Friday, July 20, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is also doing all kinds of television now and is an Academy Award winner/nominee and has multiple side gigs delayed by over a year her black eye just because she was so scared of what the pain was going to be like. Now, she is the one who others turn to for advice on how best to deal with the fear and pain.


  1. Replies
    1. But what in the actual fuck is this about? It’s said Askars and her scenes were very real on BLL-is that the connection-he punches her in a scene ?

  2. I’m inclined to say Reese since she was spotted with Ryan Phillipe, courtesy of the daily mail. The grammar in this blind made it hard to read.

  3. Is this referencing this Illuminati theory regarding black eyes that was mentioned in the DM today?

    1. That’s what I thought enty was getting at.

  4. Did you use google to translate this from arabic?

  5. Someone on another post was just mentioning that they were surprised Enty hasn't posted about this and bam! next blind there it is :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Cassie, I would assume so, unless it's about some kind of plastic surgery that causes a black eye.

    For those who don't know: if you look around, you'll find pictures of many global leaders and celebrities with a black eye or some kind of damage around the eye. It might always be the same eye, not sure. There's a theory that it's part of some kind of ritual they have to go through to join some elite secret society.

  8. there needs to be a comma after "gigs" and before "delayed by over a year"

    in other words, she delayed getting a black eye for over a year because she was afraid of the pain.

    Either Kidman or is there someone doing a boxing / fighting / mma movie or does that sport as a hobby? I mean there arent many actresses getting actual black eyes in movies or tv.

  9. Courtesy of the DM article:

    "Author and internet radio show host Sherry Shriner - who wrote the book Interview With The Devil, in which she claimed to converse with Lucifer - has spoken of the link between these black eyes and 'soul scalping'.

    According to Shriner, government leaders, people on TV with their own shows and hundreds of popular entertainers have sold their souls to Satan.

    'You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line. The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called "soul scalping",' she said."

    Well demonic possession is one explanation for what goes down in Hollyweird.

    1. Wow. Thank you for that information Ophelia... I am quite certain there is more than a modicum of soul sacrifice and negotiation,so to speak. But I’m not sure if it’s more metaphorical or physical at this point.
      As you said-it is one explanation for the Dante’s inferno-esque quality Hollywood possesses. The more I read ,the more I-understand .

    2. And am grateful to not be in the “ring of Fire” as Mr. Johnny Cash would say....

    3. So they sacrifice themselves for the enemy of their imaginary friend in the sky? Ok........LMAO. It’s hilarious imagining people doing rituals in all the garb, chanting to an imaginary being.

  10. here is the DM thing about the illlumaniti blackeyed pope, royals and celebs

  11. I expected to see a blind today about Emily Ratweiner and her husband after their pap escapade yesterday and Ratweiner basically using a fire hydrant for a dildo. He looks so over her, lol.

    1. 😂😂😂😂

    2. There was a blind about her yachting last week or so with Gigi and there were old blinds about him cheating. Nothing new

    3. It was more a swipe at Enty pulling stories off the DM and why I expected there to be a blind about the infidelities of the two. I mean, she cheated on him with a fire hydrant.

  12. Wonder if this is a fake mashup, considering these Reese-in-sunglasses story is just above the black-eye story on DM right now:

    As for whether Hollywood people are actually selling their souls or metaphorically selling their souls, there is a point to be made that whether it's really happening or just symbolically happening, if the people who run the town can convince the people making the deal that it's a real thing, they can control them much more easily.

    All the black eyes are definitely strange, no matter how you look at it. So to speak.

  13. Except that.....OMG.

  14. It's not a new theory at all this has been looked into for years.

  15. I REFUSE to believe that Perez Hilton is a member of the Illuminati! Refuse!

  16. What's equally strange is that they don't try very hard to cover up the black eyes, they have access to makeup people who could diminish the appearance. It's almost like they have to be seen with it.

  17. This all sounds very out there to me but I definitely don't know everything or even everything that's possible haha

    Btw great Johnny Cash reference Tricia!

  18. If you replace "black eye" with "colon cleanse", this blind could be about me.

  19. Let's watch as everyone suddenly becomes deeply concerned about outrage culture after one of their own is fired by Disney.

