Thursday, May 10, 2018

Today's Blind Items - NXIVM

Some tidbits that I have picked up in the past few weeks talking to someone who was at the very top levels of the group. There is a former A list tweener actor turned failed adult actor who has been reaching out to former/current female members, especially the ones in the news to see if they would be interested in joining his group of followers. He imagines himself as some kind of spiritual leader. The thing is though, he doesn't have the finances. He likes to think he does, but he doesn't.

Apparently one of the members who got away a few years back turned to someone she had been ordered to hook up with about a decade ago. That person? A permanent A++ list celebrity known all over the world. She turned to that person when she escaped so she would be safe. I'm not sure just how safe it is now though because there are all kinds of files and e-mails and it wouldn't shock me if there were notes about who and when the A++ lister would visit the compound and have sex with followers.

One of the sisters is in the process of turning on the other to save herself. 


  1. Freddy Muniz or MacCauley Culkin?

  2. Perm A++ celebrity known all over the world tends to be the description for Trump, no?

  3. Corey Feldman/Kristin Kreuk/bronfman sister

  4. Oprah for sure. Dustin Diamond?

  5. I like the Feldman guess. Muniz and Culkin have $$

  6. Andrew Keegan? Didn’t he try to start his own religion sometime in the last few years?

    1. That was exactly what I thought.

    2. YoureY right! I remember seeing that a few years ago, thought it was so weird. I used to have such a crush on Andrew keegan.

  7. The kid from 2 and half men. Didn't he become super religious and give away all his money?

  8. Andrew Keegan? I know he is trying to establish/has already established himself as a "spiritual leader" or whatever, and has a pretty big following...or did? This was a few years ago I had read about it.

  9. Apparently NXIVM was based in Arkansas when Clinton was governor..........................................

    Things that make you go hmm

  10. A++Lister associated with NXIVM is Bill Clinton. Which fits.

  11. Shit epstein and nxivm? just how shady is bill?

    1. Shadier than most people would ever guess, but the real danger comes from those who own him.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      No shit. Did you see American Made yet? Slick Willy is CIA.

    3. Sex addiction will make one do lots of shady things. Where Bill and Hill found themselves in trouble is being a big fish in a little pond. The Governor in a small state is incredibly powerful. You know everyone and no one tells you no.

  12. Motherf*ckers creating cults like they're startups.

    1. @Brayson87

      You are fun.

      You are right though. You can make tax free money hand over fist if you know what you are doing.

    2. @ Brayson87 - your comments always crack me up!! Thank you!!

  13. I watched some video of Jim Jones preaching the other day. He just straight up tells these people he's god. They nod and clap and say "that's right!"

    I gotta start me a religion soon.

  14. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I like the Keegan guess. Muniz isn't a failed adult actor -- he intentionally retired to race cars. Feldman could fit, but I think his cult is just to make him look cool (in his mind), and he does still act, though in cheesy B movies. Keegan, however, is serious about his spiritual cult.

    As for the escapee, could be Kristen Kreuk OR Grace Park. People often mention Kreuk becuase of the Smallville connection, but forget Park was in it too.

  15. Personally I think I'd use a smiley face brand, you know something to cheer people up when they saw my mark. :)

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Also, NXIVM was based in British Columbia for a while. Kreuk and Park are both Canadian. Could the perm A++ lister actually be Justin Trudeau?

  17. I don't think most people outside of Canada know who Justin Trudeau is.

  18. Please lord make the sorry spectacle of Justin Trudeau trying-so-hard go away soon. I shudder at the prospect of remembering him in one of his little dress-up sets ten years from now.

  19. Either The Dalai Lama or Hillary Clinton foe the A++ lister.

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Brayson.....I HIGHLY disagree with you. There was a lot about how dreamy he was on the Internet.

  21. Anonymous10:41 AM

    However, the Wiki does say Richard Branson was a "client" of NXIVM...

  22. +1 ancoranonhocapito

    As weird as it is the Dalai Lama is deep in with this. I wonder why...

