Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 6, 2018

In the how diva can you be award category, this A list talk show host who is probably permanently A at this point and as an entertainer too wins for today. Our talk show host had their assistant ship the talk show host's mattress to a city where the talk show host was going to be performing for almost a week. One night or less, the talk show host can manage. Otherwise, the mattress is getting shipped.



cheesegrater15 said...

I have never liked her.

notthisagain said...

Ellen is so profoundly two-faced

Stevie Nixed said...

She has the money, so why not? Also if you have a bad back: go for it.

yepthatsme said...

Off topic question, but have Jason Momoa and Joe Kravitz ever hooked up? Cmon Enty, give us the insider info!

PamF said...

Why doesn't she just strap it to her back ?

riffer73 said...

I wish I could afford to do that. Plus a good air purifier. I hate hotels.

just sayin' said...

I wanna know what kind of mattress is that good, because I think i want one.

Lunchpaillefty said...

Oh my heavan’s, how could she? What a horrible human being! Off to my fainting couch

nancer said...

it's just about being in your own bed. and SLEEP is really important. shit, if i traveled and had the money, i'd do it too.

AkhaldanSolo said...

Yeah, weak blind. I'd be impressed if this was all Ellen was up to but with the kind of mouth that Portia de Rossi has I'll bet it's much much more. Can anyone say sex tourism? She's been way too silent about all this #MeToo stuff,her relationship to Piven, and the LGBT rights commercials she did with Collins-Rector and DEN Entertainment back in the day.

I can't tell if she hates being on the show every single day because it's a living paisley hell or if her back is crumbling from inside her. I noticed she stopped doing the tic-tac shot in the monologue for that very reason. That is before she replaced the tic-tac for a couple weeks with hydrocodone lol.

IanPhlegming said...

Tiger Woods.

Unknown said...

Kind of gross when your mattress is being moved all over the country even if it is wrapped.

AkhaldanSolo said...

I know, I mean. She tries. She IS the countries moral compass as far as feel good TV goes, but it's so artificial and gushing anymore. You know she's neck deep in soap operas about women or celebrities that want to get tickets to her giveaway shows and she knows she's just some kind of weird opiate for the masses.

We've heard what a dick her show manager is that Andy off screen but she treats him like some kind of strange golum that will pacify all the vicarious satisfaction she gets from seeing people humiliated. It's a quasi- fucking shit show about ready to get so full of itself it has no choice but to implode.

AkhaldanSolo said...

You notice what a whore she is about her damn fish movies though and how she likes to pump up her fluffy garbage and expensive emoiji apps lol?

Ok I'll leave Ellen alone.

Countervail said...

I have sleeping issues. Mattress are horrible and finicky. I say more power to her. Get your good night's sleep.

Bumtitty said...

It's probably full of dildos

LulzMcQueef said...

A fool and her money.
I'm sure she has plenty to lose, until she doesn't.

Aquagirl said...

Ugh! Bed bugs!

Mo said...

This isn’t that big of a deal really.

Lindy said...

She has a bad back. She’s paying for it, not asking the hotel to get her a specific mattress.

Mstyles said...

I dont like her but honestly a good nights sleep is priceless and as many stated she does have a bad back so this really isn't too dramatic. Plus she can afford it. Rich people doing rich people things keeps the economy moving.

This and That said...

The rare times I do catch her show anymore you can tell how over it she is. She doesn’t try that hard to cover up her disdain.

plot said...

Never watched her show but so what if she ships her mattress?

it took forever said...

Ummm isnt it her money? Common if i could fly in my favourite icecream each week i would. Frau outrage

Anonymous said...

One can only buy so many houses and cars when you're a gazillionaire, yanno? I'm sure we'd all have some ridiculous luxuries like that if we could afford it. I don't fault her for that. Doesn't she have a bad back (or didn't she?) so maybe a mattress is important? Meh.

LuLu said...

Love this expenditure. Pissed that its her. Her employees tell me shes super bitchy. ;) i believe.

