Monday, July 09, 2018

Blind Item #15

Using a person familiar to both people, a dossier of proof of the exploits of this former actress ALL of you know was delivered. Apparently there is a ransom attached that is upwards of eight figures. I have no doubts they will follow through on their threat to put it all on a pay per view website if their demands are not met. It is incredibly damning. It also is probably why things have been kind of frosty the past few days with the married couple.


Tricia13 said...

Megan Markle

sandybrook said...



You got your fireworks ready?
Wew lads.

Ophelia said...

+1 Markle. Who's the person "familiar to both people"?



Ice7177 said...

I'm making popcorn, anyone want some?

Tricia13 said...

Didn’t they meet through a mutual “friend”? It was actually someone she yachted with/for....I thought?

Tricia13 said...

It’ll get squashed. That’s what they do.

IanPhlegming said...

Been waiting for this.

But you know they've got all the Double-O's on the case for this one, with their LtK on double-plus-good setting. Be interesting to see who comes out on top. So to speak.

Freckles said...

Even if they Quash this one I bet there are others

Sea Hag said...

What's the big deal? He'll never be king. Wouldn't be the first "courtesan" to marry into a royal family over the centuries. Probably won't be the last. The only "bad" I see here is if he honestly didn't know about her past. And odds are probably pretty good that he met her while she was "working" the side job anyway (pretty sure someone implied that either here or on D-Listed).


The military of the United States of America welcomes our 51st state: Airstrip One

gauloise said...

This person doing the blackmailing will wind up as number 4 on the strange suicide list below

Elamina said...

Interesting that things have only been "kind of frosty" considering "a dossier of proof of the exploits..." was delivered. Harry must not have been shocked by anything he saw. It's all old news to him?


Coprophilia is a major turn off for some people.

Tricia13 said...

Naaahh-Gingy just being -prudish I find 😂

Brayson87 said...

They're asking eight figures, that's ridiculous. Far cheaper to hire the fixers and cleaners to make sure all the evidence disappears. Someone just signed their own warrant.


What if your fixers and cleaners are busy putting out other global fires?

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

Of course they are talking about MM - i do wonder if she's pregnant, she's flat a a board but there has been something there her last couple of outings, more so today. they have a multi stop trip to Ireland this week, the paps will get something if there is a bump there. If this blind is true i dont think it will ever see the light of day. RF are very good at smothering fires arent they


For example
Leonard Vincent is a human trafficker for the DGSE
He has all sorts of other things to deal with
Tribunals to threaten 😎
Now imagine you have to go fix and clean all these rent boy messes up while strangling Kate Spade while postponing the Weinstein-DNC detonation while cleaning up the clean ups and the clean ups of botched clean ups like Paddock and then you have to fix that pedophile problem which is now another inevitable revelation while cleaning that Jacob Rothschild was murdered and the US Navy has been sabotaged for years.

You can't promote every IDF private to colonel and throw them in ISIS
Or Shin Bet
Or Arnon Milchan's Mossad pedo wonderland which shares real estate with the Queen and that Church.
Or use suicide bomb drone weapons on Armenian soldiers while chemically castrating Beta Israel
And no one notices it?
That Steinmetz genie even got out of the bottle.

Good luck guys, allahu akbar 😎

Unknown said...

The part about putting it on a pay-per-view website is funny. If you have something like that, you sell it fast, to the people featured in it or to the highest bidder, and get as far away from it as possible. You don't try to start a business with it.

J said...

Tivo time!

Harry's dad is gonna be so pissed.

Prince Charles will be angry too.

Rosie riveter said...

What type of info is it?

Unknown said...

Oh but she's so PERFECT and their love is SO PURE according to everyone.

cheesegrater15 said...

LOL, J, you bitch.

Ophelia said...

lolol if this is their mutual friend then what a power play - set them up just to blackmail them when there's no turning back.


It's the only way to play and win

Sd Auntie said...

Nobody will pay for this crap. Give me a break. Megan is not Princess Di.

BestMan said...

I am all for truth, when it counts, but fuck this shit. I hope she has some balls and tells that crazy family to suck it.

cheesegrater15 said...

I bet it's Camilla blackmailing them. I've seen The Windsors.

Rosie riveter said...

