Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Blind Item #13

This former A- list mostly television actor from back in the day had multiple hit shows on which he starred. Last night, as is the case most nights, if an attractive woman hits on him, he will make it known he is interested even if his girlfriend is standing next to him.


sandybrook said...

James Marsden?

jujub said...

David Spade

Brayson87 said...

Fool ain't gonna turn down free Arby's just cause he's holdin a Wendy's bag. ;)

Tricia13 said...

Steven Webber?

sandybrook said...

Spade makes sense if he's not in mourning for his sister-in-law.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Hold me closer, Tony Danza

Unknown said...

Ok who is hitting on David Spade come on.

MichiganMama59 said...


Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

I would... I love his snarky humor.

Sara, Making It Work said...

His prowess is legendary.

Sd Auntie said...

Spade is well endowed!!! DUH!!

Unknown said...

David Spade is genuinely funny, and very smart. That makes him sexy.

Tricia13 said...

Agreed@Bored 💯 %. However the aforementioned um, attributes don’t suck:))

JMFP said...

Brayson87 said...
Fool ain't gonna turn down free Arby's just cause he's holdin a Wendy's bag. ;)

LOL!!! Fantastic!! :)

JL said...

Wilmer Valderama?

Anonymous said...

>> Hollywood actor flirts with women who are not his girlfriend! <<
This is truly riveting news. Thanks so much for sharing.


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