Thursday, July 12, 2018

Today's Blind Items - So Crazy It Might Be True

Back in the day I would sometimes post stories directly from readers that I thought were a bit out there so to speak. This one might take the cake. The thing is though, over their two part missive to me, a LOT of the things that I could actually check out did check out. The problem I have is that it would be impossible to make descriptions for some of these people because they are obscure celebrities. That being said, this was all brought on because of what the reader knows about this former A+ list mostly movie actor who was that high when he was a child and was the highest paid child actor in the world at the time. Now? He lives on the interest and residuals from those days. See what you can make of all of this. The first part actually came with evidence, but if I give it to you now, there will be nothing to guess.

I need your prayers, empathy, perspective and professional opinion - or referral to the right person who is at liberty to have an open discussion... You appear to know where some if not all of the socio-narcopathic bodies are buried in my emotional crypt. My sister is surrounded by people who are pedosexuals - from her time as a child star -  and her mother normalizes and buries my own abuse and has for 40 years. She was instrumental in trying to erase me fro mmy father's legacy. When he died they did not even tell me and were outraged I went to his funeral to say goodbye. They use the results of their betrayal to justify it, naturally. But I spent about 35 years now trying to find out if _______ was on Team Decent Human Being or Team Narcissitc Family Abuse Subject Matter Expert.

This - my issues - are complicated because I married a monster that was their fused insane narcopath and I seriously think he lost his motherfucking mind when he walked into that chapel and I had been there for an hour and did not speak to him AT ALL. _________'s aunt, step-father, husband, mother, herself all had this Hypocrisy Parade to say I had every right to be there, blah blah blah - though they had not picked up the phone and have not since - and she comes up and hugs me and I thought to myself - this is not for me - it's for her - and them. I did not ask them to say one word and no one else who knows about this did either.

I think my father, I hope anyway - I don't know. I am just wretchedly sad. I think when I discovered you in June because I have never heard of you in my life... and I saw all that stuff about ________, _________, __________ and, me - I have a very severe case of premeditated percepticide. I had joined this secret pedophile hunters group and they said to me in there that she HAD to have been abused too - mine was not like a rape thing either it was more like a denial thing and you bleed to much about it anyway thing. I think.

i LOVED them, they have never loved me. Ever. So, I am not quite sure yet? But it looks like they may have disowned and disinherited me and now I've made that embarassing and difficult... because that's how I roll with the motherfucking pedosexual objectifying normalizing folks.

________ did something really nasty to me about using my husband that works at a fancy ___________ jewelry store on the UES - ________ duped ________ - and trust me - he never saw her coming and if I went around telling anyone who would listen what a toxic soup she is? I would get called worse than I already do - so I just said "I don't think that is a very good idea honey. I had to practically worship Oprah Winfrey to let go of wishing she would spontaneous combustion." Funny, it's not quite back yet? But fucking close. Ommmmmm my gawd. LOL

So _______ makes this custom pendant for ________, and I pay for the gold and diamonds - and by this time I am about 3 years into a nightmare custody battle because why? My ex-husband was leaving my kids with my dad and his third wife and he was making red satin thong jokes in front of her and it made me crazy. Really awkward and uncomfortable, and I swear I never set a boundary in my life that they did not nuke on the spot and put me in my spot.

He makes her a custom guitar too. He never finsihed my wedding ring or my guitar. I felt like - he married me to be near her. And when I left he stripped me bare of everything and I JUST got approved for foodstamps and medicare in the last 10 days. I am no perfect angel but I was 14 when this shit storm started brewing. I have a serious health condition and my ex-husband it turns out? My father knew he had assaulted me and colluded with him and my mother to take my kids because I "destroyed him" for telling what happened to me.

#MeToo highlighted Woody Allen right? Did you know that the Responsible Fatherhood Initiative FUNDS THAT SHIT for them? I have all the documentation and _____ and _______ know and have since at least 2010. I was determined to survive this? But helping others. Can you fucking imagine my spaghettin head when I saw your stuff on _________? My father told me he believed that _________ had an affair with him behind ________'s back and when I saw this article below I thought she has no loyalty at all - ever - that was her distancing herself from him because - well that's what a narcissistic discard IS.

