Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Item #4 - Anger Management - A Dancing Boy Blind

This story begins in the 1990s - college times, in fact - during and after a fiction writing class taught by my first Twitter follower.

The subject of my story for class, read but understandably not much liked by anyone, was yachting (or rather in my case, rafting). The one person who got that the story was true, and should be written as non-fiction, was someone that most of you will know.

Both of us would go on to become writers, but not the kind related to the class. (The professor, in fact, advised me not to try to write a novel. It's

You will know who this person is by what happened next. She approached me afterward, interview-style, and started asking me questions about my story, and the story behind it. And I quickly found myself telling her...everything.

You see: she has a unique genius for making people feel comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics. Apart from her great talent for writing, and her thick skin (you don't get that far in her business without it), it's the reason - and probably the secret reason - she has gotten to this level. This year, in fact, she and her colleagues won a major award (not that her critics seem to notice, including this one I-95 blogger who seems to have an obsession with her - is it really punching up, or is it punching a girl?).

Recently, she introduced my to someone else in her profession, who writes for a different publication in the same place, with a similar name. Famously, he writes about people these days on the opposite coast (although it looks like the one is liable to be in town for a while, and maybe upstate after that).

What is he working on?

I can tell you one thing. You might say the theme is what did this one actor know and when did he know it?

The events of the first part took place on a holiday - celebrated at night - in the aforementioned decade, and followed by a second holiday (celebrated in another culture, and of special relevance: you might as well mention the second actor now, who won't be talking to anyone anytime soon, or ever). All of you will know both of these actors.

The second part takes place almost a decade later, and involves not the death - at least as far as law enforcement is concerned - but disappearance of someone close to the surviving actor (not a wife, you understand, but a partner of a different kind). It took place just a few days before a ruling that would have cost the actor a fortune.

The actor was recently in the news, and not in a way his publicist would have wanted. 


  1. Dancing boy blinds - long stopped reading this crap

    1. What's laughable is that he calls himself a writer.

  2. I thought there would be no more of these blinds? Yet they keep coming anyway.

  3. Last paragraph i think is about Johnny Depp/Anthony Fox/Viper Room. That’s all I could understand.

    1. Have wanted this outed for ages. If Depp was involved in killing Fox then it explains so much of late.

  4. July fourth for the night holiday that's all I got

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Ronan Farrow for one of the writers. Maggie Haberman for the other? New York Times, New Yorker for the publications.

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    If it is Haberman, maybe Nate Silver for the blogger?

  7. Johnny Depp is all I got. The business partner thing?

  8. Amy Robach for the journalist he graduated with UGA - 90s.

  9. I think New Year's Eve for the "holiday" celebrated at night.

  10. And I think the writing has improved. I, at least, got the general gist of this one.

    1. I agree canroadrunner, and I wonder why people still claim they don't understand him? unless English isn't your first language, all yall should comprende

  11. I'm waiting for @cail to translate this for me.

  12. I think River Phoenix for the deceased actor. ODd outside the Viper Room October 31.

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM


    He said writer, not journalist. Amy Robach isn't a writer, she's a tv news personality. This is someone who does print and online work, not on screen.

  14. So desperate and dreary.

  15. @Cail, where are you?

  16. The professor told him not to try to write a novel. Very good advice Prof, he sux as a writer in any form.😣

  17. Halloween and All Saints Day

  18. or Day of the Dead

  19. Are there ever any reveals on these incomprehensible dancing boy blinds??

  20. Halloween is a holiday celebrated at night, followed by All Saints' Day on Nov. 1, which is celebrated in Catholic cultures. There's also New Year's Eve, and there are a bunch of holidays celebrated by different cultures on Jan. 1.

    Translation attempt:

    DB wrote a story about for his college fiction writing class about a rafting trip that was actually a sex trip, analagous to "yachting." The class was taught by DB's first Twitter follower. A female classmate (I'll call her Sue) intuited that the story was true and asked him about it, and he told her everything. They both went on to become "writers," Sue apparently some kind of journalist who is good at drawing people out in difficult interviews. There's a blogger who is obsessed with her (no idea what an I-95 blogger is), and DB thinks he should be nicer because she's a girl.