Clearly you weren't reading correctly that day. No one said she's perfect, not one.
But thats love, clear as can be. Definate lust.
The day will come for you, unkown, there's someone out there for all of us.

Unknown said...

I am not surprised. He has looked miserable lately.

shakey said...

I'm so happy that all I have to do is highlight coprophilia and it gives the definition without me having to google it (since I'm at work and all).

They really need to tell whomever to get bent and go blackmail someone who gives a shit. I'm sure her past pecadillos are no worse than Harry's. They should not be clutching their pearls over anything that's worse than what their relatives have done through the centuries.

AlleyKat said...

@J, you win the Internet today!

AlleyKat said...

Dubai Porta potty...the Royal Family have excelled with this one!

Jonty30 said...

Prince Harry, you knew who you were marrying and choose to be with her anyway. There should be no reason to hold her past against her, when you knew what you were getting.

The best thing to do for her is to forgive her. She didn't know, at the time, that she might marry you and might have conducted herself better had she known.

Your marriage will be better off for it.

Mischief Girl said...

This is so ridiculous. She is almost 37 years old. OF COURSE she has a past; so does he.

If anyone in that family was dumb enough to expect lily white perfection from her, they are delusional.

And one refusal by Harry to hold her hand, during a formal event with the Queen present, is appropriate, not frosty. She was silly to reach out for him in that moment. There's a time for PDA, and that wasn't it.

This simply isn't news to me. Release what you want. How many times have we heard here on CDAN that something HUGE is going to be released? But it never is...

Brayson87 said...

I feel bad for him. Imagine you're newly married to a beautiful spouse and then you get a dossier showing them with a smile on their face doing the most disgusting down low acts imaginable with multiple gross johns. The kind of images you can never erase from your mind. The past is the past but nobody should have to see that. His best bet is annulment, no way they didn't bake some loopholes into that marriage contract.

Emma F said...

To be brutal, the courtiers will have known ALL the secrets pre-wedding. FAR more than peeps on a gossip site have been muttering for a year. Anything obvious will have been bought, stolen or destroyed.

Tea said...

*Who's the person "familiar to both people"?*

Apparently Harry's friend was one of her yachting customers. Source: CDAN

Anonymous said...

@Geeljire: coprophilia? really?

y'know, chuck berry was into that.


angie said...

The People website has video of Harry and Meghan smiling at each other while making small talk and holding hands at Prince Louis' christening today. Not exactly frosty.

Now! said...

An annulment seems likely - "she just couldn't get used to all the restrictions of the Royal Family."

Before that, lots of images of the Royals showing visible kindness: train trip with the Queen, Camilla chatting with Meghan after today's christening, etc. "We really did try to help her fit in."

The sad truth is that within a reasonably short period of time the focus will probably shift to a funeral - Prince Philip or the Queen herself, who has been ill recently and missing from public events.

After all the distractions of the mourning and the possible crowning of a new monarch, Meghan will be nothing but a Trivial Pursuit answer within a year or two.

Sd Auntie said...

No @megan. He tired from all the sex. It happens!

Maggie T said...

+1. Wasn't she pictured with Alex Soros? Could be him.

IanPhlegming said...

If it is coprophilia, you can bet Sly Stallone will pay to watch. He's drawn to that stuff like flies to....oh, never mind.

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

im confused, is this the equivalent of Trumps alledged pee pee tape but with poo? makes fergies toes being sucked look like a pedicure treatment. this will be a big deal in the UK and pearl clutching middle england who are the monarchy stalwarts. i hope they can it and keep it in the past if its true. im not a fan but i feel for the girl, and fear for her if this is true and the press pick up on it. UK press never but european press would love it

T. W. said...

Love you J!

T. W. said...

I will clutch my pearls if Her Majesty the Queen did not already know this.

Doesn't the blackmailer know who is behind Lady Diana's death?

As someone else said, if she did know then the blackmailer better have his or her affairs in order plus the video will "disappear."

If QE2 did not know, the above is still possible. QE2 can afford to pay the ransom from her personal wealth. She could renegotiate price & hang onto the evidence; use it against Markle at an appropriate time.

Bleu said...

Well, Kim Kardashian still makes a buttload off her porn film.

Tea said...

There's nothing in the blind to suggest this is poo yachting. Probably just normal yachting on tape

HH314 said...