    1. I know you're being rhetorical, but I was surprised af the first time I actually did some real reading/research about the Tibetan Buddhism, the Dolly Llama, and how it's basically a franchising system for all the various lamas/gurus to set up their own mini-cults of personality. Some don't seem very malevolent beyond the spiritually gullible being grifted out of cash, but others seemed to be on a wavelength very much like NXIVM's own, just on a smaller scale

  23. Anyone who reads the news knows who Trudeau is. If nothing else, younger people may know him for his weird socks.

  24. Something to support the Keegan guesses:

  25. @MontanaMarriott: Trump didn't need to have anyone "ordered to hook up with him" 10 years ago. As others have noted, there are a lot of connections between NXIVM and the Clintons. And note that Clinton ally Eric "Slavemaster Schneiderman" protected NXIVM.

    1. What shitpot AREN'T the Clinton's swimming in? Gotta be a VERY short list....

  26. I'm sick by this. Hillary and sex together is nauseating. Imagine her in a "sexy" outfit? It would be worse than Rosie in that Eden movie.

  27. Newbomb, FFS I just had dinner!

  28. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The Clinton/NXIVM thing is a conspiracy. This is neither them NOR is it Trump. Stop all your political bickering and biased conspiracy theories that clog up this site all the time. Its not always them. This is likely Branson or the Dalai Lama, with an outside chance of it being my Trudeau suggestion.

    1. There are ties between NXIVM and Clintons, a quick search would show you that NXIVM donated a ton to the Clinton foundation. Also, they were on the intimate invite only guest list for a big Clinton event. Also, there's more that connects child trafficking charges between Clinton's and NXVIM. This blind may not be Bill, but Bill and Hiklary are most certainly involved in some way.

    2. Wasn't Hillarys team somehow involved with one of the Bronfmans sister's hacking of her father's emails ?

  29. As the story goes, in 2009 the Dalai Lama was supposed to participate in a public event at NVXIM in Albany, and tried to back out of it. Somehow, he then "changed his mind" and made his appearance. This is really unorthodox behavior for such a poised public figure - sounds a lot like Raniere had dirt on him and forced his hand. Perhaps as a revenge, or to clean his own conscience, the Lama might have promised protection to a fugitive of the cult.

  30. OK at first I didn`t think this was Trump Or Hillary BUT... Then I read it again and this part : " there are all kinds of files and e-mails and it wouldn't shock me if there were notes about who and when the A++ lister would visit the compound and have sex with followers".
    Files, Emails, Notes.
    They BOTH have plenty of those in the news.
    I`m not sure Bronson is THAT knows all over the world.
    Child star- I like the Corey Feldman guess. he talks all this Bullshit online about religion and spirituality. He is also VERY BROKE!

  31. if the Dalai Lama is mixed up in this in a scandalous way won't the Chinese be all hot and bothered to expose every gory detail

  32. How about Rosie and Hillary in a remake of Mulholland Drive?

  33. Here is an article from last year about Keegen and his center's money issues, he seems to over extended himself in real estate

  34. Two "public servants" who say themselves they left the white house broke... managed to buy their daughter the, what, fifth-most-expensive wedding in history?

    Clinton larceny is obvious, the only questions are how much and from whom.

  35. @John the peon: it's pretty safe to say that the Lama has been working for and under the protection of the Chinese government for a long time. He's the opposition everybody would want.

  36. What about Richard Branson? Enty usually says foreign born though.

  37. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I'm pretty sure the Dalai Lama would have more to lose,reputation wise, than Bill Clinton, by the way, if NXIVM secrets get revealed. Clinton is already known as a horndog and creep.

  38. the A++ lister would visit the compound and have sex with followers.

    Which compound? That same language has been used to describe " The Church "

  39. Everyone came to know Justin Trudeau in 2015 when he became Prime Minister of Canada. Before that, he was known only within Canada. His term is up in 2020 and many believe he will be ousted. However, he may attempt to take on a UN role after he leaves Canadian politics.

    Enty says this is a "permanent" A++ list person. Trudeau is not permanent and may disappear entirely from the global stage. And A++ ... I don't think so.

  40. Def no Trudeau.

    Still thinking Branson or Clinton.

    The word compound was an interesting choice. Visiting the compound. What Perm A++ has a "compound"?

    Hey Enty, Mr Hedge, or Himmmm, we could use a little push.