    Sue introduced DB to a male in her profession (let's call him Bob). Bob works in the same city as Sue, for a publication with a similar name as hers (Times/Post, perhaps), but he's been noted for writing about people on the opposite coast lately (in the Northeast writing about Hollywood?).

    Bob is working on a story involving two famous actors. One of the actors is dead. They were involved in two events a decade apart. The first event was a nighttime holiday celebration. That holiday is followed by another holiday celebrated in another culture, which is relevant somehow. In the second event, someone close to the living actor disappeared, a few days before what would have been a costly ruling for him (divorce? civil suit?). The living actor has been in the news lately in a negative way.

  21. Anonymous9:53 AM

    @Cail, the I-95 is a big highway on the East coast/Northeast that runs through multiple states. I assume the blogger is based in a very major city along the I95 route.

  22. I-95 is the primary highway up and down the east coast. I think it goes completely up and down but I know it goes at least from Massachusetts to Miami.

  23. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Female writer: Maggie Haberman, New York Times (implied as a college friend in an older DB blind.)
    Male Writer: Ronan Farrow, the New Yorker (writing about Harvey Weinstein -- opposite coast)

    Dead actor: River Phoenix. Died Halloween 1993. The day after it, Nov 1, is genral Day of the Dead, celebrated in Mexico. (That was a clue to narrow down the first holidays date.)

    Living actor: Johnny Depp

    Missing Person: Anthony Fox, was going to sue Depp and the Viper room in 2001 for being defrauded of money.

  24. @Melvin - she is a grad of the Grady school of Journalism. Google it.
    Best guess I have for the time and place.
    @Cail - thank you for your translations.

  25. Gibberish as usual hope he gets a editor before "writing" his "book"

  26. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I did Google it @HumorMe already, after you mentioned her. I know she's a grad of a journalism school. However, she parlayed that into ON SCREEN journalism, not writing. This is a print journalist, which she is not.

  27. This book will be The Room of novels ...indecipherable and unreadable

  28. Dancing Boy, did not read.

  29. Poopity scoopity,da shoop de loop, whoop whoop, da poop

  30. All I could make out from the clues was Pancake day, Ash Wednesday. Dead actor John Candy, actor in news George Clooney. I surmise, George Clooney and John Candy were lovers, George fed John too many pancakes with maple syrup, during a vigorous finger blasting Candy backfired, covering George. In a rage George beat Candy to death with a rubber fist dildo, using his Mossad and MI5 contacts he covered up the crime of passion, faked a death certificate, organised a closed coffin burial and paid off the relatives. Years later George buried the murder weapon in the grounds of the White House whilst on a visit to Obame, Unfortunately for George when Trump planted the tree Macron gave him and then subsequently dug it up the dildo was discovered and dna testing has uncovered multiple strains which will bring down Hollywood, the British Royal family and Microsoft.
    As I said all the clues are there but still took some deciphering. Well done DB

  31. On of these days, one of the DB blinds is going to name names with HUGE reveals and no one will see it because no one bothers to read past the first unbearable paragraph

  32. Melvin The Reanimated

    Cail Corishev

    You guys rock!

    Along with Trish and... even SandyBrook eck,

    Make this one hell of a place.

    Interesting to see some of the ol timers here whine and complain about all of the new stuff going on here and especially complaining about these DB blinds when it's the hippest thing around man...

    See, with just a little patience readers ferreted out that this pile of 'nonsense' just revealed that there are a few prolific and powerful people interested in the mechanizations of ol Johnny Depp and possibly the reason why he looks so gaunt and on the edge of DEATH.

    Yeah, Viper Room indeed.

    We know you're a pussy Johnny and your gonna go out by the needle before someone else gets to you instead of be the man everyone THINKS you are and snitch on em all before you croak.

    1. So he basically rewrote Ent’s revealed blind about the same thing but added that he knows Ronan Farrow and allegedly knows what he’s working on. What’s so hip about that?