Complete and utter bullshit. All of it.

Rosie riveter said...

Off to Google coprophilia

T. W. said...

@rosie riveter

Coprophilia is scar play.

Scar play is about sex & poop. No joke.

Jack Rabbit said...

Z list actress, of course she was giving it away constantly, even to achieve that embarrassingly paltry level of achievement. It would be great if they annulled this, the kids would be HIDEOUS.

Rosie riveter said...

Pfff little poop never hurt anyone.
Actually, it probably has. But big deal. Harry knew about her past. Please. If we (peasants) know about it on CDAN, pert sure the royals were alerted long before.
I agree with others here,i hope they tell the ransomers to eat copropholia

nonyabusiness said...

Who gives a shit? She's married to him now and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

Rosie riveter said...

Thanks TW
Interestingly, we have a local bus system that clients use called scat bus. No shit. I thought they were joking in the office but I was the only one laughing.
It's a decent size office, I have a hard time believing I'm the only freak that knows the meaning of words like this

Michelleher said...

As if Harry was such an angel, or any of the trashy RoyalFamily, including Charles has any right to judge anyone?

LUCK U said...


cheesegrater15 said...

Don't forget her 50 tellalls, reality show, dating app endorsements, and Lifetime TV movie.


Garrett: Long John Silver... all he had to do was open his mouth...say your name...and everyone listened.
Billy: What was it that he said about me?
Garrett: He said the reason Flint’s fleet never got warning about the barricade in the harbor wasn’t because Mr. Featherstone didn’t relay wasn’t because Max intercepted it...he said it was because you never sent it in the first place.
Billy: And they all believed him...
Garrett: I don’t think that anyone actually believed it. You weren’t indicted based on the facts, or our suspicions of your motives. He just said it. I think no one had the balls to defy him. 

Green Tea said...

I don't think so, Enty.



An Israeli man on his honeymoon was killed and his wife seriously injured in a FREAK ACCIDENT involving a zip line in Honduras, according to reports.

Egael Tishman, 24, and Shif Fanken, 27, collided with each other Thursday over a treetop canopy near Roatan, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

The newlywed couple was reportedly on a cruise that stopped in the popular tourist destination, about 160 miles from Tegucigalpa.

Officials said that Fanken became stuck on the zip line cable and her husband crashed into her.

“The girl stayed halfway on the cable and the guy came from behind and hit her,” local firefighter Wilmer Guerrero told La Prensa newspaper.

Fankan was rushed to a hospital in serious condition and later airlifted to another facility in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Her newlywed husband’s body will be sent back to Israel for burial, according to JTA.

Unknown said...

It's so cute to see those defending her but it will matter because she/someone worked hard/is working hard to clean her up and create the image that she's an ethereal, iconic woman of style, substance, charity, class beauty and stature. It's not going to be about her "having a past," it's about her being a fraud to the people who bought into the schtick and they will care A LOT.

DejaBlue said...

Hitler was a coprophiliac.

Fast forward to 6:11

B626 said...

If anyone deserves to be mysteriously suicided, these thugs do


To take advantage of their victims, the Thugs would join travellers and gain their confidence; this would allow them to surprise and strangle the travellers with a handkerchief or noose. They would then rob and bury their victims. This led to the Thugs being called Phansigar (English: "using a noose"), a term more commonly used in southern India.[4] During the 1830s, the Thugs were targeted for eradication by Governor-General of India, William Bentinck and his chief captain, William Henry Sleeman.

The English language word "thug" traces its roots to this, from the Hindi à¤ à¤— (á¹­hag), which means "swindler" or "deceiver". Related words are the verb thugna ("to deceive"), from the Sanskrit à¤¸्थग (sthaga "cunning, sly, fraudulent") and स्थगति (sthagati, "he conceals").[5] This term, describing the murder and robbery of travellers, is popular in the Indian subcontinent and particularly India.


Tricia13 said...

I agree with much of what you said. While I don’t perceive any ill will and /or malice from her-i do sense an overwhelming manipulative nature and an over compensation mechanism which might explain her very recent, inexplicable (and predictable) adopted British Accent. Saw her taking to “commoners” and it was Cringeworthy. She’s not that good of an actress,as we know(but one needs to watch “A LoT Like Love” with Ashton Kutcher where she has an under 5 as a flirty girl. She actually made 4/5 lines believable.

