Thursday, July 12, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former B+ list mostly television actress has known for sometime she could not get pregnant in the traditional manner. Apparently when she went to a fertility doctor with an ex, they also told her she might not even get pregnant via IVF. Hey, good for them there is someone close to her foreign born husband who knows all about surrogates.


  1. Replies
    1. Clooney ring the one close to Prince Harry...

    2. Or maybe they mean Prince William.

    3. Could be any or all lol

  2. Megan Markle with Kate Middleton as the one who has used surrogates and knows about them

  3. @Tricia, got it, Meghan Markle. I knew it would not matter if she could have kids or not, all the celebs fake it these days. I actually have respect for Kim K for admitting using a surrogate.

  4. I wonder if Pippa used a surrogate


  6. But for clarity's sake, we're talking about THE George Clooney, married to Amal Clooney, the George Clooney who recently wrote, produced, directed and starred in "Mediterranean Pederasts, Part I?"

    1. Haha
      Aayyyeeeee it's gonna be a long day

      (I'm all in)

    2. ❤🙏🏽🙏🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿

    3. I heard Clooney did his own stunts too!

  7. Def MM. I actually feel bad for them if it is true that she isn't able to carry. They're already ripping her apart. Even admitting to a surrogate would give people another reason to harp on her for being "disingenuous".

  8. Ugh. So what. Biological children are great but since they're already skipping protocol and the norm, they should totally adopt. Sure, they can have a surrogate for one. But adopting a child that didn't have a chance otherwise is a power move

    1. Let's not encourage creepy elite adoptions

    2. I saw Dutch buying Amhara kids in Addis
      Like there aren't Dutch orphans

    3. Need that Royal blood in the offspring. Mo adoptions ever said her Royal Majesty! Another mouth for the taxpayers to feed. No need to breed.

    4. No adoptions ever.

    5. Shout out to every Abdi in Reer London doing damage on the dole!

    6. Shout out to the ex father in law🤣🤣🤣

  9. OMG!! I actually agree with Rosie!!! LOL j/k but seriously: As much as I think that would be a great idea people would lose their minds if a royal decided to adopt a kid. They would just see it as a political move, not the betterment of a human life, sad as that may be.

    1. You win some you lose some :)
      Happy you agree tho

  10. @Rosie, I agree about adoption. There are so many children who need loving homes (with good people who want to be parents). Its better than rent a uterus-fake a pregnancy bs.

    1. But however are we going to press the limits of medical ethics without starting the Eugenics War from Star Trek? Paging Dr. Mengele!

  11. @Geeljire, LOL....and now people are sending in their DNA voluntarily!

  12. It's funny that all pets should be rescues, but it's cool to get children from a breeder.

  13. She has the money to afford ivf so she should start trying now and if it doesn’t work she can go to that close person and ask for help. This is really sad nfs

  14. What is the deal here?

  15. Kate had a huge allergy to the hormone that courses through while pregnant. With the first, she puked for 9 months. I wondered when she so readily got pregnant twice more. She also looked way to perky in the last few months. This makes sense. Good thing Markle is an actress. This will test her acting chops.

  16. I'm honestly still not buying that kate used a surrogate..
    Giving me Beyonce Jay Z uterus factory vibes.

  17. they are referring to that Sweden person using a surrogate, not Kate.

  18. Woman struggles to conceive is considering alternative methods.
    Who cares how they have children? IVF, adoption, whatever, it will still be their child.

    1. Yeah it's really not IVF or surrogacy or gene-mode superhuman angle. It's the meta surrounding it.

  19. I wonder whether Meghan's ever been with Harry's real dad.

  20. Meghan Markle.. This is kinda sad

  21. They should get eight or nine surrogates gestating at the same time. After all, the English working people are going to foot the bill anyway.

  22. Why is a woman struggling to conceive considered scandalous? I'm sure the BRF and Harry both know this already. They have some options like using a surrogate or adoption and they'll probably use a fake baby bump like so many others have before.

  23. Since when was Meghan Markle a B+ actress?

    She was a nobody before she started dating Harry, which is why she had to do those ridiculous men's magazine photo shoots where she grilled burgers in a miniskirt.

    You don't see Jennifer Lawrence or Natalie Portman doing that kind of crap.

    Also, it would be a crapshoot how an IVF baby fits into the line of succession, considering that there has to be a courtier in the room at the time of birth to make sure the official heir is the one who comes out of the official mother.

    Who knows, maybe Harry's not in the line of succession anyway.

  24. IVF or surrogate, I should have said. Would create questions about the line of succession.

    Also "just doing" IVF is not a picnic in the park. Lots of unpleasant hormone injections and mood swings at a time when Markle is already having trouble adjusting to a new life.

  25. Fake blind to set up more fake blinds if she gets pregnant.

  26. I think an IVF birth would actually be safer for royal birth, as they can truely attest the sperm and egg came from the royal and not a lover.

    what would be really cool is if they adopted an older child. There is a huge "market" for infants and toddlers, but older children have few opportunities and they are at huge risk in foster care.

  27. Meghan Markle and Elton John as the one close to the foreign born. Both of his kids were born to ansurrogate in California.

  28. Nutty, the courtier rule was done away with during the 1900's, Home Secretaries aren't required to be at the birth any more.

  29. @ Nutty - I've seen that Markle/burger grilling video. It's cheesy AF. Lots of licking her fingers and putting a finger coyly to her mouth with fuck-me eyes boldly staring at the camera.

  30. I don't think you can fake the weight Kate gained in her face and the way her ankles were swollen during this last pregnancy. And she had the severe morning sickness with this one too. I don't think Kate used a surrogate. I think this blind is likely George and Amal.

    Plus, and I read this somewhere, there has to be someone documenting the royal births, because of succession issues. I'm assuming the doctor who was actually in the room during the birth, not just some Joe Schmow off the street making sure, because that would be creepy as hell. LOL

  31. Anonymous6:51 PM

    it is obviously Markle. she will have a great acting moment. The person close to her husband knowing surrogates will be Kate, of course. Did anyone actually believe she was on the hospital steps after baby #2 with her face completely back to pre pregnancy appearance--in just four or five hours? They don't even care if you know.

  32. @Nutty_Flavor ....yes Harry is in the line of succession he comes in at 6th after Charles, William and his 3 Children.

    Any adopted children would be out of the line of succession, they could inhert money/property but not a title as under the law the child must be 'a child of the body'. I don't think a surrogate child would be able to inherit either under this rule, the legitimate wife must carry the child (not a mistress - by extension that would mean a surrogate as well). I can't remember a royal ever legally adopting a child I think there are too many obscure legal problems associated with it. However Harry would bethe one to buck the rule i think.

    On another odd note because of an obscure law known as 'the Grand Opinion of 1717' Harry and Meghan would not be the legal guardians of their own children. In Law the Monarch is the legal guardian of their minor grandchildren (that's why there was never any custody battles from Diana and Fergie) Privy council judges could rule that it also applies to great grand children but even if it didn't the Queen is not likely to live longer than a decade and Charles would then become their legal guardian. Sofie and Edwards children literally belong to the Queen until they turn 18.

  33. Who cares. Infertility is pretty common so the stigma and snark is ignorant. The insinuation here is that Amal faked it because she and Clooney fake it. Yawn.

  34. I’m not sure that any couples struggle with fertility should be the subject of debate on a gossip website... it’s fucking heartbreaking for the people going through it
