Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list director has openly remarked around friends about what his son’s friends will be like, when his son gets older.  He wonders whether they will be hot.  Since the director has hidden cameras in every room of the house, hopefully there won’t be any sleepovers.


  1. You guys are on a witch hunt. It makes no sense.

  2. I don't think Gunn has any children

  3. Replies
    1. “When his son gets older” what part of this blind suggests Spielberg? His kids are not toddlers or young.,,,,,,

    2. Going after Jews again? Anything to deflect from the epidemic of muslim rape gangs in Europe preying on kuffar girls and raping them to please allah.

      P.S. muhammad (piss be upon him) was a child raping terrorist.

  4. Hey here's another fun one.
    Dan Harmon deletes Twitter
    Blah blah Rick and Morty blah blah
    The original short cartoon Rick and Morty is based on is called Doc and Marty and is nothing but Doc, an old man, demanding that Marty suck on his balls.
    No one saw this coming. Who could have seen it coming? Quick, blame someone, but not Hollywood nor the Media.

    Do it now.

  5. Singer’s son is still young.. the others either don’t have children or have children that are older.

  6. Very good video from Owen Benjamin, who started noticing from the inside the pedophilia in Hollywood coming to the surface over the last decade. NSFW warning: lots of bad language (required for this topic) and a disgusting picture of Dan Harmon (the only kind).

  7. I am going to say Baz Luhrman to be different. Known closeted gay. Singer would be disgraced a lister and also, any parents who would let their kids over to Singers house should be as much to blame.

    1. I really liked 'Moulin Rogue'

      Let's ruin it for Geeljire, enty

    2. Singer hasn't been 'disgraced' yet. The lawsuits were dropped. Once #metoo started up he went into hiding on his own. This could totally be Singer.

  8. Whew chile, the pedophilia.

  9. Singer's son may be young presently, but the BI indicates the director is questioning what his son's friends WILL BE like, WHEN HIS SON GETS OLDER.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. this is Bryan Singer.


    his son is 3, so 'when he gets older' fits.

  12. Oh gross, the baby oil thing bought a child for future molestation purposes.

  13. wonder if Singer is going to do publicity for Bohemian Rhapsody, or be interviewed, or hell be at the premiere. I hope so. everybody who agreed to work with him can suck it.

  14. @Cail C... thanks for the link. And to say that the picture of Dan Harmon is disgusting is the understatement of the year. All I can say is what the hell

  15. I went down the unfortunate rabbit hole a couple nights ago and saw those sick Dan Harmon and James Gunn Twitter pictures. I'm still so angry and sickened, literally physically sick. How this could of been in PLAIN SIGHT and people fucking allowed it is disgusting.
    God will show no mercy for those sick people, nor the ones who support them.

  16. @rosie, you said it: you can't believe how bad it is until you look for yourself, and most people haven't. They just accept the "a few tasteless jokes he already apologized for" narrative, which is three lies. And Dan Harmon goes on stage and rants about killing Nazis (by which he means Trump voters) until he's frothing at the mouth, and his fans cheer for the man who filmed himself raping a baby doll.

    They're sick, and they've been well on the way to normalizing their sickness on the rest of us. It starts with laughing-at, then laughing-with, then tolerance, then acceptance, then "Bake the damn cake." We know the process, but are we going to let pedophiles use it?

    I think the chans unknowingly turned over a bigger rock here than they realized. The panic is palpable.

  17. Speaking of rabbit holes, Owen Benjamin? Seriously? I'm not defending fucked-up tweets by Dan Harmon and James Gunn, but I'm also not interested in throwing that racist sexist sick fuckhead Owen Benjamin any pageviews. If you're going to get all het up about ugly tweets, consider not using that guy as your moral guide. Reeks of hypocrisy.

  18. That's it, all sleepovers cancelled, too many f*ckin' creepers.

    +1 filmfanb, Enty does usually describe him as disgraced, but sometimes Enty changes up the descriptions.

