Saturday, June 23, 2018

Blind Item #8

Wanting to get this investigation over with as soon as possible so people would stop talking about it, the autopsy of this celebrity was rushed to the point of ridiculousness. No one was willing to even sign on to the faked report so the head of the ministry in charge of it just forged a signature. 


  1. Uhhh Anthony Bourdain?

    1. Or Kate Spade. Likely a toss up between the two.

    2. Andrea... US doesn't call them "Ministries.". Bourdain.

  2. I’ll go with Bourdain. Head of ministry is a term from a foreign country which would be France if Bourdain.

  3. So does this have to do with the no drugs found in his system? IMO if I was a recovering addict and I was going to commit suicide, I’d pump myself full of drugs before I did it. But that’s just me.

  4. this is fucking ridiculous like wtf isn't this proof that there is something wrong? Is there not a single person in these departments with any sort of sense of justice or wanting to do their job correctly? I hope one day this wave of "suicides" will be exposed

  5. also bourdain had that rushed cremation

  6. Someone wants to be a white knoght for that malodorous skeezer Asia Argento.

  7. Fake blind. Again.

  8. Sooooo our Enty knows officials in France who divulged things to him and no one else.

    Not fucking likely. But Talley is on the case!

    1. In more ,the officials in France have no reason to hide something on his death.

    2. 👍🏽🤜🏽😘

  9. I see it's fiction time again!

  10. I think that plot made a very good point and that is likely to be the last time I say that

  11. Total bullshit. France doesn't care how he died enough to have a ministry head forge something. Could be possibly believable if some little banana republic somewhere.

  12. I thought Avicii had 2 autopsy and was brought home without cremation? The quick autopsy and cremation would be Bourdain, with no relatives signing off on it.

  13. Bourdain's autopsy results came out *awfully* fast.

  14. Completely ridiculous blind. Hot top scissor handles the local level, not involving heads of the government, lol. Especially for a purse maker or celebrity chef or dj. Ha. And cremations usually are "rushed" because you aten't pumped full of embalming fluids beforehand.

  15. One thing that did stand out to me regarding Spade's and Bourdain's suicides were they both had reasonably young children. Yet, Spade was slagged off as a "selfish Mum" for killing herself, while Bourdain was given sympathy and his girlfriend vilified even though they had an open relationship. There's that preferential treatment again..

  16. car accidents, heart disease, cancer, suicide due to depression...
    Humans following rules and having morals and being virtuous...
    The CDAN crowd is an amazing place of believers in all things good and perfect.
    Of course nothing like this blind could possibly be true.
    I doubt there's any ped0s in the world either.
    Fools who believe this nonsense

  17. Bourdain's blood work came back much faster than it would have in the US but why would the French government want to hide anything?

  18. That's funny--this story from four days ago says that we're still waiting on the blood work.

    I can't find any story that says it came back in the past four days. Can you please share your source for this information, @.robert?

  19. DDonna, just google it and you'll find many sources. I just read it in the NYPost yestereday if I'm not mistaken.

    And anyone who knows a damn thing about France knows nothing involving paperwork is easy, seamless or quick. If the result came back fast, something is definitely afoul.

  20. The bloodwork only said no narcotics, it is incomplete.

  21. "If the result came back fast"

    Only one result came back fast, the easiest one.

  22. @DDonna Tarttty,

  23. @rosie, Yeah, it's weird, people believe all sorts of wild stories and accusations around here, but as soon as something has a connection to government powers-that-be, the skepticism flows.

  24. I see the Shills are out in force around here, must've touched a nerve.

  25. Bourdain didn't have an autopsy.

  26. The only source that Tony and Asia had an "open relationship" was from Rose McGowan, to my knowledge. Not sure I buy that. Asia I heard had narcissistic personality disorder, and it seems Rose is cut from the same cloth, so....not sure I buy that.

  27. Talley is getting some real ass over on Twitter.

  28. @Bob Loblaw, +1. I agree.

    I absolutely believe that Bourdain's "suicide" was suspicious. Not sure about Spade's, but man her husband looks awfully weird. I don't trust his face at all, has that pedo look with the too-close eyes. I'm fine being called a CT. I feel what I feel and this doesn't feel right at all.