    1. Would necker island be considered a compound?

    2. Kennedys have a compound.

  41. Wait.. aren't compounds often associated with Martha's Vineyard?

    1. Omg so THAT'S why they all would visit there all the time?! Ughhhh

  42. Are there any living A++ Kennedys?

  43. Compound! GOT IT!

    The cult leader began running workshops in 2003 on the NXIVM compound about 20 miles outside of Albany, according to the federal complaint.

  44. +1 La La Lady.
    Sounds like Feldman. If you ever listen to him, he truly thinks he is God's gift to the world so I can only imagine what he says to the "ladies" who give him the time of day.

  45. Possible compounds:

    HalfMoon NY (occult name)

    "Raniere lived in a house in Halfmoon, a town north of Albany, which he shared with Pam Cafritz and Karen Unterreiner, a college girlfriend. He still lives there, in a neighborhood people refer to as the “compound,” because so many nxivm members, most of them women, live in the surrounding houses."

    "Gaelen" the child adopted by Raniere to turn into a super genius also supposedly lives there.


    • An underaged teenage boy living at the NXIVM compound was forced to videotape Raniere having sex with his underage sisters, as well as other Raniere sexual encounters.

    (No indication if this is the NY compound. Redditors claim there is another compound in Mexico)

  46. Chappaqua is a mere 2 hour car ride from Albany. MUCH less for helicopter.

    The permanent A++ celebrity known all over the world in this BI is either Bill or Hillary. Maybe even both. Keith Raniere got his start working hand in hand with Slick Willy and Hillary back in Arkansas. Just more of the same old same old pay for play "anything goes" horse trading the Clintons have perpetrated for decades.

  47. From what Franken Report says, Rainere hated hillary, called her a cunt, etc.

    It's not Bill.

    Wait... Robert DiNiro? He's been vocal as hell.

    No shortage of perm A++ listers in NYC... but one that can actually protect?

  48. Halfmoon is not an occult name. Half Moon was the ship Henry Hudson sailed up the river that bears his name. The town dates back well over two hundred years.

    1. Thanks unknown, just read up on some history.

      But I wouldn't discount an occult meaning/interpetation

      Half-Moon also can refer to the dark side of the moon. It never sees light from the sun, and is used in occult symbology to represent dark & feminine energy

  49. "As weird as it is the Dalai Lama is deep in with this. I wonder why..."

    The Dalai Lama's right hand man was sleeping with one of the Bronfman girls and sort of nibbling at the corners of NXIVM himself. The Dalai Lama subsequently fired him after the manipulated visit to the cult.

  50. This just gets crazier and crazier. Whether it's Donald Trump, the Clintons, Oprah or Ellen, I hope all this stuff comes out and at least a goodly segment of the human trafficking/child raping crew are exposed and imprisoned.

    When it comes to vices--drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex--those are a personal weakness. If organized crime wants to capitalize upon human frailties and take advantage of our free will, well, I might despise that but it's a choice.

    Human trafficking, child prostitution and rape--there is no choice there. There is only crime, cruelty, abuse.

    In the recent "Isle of Dogs" movie, there's a statement one of the characters at the end makes about "an acceptable level of corruption." It seems to me that America and most of the world are way, way past that. We need to get back to an acceptable level of corruption and human trafficking and kid raping is not acceptable.

  51. I know one of the Bronfman sisters. She's an incredibly naive woman with extremely low self esteem who has been easily led astray by powerful men promising purpose and love. She's a really sweet lady and I really hope she's not the one whose reached out to the A+++ lister.

    1. Maybe she's the one "turning" on the other sister?

  52. "note that Clinton ally Eric "Slavemaster Schneiderman" protected NXIVM."

    Well, except for the fact that NY State is not taking down NXIVM under the prior authority of Schneiderman...

    Damn you folks will make up anything.

  53. " Keith Raniere got his start working hand in hand with Slick Willy and Hillary back in Arkansas. "

    Will your suggestion of "hand in hand" here make me laugh or are you serious?