Enty? My mother makes _______ look like a fucking saint.

Anyway, _________ takes the pendant and does this -

And the proof was what was listed below, but we will save that for a special reveal day. Now, here is part two.

I read that and it barely makes sense. I am sorry, it's hard to share it with a stranger and trust the universe too. But I see you know the nature of the beast and expose it too. I need to back up a bit. I have been living a true life Gaslight at least, and much more openly since 1976.

This is the condensed version:

I was a precocious neglected, abused child. Born 1962 to two teenagers. My mother ____________, then, groomed me using ___________'s two volume anthology of adult female sexual fantasy in the early 1970s between 1974 and 1976 towards her neoliberal model of feminism. My mother has never disclosed her own sexual abuse issues, but her mother was married to a man 41 years her senior when she was barely 18 years old. My mother harped on my mission to correct this hillbilly legacy rooted in the coal mines of the Ozark mountains for as long as I can remember.

My father was deeply ashamed of failing his own future by impregnating this beautiful social pariah in the back of a Dodge, but his parents stuck by him and he completed his education. His adolesence was interutpted and he was called _______, __________ and "the world's oldest teenager" but my father drowned his sorrows and needed to prove his sexual prowess intensely so that plus the 1970s collided to create a bizarre home. My parents entered into an agreement to have an open, swinging, lifestyle. But it did not quite go as my father hoped. My mother would not perform in front of him and reframed her sexual freedom in the form of an apartment on campus about a block from a disco where my father was the local John Travolta.

A year before my parents split up, in November 1976, my father came home blind drunk in a blackout. Ordinarily they were just never there at all, but this night he was home early, and completely trashed. I had never seen him this incapacitated but I don't judge and just do what I must. I helped him from the front door, bathroom where he undressed and showered on his own. He was having trouble getting to the bed and I worried he would get hurt. He flopped onto his bed damp and it was very cold, so I leaned over to cover him up, like a taco inside their comforter, he thought I was my mom, reached up, kissed me and touched my breast to kiss her good night and passed out cold. I freaked the fuck out inside.

I did not say anything for 4 months until March 1977. But was angry, and hurt and confused and there was quite a lot of this going on in other homes and my girlfriends and I discussed it at the lunchtable at school. That had beenthe case prior to this, and of course I told them too. To my father "this" is the problem. Not that he was drunk enough to have this be told ever, at all, but that I as his daughter was hurt and confused and could not possibly contextualize any of this. He always saw himself like an adult in relationship to being an early father. He did not understand that at 14, despite the responsibilities and autonomy I was granted that I was far too young to embrace them.

When I did confront him and my mother... Everything was very upsetting to me and to them. They dispatched it as soon as they could and to them this is where the story begins and ends, and I just should never have perpetuated this problem or "allowed" it to destroy me. So they started trying to make this about one 60 second incident. It was not rape, it was the crescendo to an ambient sexualization, an objectiffication and normalization of it, for over a decade. I was still a child. But you seem to be the one guy in the entertainment industry that understands that Lolita as an icon has an underlying agenda and my father was attracted to a woman that was tormented and twisted about pedosexuality for reasons I will never know. But it is deeply embedded in her ancestry. My failure to escape her fate and generations of mothers behind us, is her indictment. Her self indictment. She hates me for this, he hates me for this. But they also feel guilty and loved me once, despite my inconvenience.

They divorce. I accept their explanations socially but the pretense eats me inside for decades and Dad compounds this. I feel the lie of it. Cryptographic clues are just pervasive. He secretly betrays me a million times and hates me for it calling me out for being like an adult, uncontrollable, and the interior is awful to his exterior. My mother is complicit and finally emails the truth for months ago.

