Friday, July 27, 2018

Blind Item #8

Considering his history with sexually abusing children, it was probably not the best idea to hire this A list celebrity chef for his latest gig.


  1. Yup opening up new restaurant at Disney


  2. Guy Fieri is on shark week or something according to the viewmonitor

  3. Guy Fieri opening a restaurant at Disney World.

  4. He's opening restaurants everywhere. Je must have had dirt on some bigger names.

  5. It's Mario Batali. Not Guy Fieri.

  6. What new venture is Batali involved in besides closing up his restaurants?

  7. Enty did this blind last November:

    #2 was guessed to be Guy Fieri.

  8. Are Disney and the NFL having a "shoot yourself in the foot" contest?

  9. Even without the kid touching, Guy Fieri is gross. With it this is really disgusting.

  10. Long time lurker, first time poster. On one of the Triple-D episodes, Guy did a segment with James Alefantis of the infamous Comet Pizza. Still, he seems like a family guy on his show. Did a series of shows with the family crossing the country in an RV.

  11. He has a history based on what? Blinds here?

  12. Is it true that both Comet Pizza and Besta Pizza have closed down? Alefantis is traveling abroad.

  13. Yuk..He's just all around gross and sleezy

  14. @ KRAV- You're assumption is correct. He is a family guy and way more fucking normal than any of the subject fucks on this site. How he got pulled into this pedo description makes no sense except the 3D show did a bit from that Pizza place. Retarded.

  15. Fascists do not like women and children. America is in so deep that only their own kind are elavated. Why TV and movies are so boring now. No talent pedophiles everywhere.

  16. And he just had a "Shark Week" segment with his son. Seemed like a good dad. I realize it's all TV, but you don't often see hosts including their families on their shows. I think he would be less likely to include them if he was abusing them at the same time.

  17. Guy Fieri should be fried in the grease from his hair just because.

  18. @KRAV- I have personal intimate knowledge. It's all bullshit. I know it as fact. Making this entire site suspect.

  19. Were there other blinds about him? I know there were some chef ones but I don't remember who.

  20. Guy is a great dude. He comes over and cooks for me a couple times a month. I try to rotate celebrity chefs around because it impresses my friends having Guy or whoever serve us meals. I actually taught him some of his signature recipes.
    Sure is hard being so amazing...

  21. I feel like this has been brought up recently but just wanted to toss out there again that not every blind is true - to save Enty's bacon from getting sued.

    So if a few seem wacky and out there they probably are but doesn't mean everything is.

    The crappy part is that if these aren't true then they sure cause a lot of slander and tarnished reputations so hopefully if he's making these things up he's choosing his subjects because he knows they're not saints but doesn't have anything solid on them.

  22. I started wondering about a year or so ago if the reason movies and TV and journalism are all so bad is because the pedophile network is only promoting their own.

    That would also explain why it's become so blatant and in our face in the media, as well as why people are finally waking up to it.

  23. Guy’s cornball persona aside. It’s nice to see someone promoting small, local businesses. If he is indeed a pedo, I’d like to see someone continue that work when he gets locked up.

  24. Guy Fieri and family are tight with that sandwich King who murders animals on private reserves, so I could see how people would want to slander Fieri, fwiw

  25. Comet Pizza is still in business (booming, rightfully so) and is not at all creepy. It is a normal neighborhood place that trolls went wild with, leading to an unhinged man coming in with a gun at lunch time and shooting the wall while families were eating. Bogus conspiracy theories about Comet have lead to real life death threats to staff and community members. Seriously this is ridiculous. Besta closed because it was terrible pizza . . . like flavorless mush. But come on now, really, with the comet conspiracy theories. The place doesn't even have a basement! (None of the buildings on that block do, because of the vintage when they were built).

  26. the above @Himmmm is NOT Himmmm check his profile....created June this year. Himmmm profile created in February '09 Commented in this link mentioned above... this:

    "Himmmm said...
    Listen to me and listen very well...the royal is def Prince Andrew. The Talk show host IS CERTAINLY without any doubt GUY FIERI from diners and dives and dumpsters. (And that really sucks because I do love his camaro convertible and now I shudder in disgust at that being used as a lure for victims).
    Anyone who has ever known him.
    Anyone who has ever been around him or his show.
    Hell, anyone who lives in a city where he's visited check around, especially on rapes of kids.
    LOOK IT UP AND PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER in any city you reside which he's been to. Ask the proprietors of the joints he's shot at.
    Anyone who has known him or his hometown.
    Contact his network, his sponsors, his producers and ask them to look into whether he's made payments to anyone - especially parents of children - to settle abuse allegations. If not? Why would they resist at least checking his financials and legal history? Nothing to hide right?
    (Gee...was I the least bit cloudy on that?)
    6:01 PM"

    1. I was high as fuck on cocain when I wrote that.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. You June '18 Himmmm did not write that.........February '09 Himmmm wrote are a trolling impostor...go back under your bridge

    (had one too many m's in February '09 Himmmm so deleted my previous comment and reposted with the appropriate number of m's lol)

  29. Here...I'll make it easy


    and Himmmm

  30. Hey now, stop accusing the good old purveyor of "Donkey Sauce", Guy Fieri, because some handle named Chase on blogger said so! This "Chase" has "inside knowledge" that's proof enough for me one way or the other.

    That said, in that previous blind didn't some folks allude to him diddling young male family members, like one or more nephews, maybe others? Fry his fat ass in his hair grease and serve him with a side of donkey sauce!

  31. I know this Himmmmm 2.0 is fake news, but I vote to keep him for comic relief. Geeljire can't do all of it on his own.

    "Himmmm said...
    I was high as fuck on cocain when I wrote that."