  54. Claire is turning on Sara but that started a long time ago -

  55. Awful lot of crazy cracker shit in this thread. Tiresome.

  56. @pet I like that, "awful lot of crazy cracker shit" would work in so many social situations ;)

  57. I've been following the Nxivm mess closely for a few years now.

    The Dalai Lama tried to back out when reports of Nxivm being a cult came out but when one of the members personally flew to him to make a personal appeal AND PAY HIM A $1,000,000 he changed his mind, just money and persuasion, no blackmail needed.

    The current charages against Allison Mack do NOT involve child trafficking. People misunderstood the wording of the charge (or vs and) that COULD include child trafficking but didn't in her case. BUT reports of Keith R and underage girls have been around for awhile even though the case currently against him and AM do not include anyone underage.

    Richard Branson is not a part of Nxivm. He rented his island out to them (it gets rented out to many groups) and was not there during their event but Nxivm has played up his connection to lure in others.

    Neither the Clintons or Trump has anything actually to do with the group. Any connection is completely tenuous and has come from the same people that were convinced Hilary had kids trapped beneath a pizza shop.

  58. +1 @petmykitty

    Between the crazy Clinton theories and the often offensively crude language around women, it's become tiresome.

  59. @ tinydancer61

    "You in the cult of Clinton?"

    Do you want me to be?

    What is this cult of Clinton? Is is something invented by the Pizzagate folks to have something to talk about?

  60. "that NXIVM donated a ton to the Clinton foundation. "

    How much? To which program?

    "they were on the intimate invite only guest list for a big Clinton event."

    Yep, donors usually are. How many people at that event? How many do you imagine are involved in your Clinton Super Sekret Pedo Ring of Torture in Pizza Joints?

    1. Fuck. you. @Plot.

      You spit unsourced shit. Hurl gross Strawmen at those who you disagree with, and then demand others baby spoon you information that you could look up in 5 seconds.

      But I like pointing out your childishness so here you go:

      "On March 14 and April 13, records show, more than a dozen contributions poured into Clinton’s coffers from NXIVM, an executive and group-awareness training organization led by Brooklyn-born Keith Raniere, 47.

      Most were from first-time political donors, each giving the $2,300 maximum.

      Hillary isn’t the only Clinton NXIVM officials are attracted to.

      At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.

      NXIVM spokesman Frank Roberts told The Post the organization doesn’t have a presidential candidate it is officially backing."


      Yeah that Frank Roberts. From Frank Report. He's since turned on NXIVM and is suing.

      This article is from 2007. Many donations to campaigns and the Clinton GLOBAL Initiative have continued since. That 30,000 is paid every year to stay on the CGI
      So (30,000 × 3 × 11) = 990,000.

      Another $1,000,000 Bronfman's -> Clinton's

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Sigh, Blogger is trolling me with an old picture that I thought I had taken down years ago.

  63. @T.W. you're fun too lol

    @Unknown, thanks! :)

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. BkWurm1 you are either misinformed or outright lying. No connection with the Clintons??? Give me a f*cking break.

    At least THREE OF THE LEADERS OF NXIVM are on the board for the Clinton Global Initiative.

    Why else do you think the Feds raided Nancy Salzman's house?

    If you know anything about NXIVM then you know she is one of the top dogs and that she also serves on the Clinton Global Initiative. You're either a liar or you're just wrong but bottom line: the Clintons ARE INTIMATELY CLOSE TO THE SCUMBAGS OF NXIVM.

  66. There is an article in Newsweek dated May 1 about Roger Stone’s brief involvement and employment with NXIVM in 2007. The article also states that Clare Bronfman may now be ruling the cult with an iron fist according to the cult’s former publicist.


    Yeah, yeah yeah, it's always the Clintons...


    Get back to us when you have Hill and a Bronfman involved in a Satanic Ritual. NAKED! That might spur some interest.

    Ya'll always promise yet never deliver.

    1. Shut up already....get off the Clintons d*ck...they are satanist

  68. My thought on switching the discussion from Bill to Hillary was that there seems to have been a bit of a lesbian element to the branded girls. I don't know if this has been confirmed though.

    Remember everyone - A+++ lister is not "foreign born". This eliminates Branson, Trudeau, Royals etc.

    They are a very well known American.

  69. Riffer, I notice that the blind does not list the A++ lister's gender. More reason to think it's Hillary and not Bill.