Enter ___________ age 24 and sister to (a pageant queen/big one) _______________, of whom she is very jealous. In fact, according to __________, she is fully to credit as the Svengali of her sister. My mother was more likely to "burn her bra" (no one actually ever burned their bra, I knew these activists in NYC the last decade, and heard their stories first hand). She ridiculed the likes of ________ and they were strange creatures to me. _________ was on the board of the pageants and after she and Dad married the precursor to the set of the 1991 off Broadway show __________ was created. When I walked down the aisle seeing it, my sense of surreality was just fused into a permanent "Can this fucking be happening? to ME?" I had a little bit of it in the audience of the _____________ and __________ Miss ________ Pageant Too - that ________ had founded and ran.

When JonBenet Ramsey was murdered ________ had pictures and trophies exactly, precisely like that too. It actually makes me nauseous to contemplate what they allege. This is where that criminal psychologist's analysis of this conduct becomes emotionally threatening to me, I have not watched _______________'s analysis yet, but I did watch the "Killer in the Family" last week and that is a little too close to my own post divorce/custody battle with my first husband. I assert he is conducting a slow murder - and my reason for disclosing to YOU? Is ____.

By this point in the story Enty? ________ has moved __________ to NYC and she is working the child to the bone in advertising, commercials, Radio City, sitcom;s... but like my mother she is an expert at Parental Alienation and manipulation. She is diabolic in her need for competition and greed. My mother is diabolic in her sense of retaliation too. And _____, wife number 3, I used to like a lot, but she is either just as greedy and diabolic or simply defending my father's version of his truth. I can't know - but her demeanor changed after the marriage so much, I felt she was cut from the same cloth.

_______ would exclude me from all family events, pictures, mentions in articles, thwarted my father contributing financially to my wedding, and even refused to have a celebration with ______ on her birthday that day. I became Jewish after a quandry about the significance of why it mattered who begat whom and a long 12 step recovery from drowning/drugging my little nightmare, and converted to Judaism in 1994. My husband ___ was a bit of a trouble maker, errant Orthodox boy, and his mother likened me to Monica Lewinski. I was in a way I guess in that I needed love but did not know it.

As I matured I understood the lies better. ________ had been currying favor to advance ______'s fame and fortune.

I see how my concerns dovetail ____________. You must.

How do I verify and quantify my concerns?


  1. This makes Dancing Boy blinds seem comprehensible. I hope this person is getting the help she needs.

    1. Just because an English word has Greek or Latin roots does not mean you can interchange the Greek or Latin part and create a new word.

      This person sounds like a narcopath tumblr user talking about how they’re a demibipolyantidracosexual.

  2. Wait, is this Mad Libs?

  3. No idea what is going on, but the entertainment business is a filthy sewer, and no parent should allow their children anywhere near it. Adults who aspire to be in Hollywood... well, they are adults and need to own responsibility for what happens to them there.

    I hope this person can move on.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The former child actor mentioned in the preface has got to be Macaulay Culkin. Other than that, I have no bloody clue what this is supposed to mean.

    1. I thought MC too. Enty says the blind came about because of what the writer knows about MC... other than that I’m like you, no clue what the rest means

    2. @trufflepig
      Agree and agree.

    3. Plus 1 x 3.

      I know there are some effed up families out there and that writing about it may trigger irrational writing/thought patterns.

  6. Whoa. My brian hurts

  7. Crystal meth and Hollywood create mental illness. I had anxiety just reading 3 paragraphs. Couldn't get through it.

  8. I'm waiting for the paperback version. Hoping someone can sum this all up in a few short paragraphs and insert names.


  9. I can't understand a _________ bit of this _________ blind, probably because _________ and the source can't be bothered to ____________ it either. Mother and/or father or possibly somebody else's husband and sister or maybe a therapist did _________ and possibly touched the author's breast. Also _________.

  10. This one doesn't seem like it should be that hard to follow. I know what all the words mean, after all, but I'm having trouble even with the sentences that aren't half blanks. Hope someone else has better luck.