Tricia13 said...

She was Play for Pay and if they accept that than that will be part of their legacy.... along with all the rest of the pretense.

maryspringowski said...

Using someone familiar to both people...okay they used a messenger. It will be interesting to watch. On the Daily Mail, watch Pippa walking in with her that was frosty.

JL said...

Looking at the christening photos, my first thought of Harry was the bloom has gone off the rose for him. Divorce before she conceives?

Anonymous said...

Markle is trouble. Period. Anyone with a grain of discernment could see that from a mile away.
Perhaps this is why the Queen did not attend her great grandson's christening today. Unheard of, for her to miss an event like this.

Leanne Norman said...

More red meat for the anti Meghan crowd that live in the DM comment section. Obviously fake so you can reveal it and say they paid the ransom knowing the royals won't acknowledge this story.

It's pretty pathetic to have such hatred towards someone who's done nothing wrong other than not being some virginal english rose.

The idea that every actress is a prostitute is ridiculous.

The things she gets trashed for are ridiculous smiling, touching her hair, looking at her own husband, holding her husband's hand, not having a waist among a million other stupid reasons people find to criticize her at every turn.

People who insist she's fake, manipulative or acting are really reaching to be so sure about a woman they don't know and most hadn't heard of till her relationship with Harry became public yet you're all experts on her from a few interviews you've seen.

@Trica13 there is nothing inexplicable about her accent she's been having lessons on being royal, including how to speak on official duty. Kate had the same thing she speaks very differently than before she got married I guess it's less noticeable to some because it's still a British accent but she sounds a lot posher than she use to. I wish the royal family would let them be themselves more but they are stuck in the past.


The idea that every actress is a prostitute is ridiculous.

Cliff said...

Meghan Markle is a fake, trashy, hooker. This was her third wedding. Her mother was crying at her third walk down the isle. Meghan is a text book narcissistic, sociopathic personality. Meghan Markle and her mother Doria Ragland are shady, low down, dirty, creeps.

Leanne Norman said...

@Cliff I think your projecting your own issues on to her.

Tricia13 said...

Kate is British. Comes from a tight middle class/somewhat upwardly mobile family and is educated.
I dare say Professor Higgins didn’t need to make her into a”My Fair Lady”.... or anything other than what she is.

Respectfully, there is no comparison.

Mahogany1 said...

No one did Due Diligence?

TwoDots said...

This will be paid to go away. After Diana, the monarchy can afford no further scandals for a while.

Not an MM hater for the record either, also not a insane fan. She’s meh. The accent is laughable. That statement can readily apply to Angie Jolie, as well as Goopie and Madge during their marriages. Losing an accent is intentional. Sure, it can softened and regional and graduation happens years in, but not after mere months. Lulz generally to those who feel the need to shed their background so quickly.

TwoDots said...

*can be softened and regional nuances/graduation happen years

Apologies. I heart overly fast typing + autocorrect.

Unknown said...

Whenever this pair comes up, people miss the point like it's their job. It doesn't matter whether he knew, or the family knew, or he's worse than her, or the royals are scum, or any of that. It's not about good versus bad or fairness; it's about power and status. What matters is how much of a public embarrassment she can bring to their door, and how much they're willing to pay to prevent that, or alternatively what they're willing to do to make it go away. That's all.

Casting Girl said...

Horrible...and I wish they wouldn't pay. It's a new age.

Anonymous said...

It's not about Markle's hair or clothing.
People are (correctly) sensing a deeper issue with Markle. She can wear blush pink and carry her little gloves everywhere she goes; and it's great fun to wear Givenchy every day.
It does not change where you come from.

You cannot run from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are.

Gator said...

I don't think the queen missing Louis' christening had anything to do with MM, and why would it? He's not MM's kid. The queen probably didn't go because SHE'S IN HER NINETIES, and it's probably starting to catch up with her.

Anonymous said...


She's attended several engagements this month, including a train trip with Markle.

Anonymous said...

Queen Mum will pay..and I don't think this would make her blink an eye.
Her family was black nobility and she's a tax-free billionaire. She's surrounded with pedos.. so a bit of excrement here and there means nothing.

