Monday, April 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 1, 2018

This A- list dual threat actor who has a hit cable show and been involved in a huge movie franchise came out this week. I would love to know any woman he has dated since his early days in high school. I certainly have never seen him on a date with a woman.

Lee Pace


  1. He is such a beautiful man.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      He is. A lot of people speak highly of him as a person too. Directors, cast mates.

  2. Google images is your friend Entern. Go take a look.

  3. He was a beautiful Elf king in The Hobbit series. I really thought he was foreign born but he's from OK, go figure

  4. He really was. His features are striking.

  5. To be fair he backtracked on that statement and has openly come out as gay. He said he was just thrown by the question. Many people believe is separating the art from the artist. I think Lee just wanted to keep the two separate for as long as possible.

  6. Congrats lee! Enjoy living without fear of being outed and blackmailed and without having to go on pretend dates with women your pr people set you up with. Viva freedom. Much love.

  7. Sorry this is long guys so please be nice. I’m a lurker mostly out of fear of being yelled at by SOME of you. Most of you seem very nice. Anyway, this may be a stupid question, and probably is, but why do famous people feel the need to hide their sexuality? If i like an actor or actress, singer, sports figure, I like their work..I don't CARE who they sleep with, none of my business and not like any of us mere mortals would stand a chance with them anyway. For instance, I adore Anderson Cooper and other gay men and I am a straight woman, but wow, these men are GORGEOUS eye candy for all of us. I may think 'what a loss for us women' but they're still great to look at lol. They are still the same person and this IS the 21st century after all. Are some people still so stupid or naive or whatever that they will be shattered if their fantasies of their idol isn’t what they want? Celebrities have a right to their lives and shouldn’t have to hide their true feelings or live a lie just for fans. They don’t owe us anything other than a good performance in whatever genre they perform. Their personal life is NOT our business so I don’t understand. It must be horrible for everyone, famous or not, if they have to watch every move they make and hide or try to, every private aspect of their lives just to please others. That’s so wrong.

    1. @Nature I’m glad you delurked.

      You seem to already sense the answer to your question. It’s also that too many people are convinced that gay people can’t convincingly play straight which is ridiculous when you consider the “success” of beard culture.

  8. I love Richard Armitage and have had several great fantasies and dreams about him but I've heard the rumors for years and have seen photos of him with Lee. But so what? Regardless of his sexual orientation, he's still a good actor, great to look at and dream about. I just don't get the need for all this pretense...are fans that demanding or well I don't know the word to call the need for all this PR crap..but then I don't understand or know anything about show business period. From the things I read here I’m glad I don’t because they all sound so weird and screwed up beyond what we always assumed they were. Glad for my boring normal little life.

  9. I have to google this kid. I've never heard of this "A lister" before.

  10. Same here, @DoTell.

  11. Dunno who he is but who cares, really. It doesn't bother me who bums who, as long as they don't have fake hetero romances and the bumming is consensual.

  12. He was wonderful in Pushing Daisys. From what little I've read about him, he seems to be well respected and liked.

  13. Bi is soft coming out for guys apparently.

  14. Lee Pace can do no wrong! I am happy for him! this should be a kindness blind!

  15. @googlers
    Y'all just did yourselves a favor. A delicious slice such as Lee should be viewed by everyone, every day.
    I might just google him myself just because.

  16. Congrats to Lee for coming out! I loved him in Pushing Daisies. He seems to be able to nail any role he tackles.

  17. @Nature, same reason wait staff pretend to like customers, they want the most money from the most people. While you and I may not care what someone wraps their d!ck around as long as it's legal, there is a perception that most audiences do care. There's some quote about how people don't really change, they just die off and get replaced by younger more open minded people.

  18. I thought he came out long ago

  19. @Brayson87 - Except the younger people coming up aren't as open minded.

    I recently read a good study done on Generation Z (The ones coming up behind millenials) and it stated that after seeing the shitshow millenials have made of everything, as they stomp around in their blue and pink hair, Starbucks in hand, tweeting from their iphones about how capitalism must die, that Generation Z is the most conservative generation financially, socially, and politically since WW2.

    They said that after seeing the generation before them major in bullshit like Gender studies and feminist dance therapy, running up major student loans while screaming it's not fair that they can't find a job, that Generation Z is a lot more cautious financially and are not running up the debt that millenials did.

    The article also stated that surprisingly over half of the members of Generation Z polled (almost 60%) did NOT approve of homosexuality.

    I guess watching the insane ramblings and blatant hypocrisy of millenials caused a backlash against it in the generation after them.

  20. Gosh, I hope Richard Armitage comes out next and they can live happily ever after out in the open.
    I sincerely don't get it why gay actors stay in the closet. I know the general belief is they won't be as appealing to the female audience if out and it will hurt their careers, but this is crap. These two guys are gorgeous and good actors, regardless of their orientation. And most of the closeted male actors have no on-screen chemistry with actresses whatsoever anyway, so they either end up playing non-love stories (in which case it doesn't matter if they are perceived as as desirable to women) or being terribly unconvincing in heterosexual love stories (see Edgerton, Renner or Jackman in any love-related role, seriously).

  21. What’s the blind here? Jesus Christ being gay isn’t taboo anymore folks who cares?

  22. @nature girl: there is a thing with media consumption/enjoyment called 'suspension of disbelief'. Basically, in order to fully enjoy and immerse in a fictional story, we have to be able to buy the actors as the characters.

    Knowledge of the actors actual personal realities can break this fantasy element. it's most often an issue with sexuality, but also applies to other lifestyle aspects. For example, I love Barbra Streisand as a singer but cannot hear her voice without thinking "Communist." Or I can't help smirking when little Tommy Cruise kisses the girl on screen.

    So many times the system works hard to suppress things that may not be widely acceptable. Not just homo/bi sexuality.

    The truth is, for most members of the audience, TMI can spoil the experience.
    My advice, based on personal experience, is to never delve too deeply into the personal life of your favorites. It tends to ruin your enjoyment of their work forever...

  23. Nobody seems to have thought otherwise when the Hobbit movies came out. I don't think this was ever a secret.

  24. I am always so surprised when this question comes up. It may be the 21st century but Same sex marriage was not legalized in US until 2015. There are dominate, authoritarian system of religion and politics that have been teaching for decades that homosexuality is wrong and in many countries, it is not tolerated.
    People don't want to support with their wallets people that don't share their values and wouldn't be caught pubilcally doing so in many communities.

  25. Having been in some of the board rooms where they are discussing which actors to hire for which roles...the term, 'light in their loafers' is often used when turning down actors who are suspected of being gay. There is a huge amount of pressure on the producers and studio heads to have people 'buy' this actor as either a love interest or an action hero....thus, gay actors don't get hired for roles. It is a fact. I've seen it.


  26. For big budget action/fantasy/romance movies, there is no insurance for "lead actor confirmed to be gay". Not only would the domestic audiences spend less but the international gross is usually 50-70% and 'gay' means more out there to both moviegoers and government censors. You'd limit your distribution. Essentially, it could be 10's to 100's of millions difference.

    In today's age of stalkerazzi and the fact that it's likely the actor will eventually 'come out', it makes little financial sense to take that risk. Their duty is first and foremost to the investors and shareholders.

    *Pretty lesbians and Tom Cruise are somewhat immune.



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