  20. @Gauloise.

    Commas are as welcome as genital warts in the Entyverse.

  21. So back to the blind, who is the actress?

  22. Hollywood is an alternate reality. Sheesh.

  23. Huge list, with pictures, of "The Black Eye Club."

  24. Literally no adult in my real life has ever had a black eye.

    Curious, no?

  25. Older people like the Pope bruise easily or get eye surgery. In Boy George's case, his latest rent boy probably popped him one. It's actually not that hard to get a black eye--a friend of mine got two of them giving birth.

  26. Plastic surgery gives black eyes...jesus you people and the illuminatti

    1. It's also very easy to pop yourself there by accident. Not to mention that, sadly, more people are involved in tiffs that escalate to slapping, hitting, and punching than anyone can imagine. I worry more about that than Illuminati.

  27. Next time you see a celeb on a talk show, note how so many of them no matter what age talk like your average high-school kid. I assume that is about their average educational level and logic and reasoning capacity too.

    I doubt its that difficult to convince many of them this stuff is real and get them to go along for "guaranteed" success.

  28. Check out this coverage of the James Gunn firing from The Verge and ask yourself how corrupt this journalist, Bryan Bishop, must be to position the story this way.

  29. I figured it was an excuse because Guardians 2 was so blah. Not bad but blah. I loved the first one and all the Guardians 2 cast, but damn, the only memorable scenes were with Michael Rooker, they could have made it just a Yondu movie and saved some bucks.

  30. @DDonna, let me guess: as corrupt as most journalists? I love how they just can't help but bring up Pizzagate on a regular basis. Do they have no historical knowledge at all, to realize that continually citing a "false" conspiracy theory just embeds it in the public consciousness and makes people curious about it? Grassy knoll, anyone?

    SJWs have been getting people fired for the mildest of offensive statements for a few years now. Did they think that would never backfire on their own? Oops.

  31. I liked his Slither movie
    Way back before his big success
    Too bad he’s a creep

  32. Bunch of damn retards. Those stupid rituals and all...if they believe in satan they believe in God, the bible tells it all including who wins in the end. Hope the pools and spa days are worth eternity in the hottest damn sauna they've ever encountered.

  33. Black eyes equal some medical procedure. You don't think any of these people have any religious beliefs whether satanic or christian?

  34. The theory is you have to induce severe emotional trauma before you can extract adrenochrome. They access your pineal gland thru your left eye.

  35. Question is, which politician HASN'T sold their soul to the devil?

  36. WTAF, Enty? Seriously?

  37. Well, there is another side to working in Hollywood. My husband has been a film editor for over 20 years and sees a lot of crazy things, but perhaps the souls of the below the line people aren't necessary. There is also an organization called The Christian Entertainment Guild that brings together those who are working in entertainment while keeping their faith alive.

    1. Thank you. Plenty of middle class workers in the biz.

  38. +1 just sayin hail to Alex Jones! Illuminati lfmfaorofmao! Stupid jackasses.

  39. It's been so long I used that I know I fucked it up. You're idiots regardless and Enty plays you like that congratulations you're making him rich.

    1. Yet here you are devouring this like the douche bag you are one cares what you think🤓😉

  40. Nobody has that kind of fame, without giving something in return.

  41. @sandybrook i respect your guesses and knowledge over the years... and if you say "Enty plays you like that congratulations you're making him rich".
    why do you come here in that case? is it because there are some items that are real and some fantasy-click-bait-filler? or is it just fun to guess regardless? i was kind of hoping that smoke = fire and Enty was smelling the smoke... :)

  42. Black eyes are from under eye fillers. Been there, done that. My very kind coworker called me at home one night to see if I was a domestic abuse can definitely be covered by makeup, so not sure why they’re not doing that...but it can happen very easily

    1. LOL Though not funny.

    2. @HDNYC

      Please explain why the celebrities and the elites only have ONE black eye.

      Please explain why it is almost always the left eye.

  43. I think entry makes up shit based on who is shown in daily mail that day.

  44. I got a black eye as an adult once after getting hit in the face with a bungee cord.

  45. I couldn't follow a damn word of this, could some translate for me? Who has a black eye?

  46. @HDNYC, totally agree. Never had fillers but once got a bruise on the side of my jaw from many novocaines at the dentist. Was going to a social event, (and didn’t want people to think I was a DV victim) so went to a MAC store first & they covered it quite well, in about 20 minutes.