Her bff Evelyn de Rothschild most likely killed his half-brother, Amschel (found hanged in Paris hotel with the tie from his bathrobe..sound familiar???). Evelyn's wife Lynn is bff with the Clinton's, the masters of suicide, and she is a trustee of "we don't say his name" Institute.
After the staged payoff, another hanging will most likely take place.

This should come out..Darkness to Light. Maybe I'm just salty, my lineal ancestors are House of Plantagenet (York)

Post Cards From The Edge said...

Mercyprosperity: Hear, Hear!

T. W. said...

@rosie riveter

You are welcome.

Once you know certain things you cannot un-know them no matter how hard you try.

Fifi LaRue said...

+1000 Leanne Norman.

And, we all watch movies where the blackmailers never stop demanding something.

The Royal Astrologers besides M16 or whoever their Secret Service is, vetted Markle.

Remember the Jay Leno show, and he'd go to those apartment complexes and knock on doors?
All kinds of people hoping for a break in Hollywood. Are all you haters living in those complexes waiting for your break?

High Class Jackass said...

Bored. I'm so fucking over this virgin/whore bullshit. This thread is sponsored by the old guard. New guard: WHO GIVES A FAT FLYING FucK. bye.

High Class Jackass said...

My darling girl, fuck who you wanna fuck, and LOL at the rest.


"The Royal Astrologers besides M16 or whoever their Secret Service is, vetted Markle."
Or maybe British soldiers had enough of their fucking shit too and engaged in sabotage of their own

Unknown said...

@Hortensia impossible to ever take anyone who uses the word "hater" seriously.

Glow W said...

This is the dumbest bunch of Baloney I have read here. As if.


orangesoda said...

I keep seeing so much hate towards MM from non-Brits. None of the English that I know give two shits but okay, I'll bite. Of course Harry would have known all the ins and outs and the dirty details of her past. Still married her, though, so it can't have been that bad.

Cadmium77 said...

Kno Won said...

Fleeing paparazzi at high speed should be avoided in this scenario.

MichelleJ817 said...

I think this blind is b.s even if it's true it would never see the light of day.

Cadmium77 said...

The entire marriage is so patently fake and stupid it's out of this world.

It's like somebody told the Royal Famblie that they must marry at least one negress to show the people of Britain that their future is multiracial whether they like it or not.

It's not like this red haired freckle faced guy is actually a member of the Saxe Coberg Gotha Guelph bloodline or anything.

Crazy vengeful princess + red haired riding instructor = expendable black sheep.

What next? Will Little Prince William get a sex change operation on his tenth birthday and show up dressed like a Fellini film nymphomaniac at a gay pride parade?

Nothing should surprise us at this point.

Unknown said...

Almost as dumb as the individual who felt it necessary to make a comment in the first place

Pepita said...

Long time lurker first time poster - Simone familiar with both people is Markus Andersen from SoHo house?

Pepita said...

Markus Andersen??

Pepita said...

None of them looked very happy at the christening yesterday - lots of tension and serious faces at what was supposed to be a happy occasion

Patricia O said...

I don't think Diana met James H until a couple of years after Harry's birth but people will believe what they want to believe. I know nothing of MM's past but out of interest a 19th century journalist who wrote "London's Poor" and "London's Underworld" mentioned that some of the prostitutes who worked London's Haymarket (I think it was still a hay market in fact then) ended up making good (as in profitable) marriages. There's a school of thought that the Byzantine Empress Theodora was a prostitute before she was an empress (though I've had a quick look on "Wikipedia"before posting this and one historian thinks the allegation may have been slander).

plot said...


Even though she was British, Kate M had to be tutored in speaking the Queen's English. It's a pretty difficult accent to maintain by all accounts. You can listen to it on old BBC recorded news shows, before they went regional.

@Two Dots

Jerry Hall switched to a British accent in no time when she moved there to be with Bryan Ferry and later Mick. It happens. We all yearn to fit in, consciously or unconsciously.

Gillian Anderson can switch accents between British and American accents on a dime.

It doesn't take years.

ComeTheApocalypseI'mInCharge said...

Gross! Gross! Why did I google the 'c' word. I need mouthwash, eyewash, STAT!

Tricia13 said...