  70. I love watching Plot-TWISTED becoming increasingly frustrated and unhinged. Last two comments he had to go to the #Pizzagate well, in increasing desperation.

    NXIVM got their start in AK when Bill was Gov. They left when he left for the White House in 1992. They moved to Albany, where they awaited the Clintons, apparently, after the DC years. They donated money to all the Clinton campaigns. All the Plot-TWISTS in the world can't change those facts.

    The wheels MAY be coming off. Who can even tell? But the more you see Plot-TWISTED in any thread, muddying the waters, the more you can rest assured that the subject matter is very close to bullseye.

    1. @Donna and @Unknown- you are waaay to realistic ,factual,and frankly-sane to engage a poster like plot.(They are most likely going under that name but formerly known as Malibubirwbww s well as others).politically charged and aggressive with a gun full of blanks,hyperbole , hysteria, and desperation....
      You’re better than that. It’s like attempting to address an overzealous and ignorant lib bot: pull the cord and the retort / Pavlovian response won’t change.It can’t. That would require actual thought.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You mean malibu bore mee. Lol

  71. Right!

    The answer to every conspiracy, every bad thing ever ever ever is CLINTONS!

    How do you tie them in with your fake Sandyhook, Nevada and Florida shootings DDonna? This ought to be interesting...

  72. It's pretty easy to tie them to NXIVM, Plot, because THREE OF THE LEADERS OF NXIVM serve the Clinton Global Initiative. It's just a f*cking fact. You Clinton people are so f*cking pathetic. Olympic caliber mental gymnastics.


  74. "In 1998, Raniere and associate Nancy Salzman founded NXIVM in upstate New York, offering "executive success programs".

    Not in Arkansas.

    They touted themselves as a training company running "executive success programs" not unlike Landmark (Landmark Education) or Large Group Awareness Training. A lot people and companies send people to them and have no idea about the "cult-like" nature of these programs.

    I was in the training and development industry in the 1990's and believe me, a lot of my clients were sending people to these sessions with no awareness about what they were up to.

    Using the pretzel-twisted logic that seems to run rampant here, you'd need to tie quite a few Fortune 100 companies, as well as the US Surgeon General, into these convoluted conspiracy theories.

    No longer just a fun gossip read, but full-on crazy town.

  75. Hey Lainey, it was not always called NXIVM. NXIVM was founded in New York in 1998, but Keith Raniere's first crooked scheme was called Consumer's Buyline which operated in ARKANSAS in the early 1990s.

    It wasn't hard to find that information, took me 30 seconds on DuckDuckGo. Would you like to retract your statement about "crazy town"?

  76. Hey Unknown,

    I actually read that article before I commented.

    It was a different venture - a pyramid scheme - which was sued by Arkansas during Clinton's time as Governor. It was also operating in New York and Maine.

    I've never argued that Raniere wasn't an awful human being. He seems like one of the worst. My point was, and still is, that you'd need to tie yourself up in knots to make this about the Clintons.

  77. All the President Trump guesses are laughable. Rent free for seven more years.

  78. To make things more complicated, Stormy Daniels has been outed as having been part of the cult and even having been branded. Allegedly the brand is still visible under her tattoos.

  79. I dont like the Feldman guess. Huge accusation.

    Also the blind says celebrity making me think its not a political person

  80. Anonymous8:40 PM

    @ancoranonhocapito may be onto something. Her lawyer is getting premium info from somewhere. And the person he's going after is creating drama as a distraction.

  81. @Unknown

    So, what do people on the boards of charities do exactly? How many people were on the board of all the various Clinton charities? What were their roles?

    Lemme inform you of something. Seats on the boards of most charities are empty positions given to big donors for bragging rights. Not all, but that's how many operate. Can you tell us specifically if that was or was not the case with any of the Clinton charities?

    It would certainly be more interesting than you bleating out the same sentence over and over again pretending it has some magical significance.


    Nope, never used that handle. I only used one other... no wait...two I think (because I forgot my first one.)

    Sorry you feel so hostile (and prone to piles of disjointed adjectives.) I've never felt that towards all.

