Saturday, July 14, 2018

Blind Item #3

A massive effort is being brought o bear on this A+ list mostly movie actor to recommit to the church and to do a massive ad campaign for it too because there are cracks beginning to show in the scam. The thing the church is most worried about is a bunch of the recruited teens and college students talking about what they had to do for rich church members to get them to join and stay and keep writing those checks. It is very possible that once one person talks the whole church and its matchsticks foundation will come crumbling down. 


  1. Chris Pratt and Hillsong?

  2. That pastor looks so sketchy.

  3. Churches don't typically go away, regrettably they are largely scandal-proof.

  4. @MCAnderson I completely agree. It seems to some kind of hipster uniform though, as several of their Pastor have the same look

  5. Whatever happened to normal churches where people could come together, worship God and sing songs... for free?

    1. They still exist most places in the world, however, 'Mericuh has turned it into huge business! Some of these pastors are worth millions upon millions.

  6. Speaking of 'sketchy' pastors, NBC DATELINE just aired a 40 anniversary program on the Jonestown massacre. Yes, it CAN happen again!

  7. Tom cruise or John Travolta

  8. I watched Wild Wild Country. It caused me to research a ton about the Rajneeshis and their worldwide presence. Did I mention here that I had a roommate, ages ago, who lived on their Ashram in India years before I met him? If I knew then what I know now, I would have grilled him a bit about what went on there.

  9. Tiny Dancer: No, sorry, I deliberately missed that one. Vividly remember when this group of fruit loops were dancing around and how the townspeople were desperately trying to get rid of their stoned asses. Not only CAN this happen again, Tiny, it already IS happening again. The US of A is a biggggggggg country. Lots of farmland. Lots of open land. Lots of loonies. All I'm gonna say.

  10. I do not believe the Hillsong stories until I see Proof. I admire Christine Caine more than you can know and she is an amazing woman and champion for the child sex trade. I ave heard her twice and met her and she is simply amazing.

  11. Bet Hillsong is why his marriage ended. Anna Faris is much more sensible than to fall for hypocritic fundamentalists.

  12. Hillsong Church for sure

  13. The strangest thing, tiny, is he was probably the best roommate I ever had. Lovely guy, which goes to show you that cults take advantage of some very good people.

    He never tried to press upon me his meditation habits or his vegan lifestyle.

  14. I sure would like to believe he's more down-to-earth than to buy into that bullcrap. He seems pretty happy up on his farm lately.

  15. Tiny Dancer: Speaking of New Mexico, I am signing off CDAN as we type to rush to the airport to catch a plane. Haven't been back to my little ranch since coming back to NYC for my surgery. I don't have Internet so I won't be able to read or respond to CDAN for a while. Just happy things toned down a bit from all the insanity of last week's posts. It had to be the heat! Comments were insane! I keep looking for my own personal UFO but so far haven't seen one. Take care and thanks guys for all the incredible fun in the last couple of weeks. Have to come back to NYC in October for a check-up. Cash you on the outside. Hugs, Miss Boo

  16. Take care, Boo Hearne.
    Enjoyed your stories very much. :)

  17. @Unknown, plenty of them still exist. They don't attract celebrities, though, and you don't see them on TV. Probably aren't too many around Hollywood, either.

  18. @ boo where in NM do you live?



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