Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 20, 2018

Back in the day when this permanent A list mostly movie actress who has been married to a permanent A list mostly movie actor with very little acting ability and a former A list mostly television actor with very little acting ability was married to the former she was going to cheat. With who? This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. The first husband was away making a movie and our actress was going to hook up with the still quite young actor. Apparently he couldn't stand to attention and our actress laughed at him. They have not spoken since.

A list mostly movie actress: Demi Moore
Permanent A list mostly movie actor with very little acting ability: Bruce Willis
Former A list mostly television actor with very little acting ability: Ashton Kutcher
Permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee: Leonardo DiCaprio


  1. I think Bruce has pretty good comedic timing.
    Demi isn't Leo's type she doesn't have Lukas Haas' charm.

  2. This is vicious but I like it.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I don't think of Moore as 'permanent A'. Her body of work is limited. Never found her to be much of an actress. I suppose being the ex of Bruce Willis automatically makes you 'permanent A'?

    1. Back in the day she was part of the brat pack. So for my generation, I consider her permanent A.

  4. Oh, snap!

    Mean, but I loooooove it!

  5. I don't know who'd want to risk getting caught pouring the coal to John McClane's wife, he dropped Hans off a building just for touching her.

  6. If they were doing drugs, which I am sure they were, that could have been a factor.

  7. Demi & Bruce are permanent A. They were a power couple of the 90's and everyone still knows who they are, even my grand parents.

    There are some weird Leo stories from the 90's from various models/actresses that he tried to hook up with. Makes me wonder if the modelizing and hanging out with the nasty rich modelizers is getting revenge on women for laughing at him.

  8. Bruce Willis has limited range but he's not a bad actor. He was great in "Moonlighting"!

  9. Bruce Willis is hilarious, he's funnier than a lot of the dipshits they call "comedians"

  10. Bruce Willis has excellent acting ability and he's a movie star (somone people want to see). It's a rare combination. Stop being so jealous!

  11. Did Bruce ask Leo "Head or gut?"

  12. This is not the first time I've heard Leonardo DiCatchaho has issues.

  13. Ohhhh :( I still love you Leo.

  14. Bruce Willis was HILARIOUS in the few episodes of "Friends" he did. I loved him!

  15. 'They have not spoken since.' So? There were rumours about Demi and Leonardo hooking up again years after Demi and Bruce's divorce. I think it was around the time Gangs of New York was released.

    I don't remember seeing any pictures tbh, but you'd think that for there to be rumours, they must have been seen together.

    Whatever. Enty, are you working on a story about Leo and Ansel Elgort?

  16. Leo and Demi are only a few years apart. Hardly his mother.

  17. It’s mean and I don’t like it.

  18. @florin:

    I understood that reference.

  19. @florin you win the thread for that reference.

    You could have also said that Bruce asked Leo what Demi rated on his finger scale and you would have still won lol.

  20. Demi and Leo are around 12 years apart, not mother material, but def more than "a few years"

  21. I heard this years ago but can't remember where and they apparently had a proper fling...Bruce can act! I can't slag him off. The Aaron Carter thing is what put me off.

  22. I thought Leo was closeted?

    1. He is. Explaining why he couldn’t perform.

  23. Anonymous1:16 PM

    If "permanent A" = permanent Airhead, then OK.
    Demi fits.

  24. On screen tv or movie Bruce is excellent. His comedic timing is superb. His action movies worth watching many times. Offscreen in interviews he is just so odd.. Perhaps he is shy.

    1. Out of all the action movie stars,Bruce's probably the only one who can act. Compared to Schwarzenegger, Stallone, The Rock, Vin Diesel, etc, he's Laurence Olivier

  25. Yeah, it's not fair to say Bruce as "very little acting ability." A lot of his movies may be eh, but he's been in some great ones (Pulp Fiction, Sixth Sense). And don't discount the amount of talent needed to pull off a role like John McClaine.

    But Demi permanent A list? I don't know about that.

  26. I've never understood the appeal of this woman.

    1. Me either. Even her voice annoys me.

  27. I think Bruce Willis is a good actor if the part is right. He was pretty good on Moonlighting, but I always thought that Die Hard kind of typecast him where action films were concerned. But he redeemed himself with films like The Sixth Sense. As for Demi, well she has always had the reputation for being very mean and difficult. There were stories about her being very unhappy about Whoopi Goldberg stealing her spotlight in Ghost. Don’t know how true that was but that’s the ‘talk’. She has the rep of being one tough lady.

  28. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were huge stars of major movies. Demi was gorgeous in her day. Leo,with is yacht parties and rotating panty models half his age, "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

  29. Maybe Leo had a hard time because she had kids. She did that massive body makeover after the 3rd kid. He may be Bi and I doubt RiRi would swap spit with a gay man.

  30. I can verify some sort of liason going on in 1997/Paris between Demi and Leo. Saw ut myself.That aside, I love Bruce and think he is a great actor.


  31. bruce willis best performance is 'Nobodys Fool' 1994



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