Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Blind Item #5 - VMA's

Well, if everyone didn't know before last night, they all know now about the actor's crack addiction. It is out of control. Everyone was also commenting at an after party that our actor was getting rebuffed by his singer girlfriend much more than when the cameras were on them during the show. 


  1. Pete and Ariana. I got this one haha

  2. He looked so disgusting in photos and you can tell he’s on crack. Sad

  3. He looked so strung out. I feel for his family.

  4. She's riding that Sweetener PR train. Once the relationship isn't good for selling her album anymore I'll bet that this relationship will be brushed under the rug.

    And lol +100 nonya. Guess BDE doesn't work through the screen.

    1. No way. Ariana and her PR team will take full advantage of the victim narrative. He will be the evil mentally ill drug addict and she will be the innocent angelic singer who fell for the bad boy and got hurt. Although if she’s with Pete who is a drug user, still don’t know where the proof of this crack addiction is because he seems like more of a downer guy to me but anyway, if she’s with a drug addict you better believe she’s doing drugs before. Was probably doing them with Mac too.

  5. Previous year he looked so much healthier. I find it sad.

  6. Wasn’t he clean until they got together and she encouraged him to start doing drugs again tho?....

  7. He looked very out of it at the show.

  8. I don't doubt that he is strung out. However, that hair is not doing him any favors either. Definitely makes him look even worse.

    1. It washes him out more. Blonde hair does that unless it's your natural colouring. Not that I am any expert!

  9. they're doing drugs together.
    apparently he doesn't pay any bills, just buys groceries (do crackheads even eat?)
    so she's basically living with her bum drug dealer! lol

  10. Did anyone else want to grab that gum out of his mouth and throw it away????

  11. This does not sounds like a happy ending in the making. So sad. I actually like but he seems to be on the destruction path.

  12. His dad died in 9/11 as a firefighter, when he was 8, doesn't excuse it, but does make his drug use more . understandable .

    Also makes sense why he and ariana have bonded, it must be hard to find someone who has lived and understands this particularly sort of tragedy.


  13. When she said "Pete Davidson, thank you for existing" in her acceptance speech that was the nail in the coffin I think. 3 weeks. tops.

  14. hes an actor who has money and fame and a beautiful gf but all these comments are sympathy for him. where was all this sympathy for the black actors that have had issues with drug use. Even bringing in his dad that died in 911. thousands of parents died in 911 and im sure they arent all strung out on crack.

    1. O Ooo we got ourselves a race baiter...
      Race Baiter= uses any situation as a excuse to throw up race and often used to invite hate while showing the commenters own racistness .

      Example : when a white guy is strung out they point out how white he is and use this issue to further personal

      Good job ..Sharpton would be proud of your scumminess

    2. Talking about the reality of racism isn't race baiting. But wjarewha makes you feel better.

  15. It’s a damn shame. They both looked like they were on something. As a side, I am glad to see she wore her extensions down. That looked nice and was a change. She is dickmatized. He is failing both of them terribly; why would you want to be a burden in a relationship? His poor mother; I can only imagine how anxious she feels about his trajectory.

  16. Poor Pete. Unpopular opinion around here, but I thought he was hysterical on SNL. The Weekend Update segments after rehab made me laugh hard.

  17. His ugliness has nothing to do with crack. No one else can be incredibly ugly?

  18. It would be hotter if Ariana was into meth heads. I could only imagine that lil bim tweaked out and fiending for splooge and orgasms. Mmmmmmmm.

  19. Is there a such a thing as responsible and/or moderate crack use?

    Another weak-minded loser on their way out. Drug deaths are the only entertaining thing Hollyweird produces anymore.

  20. He was gnawing the hell out of that gum. Combined with looking like he hasn't showered in a long time, very obvious.

  21. With the bleached hair, i hope Davidson stays out of Africa. Someone gonna think his gall bladder cures AIDS.

  22. Pete's looking more and more like Gollum. The pipe is his Precious.

  23. It would be kind of cool if Ariana turned out to be corrupting evil, she's already got that whole fallen angel look down. ;)

  24. count jerkula, that albino reference was kinda funny and atypically non-sexual.

    1. @gentle: i post the first thing that pops into my head. After i seen a pic of him, the albino joke popped in, so i stopped. ack by to share it.

  25. Always blame the Gal pal for a grown ass man's addiction! Whitney H drug addict, Elvis drug addict, john Belushi, drug addict. Nobody else's fault except theirs. Nobody held a gun to their head and made them take drugs. Pick up yourself off of the ground, stop blaming everyone else for your goddamn problems and deal with it. What a bunch of whiners and blamers

  26. Auntie: many a woman has driven a good man to drink and drug. Inane yappin, menstruation crazy, over spending, emotional thought over rational thought, did i mention yappin? Some cant block it all out as white noise in between sexual encounters, and dont want to do their own laundry, so they turn to mind alterting substances in a desperate attempt to cope.

    1. LOL! Believe me, I am no Saint and was able to walk away from that very lifestyle. I get your point though@ Count! good to see u back. So many lousy wanna be Counts around here.😉

  27. Did anyone see Pete's shoot for GQ? If you said "WTF!" in response to that question, you're right on track. He's got the blonde hair with his sunken frying[pan face washed out by too much makeup to hide the black circles under his eyes. He's wearing all this high-end stuff that he would NEVER put on unless Ariana told him to, and doing model-esque poses someone directed him to do, like "look to the side as if there's something interesting there". It's PAINful.
    I actually like Pete, and feel bad he's in the life he has now. I was embarrassed for him, seeing this photo shoot. The ONLY reason he got it/did it is because of his relationship. https://www.gq.com/story/pete-davidson-style-2018

  28. I don't think Pete is ugly at all, that's youth and drugs. I think if he cleaned up he's actually an alright looking guy, he has a great smile.

    I also don't think it's crack, he looks like opiates but if the story about him dropping a glassine pipe on the street is true then maybe it is crack. I'm not a perfect expert in the high-stakes substances.

    I doubt Ariana is doing AS MUCH drugs as him to the same degree but she probably has her thing too. He looked LIKE DOGSHIT on the VMA carpet.

    This entire thing is going to go VERY badly for Pete and Ariana has a whole team of people who will make sure she is fine. No bueno.

  29. Yeah his dad died in 9/11 - big deal.

    A friend of mine was regularly RAPED AND BEATEN by his own father and has managed to get and stay sober.

    It's a bullshit excuse by people who don't understand addiction.

    1. You don't get it either lol idiot ..please jump off that bridge now your life is pointless

  30. Scorpio, are you joking? Are you actually trying to make this a race thing because people feel bad for him because his dad died when he was young? Yeah he's a fucking idiot for turning to drugs but saying that people can't sympathize with him because he's white is fucking gross, man. Clown.

  31. Ok, I can’t find anything online about him related to any crack addiction??! Has anyone found anything to clarify this?

  32. Regardless of how he looks



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