  19. Dan harmon on the kevin pollack show a few years ago was an eye opener, serious creep vibes.

  20. When I see someone speaking, I judge the points he's making; I don't go looking to see if he's on a list of unacceptables. There's far too much of that, "Oh, you shouldn't listen to them because they're connected to X," or, "they said Y once," or "so-and-so follows them on social media...." It's mostly bullshit meant to keep us from straying from the approved sources.

    If Benjamin is a racist (I don't know that, since this is the first I've heard of him), at least someone is talking straight about this. The people still in the industry with something to lose sure aren't. Watch it or don't, it's a good video. This isn't a topic that's going to be handled in good taste by the nicest people, if it's handled at all.

  21. I don't know who or what Owen Benjamin is, but comparing 'racism' (if he even is) to fucking babies is ridiculous. Hurt feelings doesn't compare to pedophilia.

  22. Great comments on this blind.

  23. I've never heard of Owen Benjamin before right now.

    What is it he says that is "racist" and "bigoted"? Can you detail before I watch this?

    Whenever I see two comments right in a row telling me something's bad or someone should not be trusted, it sets off my alarm. Seems coordinated.

  24. @DDonna, he kind of explains that in the video. Apparently when Justin Cas-, er, Trudeau, was pushing some anti-free speech law, he called him a n----- f----- to make a point. Not sure exactly what the point was, because I didn't research it, because I wasn't looking for an excuse to shoot the messenger. It sounds like he did what the media is claiming Gunn did -- said something offensive to be provocative -- but of course he was treated juuuuust a bit differently.

  25. You guys are free to Google him, yes he's racist and sexist, yes, he's a "provocateur" (hey! much like Gunn described himself, how WEIRD) and yes, he's been kicked off Patreon and Twitter (for discussing the pubic hairs of a 17-year-old), so again, pearl-clutch all you like but it's hypocritical nonsense.

    The "coordinated" thing is hilarious, but honestly, I don't give a shit at this point. This site is increasingly sinking but I think it's important to push back - not because I have the least expectation of convincing diehard alt-right folks to act like thinking people, but because lurkers may be unaware of the sources of your info. As long as there's still some value to attempting to inject truth and context into a conversation, I have hope. So here's the context. Google Owen Benjamin and then decide if you like his bandwagon.

  26. it doesnt matter his bandwagon IN THIS CASE. pedo shit is not in the same ballpark. SOMEBODYs gotta stand up thats connected enuf to see. Someone that knows these sick pigs and takes the time to compile their evil and risks something. Lets not kill the messenger.

  27. FFS, Spielberg's youngest kid is 24 and most are much older. The constant effort to loop him in on these is really obvious chAnoners.
    I would like Singer for this-the camera's seem like him-, but I'm not sure even he is looking at 4 year olds (I think his kid is four) and speculating on their future sex lives.
    To be different, how about Judd Apatow?

  28. Anyone who allows their kid/s to stay overnight anywhere these days, let alone in any degenerates house in Hollywood, is crazy!

    And yeah, racism and pedophilia, to view them as equally bad, is ridiculous. Pedophilia is destruction of the most vulnerable, racism hurts feelings. I would like to see some enterprising Dexter types start offing these POS filth child rapists, because the wheels of karma ain't movin' fast enough. Everyday they are free, they are destroying more children...

  29. PS - these blinds where we are supposed to guess the pedo. Most of Hollywood is fucked up beyond belief and into all sorts of filthy behavior, including kids. Wouldn't these blinds be more productive if we start trying to guess who ISN'T a pedo out there? I assume most of them are!

  30. +1 Jack Rabbit
    because the wheels of karma ain't movin' fast enough


  31. the man who abused me had to go to hospital yesterday

    i was asked would i say a prayer for him ?

  32. A bullet in the head is way, way too kind for Singer.



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