  47. Boring and who cares! NEXT

  48. @Andrea: Thanks for the mention of the pics of Emily R. 😂 Think she should change her name from RideaJetSki to RideaFireHydrant.

  49. Black eyes? Seriously?

    Everyone has shiners at one time or another. I was playing with a puppy who slung back her head, hit the arch of my nose and had two shiners for that one.

    Now for those of you buying in, It's the left eye that's supposed to suffer the soul sucking ritual, have I got that? Then why are a chunk of the examples right eyes of celebrities? Oh, quick! Change the thesis!

    A good number of these are the aftermath of plastic surgery, so in that case the plastic surgeon is really an alien...or an illuminati...or a satanist...or a pedo...or a member of the cabal...or Skull and Bones...or something.

  50. The gullibility of some simpletons here is shocking.

    The same people who in the Middle Ages believed that women with red hair and green eyes, were witches.

    Extreme primitivity coupled with abyss-low IQ, will never seize to exist.

  51. Courtesy of the DM article:

    "Author and internet radio show host Sherry Shriner - who wrote the book Interview With The Devil, in which she claimed to converse with Lucifer - has spoken of the link between these black eyes and 'soul scalping'.

    According to Shriner, government leaders, people on TV with their own shows and hundreds of popular entertainers have sold their souls to Satan.

    'You cannot be on TV now, without signing on the dotted line. The bizarre recurrence of facial bruises on Illuminati politicians and entertainers has resulted in speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called "soul scalping",' she said."

    "Soul scalping"? Really?!?!

    Now that the DM is quoting people like this, without irony, it's time to stop using it as a source. And Sherry Shriner is clearly a con artist.

  52. The ludicrous thing is just imagine the stats. I have had a black eye, so has my husband, even my kid. At some point MOST of us had and throw celebs get photographed more in the mix and of COURSE you can google and find a slew of just such pics. Sherry Shriner is an utter wackadoo. I am sure there are folks who have dabbled in Satanism or tried to channel Lucifer energy because heck folks will do ANYTHING and everything, just the nature of man kind, but here thinking reptiles inhabit our bodies and mimic the qualities of the human host while taking over the world are absolutely nuts. I don't think there are such race and frankly if there were aliens I bet they are WAY more advanced than we are and not prone to taking over a lower race in OUR sphere. They are probably eyeing us in secret wondering if we neanderthals are even worth contacting and/or sharing technology and knowledge with!

  53. "Let's watch as everyone suddenly becomes deeply concerned about outrage culture after one of their own is fired by Disney."

    Already happening, have you been on Twitter?

  54. Because the media is not running photos of celebs with two black eyes or using a mirror image to make the point?

    No, the real reason must be because of Satanism.

  55. The only actress they show in that article with a black eye is Liz hurley. It was from last year, and her career is in the dying phase. If it was more of a real thing than a conspiracy theory, there would be a lot of successful women shown - not Liz. Yes there's a New World Order, but it wouldn't include a hasbeen like her being initiated now. She would have been initiated a decade ago when popular.

  56. Anybody who practices this Satanist crap deserves a black eye or two for being a moron.

  57. This is the part of the blind indicating that the black eye was no accident; that she knew it was coming:

    "... just because she was so scared of what the pain was going to be like. Now, she is the one who others turn to for advice on how best to deal with the fear and pain."

    wtf is going on in Hollywood? People have to steel themselves knowing that they're going to be punched/assaulted/battered. Imagine the fear that comes with that. Even if it's not satanism, it is evil and the work of satan.

  58. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Hilary Duff had a black eye a few months ago. Said she got it from her son. A little kid? Sounded fishy to me.

  59. Anonymous6:08 PM

    @Paul St John +1
    They sell their souls for fame; I have no sympathy for them

  60. some actress who had a facelift surgery. Arnica Montana gel helps the bruising (black eyes) resolve quicker.

  61. Have none of these people heard of makeup?

  62. Fucking stupid "illuminati" bullshit