@plot-yes I forgot about Jerry Hall! Though I would’ve learned to speak middle earth to be with Bryan Ferry❤️
And then there’s Madonna and Gwynnie when they were there but I still see it as affectation. (I was guilty of it too a bit when there) I don’t think anything will come of the tape(s) as I said ,but I think it would be daunting for them

D Brown said...

Doubt that only one dossier could be compiled. Why bother paying if this is going to be a recurring nightmare. I also doubt that the husband and his family knew all beforehand. Yes, he may be no saint, but it doesn't mean he wants a wife who is equally impure. Sexual hypocrisy is not unknown in men. At the same time it is totally known for women to minimize their past sexual experiences. You also have to consider the profound difference between having amateur (free) versus professional (paid) status in sex. A husband or family may have access to background checks but those agencies are best at limited circumstances (i.e. fixing an ex-husband) or where the wife to be has made full disclosure. If you ask them to track down an unknown number of possible cash transactions with an unknown number of unknown guys over an unknown number of years in an unknown number of locations - snowballs have a better chance in the fires of Hades.

Randyman said...

Hard to imagine that A superpower like Britain wouldnt check into her background.

Dannette said...

It's one thing to check and be aware of a background, and quite another to have someone out there with multiple copies of big old juicy tapes documenting the activities. Smart guy to wait until now, when the stakes are that much higher. $10Mil, 25Mil, 50Mil?

Kathryn said...

Leanne you are an idiot.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

This is good thinking, and probably ties in with at least some of the dossier.
However Weinstein is not really high tier in the macro, I would think someone else leveraged Weinstein and took all his dirt at this stage of "things."


Keep in mind that OPFOR is still mentally playing in the Shock-Denial-Anger spectrum, mostly still in Denial. Weinstein would not likely not make that play when there's still so much (((bargaining))) to be done.

Gylly said...

Plot, I have no opinion on your opinions. Please reply to each poster on their post!! I struggle to find who you're replying to. It's a weak-ass first world issue, but there it is. Out.

BRAD PITT said...

Diana was murdered because the royal family wouldn't allow william to have a brown stepbrother

now william has a brown sister in law

Now! said...

@Gyllly, nesting comments only works on mobile. On desktop no one can see what anyone is replying to unless they @ them.

@D Brown makes some excellent points. When you think about it, they've done a very good job of fixing Meghan's ex-husband(s) and ex-boyfriends. Haven't heard a peep out of any of them. Much harder to fix a random, especially when Meghan herself might not have even known their real names.

Whether or not they'll pay or try to off the blackmailer is an open question, but whatever they do, they're all dedicated to protecting The Firm.

The fact that royalty can easily be gotten rid of is something everyone in the family probably thinks about every day. After all, the Russian royal family was taken out and shot just 9 years before Elizabeth was born. Philip himself was spirited out of Greece in a trunk after his father was overthrown as King.

How long is multi-cultural, post-Christian Britain really going to want a bunch of pale-skinned Defenders of the Faith?

Whatever Markle did or didn't do, the Royal Family doesn't want anything disclosed that will speed up the process of the public falling out of love with them.

Cadmium77 said...

I will say this about Markle; I doubt she was ever a "yacht girl".

She is simply not good looking enough to reach the metric for this profession.

I had a friend who was a fireman. He married an ex whore. Actually he married an ex whore for his second wife too, but then he was a big Irish brawler and he seemed to like them like that. I talked to his first wife on several occasions and she frankly told me that she enjoyed being a whore and that she retired from it with sadness and regret.In fact that's all she ever talked about. According to her whores work from age 15 to 25 and then that is it. Their value on that market just plummets and the first class call girl lifestyle just vanishes.

Meagan was never first class call girl quality even when she was 15 to 25 years of age. There are black girls that are but she was never one of them. Lookit that photo dude. She always was fugly. If she was a hooker I shudder to think at what level it was at.

Unknown said...

Americans have a way of turning the British Royal Family into an episode of Jerry Springer huh?

Now! said...

@Cadminium77 Some women just have a way with men - she did have enough charm to bag a prince, after all. Kim Kardashian is also an average-looking woman who has done very well on the pay-for-play circuit.

@Marianne, the Brits have their own version of Jerry Springer - the Jeremy Kyle show on ITV. Similar right down to the trashy participants and the live paternity tests.

Anyway, on some level the Royal Family has got to be terrified. It doesn't take much to get the Bolsheviks knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

fionafab said...

