Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Your Turn

Do you prefer beginning of the summer holiday weekends like Victoria Day/Memorial Day or the end of the summer holiday weekends like Labor Day?


  1. My gynecologist joked about suturing my vagina shut. He had me in stitches!

  2. Good you're back today Candy!
    If I was up North this weekend would mark the beginning of Beach season and the in official start if summer. The Labor Day weekend just the opposite. Down here neither of these 2 weekends are symbolic of anything except Florida kids school year ends this weekend.

  3. End of summer. I usually don't start taking vacation until after summer. So, I'm closer to a real vacation on Labor Day.

  4. Who cares, for all Monday holidays it's your civic responsibility to be shithoused all weekend.

  5. End of summer...I'm not a hot-weather person! And I live in GA!!! Hate the heat, humidity, bugs, etc. Give me the other 3 seasons any day!

  6. When I lived in a beach community we always loved memorial day weekend when the summer renters would show up and the bars would be packed. Within two weeks we couldn't wait for labor day when they would all leave.

  7. As long as I get an extra day off I don't care when it happens.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Labor Day.
    Fall is my favorite season in Michigan.

  10. beginning of summer , lots of sunshine and the weather is perfect, not too hot or too cool

  11. End of summer. I'm not a sunshine person and I hate heat.

  12. I like the Fall in Michigan. We keep the boat in the water for another few weeks and the lake gets less populated.

    But I like the summer and the craziness and fun.

    But I LOVE the winter.

  13. Any day I don't have to work is a good day.

  14. Here in mid-Michigan, Memorial Day is the beginning of up north season. With that brings horrible northbound traffic from Wednesday through Saturday, with gas prices conveniently going up on Wed., and conversely, horrible southbound traffic Sunday and Monday. Labor Day is the end of that, but if you're a Michigander, up north is the shit.

  15. Beginning! All is possible

  16. Victoria Day at the beginning of the summer. I always bust ass getting the patio furniture out and my annuals and bulbs in on the Saturday and enjoy my gardens and patio the rest of the weekend. Bliss!
    There's a great firework display in town so we'll go early and BBQ in the park.

  17. I like the Labour Day weekend. Cooler weather prevails, and my kids are going back to school.

  18. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I am a teacher, so Memorial Day. It means the beginning of my summer break and I need a break around now. Labor Day means start of school, which isn’t bad, except I end up working all of the 3 day weekend doing lesson plans and readying my room.

  19. I like both. But always book a t rt up after labor day. Its less crowded.

  20. Teachermom, the same here, except we start two to three weeks before Labor Day, so we're all ready for a small break!

  21. End of summer. Means fall and winter are on the way. I hate the heat!

  22. Lots of Michiganders hanging here~