  82. The frothing at the mouth on here about the Clintons is exhausting, tiresome and frankly fucking really old. Everyone is way past that, it seems, except the super defensive folks about our current President who has enough scandal going on just out in the open that I think it encourages the naming the Clintons for every fucking blind on here behavior. If frothing at the mouth about old, tiresome shit is cool, I'm thinking about making everything about Geraldine Ferraro.

  83. Branson's been married for decades and loves to work the "family man at heart" theme, but everyone knows he's a swinger at heart.

    This involvement with NXIVM and the Bronfman sisters might actually be his downfall.

  84. Feldman as the child actor turned failed adult actor. Just as he was preyed upon when he was vulnerable, he's now quick to home in on any vulnerable women.

  85. Doesn't Bill have a higher rating than Hillary? I mean he was President of the United States.

  86. Surprised Roger Stone's involvement hasn't gotten more attention.

    NXIVM and Raniere wouldn't be who they are without the Bronfmans, so here's hoping there are a few prison cells waiting for them.

  87. Roger Stone has the magic "R" by his name.

    "R"s are holy and would never do anything wrong, especially those who support the cause of Fuhrer Trump.

    Pruitt's EPA paid for a multi-course, expensive dinner between a known pedo priest and Pruitt....but that slips through unnoticed as well.

    Yeah, they sure do take their sexual abuse seriously around here...

  88. The Dalai Lama is a sjitty tipper!

  89. @Manuel (sorry I forget which is my tilda key)

    That's what China would have us believe about Tibetan Buddhism, alright. Seems like you've stumbled on one of their sites.

    OF COURSE HILARY IS INVOLVED!!!!!! Get with the program! She ALWAYS is, no matter what. I bet she's killing all those journalists in Russia, too!

  90. Kirk Cameron spreading the gospel!

  91. The tweener, Mark Hildreth (former bf of) member who got away Kristin Kreuk who turned to Richard Branson while Sara and Clare Bronfman fight.

    @BkWorm1 regarding your comments

    “The current charages against Allison Mack do NOT involve child trafficking. People misunderstood the wording of the charge (or vs and) that COULD include child trafficking but didn't in her case. BUT reports of Keith R and underage girls have been around for awhile even though the case currently against him and AM do not include anyone underage.”

    Hollywood and the Media would love you to think this was merely a “metoo” moment. It is inordinately interesting that ‘children” are specifically not mentioned in this coverage and that the Hollywood “metoo” proponents aren’t talking about the horrors of branding a few of their own.

    But I digress..

Link to actual complaint 

    The Indictment

    You may note that nothing whatsoever identifies Jane Doe 1 or 2 or their respective ages. 

Also note:


Pending Charges against Allison Mack and Raniere
    All are under Title 18

    Count One - 
(Sex Trafficking - (Jane Does 1 and 2) Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1591(a)(l), 1591(a)(2), 1591(b)(l), 1594(a), 2 and 3551 et seq.)


Count Two - 
(Sex Trafficking Conspiracy) 18, United States Code, Sections 1591(a)(l), 1591(a)(2), and 1591(b)(l).

    COUNT THREE (Conspiracy to Commit Forced Labor-Jane Doe 1) Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1589(a)(2) and 1589(a)(4). (Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1594(b) and 3551 et seq.)

    The 1954 and 3551 charges relate directly to property seizures and sentencing hence I have not
 referenced them.

    The two most pertinent references are here below that deal with the actual charges.

    ***(REFERENCE) 18 U.S. Code § 1591 - Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion***

    (REFERENCE) 18 U.S. Code § 1594 - General provisions (pertains to property seizure and sentencing)

    “Richard Branson is not a part of Nxivm. He rented his island out to them (it gets rented out to many groups) and was not there during their event but Nxivm has played up his connection to lure in others.” 

    Explain this photo. Sir Richard Branson with Sara Bronfman during a week long NXIVM group meeting at Necker Island.

 Kristin was there as well.

    “Neither the Clintons or Trump has anything actually to do with the group. Any connection is completely tenuous and has come from the same people that were convinced Hilary had kids trapped beneath a pizza shop.”


I’ll give you this one although I find it extraordinary that Sara both showed up in Libya right after the big topple and that her husband is being promoted by Israel as the future President of Libya. It just seems incredibly coincidental to me.

  92. @chneiderisnext your comment brings up another not spoken of direct connection via the Bronfman's to both McCain and Arizona.

