

  25. Yikes.
    Just googled David Seaman, and he only had two movie credits, and both managed to get him shirtless. 😞🙁

  26. @Dancing Boy,
    I take it you were up for this role?

  27. Anonymous10:52 AM

    @Sara, the other film being Jaws: The Revenge, which there was a blind about months ago

    1. I meant Pippi Longstocking; there are multiple images on Google.
      But anything Jaws related is bound to have shirtlessness. Ugggggghhhhhh I can't even with that Jaws blind. I still need brain bleach. So depressing.

  28. +100
    Although I guess that was implied already. A consultant with "certain interests" can only mean one thing in a DB blind. Bit that does help confirm in case it was unclear.

  29. Off topic, sort of. --Sometimes I discover some odd connections for myself reading these.
    I pulled up the first photo of Michael with the llama, and, standing next to it, was a kid who lived in my OC neighborhood growing up (severely disfigured from his dad trying to burn him alive).

    1. Was that the kid they made a TV movie about? Such a sad story.

  30. Also, this is the second time I've seen DB write "half-decade ago".
    Half-century? yes. Half-decade? um, no.
    I havent seen it before though I've only been reading here for less than an eighth-decade.

  31. @Lucy: the Crow blind is really just a personal story that gives insight into Brandon Lee as a person and into why the production ramped up their schedule to the point where the tragic accident was set into play. It doesn't really have any salacious news, but it personalizes the story of his death from someone who knew and loved him.

  32. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Damn right, there was nothing wrong! Don’t you ruin Harry Potter for me, Enty!! ☺️

  33. Dino de Laurentis is the producer whose company failed shortly after this move (according to IMDB it closed up in 1989 after a string of flops).

  34. @ Sara - Yeah, that's the same kid. Really horrific what happened.

    So can anyone fill gaps here?

    Boy Audition for: Manhunter (1986)
    Foreign producer: Dino de Laurentis (his co. DEG folded 1989)
    Trilogy of novels: Harris' Hannibal series
    Eccentric entertainer with llama: Michael Jackson
    Song: ? something by MJ and Freddy Mercury released 5 years ago
    Consultant: ?

    1. Song is either:

      1) State of Shock" is a 1984 hit single by the Jacksons featuring frontman Michael Jackson and Mick Jagger. It was written by Jackson and Randy Hansen, a guitarist. "State of Shock" charted at number 3 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 14 on the UK Singles Chart. The track was originally to be sung with Freddie Mercury as a duet with Jackson, and was later slated for the Thriller album; however, due to differing time schedules, Jackson ended up recording it with his brothers and Jagger. A clip of the song (an instrumental part) was used on the Immortal album in 2011.

      2) There Must Be More to Life Than This"
      Song by Queen and Michael Jackson
      from the album Queen Forever
      Released November 2014
      Recorded in early 80's

  35. LWW is actually book one. Publishers later moved Lewis’s book six (Magician’s Nephew) to #1 because it happens first in chronology.

    It was a terrible decision. The events of MN take away from the magic of LWW if read first.

  36. Anyone have a link to the jaws blind?

    1. I can only imagine that poster was referring to the Judith Barsi blind that was revealed. It was strongly implied that Sir Playmount was involved in her supposed abuse prior to being murdered by her father.

      Google cdan- young and hopeless to read up on it.

    2. Or do a search for Judith Barsi on the site, it will pull up the solved blind.

  37. Interesting to find that David Seaman, the kid who got the blond-hair-blue-eyed role in Manhunters, now writes all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories about a grand cabal of New World Order illuminati elites who worship Lucifer. He has dozens and dozens of posts (fulcrumnews.com) on the 'truth' of Pizzagate and global pedo rings. He especially targets Podesta and sometimes "Hollywood". Coincidence?

    Here's a quote from him:

    "If you use your wealth to worship Lucifer, and to crisscross the globe in your private jet, and to torture and abuse children, the future, children are literally the future of our civilization, if you are perverting the next generation, and mentally and physically destroying them, we will get you, we will bring you down."

    His website has no archive listing or search function so there's no easy way to see if he wrote a personal story.

