Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Blind Item #9

This former Teen Mom star said, "If any n word show up on my property, I will shoot first and ask questions later. They don't need to be here."


sandybrook said...


Brayson87 said...

She prefers to go their place or McDonald's parking lots for booty calls.

Lurky McLurkster said...

What does she have against nuns?

sandybrook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

God, how ignorant can you be?

AvignonVagabond said...

Jenelle is gun-crazy!

cheesegrater15 said...

She's got a future at Fox "News".

sandybrook said...

It's Farrah since it says Former although Janelle is also a racist who called out Kaylen for wanting a black baby.

AvignonVagabond said...

I dont see Farrah as a gun owner. It is Jenelle's husband, David who was fired from the show.

sandybrook said...

She's a racist, he's a homophobe and a racist. Wonderful pair of white trash.

Sd Auntie said...

Lol@cheesegrater! Like Fuhrman right!

Newbomb said...

I hate Norwegians as well.

Jay said...

They are mean as hell. And vicious with a ruler.

Chug ChooChoo said...

Sounds like Farrah. Is the Teen Mom from West Virginia still on the show? Who originally had the twins and then had another child. I am 30 minutes from the West Virginia border and I can tell you that the hate and confederate flags are strong there.

sifichick said...

@Chug ChooChoo That was my first thought too. She seems like the kind of person who doesn't want her lily white family around people with a little spice.

T. W. said...

In this day and age she would get away with it.

SteveD said...

You can't be too careful with ninjas. They move silently and have throwing stars.

Unknown said...

David Eason

Mrs. EM said...

Farrah. She didn't even want the producers using her bathroom. She had a port o john on her front lawn.

Unknown said...

Nope, definitely David Eason. Jenelle’s husband. He’s a former Teen Mom star and we know he’s a racist, bigoted piece of crap who loves his guns.

Sd Auntie said...

Hahaha @jsmith. Nowadays, they are much more nicer.

Sd Auntie said...

@ Mrs. EM in the meantime she let's diseased porn stars up her rotting back side...🤣

AMA said...

Reading “Teen Mom star” makes me LOL

Unknown said...

Backdoor Farrah. Of course she's a massive liberal, but that doesn't mean she's not a gun owner.

Now if the black person was paying her, I'm sure she'd have no problem with them!

Unknown said...

David supposedly got fired.

Boogie Shooze said...

@Remie Ross Backdoor Farrah is a Drumpf supporter.

Mallory Knox said...

Leah, the WV teen mom dated and lived with a black guy for a while .

lynn said...

David Eason

AvignonVagabond said...

Of course Farrah's a Trump supporter....He attracts a certain type...

Barbara RiceHand said...

Farrah is crazy and David and Janelle are loose cannons. But I don’t think referring to people as white trash on a blind about someone using the n word makes you any different then them. It’s incredicble offensive and it goes both ways.

Unknown said...


sandybrook said...

Oh I'm sorry Barbara I apologize, they are fine upstanding WHITE people I should be proud are the same race I am. And I applaud them for being racists and homophobes too! How's that better now?

Barbara RiceHand said...

Oh good grief. You know what I mean. You know I didn’t take up for any one of them.

Unknown said...

Look at this ho train!

Hugo Pedersen said...

@newbomb that's uncalled for :-D

Wendy said...

Sounds like David. Him and Farrah are the only 'former', unless it's Adam which I could see it being. The way it's worded doesn't sound like Farrah though.


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