    "Which compound? That same language has been used to describe " The Church "

    "The following text offers an example of the overlapping relationships that typify how syndicate operations are diffused and sustained in “fields within fields…within fields” of relationships that stretch across time, distance and both major political parties. This field-based structure enables systemic criminality to proceed in plain view and oftentimes with only modest coordination around shared goals."

    Hell maybe she reached out to Harvey, that would be wild.

    1. @designace001 with you. This is the best summary I've come across.

      Sara Bronfman is married to a Libyan Exile (Basil Igtet). Igtet, The Bronfmans, and McCain are involved in the overthrow of Gaddaffi and are trying to seize power (Igtet is running for Libyan Prime Minister)

      "One of Igtet’s top backers is John McCain – a man who has been photographed shaking hands with almost every extremist in Libya and who was a major figure in the plot of the invasion/destruction of the country. Igtet is also friendly with John Kerry. Yuck

      One of Igtet’s and Sara Bronfman’s business partners is a man named Richard Griffiths – who has considerable connections to American and Canadian intelligence agencies – including the CIA.

      American Jew, Sara Igtet – nee Bronfman – is the daughter of deceased Seagram alcohol magnate Edgar Bronfman Sr. .

      The Bronfmans are one of New York’s most prominent and social dynasties. They have sunk a portion of their money into US entertainment and communications entities –

      Sara Bronfman, 38, and Clare Bronfman, 35, became heiresses to the Seagram a Edgar Bronfman Jr is their half-brother and is a former chairman of Warner Music Group

      the sisters had siphoned off colossal amounts of money from their own family trust funds – to finance NXIVM and its nefarious activities.

      Samuel Bronfman also dabbled in the oil business… Eventually the Bronfmans became Canada’s richest family.

      The Bronfman family was the king behind the throne of the organised crime empire in Arizona – that spawned the political career of John McCain. A man named Jim Hensley was well known in mob circles as a gangster in Arizona .Hensley’s daughter married John McCain . Like the Bronfmans, Hensley was also involved with alcohol –

      "The Bronfman family emigrated to western Canada from the Russian empire in the late 1880s. At first they farmed and worked in construction, but as the children grew up they moved into the hotel-prostitution business, after the construction of the Canadian Northern Railway line. "

      Since McCain’s career was sponsored by the Lansky-Bronfman syndicate, it is no coincidence McCain recently traveled to London where Lord Jacob Rothschild of the international banking empire raised money among American expatriates on McCain’s behalf. Rothschild has long been allied with the Bronfman family as major patrons of Israel."

      -fogdryer ~copied from a certain voat subreddit~

    2. Here's a fun tidbit:

      Starts @ 1:12

      1995, President Bill Clinton receives the Nahum Goldman award from the World Jewish Congress

      The World Jewish Congress is Edgar Bronfmans post-Seagram's project. Spending over a quarter-century tenure as president until his death.

      President Clinton's opening Remarks:

      "I would remind you Edgar, that I am a relatively young man without a great deal of job security...I hope you would keep me in mind in the future....

      *Raucous laughter from crowd

      "I wish you wouldn't laugh so hard at that"

    3. At the time of his death in 2013 Time Magazine estimates Bronfman had donated @ least ~730 million to Clinton campaigns and "charities"

      Edgar Bronfman Sr.
      Shortly after the billionaire businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr. died in 2013, Hillary Clinton spoke at a memorial service in his honor. She described a meeting she had arranged in 1996 between her husband and Bronfman, who then owned the liquor company Seagram and Son, which she said lead to years of negotiation over the return of Holocaust assets held by Swiss Banks. “He exuded a confidence and honesty that won him the friendship and support of Presidents and Popes and people everywhere,” Clinton said of the former president of the World Jewish Congress. His son, Edgar Bronfman Jr., has continued his legacy of political giving, making it difficult to distinguish their donations in federal records. The campaign donation totals above include both men.

    4. Not to mention both Bronfman Sisters, and NXIVM's Nancy Salzman also donated between 15-30,000 each of Edgar Bronfmans $$$ to Clinton GLOBAL Initiative.

