Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list celebrity, who doesn’t work much anymore, is very heavy on the political activism scene these days. 

This celebrity, and many others, recently began to openly boycott & oppose a high profile company’s products - due to a donation they found highly objectionable.


  1. Tesla being the company??

    1. Thts what I thought but didn’t see link for it?

    2. Teflon Musk made some donations to support House Republicans

    3. Ah ok thanks👍

  2. How does one even boycott a car company? I guess of the 12 cars I buy weekly, I'm going to have to replace the Teslas with something else.

  3. that donation of his May save their lives after all now they will not be trapped in any burning Tesla's

  4. Replies
    1. Chelsea Handler?? but she is nowhere A list I think.

  5. If it’s free she won’t boycott it

  6. Question for PETA actresses: are any animals harmed in the process of researching plastic surgery techniques?

    1. First it was tested on dogs, later pigs afair

  7. Elon's donation to a repub superpack will cost him.

  8. I can't believe people were even surprised that Elon Musk has made donations like that.

  9. Elon will suck anyone's dick for a dollar... idk if this is bout him though

  10. Ha HA - Liberals come up with a bunch or corporate welfare schemes and the guy who gets the most pork in human history turns around and gives it to the GOP. At least up here in Canada they have the decency to direct their graft back to the Liberals.

  11. I guess everyone missed the part where he gave money to democrats as well. Dollar figures are higher for GOP because they are in charge right now.
    No one should be surprised Elon Musk is a tool. He’s the biggest grifter in recent history AND if you have been following
    CDAN at all, you also know he’s crashing HARD.
    On top of that, should have been able to guess he’d be at least a closet trump supporter. Peter Thiel anyone?

    That said, I don’t think this is Pam.

  12. Does Clooney still work?

  13. I think him getting in to an argument with one of the British divers who help rescue the Thai children from the cave is a lot more damaging than finding out he's a Trumpling. Completely disrespecting a man who risked his life to help them be them because he said his mini sub wouldn't work is pretty shameful.

  14. That submarine publicity stunt was pretty shameless, even for Musk.

  15. I agree. He really showed his true colors with that one.

    He is an abomination. The Real Tesla is turning over in his grave right now. Nikola was trying to give his discoveries away for free in order to liberate mankind. This capitalist tool is charging totally unreasonable prices for a material trinket.


  16. I'm not going to conspiracy levels with these kids in the cave story just yet. But something is off about the whole situation. I don't think I need to expand further on Thailand being a pedo paradise, either. We all know.

    Calling that British ex-pat a pedo wasn't the shocker. Elon Musk being the one to do it was. I don't care for Elon or his products; I dislike that he used the name Tesla even more. However, I find it very interesting that things are being brought to light through him.

    Donations to political parties is one of the more insignificant ways the establishment/globalists/uniparty (or whatever you choose to call them) is personally thanked for handing out those $ that the taxpayers funded. The virtue signaling and hypocrisy is going to insane levels these days.

    Their hubris will be their downfall. All of them.

  17. the guys company is being kept alive due to govt. funding, cant blame him for giving a donation to whatever party is in power

  18. Sitting back and watching who Hedge and Enty choose to besmirch tomorrow - Musk or his pedo opinion of the British expat in Thailand? Tough choice! Soooo Haaaaard?

    It's gonna be a riot.

  19. As I understand it Musk gave $39,000 to the congressional GOP. A tiny amount in bpolitics, probably less than 1% of his lobbying donations for the year. The reaction to this is absolutely unhinged. And BTW I don’t like government subsidies to electric cars or any other green nonsense.

  20. Even solar panels?

  21. Pretty clear the shorts crowd is once again behind this "breaking" news.

  22. All business donate(bribe) officials, candidates, and both parties. Trump donated to Dems and Republicans it's just another tax so shady business can keep 1 percenting.

  23. I would be surprised that any big company didn't make donations to both sides of politics , they all hedge their bets.

    As for the A listers probably the Clooneys, George was one of the first people on earth to buy a tesla car.

  24. Why is this even a blind? It's all about someone doing something very publicly.

  25. Bullshit. None of these people actually care enough to boycott anything. Unless it doesn't benefit them, of course.

  26. What's the problem? he donates to both parties for favours like any other company. The guy who saved those kids and who musk insulted could take him to the cleaners if he wanted to sue.

  27. J and pixiegothy the anaesthesia was, that's for sure.

  28. It's chelsea handler -- she tweeted about it on saturday.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Elon having a tantrum over the fact they did not use his useless sub is more of a PR disaster than donating to the GOP even after Trump's knob slobbing of Putin.

  31. i was thinking susan sarandon but now i don't know



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