  29. Oh Viking, you truly rate as the most pathetic man-hating cunt online.
    Daddy issues much??

  30. I'm married, Spud. I don't hate men, I do hate misogynists (who are nothing more than parasites who should've been aborted, as far as I'm concerned) and their hypocritical bullshit. Misogynists like you frequently post your venomous bullshit about women, but when ever a woman posts a few home truths about double standards/hypocrisy etc., we're called man haters, by woman hating fucking hypocrites like you. If anyone is pathetic, it's you Spud. Mummy issues much? After all, cupcake, you owe your existence predominately to a woman. Maybe if you were less of fucking cunt you'd be able to get laid..

  31. @Cail

    "but as soon as something has a connection to government powers-that-be, the skepticism flows."

    Only because the conspiritards connect EVERYTHING to government, big ol' Gobment, except for Trump naturally because he is a maverick (ha!)

    Take away Ebil Gobment, and the conspiracy fabrications fall apart. Anthony Bourdain is just another sad story of a depressed alcoholic.

    The government angle is all yours sweetie.

  32. Trump killed Bourdain because he knew all about his friedship with Jeffrey Epstein and pedo parties at Mar-a-Lago.

  33. Ahahahahaha. Then Dersh better run and hide. Cuz he's next. #FLYEAGLEFLY!

  34. Followed by Ken Starr, yes, THAT Ken Starr.

  35. So what is this implying? Does the autopsy being forged mean something like he/she may have been murdered instead? Or are they just covering up drugs in that persons system to keep their image clean?

  36. Why would they cover-up drugs in the system of a known druggie? Unless the drugs were NOT the kind used for getting high. Or the kinds of drugs the victim had used or had access to. Use your brain ffs.

  37. I haven't trusted French officials since they partially embalmed Diana without permission.

  38. The French do what they’re told. Period.

  39. Jesus the ignorance is staggering. Toxicology testing is done separately on the mass spec instrument. It takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 4 hours to have the sample read and verified. Usually the samples takes forever because there is so many of them, like every single blood test from a drunk driver etc is sent for tox. This just means his testing was prioritized, probably so the French could report the results sooner rather than later due to AB being a public figure. The coroner or medical examiner signs the report and it is impossible and useless to try and forge a signature. No one NO ONE would risk their professional reputation like this, not in France, not in America, not anywhere. And there would be no point, because his case was very straightforward, it was a suicide. Please stop with this nonsense, instead of making up stories better report on the multiple current crises with asylum seekers and the economy that is about to tank

  40. +1000 HH314

    Why Enty hates Rose so much and still keeps Asia's nose clean I won't every understand

  41. Tell us Enstein. Why do they exhume bodies? Uhhhh. Perhaps to look for something they missed the first time. Like a drug that doesn't show up on normal toxicology tests.

    Fuck-off glow-in-the-dark-mossy-cunt.

  42. Bourdain literally LITERALLY said that if he were to suicide, it would be via heroin.
    Literally. Said. Heroin.
    Not doorknob and bathrobe belt.
    When folks say explicit things like that, it suggests to me that they have considered it enough to have weighted the options.
    So. Anyway. Carry on.

  43. @Nancy

    Suicides LITERALLY are spur of the moment and LITERALLY take the easiest method available to them at the moment.

    Where do you imagine Bourdain was going to find heroin on a shoot where he was working 16 hours a day? Oh, you expect he would put it off, plan for the future when he could get back home and scour the streets for it?

    That is not how suicide works, darlin'. Most people who say they are going to commit suicide by heroin mean they are going to be addicts again and take the long slow downward path to death...NOT that they are going to obtain enough heroin to kill them in that moment. How often have you read about anyone doing that - planning their death with heroin? Heroin makes them happy again. Unless they accidentally overdose, heroin is something to stay alive for.

    Bourdain wasn't pledging to commit suicide with heroin, forswearing all other forms of death. It was an offhand comment and really shows that suicide was lurking around the edges of his consciousness and had been for a while.



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