  33. River Pheonix died on Halloween at depp's viper room, holiday celebrated at night a celtic holiday. from a different culture

  34. @Cali You have a gift to be able to decipher these!

  35. As for the old commenters who constantly complain in the most rude ways, I have an analogy.

    The baby cries the loudest, right before it drops to sleep.

  36. My complaint, besides being poorly written, is that this isn’t really much of a blind. Everybody knows about River Phoenix and the Viper Room. Why is this blind-worthy?

  37. Can we have a "Dancing Boy" label so that we can save them for the nights we can't to sleep :)

  38. Thanks @cail appreciate the assist on this one

  39. Definitely Maggie Haberman. She and DB both attended Sarah Lawrence (this has come up before).
    Randall Kenan

    1. ... was their teacher. (Hit publish prematurely.)

  40. ach, was just going to post this, sara!

  41. I find the comments from the usual complaining gas bags more tedious than the dancing boy blinds. If you don't like them then don't read them. It's not fucking rocket science..


  42. Translated:

    " - I'm DB.
    - I know important journalists who have inflicted massive harm on other rich and powerful people, such as Harvey Weinstein.
    - I am going to leave a bunch of clues that you and your people will get, but the general public probably won't, or else refers to things they already know.
    - If you don't want me to reveal undisclosed facts that could injure you as Harvey is being injured, pay me a sizeable sum."

    DB has in previous "blinds" made it clear he's willing to settle if it is lucrative for him to do so, and continues to play a cat and mouse game with his targets. The readers of CDAN aren't meant to understand anything he writes except to increase the threat level to his targets.

    DB is simply running a shakedown at this point.

    1. Hmm. Im not sure I agree with you every often but this time I think you make a very decent argument
      ..... Interesting

  43. Thanks @Cail and @Melvin Much appreciated. The DB blinds require the most “mental tracking” to decipher, but definitely more rewarding than a rapper or yachting blind.

  44. Bravo Dancing Boy! Another masterpiece!
    We want more please

  45. I-95 blogger would mean someone with a foot in both New York and D.C. Nate Silver, for example.

  46. Apart from her great talent for writing, and her thick skin (you don't get that far in her business without it), it's the reason - and probably the secret reason - she has gotten to this level.

    So, in this case, being a strong woman is a good thing and she's not a total bitch? Go figure.

  47. These Dancing Boy blinds SUCK. They're the equivalent of some has-been drawing out a meandering tale of some non-factor from 20+ years ago. Please stop, they're dull, pointless and irrelevant.

  48. Hi MELVIN THE REANIMATED, I agree with you! I don't know who that lady is, but I agree with the Ronan guess. I hope he publishes another expose and blows Hollywood open.

  49. @AkhaldanSolo, hi!, I love your posts. I know others get down on you, but I'm awake and agree with what you say. Thank you for your contributions.

    @Cali, hi! THANK YOU for translating each messy blind. It helps! Much appreciated.

    @Melvin, thanks for your translation as well!

    If you believe in the Illuminati (I do), they require a sacrifice. For Depp that could have been River or his "missing" partner (you know he's dead). After all of that, Depp's career took off.

  50. Didn't I already read somewhere that Johnny Depp was being threatened by the mafia over money he owed them(they lent him money to buy his half of the Viper Room), so to save his own ass he told them that it was Anthony Fox who was stealing money from the club? Fox, meanwhile got wind that Johnny was the one actually stealing and blowing through the money generated by the Viper Room but before he could sue J.D., the mafia killed Fox. I could've sworn that's what I read some time ago.

  51. Btw, DB is a terrible writer. Too verbose, overly detailed and confusing to the point of incoherence. Thank you Cail for translating this mess.

  52. I tell you what...I will be VERY interested in reading Ronan’s expose on JD. God how I loved River! RIP.

    I don’t know why people have to be so rude! Anyone taking the time to try to inform or entertain us deserves some kindness.

    I recently read that the guy who voiced Jar Jar Binks contemplated suicide because of all the hate he got after the prequels came out. Broke my heart! Let’s please be kinder!!!!



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