Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 19, 2017

This foreign born north of the border B list musician who is out solo now after being in a group for quite some time owns several apartments in his hometown. Many of the apartments are in very low income areas. He is known for trading rent for sex. He is also known for forcing women to have sex if they can't pay their rent on time. They are afraid to call the police because he is rich and they are not. Many times these women are single mothers who have only recently emigrated. He takes advantage of this and has been known to beat women who refuse him. He is an awful human being.

Jacob Hoggard


sandybrook said...

Seems as if whoever this guy is was arrested for sexual assault yesterday.

Brayson87 said...

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Perfect time for the reveal.

just sayin' said...

Drumstixx is the only one who got it!

Jon said...

He looks hot. Wonder what demons he has to make him beat people.

yepthatsme said...

@Jon, he doesnt have any demons, he just made a choice to be a really bad human being!

Brayson87 said...
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Brayson87 said...

Ugh just listened to Hedley, they f*ckin' suck. If we just locked up sh!tty musicians as a general rule this all could have been avoided.

@Jon, really? he's got rape face. Looks like he was born with it too.

Mo said...

Looks like a giant gaping asshole to me

shakey said...

Oh that's interesting. At least they won't have to deal with him soon enough.

He was a runner up on the first Canadian Idol, I think. I don't have time now, but try looking up Jacob Hoggard Canadian Idol on youtube and hopefully you'll see him in that electric blue lycra or spandex full-body leotard. It sadly shows what he isn't packing.

Chase said...

Wow. I have never heard of this band or him. Didn't think I was that far removed from the sad state of music, but I guess I am.

Ice7177 said...

You Americans wont know much about Hedley but here in Canada their shitty music was always on the radio for YEARS.

Apricot29 said...

@shakey LOL. your comment has me dying, especially after looking up the picture

Sara, Making It Work said...

Canadians, what is the American equivalent, in terms or talent/ fame? Just so we know how shitty this guy is. Please and thank you.

naddyb said...

@Sara Something close to Canada's Maroon 5

andrea said...

First people to come to mind is G-Eazy and Pete Wentz. Jacob is a slimeball and no longer relevant in Canada anymore except for their die hard fans.

deadzo said...


andrea said...


moonagedaydream6 said...

Hahah Jacob only WISHES he was the Canadian equivalent of Adam Levine. I can't even think of a good alternative, because I hate Hedley so much. I was once subjected to their concert 10 years ago (I never say no to free concert tickets, regardless how shitty the music is). Jacob competed on the second Canadian idol. The young girls LOVED him, so creating a band was a no brainer. And then he preyed on said young girls, as young as 13 according to some accounts.

The thing you have to realize with us Canadians, is that we are FORCED to hear Canadian music on our radios. They literally have a quota - they must play so much Canadian content in order to continue operating. So a band like Hedley who has(had) a decent following is Canadian radio gold, and they are played over and over again. A band like Hedley may seem popular, but they really aren't, its just that the radio stations play them like they are. I never expected them to break through into the US, and they definitely didn't.

I have heard NOTHING but bad things about Jacob through the years. From friends, acquaintances and coworkers, first-hand and second-hand stories about meeting him and him being absolutely disgusting. So when the allegations surfaced earlier this year, I had no doubt that they were true.

There's a radio host in my city who came out publicly about her experience with him, and then the whole thing hit the fan and got even more coverage. Enty actually talks to this radio station a couple of times a month, and knowing the radio hosts experiences, referenced this particular blind a couple of months back.

But, Sara, to answer your question, if a Canadian band/artist is really that great, they will break through into the American market, move to the US and never look back. There is only one band that didn't do this and is still considered to be a Canadian treasure, and that is the Tragically Hip. But look at the rest of them - Bieber, Drake, the Weeknd. All Canadian, but do they still live in Canada, tour the country regularly, and call it their home? No, because the money to be made here is pennies in comparison to that of the US. So a band such as Hedley is known by most Canadians (we only have so many that can still be considered Canadian) in terms of fame, but that does not reflect on their talent

Bill Philly said...

This feels like Enty/Enterns are trying to make a fake blind they posted fit into a real news story.

Mhdz said...

@Ali Sorry to hear that.

pixiegothy said...

He looks like Ian Watkins, gross pedo vibe

Mike said...


Agreed. I don't know this band but it seems like the lead singer is not out "solo" now but that the band just imploded earlier in the year with the assault allegations.

hothotheat said...

Color me surprised - no rape aplogists in the comments on this one.

Brayson87 said...

See what I mean, it's rape face.

Eww, didn't know Canada rationed its music.

Green Tea said...

I didn't mind their stuff. It was a nice break from the back to back Drake/Weeknd all effen day.
Though, even when he was on CI, it was clear he was a dick, so I am not surprised.

orangesoda said...

No clue who he is but he looks like that American Idol gay that wears make up.
Anyway, good thing the perv has been arrested.

sandybrook said...

Sara he may be equivalent to Daughtry, I don't listen to his music but the careers seem to be about the same. And complete crap from Daughtrys side.

c17 said...

@moonagedaydream6 - The Tragically Hip have a BIG cult following in the U.S. - we know what's up! ;-)

And you forgot the Barenaked Ladies!

OKay said...

@deadzo I was born in B.C. Fuck you.

I had no idea who this guy is, but I do like Hedley. I also like that we "have to" hear Canadian content; it means that we get exposed to a whole lot more stuff on radio than the average American does.

But I fucking hate The Tragically Hip.

Mango said...

Never heard of him/them so I searched on YouTube and the first song that came up was “Kiss you inside out”. Icky title but I clicked to hear the song anyway. Some lyrics:

“I’ll feel every inch of your skin and you know I can rock your world...”
“Turn off the lights, take off your clothes, give up the fight, I’m in control...”

This guy has all the finesse of a sledge hammer.

Trish D said...

30% Canadian content 🤮. I used to live across the border from Detroit. It was nice to have the option to listen to American music stations, and get to watch Super Bowl commercials

SteveD said...

SCTV was told they needed to include more "Canadian content" in their show. "But everyone who writes and performs on the show is Canadian" they said. "What do you want, guys in parkas drinking beer and eating back bacon?" Yes, they were told.

And so, Bob and Doug McKenzie were created.

shakey said...

moonagedaydream6, I don't know which stations you listen to. I listen to the only rock station in our area (lots and lots of classic rock). The only time I've heard a Hedley song is whenever he used to visit family - the morning dj either had him in the studio or on the phone. He blew smoke up his ass every time and those were the few times I heard a Hedley song.

Also, as a side note, my nephew met them a while ago. They were at the local movie theatre. He said they were all really nice guys. So there's one person who had a good experience with them (even if he's male).

I disagree with what you said about Canadian bands being great only if they break into the U.S. The Canadian music industry has a history of being awful to its own. Gowan never made it big on his own, which is a real damn shame (yes, he sings for Styx now but that's besides the point). April Wine, Honeymoon Suite, Blue Rodeo, Matthew Good, Platinum Blonde, Sloan. Right now there's The Franklin Electric, Half-Moon Run, The Damn Truth (really check them out, the lead singer has an incredible rock voice). All this is off the top of my head. I know I'm missing a ton of other artists (no not Nickleback). Canadian music is not bad.

If you want to hear a good band that should have been picked up and promoted - Chalk Circle. Great rendition of 20th Century Boy. (This is going back to the '80s.)

Andrea Dujardin-Flexhaug said...
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Andrea Dujardin-Flexhaug said...
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