Monday, June 18, 2018

Blind Item #12

It is always amazing that when this closeted A- list reality star is out of the country, she never has any of those "boyfriends" with her. Nope. She just has one of her constant model hookups there instead. The same one that has been there a long time and always miraculously seems to always end up emerging from wherever the reality star is staying, every morning. It is why I believe the reality star will eventually leave the country for good.


  1. Kendull and Bella. This shouldn’t really be blind at this point -it’s ridiculous that the rest of Kendall’s freak show of relations apparently want her in the closet still

  2. Replies
    1. Lmao Kendall Jenner. “Dull” because she has zero personality and can’t model to save her life

    2. I give her props because she is the only one who is decent to Caitlyn though.

  3. I love how it was totally kosher for daddy dearest to become mommy #2, but heaven forbid Kendall prefer muffins, wtf.

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Smart to bring her SO on work trips to collect those miles!

  5. No, Bruce Jenner didn't become "mommy #2" simply through the act of having a sex change or dressing like a woman. He didn't earn motherhood. He is still a Dad. Just like he is still a man who should be imprison for manslaughter. I agree it's ridiculous for Kendall to be forced into the closet given her bizarre family's history though.

    1. Is he a dad, though? He seems to dispose of his children when they might be inconvenient...

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  7. @Brayson87 LOL. Nobody cares if Kendall comes out. The Kardashians are kind of a freak show, it won't matter.

  8. I don't buy it, unless she hasn't even come out to her family yet. If she was gay and they knew it, they would milk it for all its worth. I mean, they're desperate for new story lines!

    1. Please! They know. Kris has been trying to work that angle into a storyline for years but hasn’t grown the balls yet.

    2. Truffle I think the same, they're shameless with everything else this would be a 'nice' story and could last a whole season.

  9. I think they've known also but Kendall is their model glamazon girl who appeals to women that the others do not. She's also the only one who tends to act like she isn't another race.

    1. Her ex is Hispanic and looks like she likes Caramel flavor. Old Bf in high school is mixed too. Your describing Kourtney and her horrid taste in men

  10. Well, you do have a point there, @JustAGuess.

  11. Kendall is only A- but Kylie is A+?

  12. So Bella was The Weeknd's beard? He's gay? I can't keep up! LOL.

    1. Bella’s a yachter and a classic “buysexual”-as one wag put it about Calvin Klein’s ex-boyfriend :”if someone’s buying, he’s sexual.” Pretty BHadid falls into the same category.

  13. Yup. Sounds like a dad alright

  14. lol why would you give her props for being 'decent' to Bruce? He's a terrible human being and an awful father

  15. kendall and bellllllllla

    they're both banging each other in milan right now, i believe

  16. I'm surprised her mother hasn't come up yet with a way to milk her celebrity status as a lesbian. Well, she reinforced Kanye's closet, so there's that.

  17. I don't really understand the Kendall rumors because if she was actually a lezza, her family would force her to cash in on that instantly. A gay in the family? Fucking A. Watch the $$$ roll in. There's not been any actual evidence of her muff diving. Whatever if she is though, as long as she isn't messing with that cesspool of diseases also known as Bella Thornton.

  18. It could be that Kendall herself is not comfortable with it. There's the Kanye angle too. It's well known he is gay and yet Kris kept him in the closet (or possibly allows him to live his DL life).

  19. @Thonker Sadly, yes. Because Kylie's Online Krap Store (KOKS) brings in a lot of $$$ for the family.

  20. I am pretty sure Kendull is not interested in telegraphing her personal life any more (at least not as much as the rest of them)

  21. Everybody knows this zzZzZ this girl never deceived me

  22. Since Kendall is a woman would fans really care she is a lesbian. I think lesbians and bisexual women got it easier in the entertainment industry than gay men. Most people do not care. If Kendall was a man I could understand her hiding being gay BUT she is a woman. I do not see how being an out lesbian would hurt her brand.

  23. You're joking, surely? Gay women routinely get verbal, and sometimes, physical abuse from men. I'm not even gay but was called a "rug munching dyke" amongst other obscenities the other day for having the audacity to disagree with a man over his "opinion" of something I've experienced that he hasn't nor ever will. I agree gay men get it worse from straight men, but Lesbians don't exactly have it easy either.

    I agree with a few of the others though. I think it's Kendall who wants her sexuality kept private, which is fair enough. I don't think her family would have a problem with it and it would generate publicity for them which they seem to love..

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  26. I can't understand why pmk wants to hide Kendall's sexuality so desperately

  27. I'm not buying that she is closeted. I think she is a sexual and doesnt have time to fall in love and doesnt want to follow in her sisters footsteps with marriage and kids yet. props.

  28. Some people here saying that they thought Kendall was asexual lol as if they had no private life, one prefers to believe that Kendall is asexual as to think she is a lesbian. Andrew, if you think there's nothing against lesbian explain these ridiculous comments about kendall's sexuality

  29. The Kardashian Jenners have somehow managed to play down their new age church associations. These celebrity friendly churches accept every coke user, or multiple divorcee, but not the gays.

    When Kendall came out as straight in Vogue, that interview had Kris's paws all over it. The only hope for Kendall is if she leaves America.
