Sunday, May 20, 2018

Blind Item #3

This A+ list mostly movie actor has been crashing in/possibly paying some rent to this A list mostly television actor to stay at the television actor's LA home while the television actor has been out of state working. The interesting thing is that when the wife of the television actor is in LA she stays at the house too. I'm not sure the television actor knows that though.


  1. What A+film actor wouldn’t have his own home in LA lol. An east coaster I guess....maybe Gosling(he’s “looking for a house “ with Eva $

    1. Wouldn't he be foreign born?
      Idk, it's hard to think of an A+ movie actor who's unmarried and not closeted. ;)

    2. I agree.... thinking it’s an SNL guy maybe hmm but none have that ranking (of this cast I think?)

  2. Chris Pratt maybe? Any old costars working out of town?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What about Pitt...did he finally buy a place?

  4. It’s likely Affleck Who is in between homes I imagine....(or did he just buy one next to Jen Garner lol

    1. I would have said Affleck too, but I don't think he has any friends other than Damon and he isn't dumb enough to leave his wife lying around while Benny Boy is crashing!

  5. I think the TV friend might be currently doing Broadway or something. Note Enty said "working", not "filming".

  6. Ashton Kutcher for the A-list TV actor house/wife?

  7. Chris Pratt. (((Ent))) hates Chris for being an openly practicing Christian and constantly calls him a pussy hound hypocrite. He's claimed variously of Chris having an orgy with Brazilian whores and also only wanting to bang blonde American teenagers. Makes no sense but whatever. Pratt is between homes having been dumped by his cheating whore of a wife, which Is also Chris's fault (obviously). No idea who the A list TV actor is.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. So if my husband (A TV) lets someone (A+ M) crash or rent (knowing which is an important detail Enty) in our home in LA...then why wouldn't I still stay there when I am in LA?

    Am I missing something?

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Chris Pratt and Rob Lowe? Lowe ia married and was Pratt's co-star on Parks and Rec, so there could be some friendliness between them.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    @Green Tea...I think Enty is saying that the A TV actor has more than one home, is probably NOT living at the LA one at the moment, and is letting his movie actor friend use it, and the wife of TV actor is suddenly staying at that LA home more instead of the other home and is implied to be havong an affair with movie actor.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Aaaaaaand Lowe is on a speaking tour.

  12. @Melvin
    Thanks for replying. It was mentioned that the movie actor was staying in the home while the TV actor was out of town. That implied to me that the home was possibly the current (only?) LA residence of the TV actor, which further implies that it is the same for the wife. Perhaps that's an incorrect assumption on my part.

    And I do know what Enty is hinting at, but sometimes it doesn't pass the (my) sniff test, if you know what I mean.

  13. Pratt makes himself an easy target, and lord knows Enty loves an easy target.

  14. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Man! Was hoping this was Pitt-Theroux-Aniston!

  15. maybe the A+ actor is crashing, not cause he is from out of town, but because he is recently separated or divorced and doesnt have his own place yet.

  16. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Rob Lowe is on tour with a one man show. He was on Parks and Rec with Chris Pratt. Just sayin'....

  17. Rib Lowes wife and Chris Pratt??? that lady is ummm

  18. Tricia's husband?

  19. Can you stop saying whore Vessimede - get a new word. Every damn post.

  20. Vessimede is very very angry no one loves him for his dick.

  21. I think Vessimede has a particularly complex relationship with his mother. His cortisol levels must be off the charts.

  22. He might have caught her with the principle trying to help him pass the 5th grade.

  23. Vessimede may be an angry woman. Or an angry eunuch.

  24. If this is Michael Weatherly's house I doubt he cares what his wife does. Aren't they getting a divorce?

    1. Anonymous11:40 PM

      Right? He's prob thrilled that his soon to be ex might be getting some attention from another man.

  25. Anonymous10:52 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous1:05 AM

    2. I’m wondering if those of us on CDAN should be concerned with how well you know his house and practically his whole life by the comments you make on speficially on MW blinds.

    3. Specifically^!

    4. I was thinking the same thing, Paul. I'm thinking Salted Caramel (and probably LK) have an agenda of some sort re: Michael Weatherly. They've been trying to get him divorced for years. I guess they figure if they say it enough, it'll come true. LOL

    5. Anonymous8:04 PM

      Hi Paul. It's actually not that hard nor does it take that much time. Search "Michael Weatherly's home" and it came up. Pics are already on there. I didn't take them, lol. And Chris Pratt's IG is public and he had videos that looked familiar to those pictures. I didn't have to know anything about his house to make that connection. I'm curious as to why you've been following all my comments so closely, lol

    6. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Hi Unknown. That's kinda weird. I've been trying to get him divorced for years? How is that even possible based on these comments? I haven't even posted on here for that long, lol. And 2, I think it's a bit irrational to think that fans think that they have the power to speak something into existence for someone else. Enty is the one writing the Blinds...he's the one with the agenda. :)