I have been reluctant to jump into this algae infested pond, but here goes.

I remember my first impression of MM when I learned she was seeing Harry. It was like hearing the stuck horn down the block at 3 in the morning. You hear it, it isn't that bad, just annoying.

Recently saw a silent video of her on a British newspaper site. She was at a meet-and-greet with 'subjects' and looked so terrified and so uncomfortable I almost shed a tear for her. The 'honeymoon' is over, as they say. Reality has set in for both Meghan and Harry AND the Royals. Again, my sympathies lie directly at her feet, not theirs.

She is probably a very sweet, kind, caring, smart lady. Whatever dreams and aspirations she had going into the marriage dissipated as she climbed out of the carriage and marched into the church.

I sincerely hope the Spirit of Diana is hovering over her to protect her from her family and theirs.

P.S. this 'phony' British accent she has acquired? Believe me, I sounded like a native born three weeks after I moved there. It is the most attractive accent around and totally addictive. When I returned to the States years later, I was stopped by US Immigration at JFK and put in a room until a member of my family could verify I was actually born in the US. It happens, yo!

Unknown said...

@Nutty_Flavor, no women "just have a way with men." Some women are willing to do whatever it takes. It's more the men have their way with them.

KayeC said...

@DBrown, exactly what I was thinking! +1000

Now! said...

@Unknown, I gotta disagree. Some people just have a special charm for the opposite sex, or for the same sex. Other people are very physically attractive but can't hold a man's interest, or can't hold a woman's interest. It has a lot to do with listening skills and the ability to play to the other person's most intimate psychological needs.

Leanne Norman said...

Thanks Kathryn that's sweet of you to say, I'm beyond flattered. 😘

cupofteaandsliceofcake said...

Unlikely- unless there is anything from when she was very young.......or photographed / taped totally unknown to her, it’s just another one of those stories because she’s been in lower tier Hollywood. The nude photos turned out to be just girls on holiday topless video - visit any beach and you see the same. Interesting though the Royals said that vid was fake when it was clearly MM looking right at the lens.

OB said...

Just stumbled across this post. And the latest pics of Harry and Meg in the DM show him looking quite somber in most of them--dare I say frosty?

If this hits the fan it will be the true breakage of the interwebs!

Tricia13 said...

Yeah me too I studied there ,but when I accepted I was American and probably came off as pretentious and somewhat-buffoonish-I stopped.

Land Manatee said...


Unknown said...

There are *some* problems with this, as I see it. #1: She's such a sleaze, Haz had to know about all a human heart and mind can comprehend about ' the love of their life" before the wedding. #2: If the purpose is money, then go ahead and put tapes on a pay to play website. #3: If this is flat- out extortion at work, the extortionist may find themselves looking at pillar 13 in the Pont' d Alma tunnel in Paris. Don't eff with Prince Phillip or the firm. #4: If the RF pays up, I don't think it will hurt their massive coffers. However, the prurient material is likely to surface anyway, and the RF should KNOW this ( start with any celeb. who's had their porn tape outed, then go all the way back to Vanessa Williams' Penthouse spread which cost her the Miss America crown a few years later). #5) IOW, in the digital age, blackmail doesn't work.
#6) IF Meghan didn't want whatever she did, all and any of it to follow her puny ass, then she shouldn't have taken money for X rated activities in the first place. She DESERVES to be OUTED.

Let the annulment begin, because Harry married her under false pretenses if she's done anything worse than what we more or less summarize she's done, which is probably what HE believes she's done to " advance her career".

Fifi LaRue said...

Dear Unknown: I bet you go up to women waiting at cash registers who have their sunglasses in their hair, and say things like, "I don't trust people who have their sunglasses on top of their head." You do crap like that, don't you.

Fifi LaRue said...

PS: Unknown: What's it like living in an apartment complex with 1,000+ other people?

Unknown said...

am I the only person who wouldn't be able to pick this Megan Markle person out of a crowd? Admittedly, I couldn't care less about royal weddings. Of course, I also usually never know who people are that are named here. I still enjoy reading stuff. I got laughed at today for not knowing who Drake is...

On the subject of accents- I lived in Georgia for 6 months and came back to the northwest. No one would believe I wasn't from the south. Of course, a month or two later, I'd lost the southern drawl.