  11. The female-fantasy anthology books were by Nancy Friday, if I remember right. Not sure why her name would be blanked out unless she was directly involved.

  12. bollybiy - that is funny

  13. "My mother ____________, then, groomed me using ___________'s two volume anthology of adult female sexual fantasy in the early 1970s between 1974 and 1976 towards her neoliberal model of feminism."

    Cher wasn't wrong about that being a different time. The worst of what was being pushed then has been quietly tucked away by its adherents as they had to ease up in the 1980s. Everyone knows there was "free love," but most don't know just how "free" it was supposed to be.

    And they didn't abandon their beliefs; they just became less vocal about them.

  14. Dick Clark was called, "The World's Oldest Teenager", but he's about 15 years old to be the dad here.
    So that seems an odd thing to say.

    1. That's what I was looking at, too..then noticed the age.

  15. RICKY SCHRODER for the child actor.

    1. That's what I thought. Or McCauley. Or maybe Bonnaduci?

  16. WTF did I just read?

  17. The "world's oldest teenager" was Dick Clark, host of American Bandstand

  18. This would be a bit easier to understand if instead of the blanks they used letters or nicknames for each person

  19. I think this would have been easier to read of the second part was first.
    Honestly, the parts don't even seem to relate to each other at all.

  20. Anonymous11:16 AM

    By the end of it I heard Charlie Brown's teacher. Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah...

  21. Hi Enty,

    Have been a long time reader. I feel like I possibly have two cents to contribute to this confusing post. Dick Clark was also known as the "World's Oldest Teenager". He was also married 3 times. The dates pretty much correspond to the ones in said post in his Wikipedia page.

    I also caught the Macauley Culkin reference. Could this have something to do with Dick Clark, Macauley Culkin, and Michael Jackson? Have not looked into info on his wives.

    1. @2trees,
      The dates do not correspond. Writer says she was born in 1962 and her parents were teenagers. Dick Clark was born in 1929.

    2. Also, Dick Clark never had a daughter that became a child star.

  22. I only made it through 1 paragraph.

    Betty White?

  23. A musical called "Pageant" opened off-Broadway in 1991, so that seemed like a good candidate for that part. So a woman who was on the board of beauty pageants married her dad, and they created something (a beauty pageant, I guess) which was the precursor to that play/musical.

    According to that article, the inspiration for "Pageant" was a drag queen pageant called the “Miss Bradford Hotel Pageant." I can't find any mentions of that anywhere else, though.

  24. Got to paragraph 1 myself, and then decided I would get a drink instead of reading it - If I'm going to have a headache it will by my own hand!

  25. So Dick Clark was a drunken swinging paedobear who fuckled Macaulay Culkin? What about Bubbles?

  26. There's so much going on here, but basically:
    Who was a male celebrity, deceased (possibly recently), born in the mid 1940's, married multiple times, estranged from adult daughter at time of his death, has younger daughter who is/was child star.

    How Macaulay Culkin(?) And a gold necklace fits into this, I don't know.

  27. Don't know if this is relevant, but Dick Clark Productions had "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" pageant in 1985 as an alternative to The Miss America Pageant, which his production company was involved with. There is an old Washington Post interview with him from the same year. Pretty interesting when he discusses the criteria for entering.

  28. The Book of Revelations and may be better understood than this

  29. I really don't think the show is Pageant. For the "writer" to find it surreal, it must relate back to her life and Pageant was a revival.

    Here is a list of the off Broadway shows in 1991 that I have been trying to research

  30. Yeah, I don't think her father was necessarily known far and wide as "the world's oldest teenager," but just called that by some people he knew.

  31. @Lurky, yeah, that gave me pause too. But I don't know the plot of the show, so I figured maybe there could still be a scene or something that relates to her life. But it could be a different play. Even in that article, the guy says pageants were kind of overused as a plot device at the time.

  32. what in the madlib is this?

  33. Enjoying the title; 'So Crazy it Might be True.' WHAT might be true??

    Looked for a list of actresses born in 1962. An interesting list for sure, but nobody who was born the Ozarks and whose parents divorced in 1976/7.

