Thursday, June 14, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 7, 2018

This one named foreign born B+ list celebrity in her country and practically unknown here has been criss-crossing the country whenever this reality star/mogul/former boss wants to hook up with her.



  1. Oh I know her very well from her leaked sex tape and drug scandal the Sun made up for her. Never heard 1 NDubz song thankfully.

  2. Why? is she supplying coke?

  3. She was accused of drug dealing by a writer for the Sun and the judge at the trial dropped the case comp!etely because he thought the writer (who was the key witness) was lying.

  4. She was on Britain's Got Talent so I will guess that the former boss is Simon Cowell.

  5. Yep it's our boy Simon when his PR firm needs to tell the world he's not gay.

  6. Oh yes, studly Simon sure does luuurve the ladies. He hypnotises them all with his moobs.

  7. Wait, I thought Simon was gay? And that he had Nicole Shaloolaba on speed dial? Which is it? And I thought Tulisa didn't fuck white guys?

  8. Brit girls are always getting up to hijinks here in the colonies lol

  9. Haha, she was a funny one. Started out as a rough gurl in a dodgy rap band. Then somehow got the gig with Cowell and became almost regal. And then the Sextape and drug dealing allegations came out. Haven't really heard about her for a few years now.

  10. Guys, Simon loves pussy so much, he's got to have pussy on call at all times.

    Did I mention that Simon is a pussy hound?