Unknown said...

@Hortensia: You are either unhinged or trying to DEFLECT what's being discussed.
@ anne mott: If you don't know who's being gossipped about, she's married to Prince Henry ( Harry) now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
What she LOOKS LIKE has nothing at all to do with her known SALACIOUS behavior, or the as yet unproved parts of her history.

emeraldcity said...

LOL.....try to blackmail the British Royal Family and you have signed your own death warrent. Must be a foreigner because a Brit would know the stakes. There will probably be an accident in France, a fall from a horse (that one happened not long ago) or a heart attack while out walking . The clean up crew is on standby. If too many skeletons pop out of the closet then Megs should watch her back. The family enforcer used to be Lord Louis , I think that mantle has passed to the mild mannered, low key cousin now.

fionafab said...

WED: 9:15 AM NYC Time

I know this is trivial, but it is on my mind about MM and her life after joining the Royals.

Read where Her Majesty appointed a woman (Ms. Cohen) to train MM in all things royal while in front of the peeps and press. Then why is she crossing her legs in a non-approved manner? How is she wearing black at functions? Why was she wearing the off-the-shoulder number when Kate & Cammy were wearing pastel blue ensems? That awful brown 'turd' hat (as some press dubbed it) could not have been more unattractive on her.

Is Harry letting her go out in public like this deliberately, knowing it is one faux paux (?) after another? Is MM doing this deliberately to show the royals she is still an individual? It seems trivial but it all adds up. I am waiting for the headline that is coming: The Knives Are Out At The Palace!

Why do I care? I should be ashamed of myself for even writing about it. But she is American, after all. Cressida would have been a much better choice. But, if the gossip was true, she was running around London telling people she was preggers. I remember the stories. They broke up shortly after those ran.

The question is: How many more years can this family hold it together before the people say, "Enough already. This is the 21st Century!"

Wiki-Storyteller said...

Marcus Anderson methinks

Wiki-Storyteller said...

She yatched with, for, but mostly UNDER! ha!

Leanne Norman said...

@Boo hearn the crossing her legs headlines are a non story the DM did an article about it and an etiquette expert said it's fine, it's actually taught in a lot of finishing schools. The same article also had pictures of Camilla and the queen sitting like that it's just another stick to beat her with.
I would like to know why you and so many others think that Cressida or Chelsey would have been a more suitable wife when there relationship didn't work out, Cressida and Harry went out for two years, four years ago and it didn't work out they are both over it so should everyone else be.

Kathryn said...

Leanne are you paid by Meghan Markle? Tell us seriously. Are you on Meghan Markle’s PR team?

Mad Hominem said...

That photo in @Cadmium at 9:18 is extraordinary. Compared to what
I saw at the Royal Wedding, it looks like she had a wider forehead

Unknown said...

@Mad Hominem- I think the problem is hairline receding from hair breakage and maybe already aging. That's why she wears full wigs. First time or so she was photographed in sunlight with what appeared to be extensions and weaves, there was a huge strip and holes of white. Comments suggested this was graying hair, but no, it was her scalp shining through. Look at the current photos in Ireland, she's wearing full wigs now.

Leanne Norman said...

@Kathryn no I just like her if you watch any of the interviews she did pre Harry she comes across as a really nice, funny and genuine person. I really don't understand all the hate towards her. If you read the comment section of the daily mail and see the ridiculous stuff people criticize her for.

I think I preferred it when you called me an idiot rather than accuse me of being a PR plant, although both are good responses when you can't come up with a good counter argument. 😌

Unknown said...

What a load of cobblers. I feel really bad for Meghan. So she's an actress who's knocked about Hollywood. No doubt she's done a couple of things which she regrets to get into the room with the people casting movies and TV shows when she was younger. Show me an actress who hasn't. She's married to Harry, has become a royal etc. People want to take her into the town square and shave her head for the audacity, she a mixed race girl from the wrong side of the tracks and a trailer trash family who's climbed about as high as you can get. And now there's this nonsense about her having made a sex video going around and that it's going to cost the royals in the tens of millions and destroy her marriage? I simply don't believe it. Primarily because if she had done anything like that the palace would have dealt with it before the wedding. And believe me, nobody would be trying it on. And if you think that the worst secret a member of the UKRF has is a sex video, you'd be wrong.


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