  34. What in the wide, wide world of sports is goin' on here?

  35. From what I can gather, her sister, who is younger than she, was a child star and now is pushing her daughter into showbiz, and the author is concerned that this daughter is going to be victimized by pedophiles.

    I think?

  36. Is this the return of INSIDERHER? All those food references.
    Jokes aside: I have no idea when _____ means which person, which pretty much makes this impossible to guess unless someone wants to waste a lot of time. I don't even get if this is supposed to be about a random family? Is her family famous? What does all this have to do with a former child star? Waiting for the reveal on black friday or new years day I guess...

  37. This is all so confusing. Just going to throw this out there. Mike Love of the Beach Boys had a daughter that was born in 62 and married one of his band mates briefly in the 80's. He also said in his biography that he was called the worlds oldest teenager. Very strange life, including run ins with the Manson family. However he is still I dunno.

    Also Dick Clark's daughter does have one acting credit in her IMBD

  38. I read Arkansas so I'm going with the Clinton's on this one

  39. I was leaning toward the Judd family... due to the Ozarks reference, but I cannot make Ashley fit here. Mainly because Wynona's daughter is in prison for the foreseeable future.

    1. The Judds are from Ashland KY..not the Ozarks.

  40. I could have missed it, but I don't think it says the writer is an actress, or indicates her career at all, does it? And it suggests her mother was from the Ozarks, but not necessarily that she was.

    I wonder if the thing someone did with a pendant, which would reveal too much if he printed it, was something that appeared in a scene in a movie. That's the only thing I could think of that would point to someone's identity that way.

    1. There's one section I think its paragraph 3 where she says something about discovering I assume Enty in June, and "all the stuff about _____, ______, ____, and me".

      So maybe it was someone referenced on the site, whether by name, inference, or maybe even a Himmmm blind.

      That's all I could get out of this.

  41. Drew Barrymore and her brother John??

  42. John Phillips. No facts to correlate with this mishmash of a blind, just a chance rando guess.

  43. Good job attacking victims, Bryan Singer's Usual Suspects

  44. Never mind my guess... Seem to fit in the 1st 2 paragraphs.

  45. I'm so lost I'm not even sure what the point of this is? What are we guessing?

  46. Tmi who cares if you became Jewish? You need an editor.

  47. my brain shut down. it wouldn't let me read this.

  48. I want to say Jerry Vandyke but I am pretty sure thats wrong.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This seems like it has to connect up to dancing boy blinds?
    Which, if true, makes it impossible to decode.

    I get:
    Poster is girl with a younger sister.
    She was born in 1962 to teenage parents (so born after 1943) who did not separate until 1976
    Mom was a braburner, dad was chronically immature and probably alcoholic
    Her dad is dead.
    she converted to Judaism in 1994 after a bout with addiction
    she has been married twice - with the first divorce resulting in heinous custody battle

    her stepmother? had a sister who was a beauty queen?
    Stepmom was on board of a beauty pageant and credits herself with sister's sex appeal
    The stepmom eventually barred her from interaction with father and cut her out of will, access - whatever

    Stepmom had a daughter (much younger sister of poster) with the dad and moved to NYC to become a major stagemom - pimps out kid.

    The stepmom is now the equivalent of Gypsy Rose stage mother.

    Somehow there is a third wife - but Im not sure if that is stagemom or not.

    Would "criminal psychologist" be Dr. Phil?
    he did a show about JonBenet brother.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Dates and ages are all wrong, but this screams Jerry Lewis and his sad illegitimate daughter, Susan Lewis, to me.
    Jerry was also called the, “ World’s Oldest Teenager”.
    However, I drank 2 glasses of wine before I could decifer this.... so there’s that!

  53. Anyone else going to CDAN and being redirected to Psychology Today?

    1. No, I get redirected to Turner Diaries Part 2: Turn Harder

  54. WAs this girl a child actor herself if she saw herself mentioned here?

  55. Well, never mind on that, as I reread this. What an incredibly sad story and my heart goes out to this poor soul. The premeditated percepticide seems an especially cruel hand to be dealt as a child, among the other injustices. My hope for you is sincerely some solace.