Thorne said...

I would do that if I could afford to. Other people's mattresses suck.

peawry said...

I don't see this problem. Maybe she has bad back problems or anxiety. Who knows. Kids and dogs need their blankies and stuff too for security.

OKay said...

She has the money to arrange to sleep on whatever she wants. I'm not seeing a problem here either.

Not interesting said...

It might be filled with something.

PapayaSF said...

What's the carbon footprint of Ellen's mattress?

Paul Saint John said...

I have always hated Ellen. She has such a punchable face!

Cat said...

The show where she secretly set up a camera in the hope of catching someone out 'stealing' from her (it was Ellen merch on a gift table with a sign that said 1 item per audience member)- then singled a woman out on camera and called her up to sit onstage in a 'naughty chair' was embarrassing and revealing. Oh now I know why Enty's posts are so badly worded. I can't be bothered to edit gossip either.

Nutty_flavor said...

Love Ellen, she handles awkward conversations better than Jim Halpert. Ship her the damn mattress

xandohsa said...

Ellen's way seems to beat the Hollywood way, which is to down sleeping pills if you want to go to sleep. I'll say that much!

Zeroh Tollrants said...

I knew someone who worked on her sitcom back in the 90s. Everyone HATED her because she was so bossy. They called her The Dictator, lol.
I don't watch tv, anymore so it's been decades since I've seen her do anything, but she always managed to hide that part of her personality pretty well, IMO.

emeraldcity said...

Hotel matresses are disgusting. I'm sure there was a YouTube film showing just how disgusting they can be. Don't like Ellen but can't fault her for this, why make it a blind about being outraged that the poor assistant has to do their job.

Fifi LaRue said...

A good night's sleep is all about the pillow (buckwheat), the mattress, and the weight of the coverings.

What else: wine, antihistamines, aspirin.

Then, you're good to go.

Mary Lamb said...

A bossy man is just the boss. A bossy woman, who IS the boss, is just a bitch. Go figure.
I want to know what mattress it is. I may need to email Ellen. If I get a response, I'll let you know.
Also, I'd like to add, the comments today were pure gold. LMAO in the wee hours.

KaiserWilhelm'sGhost said...

Big surprise this carpet muncher is two faced.

She's the same dumb twat that runs around screaming how much she loves Eminem, while he raps about wanting to murder all fags.

Mad Hominem said...

If she asks them to ship her the mattress in a civil and polite fashion, that's not being a diva, IMO.

Being a diva means implying something like, you're not fit to stand downwind of my righteous farts, so ship me that f*cking mattress by carrier pigeon or I'll have your job!

Spudmonkey said...

Zoe probably hasn't hooked up with Jason Momoa, but Lenny probably has... as a bottom...
I can't believe that fake-ass poser "rock star" played a fake, unplugged air guitar solo at katie's superbowl performance - pathetic as fuck - far worse than katie's lip-syncing...

Unknown said...

I once saw a homeless person trying to carry his inflated air mattress on a bike. First thought was he musta suffered with "Entitled Ellen Syndrome"

Pretty much the only real difference I could tell between the two is... it appeared that the homeless guy probably showered more often than Ellen does...

T. W. said...

How does she keep it clean?

Intergalactic said...

Ellen's horrible adolescent "scared you!!" practical jokes at other's expense, --- adrenalin rushes, heart pounding --- on national TV I've always considered very low class ... it shows her cruelty, about which many who know her have personal anecdotes. She laughs at people failing, embarrassing themselves, getting scared, looking stupid. She's an ass.

Glow W said...

Eh, I have sleep disorders. If I could afford it, i’d Probably do the same.

KittensRUs said...

I'll never forgive her for the bullshit with the rescue dog. She adopted a dog on contract, then handed it off to her housekeeper, then when the rescue called her out on her breach of the contract, she initiated a trash talking campaign against the rescue. Meanwhile, Portia tried to claim she signed the contract but didn't understand it. Honey, nobody believes you're that dumb.


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