  32. As the official resident of rural VA on this site, Himmmm you owe me some big time royalties...

  33. @GenAnne
    I don't know today, but Comet Pizza used to be a creepy place with creepy art, creepy bands like Heavy Breathing, and a creepy owner, James Alefantis, with a creepy taste in art. About the guy who shot up the place, he conveniently put a bullet in the server thus destroying the evidence presented to the FBI by the hacker who found child porn inside. A family restaurant, no doubt!

  34. IIRC, GF had a nasty custody case involving his sister's children after she passed at a young age due to cancer. I believe some of this type of mud was thrown then.

    This blind is referring to a new kids cooking show Guy is hosting.

    Love enty and CDAN, but I'm very dubious of the validity of these GF blinds.

  35. @DDonna

    "I started wondering about a year or so ago if the reason movies and TV and journalism are all so bad is because the pedophile network is only promoting their own."

    Of course you do! Because you are looney tunes.

  36. @Aisle

    "the above @Himmmm is NOT Himmmm check his profile"

    Nah-huh, it's Hmmm alright. He is exactly the Hmmmm brand of sleaze.

    A new blogger id can be obtained in seconds by anyone, including your beloved Hmmmm.

  37. New Plot-TWISTED communications strategy: Wait until all comments are seemingly done, then parachute in with the usual set of lies and insults.

    GenAnne also lying about Comet Pizza shooter, who did not go to restaurant while families were there, shot only once, and just happened to destroy the restaurant's hard drive. Shooter's family has entertainment industry connections. Artwork at the restaurant, bands that play there, are loaded with imagery and lyrics about violence, death, sex, sex with children.

    It doesn't much matter. All this is going to be coming out. People like Plot-TWISTED and GenAnne and Krab and Angela are only around to desperately try and keep the lies alive in the head of some of population when the arrests start happening. They will fail. They are losers. The One God, history and the new elevation of human consciousness is working against them. Watching them become increasingly desperate and disengaged from the true reality is deeply satisfying.

    1. “Creepy” art? Please, do define it.... there is nothing creepy about Comet, it’s an industrial space (exposed beams and concrete) that uses ping pong tables as the main decor focal point. There is also nothing “creepy” about James unless you are just employing vague homophobic tropes. What, is his hair “creepy”? His clothes? Or is it a general “vibe” that you “feel” arm chair quarterbacking an insane made up theory.

      Also no person was shot, so idk where the insane child porn Cline is coming from. The chef and servers got death threats, people in the restaurant got recorded on cell phones by wanna be keystone cops, but there is no evidence (because nothing going on)!

      And yes, the resteraunt has punk band concerts, with bands with crazy names, because DC is a punk city (always has been, see bad brains) and Comet has a good concert space in back when the tables are cleared out.

      You can imagine what you want to imagine (confusing noise for the signal), but as someone who lives nearby, knows the people involved, and understands the insanity this has all caused (it doesn’t take a genius to see the through-line between homophobia and the claim that a successful gay resteraunt owner just has to be a pedophile).

      Maybe, just maybe, the conspiracy theorists should stop imagining horrible child satanic rituals or whatever the claim is and actually tune their energy to well documented child abuse being perpetuated *in the open* by the government against vulnerable migrant children.

    2. I’m passionate about this because I’ve seen first hand the impact a baseless theory has had on the local community.

      Also, as to “lying,” the police report describes how the gunman went in at the end of brunch, while people were eating, and shot the wall.

      But sure, I guess you will say that the police are in on it too?

      Because of course the simplest explanation can’t be right, that a theory targeting someone you dislike was made up and spiraled out of control, fueled by a dislike of things you don’t understand (Abramovic’s performance art, avant- garde music) and an easy scapegoat (gay liberal man).

      But I suppose it’s easier to assume people on the other side of the political spectrum are evil than having to engage with the substance of their arguments.

  38. "Blinds" like this one just show how much of a right wing troll "Enty" is. Fieri did a episode of Triple-D at Comet Pizza, the same pizza restaurant at the center of "pizzagate". Its all false. And now CDaN is regurgitating dumb shit. I guess you can really say anything on the internet.

  39. "GenAnne also lying about Comet Pizza shooter, who did not go to restaurant while families were there, shot only once"

    Well, that makes it all okay then!

    You're batshit, lady.

    "The One God, history and the new elevation of human consciousness is working against them."

    The age of Aquarius meets the NRA! Sandy Hook was a LIE!

    Have I got that right?

  40. You sound like Sarah Silverman! Scared that you'll be next?

  41. Ughh! All those poor kids on those Kids Cook Off shows he did. If this is true he needs to be in prison!

  42. And...there it is. Yet ANOTHER account pushing that agenda. Move on.

  43. @DDonna

    "Wait until all comments are seemingly done,"

    As I've stated before, this is by design. I figure most people are here for fun, and fun they do have. Some of the comment boards are fucking hilarious and seem like conversations between old friends. I like that and I like leaving it alone.

    I don't come here to interrupt relationships and discussion, so often I wait to comment until the point of the conversation begins to wane. That way, my comments are less disruptive overall.

    So unless I have a legit guess at a blind, or it's too outrageous to ignore, I leave it alone for about 12 hours or so.

  44. If you don't find Comet Ping Pong's art creepy or Alefantis'Instagram account creepy, you are into way creepier stuff. We all know he redecorated the place since the affair broke out.
    Don't you find strange that a crisis actor (he's on IMDB) showed up and shot the hard drive of Comet Ping Pong's server? The one containing the kiddie porn, as denounced to the FBI (certified) by the Hacker named Fish? The FBI never said there was no porn in Alifantis'server: they just hushed up the case.



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