  56. Don't know if he's Jewish or not but, Mariah's ex-fiance has been named in the investigation of Netanyahu in Israel. James Packer has resigned from his own company's board. The board is saying it has nothing to do with the Netanyahu mess, it's because he's ill and can't continue as chairman. Right. Evidently, for what reason I don't know, Packer switched from Mariah to BiBi's son to shower with riches. Evidently, that ain't Kosher over there. This comment mixes show biz with politics. Felt it was appropriate.

  57. I was going to guess Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunich as the first of two volumes, but I don’t think it had a sequel.

  58. Went burrowing through the Benny/Packer relationship and it sounds very much like Packer's relationship to Tom Cruise and Scientology years ago. Packer seems like a bit of a dunce with a huge back account and a need for friends. He doesn't seem to be lying that he has some mental health issues, he's had them before. His resignation from the board could signal a buy out by Packer, I'm reading. The stock of his casinos is currently plummeting.

    Benny Net isn't going to be held legally accountable. He's had 2 big bribery indictments before, and he slithered out of both of them.

  59. did anyone make it past the first 2 sentences?

  60. Life is too short!

    On to the next blind.

  61. this was interesting but I am alarmed for her and hope she will be okay. if it is Kathy Coleman, this is the next book she should write.

    that is just a guess based on some google. born 62. Land of the Lost (never saw it). one of her autobiographical books is out of print and not available even on ebay. some photos and links are missing online, like one of those internet scrub jobs in progress.

    I could be totally wrong and am willing to delete this.


  62. Obscure celebs.

    This first part sounds like the Hemingway Sisters; Muffy, Mariel and Margeaux. Oprah put that documentary "Running from Crazy". Muriel got divorced but has 2 daughters in the fashion industry. Muffy's is/was married to Jean Denoyer, who's pretty famous on the UES.

    Second part...? Sounds like Marla Maples with a few tweaks to cover blatant details. But most can be connected to her, imo.

    I ran out of time to keep digging, though...

  63. Edit: Oprah put the docudrama on the OWN channel

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. So crazy it might be true:




    CDAN is being used to redpill the normies and make the connection to the Great Awakening.

    You are all being used to force an insane cult agenda down the world's throat.


    There is no great awakening, only a tsunami of ignorance and lies. QAnon is a sham.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      It's game over, man!
      GAME OVER!

    2. Everytime you do this shit it's less work for #TEAMGEELJIRE

      Keep it up, unpaid intern

  66. Should have posted the uncut, raw version, what the fuck are you hiding son😁




    "CDAN is being used to redpill the normies and make the connection to the Great Awakening. This blind says, in a nutshell, that POTUS knows Bill Clinton and Paul Marciano used Anna Nicole Smith as an international sex slave for personal and business purposes."

  67. Gonna wait on the reveal for this one.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. I really can't abide millennials or their infantile buzzwords.

    1. Nobody can abide your mindless consumption without ever putting shit back
      You sound like Saturn

    2. Revisiting this to remind you of what a worthless Gen-X(?) cum addict and terrible mother you are

    3. Uhhhhhh, Viking Song, the writer was born in 1962, so, NOT a millennial.

  70. Anonymous10:33 PM

    WOW, stay in school kids. STAY IN SCHOOL.

  71. So umm yeah. I hope whoever this is finds their way. My only guess is for the books. I like the Germain Greer guess above as the blind mentions feminism. My Guess The Story of O vol I&II, Xaviera Hollander Happy Hooker books? Other than that I got nothing.

  72. wow. hard to follow but great potential.

    one off topic(I guess) note about Pageant. Read Kevin Meaney as the MC, wondered about that in relation to his late coming out. From Wiki: "He explained that his time on Broadway was where he gained the courage to accept his homosexuality."

    strongly agree with those hoping the author finds some peace from this terrible story.

