Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 27, 2018

If it hadn't been for a reporter calling out a venue, this former A- list mostly television actor/accused rapist would have been earning some bucks there. The venue tried to sneak it past everyone.

Danny Masterson/Satellite/Yashar Ali


cheesegrater15 said...

Good for Yashar. How did I miss this? I follow him on Twatter.

urban chaos said...

Same @cheesegrater15. Glad someone did it

Sign Name Below said...

I agree 100% with @Agrajag

Stephie said...

I follow Yashar also. I even adopted a baby elephant because of his tweets. Everyone should check out the great work DSWT does protecting orphaned animals.

cheesegrater15 said...

Best comment page ever.

Sass71 said...

Yashar is a great follow on twitter!

Poor Mick said...

What, no Kindness tag? :D

Sd Auntie said...

Thank u Mr. Yashar.

Unknown said...

Why is this dirty masterson uggo not in jail? And if his creepy actor siblings could go with him I wouldn't be sad

longtimereader said...

I follow him as well, is this a common thing?

Itttt said...

Yashar Ali is A+++

Satellite, EFFFFF you clowns!


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