      If you then Add direct DNC donations that were split with Clinton, and Hillary's most recent campaign donations, the Bronfman Family has "donated" over a million Dollars to the Clinton Fam.

      And that's just the on the record $$$

  93. Lol as soon as I finished reading this blind I said to myself " cue the crazed Clinton haters" and omfg the nutters did not disappoint. Great for a belly laugh. What I find interesting is actress Allison mack looks alot like my suburban mom friends. Not a tattoo or piercing in sight. She's 40 but looks 25. Yet she was Rainers number two henchmen. But as for the A ++ dude? Enty only really uses that for THE dude, doesn't he? Anyways since google is fun googling former Trump advisor Roger Stone who worked on the emperor's campaign was on Nxivm's payroll. Oh my say it ain't so. He went as far as working as a lobbyist for the group for a coupla months. Mr Stone is also ( allegedly of course) a well known swinger in the nyc swing community and you wanna know who else ( A++ and mrs A++) were VERY active in that community. * gasp* I really thought he was a paragon of godly purity * laughs forever *

  94. If you ever want to laugh even harder, you should look into this guy "Q" who is feeding them this ebil Dems who traffic in children. It's mind blowing that anyone would believe a single word he writes, this deep insider, this guy who promises Deep State will blow soon and sealed indictments are at the ready (1200 of them! Nevermind that indictments are a part of the state and government they all claim to hate.) Tens of thousands of children are being snatched off the streets and being trafficked! And it's all Hillary's fault, naturally.

    Here's a good write-up about him. You will recognize the echoes:

  95. Ooops! That's 25,000 sealed indictments! Q and his people are working hard to bring them all to court!

  96. @Scheiderisnext Backpage's Indictment is Arizona State.

    "Backpage was originally owned by Village Voice Media. VVM started as Newspaper in Arizona known as New Times Inc. (NTI). Over the years it grew to buy &/or merge with ‘alternative’ news outlets. Also associated with record & phone companies
    Who else behind those newspapers?"

    Subverting the Communications Decency Act: J.S.
    v. Village Voice Media Holdings

    Severing ties in 2012 "Village Voice Media: 'Absolutely no' ongoing relationship between alt-weeklies and, financial or otherwise"

    Interesting thread

    Thinking you have to go all the way back to Wonderland Schneiderisnext.,_Part_V:_It_Couldnt_Happen_Here__

    @Plot some of us have been researching this way before Q, decades before Q. You like your Indictments al dente? Here's one for you from the way back machine, another Salon piece circa 2001, just for fun!

    1. Thank you for those links designace001. & RIP Dave McGowan.


      "James Raniere (Keith's father) worked on the Seagram account while working as an advertising executive in the 1970s and PROFESSIONALLY (but this is advertising so also means 'PERSONALLY' KNEW ED BRONFMAN SNR

      A "coincidence"?? Are you kidding me!!

      "“My son, a cult leader,” James Raniere said. “It’s just not so.” The elder Mr. Raniere is a retired advertising executive who talks with a Brooklyn accent. He responded to my inquiries, he said, primarily to defend his deceased wife, Vera. Many in the NXIVM community believe that Keith Raniere’s mother was an abusive alcoholic, and this, James contends, could not be farther from the truth. “She was the best mother I’ve ever come across,” he said. Keith’s first five years were spent in Brooklyn before the family moved to Rockland County for better public schools. By coincidence, James handled his agency’s Seagram’s account and said he knew Edgar Bronfman Sr. professionally during the 1970s. He is now remarried and settled in Easthampton."

      From The Observer, in 2010, owned by (you cannot make this shit up) JARED KUSHNER"

      ~MillenialVulcan- via voat

  97. Also excellent Libya summation Schneiderisnext! Do the rest of you folks just think this all is some wild coincidence smh. Seriously you cannot make this stuff up.

  98. @Schneiderisnext..."James Raniere (Keith's father) worked on the Seagram account while working as an advertising executive in the 1970s and PROFESSIONALLY (but this is advertising so also means 'PERSONALLY' KNEW ED BRONFMAN SNR

    A "coincidence"?? Are you kidding me!!"

    Get out!!! Unf'ingbelievable. Start looking for the Church connections..
    It's too close not to be there.

    now onto the rest of you links :)



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