    1. Tv's Uncle Buck is gay? Who knew? Good on him for coming out.

  73. I never read the long ones.

  74. Many of these words are made up and don't appear in any accepted dictionary. The rest? Well I am familiar with most of them, just not necessarily in the order they are presented.

    Enty needs an editor because this nonsense is baffling.

    1. Shut the fuck up

      how many whiny unemployed/underemployed English majors/sockpuppets constantly vomiting unoriginal thoughts can there be in this world?

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Could this be about Joan Crawford and Christina Crawford??

  77. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Casey Kasem?

  78. Traci Nelson, WTF knows.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.


  80. How about a clue, such as

    - are these "obscure" celebrities because they are primarily known in academia or some intellectual realm?

    - Do these parties have something to do with some psychotherapy fads or "pop psychology", like Transactional Analysis, Mind Games, or something similar?

    - Does this blind relate perhaps to previous discussion of Timothy Leary's realm of age inappropriate sexuality?

    I mean come on, throw us a bone here. It seems like an exercise in how much nonsense the readers will cope with.


  81. Could this blind be relevant to post now because it in any way relates to the television show 'This Is Us'?

  82. what about that Chrome Hearts goth jewelry business, split with the original partners, now Richard Stark and Laurie Lynn Stark are super rich with model children jet setting around with the hadid kids and Cher, hanging out with rockers when they were little. Can't find anything about Laurie Lynn's parents, could be her? I am just spending too much time on this.

  83. trying to make Melanie Griffith (married to Don Johnson of Missouri) fit here.

    Johnson has five kids and about as many marriages.

  84. Where's that guy who translated the last incomprehensible blind into human?

  85. These post really need to be proof read and edited (even linking to an unedited version if needed). This was too hard to properly follow in this format.

  86. Gonna post the only stuff I could make out. Hopefully it helps someone figure this mess out.

    S = Submiter of this BI

    A = A list mostly movie actor, highest payed child actor at the time.

    SM = Mother of S's sister

    SS = Daughter of SM

    H = submiters husband
    EH = ex husband, might also be "H"

    D = Dad/father of SS
    M = S's mother
    G = grandmother of "S" / mother of "M"

    PS = Pagaeant queen's sister
    PQ = Pagaent queen

    NF = Nancy Friday (?)

    1. "A" now lives off of residuled from past work.

      "SS" surrounded by pedophiles, reminds "S" of Jon Benet Ramsey

      "NF" wrote fantasy books depicting woman's sexual fantasy in the 1970s.

      SM = normalizes abuse done to "S". Attempted to erase "S" from father's legacy.

      "M" groomed "S" using NF's books. "M" and "G" are from coal mining town /"Ozark mountains"

      "M" and "D" had open relationship/ were swingers.

      "D" has been married at least "3" times. "S" refers to him as "local John Travolta". Also refered to as "worlds oldest teenager".

      "PS" or "PQ" have been or have currently been married to "D". Also believe either "PQ" or "PS" are the "SM" character.

    2. "PS" is intially introduced as 24 and sister of a "Big" Pageant queen (PQ).

      "PS" is jealous of PQ.

      Either PS or PQ were once on the "board of pageants". One of them marries "D" around 1991.

      "PS" or "PQ" is refered to as a svengali to her sister.

      "PS" or "PQ" is currently (at the time this post was sent) working their child ("SS") "to the bone".

    3. "EH" or "H" is an implied abuser of "S" and has some type of ties to drugs. "Narcopath".

      "EH/H" Makes jewlery and can make guitars, has a thing for "SM".

      Works at a jewlery store on the Upper east side.

      "EH" abused "D". "SM or M + D" helped get custody of "S"'s child because "S" told about abuse from "D".

    4. "D" and "M" gave birth to S in 1962, while both were teenagers.

      November 1976 "D" "mistakenly" assaultd "S" while drunk.

      "S" tells friends at school, March 1977.