    1. What you want, your house, your car
      Forty acres and a mule, a piano, a guitar?
      Anything, see my name is Lucy, I'm your dog
      Motherf****r you can live at the mall
      I can see the evil, I can tell it, I know when it's illegal
      I don't think about it, I deposit every other zero
      Thinkin' of my partner put the candy, paint it on the regal
      Diggin' in my pocket ain't a profit, big enough to feed you
      Everyday my logic, get another dollar just to keep you
      In the presence of your chico, ah
      I don't talk about it, be about it, everyday I see cool
      If I got it then you know you got it, Heaven, I can reach you
      Pet dog, pet dog, pet dog, my dog that's all
      Pick back and chat I shut the back for y'all
      I rap, I'm black, on track so rest assured
      My rights, my wrongs are right till I'm right with God

      As above, so below.
      It's in all the music.
      Right there.
      They announce these pacts.

    2. Muhammad indulged in thighing with Aisha at the age of 6, which involved him rubbing his penis between her thighs until he ejaculated. He also did tonguing, which was him sucking her tongue. A 6 year old.

      What a guy.

    3. You got a wild imagination

    4. I did a search for him, and I thought that it looked like the same guy, but wasn't sure. Wow.

    5. All documented by Bukhari.

  38. Manhunter was brilliant and creepy as hell, so much better than Red Dragon.

  39. I had to handle some business and hoped the consultant would have been figured out when I came back. I guess not, we're still not sure what the description part meant - boyhunter? 1 1/2 Manhunter, so one of the 2 1/2 Men?
    I did consider the film's FBI consultant, but it appears each actor had their own while they researched their characters. But it could be a consultant that didn't, or wouldn't, want. a movie credit, like a Dancing Boys consultant. Or, also a possibility, someone from higher up or consulting for one at ̶D̶E̶N̶ DEG checking on the progress of the project, which was not good.

    ADHD Sidenote: I forgot, or didn't know, DDL produced Cat's Eye. I loved that movie!

  40. Hamid - Aisha doesn't fit this blind as it's about a boy, or boys.

  41. @Don- I too thought someone would find the consultant!!

    All I found that even remotely connects to Mann is a gay man he repeatedly hired named Miguel Pinero (add your own tilda on the n!). He was a poor child street hustler in NYC turned convict turned celebrated poet/playwright/actor.
    He was known to have unique insight into the deviant criminal mind because he had one himself. He was a druggie throughout his adult life and died of cirrhosis in 1988, age 41.

    The reason his name popped up is because the work that brought him fame was a play about a pedophile in prison called "Short Eyes which he wrote while in prison. After that success, he was able to get work in on crime shows, like Mann's Miami Vice.
    However, his is not listed on Manhunter.

    1. I found an article (no link, it's a PDF) that explains Piñero was linked to an artist Wong, who turned Piñero's poetry into art. They split mysteriously in 1984 when Piñero disappeared and Wong heard he was working in LA.

  42. This article:


    Suggests that Mann and Piñero knew each other before Manhunter

  43. Anonymous6:58 PM

    @Don Kieballs pointed this out originally, but going back and reading through the comments, I Wiki'ed Gusmano Cesaretti, and he's a photog who WAS called a "visual consultant"

  44. @Sara
    I actually don't know for sure if it is the same one. Had not realized that his name is so common! I thought the conspiracy guy looked a bit young to be over 40 but hard to tell these days with all the facial hair. His intense obsession with child pedos made me jump at the connection.

    Since this was a DB 'preview post' I'll just wait to see what things get added in the next one.

    1. Yeah, it was actually somebody else I found that looks like him. This guy's not it. It is a very popular nsme, go figure...

  45. For the consultant...

    Longshot, but it could be referring to the character of Hannibal Lecter in the movie "Manhunter"

    Backstory: Dr. Lecter, a psychiatrist who’d actually been a police consultant until Agent Graham brought him in.

    Brian Cox played Hannibal and also played a paedophile in the movie L.I.E. His father died when he was 8 and he spent a good part of his teens on the streets. He was friends with a paedophile when he was young (but claims he was never touched). He appears to think 14-19 y/o boys are ok, but younger than that is not acceptable. He stated about his role as the paedophile in L.I.E. -"L.I.E could have been even more disturbing: Cox's Big John Harrigan character likes teenage boys, not younger children." For Cox, that's an important distinction. "It's not about sex with children, which I would have a real problem with," he says. "L.I.E" could have been even more disturbing: Cox's Big John Harrigan character likes teenage boys, not younger children. For Cox, that's an important distinction. "It's not about sex with children, which I would have a real problem with," he says.



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