      Theres another "incident" that happens between 76 - march 77 of sexual assault.

      "S" spends 35 years wondering if ___ is bad or good.

      "S" was once written about in a previous blind or multiple blinds.

      "S" works with others "hunting" pedophiles.

      "S" was 14 in either 1976 or 1977.

      "S" seems to be remarried again. Became Jewish in 1994. Married to orthadox jew.

    5. [Final post]

      "S" talking to Enty, says this of her father; "...Lolita as an icon has an underlying agenda and "D" was attracted to a woman that was tormented and twisted about pedophiles for reasons I will never know."

      Post contains references to "Obscure celebrities.

      That was honestly all I could peace together without better context.

  87. Cree said...

    . . . has some type of ties to drugs. "Narcopath".

    No. "Narcopath" is a made up pop psychology term that combines the words narcisist and psycho/sociopath. It doesn't refer to drug abuse.

    The author seems involved in on-line communities of family members of narcisits, which is the only place where the nonscientific concept "narcopath" occurs. Other references in the blind, such as "what a narcissistic discard IS" refelct lingo used by that community.

    Reference to "UES", Upper East Side, indicates New York City is an important geographic fact in this blind. The author specifically claims "I knew these activists in NYC the last decade." NYC is where the pedophile endangered child comes to, so impliedly is the locus of the story on those grounds also.

    NYC is also where the probable A lister, Culkin, currently lives, where you'd find it easy to convert to a flavor of Jewish religion of your choice, where you'd find a thriving jewelry industry, where you'd find off-Broadway stage plays to attend such as the one referenced, plenty of child oriented beauty pageant activity, plenty of pedophiles, plenty of errant orthodox boys, . . . and in short plenty of everything in this blind.

    Possibly the "campus" of relevance in this story is NYU, a place where Culkin went I believe. There are a number of possible campuses in NYC, though.

  88. Corishev said...

    A musical called "Pageant" opened off-Broadway in 1991,

    Great research.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that the "legacy" here is that Narcissist/Sociopath Dad in this had a "legacy" of promoting some of the first boy's doing girl's beauty pagents along with a stepmom who had the author's stepsister. An example is:

    Endless "mutton dressed as lamb" in that photosearch.

    I'm going to guess that the "evidence" is a photo of a "pendant" the author paid for, but was worn by a BOY dressed as a girl in a beauty pagent.

    What would Culkin have to do with all of this? Maybe he bought the boy the pendant.


  89. Maybe

    is the sort of blind the unknown author of this came to CDAN to reaad. Perhaps the whole Hollywood pedophile angle Mr. Hedge is so heavily into investigating and exposing is what brought her here.

    Plenty of current pop culture figures got starts in the southern beauty pageant. Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, who has a sister she didn't even meet until she was 20 . . .

    Anyhow, the "obscure celebrity" aspect of all this might be beauty pagent oriented.


  90. Anybody that wants to see Rudy Giuliani dressed in drag while Donald Trump looks on, point your browser to:

    Man, I'm learning more about the secret world of all boy (and all men) beauty pageants than I ever thought I would trying to chase down this blind!

    1. @Aimless Spectstor thanks for the clarification. I thought it was a mix of the words Narcotics and Psychopath.

    2. @Qimless Spectator* sorry, ai didnt ready all your post before replying, but thank you for the insight. I feel like I gathered a lot more information than I picked up on my own.

      Im interested in knowing how Culkin plays into this. With all the blank spaces, it makes it hard to know which blank is who. I had no idea there even were male beauty pagaents.

      The "board of pageants written about im this blind seems like such a generic term. Is there a way to find memembers or ex members for each pageant group? Like miss america or miss teen usa? I tried to do some searching, but I dont think I'm searching with the correct phrasing.

      Mentioning Donald Trump is interesting for his pageant relations and has ties to Culkin via Home Alone 2. Not saying he's related directly to this blind, just thought it was interesting it was brought up.

    3. Aimless Spectator * managed to write your name incorrectly twice, sorry. (On mobile)



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